Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Good evening.
Tomorrow is Jennifer's birthday! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Tomorrow is the passing of another year in her life. Please pray that she has a great day. She is not working this week, neither is Bryon, because she (and Bryon) are on vacation~~~~'use it or lose it' vacation. She had to use this week before the end of the year or lose the paid vacation! So she doesn't have to work on her birthday. She is coming over for dinner, and we are going to bar-b-que the steaks I have in the freezer. Jeremy and Lucy will be here, and we will be all together as a family again! I am sure it will be a good day. David has been spending the days (and nights) at her place. So it will be great to have all the kids here for dinner tomorrow night.
That is all that is going on here. Thanks for visiting and checking in. Have a good night, and a great day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood cancer is devastating and creates unique pressures on the whole family.
Tomorrow is Jennifer's birthday! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Tomorrow is the passing of another year in her life. Please pray that she has a great day. She is not working this week, neither is Bryon, because she (and Bryon) are on vacation~~~~'use it or lose it' vacation. She had to use this week before the end of the year or lose the paid vacation! So she doesn't have to work on her birthday. She is coming over for dinner, and we are going to bar-b-que the steaks I have in the freezer. Jeremy and Lucy will be here, and we will be all together as a family again! I am sure it will be a good day. David has been spending the days (and nights) at her place. So it will be great to have all the kids here for dinner tomorrow night.
That is all that is going on here. Thanks for visiting and checking in. Have a good night, and a great day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood cancer is devastating and creates unique pressures on the whole family.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Good evening.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Ours was very nice. We had a very enjoyable day, the last time just the 7 of us. Jeremy is still a wee bit sick, David is on the mend, and David gave it to me; so the biggest sound heard around here was all of us coughing and sneezing! David is sleeping with a humidifier in his room, as are Bryon and I! This sore throat just wants to linger on, as does the cough. We are passing it around, but I guess that is just what families do! We had a very small Christmas, in the gift category, but it was very nice. Lucy even spoke for all of us when she said the small ones are nice~~~not so overwhelming. Rachel bought us all quite wonderful gifts while she was in Israel. And Jeremy and Lucy gave Bryon and I an ornament each; his says 'Grandpa' and mine says 'Grandma' on them. They are cute snowmen ornaments. Overall, we had a wonderful Christmas. It was a beautiful day celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. It wasn't technically a white Christmas; but we still did have residual leftover snow......does that count? It was a nice day. We just can't believe the day is over! Bryon, David, and I stayed home from church today because we weren't feeling well. But, like I said, we are on the mend. Thank you for your prayers.
It is unbelievable that 2011 is just 6 days away! Where has this year gone?!?! David has an appointment on January 21st with the surgical oncologist. But we don't have to go to San Francisco for the appointment. He holds clinic visits in Pleasanton, and that is closer that S.F.! Yay! And then David will have scans sometime in February; not sure when, yet. And the beginning of 2011 will bring a new member to our family!! We are so excited about that! Can't wait.
Thank you for checking in. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. Please keep the Koury family in your prayers. Thank you. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome.'~~~~Rush Limbaugh
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Ours was very nice. We had a very enjoyable day, the last time just the 7 of us. Jeremy is still a wee bit sick, David is on the mend, and David gave it to me; so the biggest sound heard around here was all of us coughing and sneezing! David is sleeping with a humidifier in his room, as are Bryon and I! This sore throat just wants to linger on, as does the cough. We are passing it around, but I guess that is just what families do! We had a very small Christmas, in the gift category, but it was very nice. Lucy even spoke for all of us when she said the small ones are nice~~~not so overwhelming. Rachel bought us all quite wonderful gifts while she was in Israel. And Jeremy and Lucy gave Bryon and I an ornament each; his says 'Grandpa' and mine says 'Grandma' on them. They are cute snowmen ornaments. Overall, we had a wonderful Christmas. It was a beautiful day celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. It wasn't technically a white Christmas; but we still did have residual leftover snow......does that count? It was a nice day. We just can't believe the day is over! Bryon, David, and I stayed home from church today because we weren't feeling well. But, like I said, we are on the mend. Thank you for your prayers.
It is unbelievable that 2011 is just 6 days away! Where has this year gone?!?! David has an appointment on January 21st with the surgical oncologist. But we don't have to go to San Francisco for the appointment. He holds clinic visits in Pleasanton, and that is closer that S.F.! Yay! And then David will have scans sometime in February; not sure when, yet. And the beginning of 2011 will bring a new member to our family!! We are so excited about that! Can't wait.
Thank you for checking in. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. Please keep the Koury family in your prayers. Thank you. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome.'~~~~Rush Limbaugh
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Good evening.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and words of encouragement. They are working!!! David is feeling much better today. His fever is down to 99.5, and he said he isn't as achy as he was yesterday. His throat is still sore, but even that is some better. He is coughing a bit, which, of course, panics us when we know he has those lung mets! But we know right now that this is just his 'cold' settling in his chest, and we are trying not to worry needlessly. He did have a flu shot in the fall, so if this is the flu we know it would be a LOT worse than it is now. It just seems like he has been through enough, he shouldn't ever have to get sick again! I know that is unrealistic, but all the other cancer moms (and dads) out there know how I feel!! Oh, Jeremy is doing better, too. Neither of my boys are 100%, but they are on the mend. Thank you again, so much, for your prayers.
Our weather is COLD! We still have snow, from last night, and the roads are rather icy in spots. The weather forcasters are not calling for much more snow between now and Christmas, so it is possible we will not have a white Christmas~~~sadness. We really want a white Christmas; we will see. God could still give us one!
Please continue to keep our Osteo family members in your prayers. Todd is doing better, but his prognosis really hasn't changed. But for now he is celebrating doing better. Please pray for Rachel (not my Rachel, an Osteo family member). She has a tumor in her chest that is causing her a lot of pain. Her mom took her to the hospital today to get some more pain medication. I will add her Care Pages site at the end of this post. She has been through sooooo much! She is a beautiful young lady, she is just a couple months younger than David. Also, please continue to keep Kenny in your prayers, his mom is really fighting the hospital! They seem to be very incompetent. We parents have to be our children's advocate, and we have to be so on top of things! I understand a lot of the nurses are overworked, but still. We parents are already SOOO stressed, and scared, and we just want our children to be safe, taken care of, and to get better! Anyway, please keep Kenny and his mom, Teresa, in your prayers, too. Thanks.
David is enjoying being off school. He spent most of today in bed, but that is just fine. He was able to play video games in bed, so he had a good day. He didn't eat much, but this is when I don't worry about that. He sorta made up for it at dinner~~he ate 5 tacos! Considering he hasn't eaten much for the last 2 days, 5 tacos is a lot! He is just really enjoying having this break from school! I miss him when he is on break, he spends all his time upstairs! *sigh*
Well, that is about all that is happening around here. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I hope you are all staying warm and dry. We sure are~~just love our wood-burning stove!! God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Whether their children are in remission, NED (No Evidence of Disease), cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and words of encouragement. They are working!!! David is feeling much better today. His fever is down to 99.5, and he said he isn't as achy as he was yesterday. His throat is still sore, but even that is some better. He is coughing a bit, which, of course, panics us when we know he has those lung mets! But we know right now that this is just his 'cold' settling in his chest, and we are trying not to worry needlessly. He did have a flu shot in the fall, so if this is the flu we know it would be a LOT worse than it is now. It just seems like he has been through enough, he shouldn't ever have to get sick again! I know that is unrealistic, but all the other cancer moms (and dads) out there know how I feel!! Oh, Jeremy is doing better, too. Neither of my boys are 100%, but they are on the mend. Thank you again, so much, for your prayers.
Our weather is COLD! We still have snow, from last night, and the roads are rather icy in spots. The weather forcasters are not calling for much more snow between now and Christmas, so it is possible we will not have a white Christmas~~~sadness. We really want a white Christmas; we will see. God could still give us one!
Please continue to keep our Osteo family members in your prayers. Todd is doing better, but his prognosis really hasn't changed. But for now he is celebrating doing better. Please pray for Rachel (not my Rachel, an Osteo family member). She has a tumor in her chest that is causing her a lot of pain. Her mom took her to the hospital today to get some more pain medication. I will add her Care Pages site at the end of this post. She has been through sooooo much! She is a beautiful young lady, she is just a couple months younger than David. Also, please continue to keep Kenny in your prayers, his mom is really fighting the hospital! They seem to be very incompetent. We parents have to be our children's advocate, and we have to be so on top of things! I understand a lot of the nurses are overworked, but still. We parents are already SOOO stressed, and scared, and we just want our children to be safe, taken care of, and to get better! Anyway, please keep Kenny and his mom, Teresa, in your prayers, too. Thanks.
David is enjoying being off school. He spent most of today in bed, but that is just fine. He was able to play video games in bed, so he had a good day. He didn't eat much, but this is when I don't worry about that. He sorta made up for it at dinner~~he ate 5 tacos! Considering he hasn't eaten much for the last 2 days, 5 tacos is a lot! He is just really enjoying having this break from school! I miss him when he is on break, he spends all his time upstairs! *sigh*
Well, that is about all that is happening around here. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I hope you are all staying warm and dry. We sure are~~just love our wood-burning stove!! God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Whether their children are in remission, NED (No Evidence of Disease), cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Good evening.
Please pray for David~~~he is sick. He woke up yesterday with a sore throat. He sucked on some throat drops all day, and we were hoping he would feel better today. Well, not so much. He feels worse today. He has a sore throat, is achy all over, and is running a fever. His fever is up to 101.5, and we are not sure if we should call the doctor or not. We are in uncharted waters. We knew what to do when he was in treatment; we would have called the doctor (oncologist) by now!! But now that he is no longer in treatment, we aren't sure what the 'protocol' is. Please pray that he feels better soon. It sucks that just as his Christmas vacation is starting he gets sick!! We really don't want him to be sick for Christmas, of course. Thanks. Actually, my other son needs prayers, too. Jeremy is also sick! And he just started his new job, so he really can't call in sick! Please pray for my family. Thank you so much.
Otherwise, things are going ok around here. We had 9 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday. Then, in typical northern Nevada style, it rained all day today and melted most of the snow! Then tonight it started to snow again! So, we have a white ground again. We were soooooo loving the 9 inches of snow!! We are praying that we have the same thing on Christmas Eve, and a white Christmas. That would be so cool. But, we will see.
We can't believe Christmas is 6 days away. It is totally empty under our tree, but that is ok. Christmas isn't about the presents, anyway. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And that is what we will do. And we are just so thankful that David is not in the hospital this year. Christmas of 2007 we spent in the hospital with David receiving chemo!! This will be a better year that way, that's for sure! It just seems so strange that this year is almost over. Less than 2 weeks left of 2010!! I mean, where has this year gone? It sure has screamed by!!
Again, please pray for David and Jeremy. Please pray that they both feel better soon. Please pray that David's fever goes away. Please pray that Lucy doesn't get sick! Thank you so much. Thank you for checking in. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have, than to have things I am not able to appreciate.'~~~Elbert Hubbard
Please pray for David~~~he is sick. He woke up yesterday with a sore throat. He sucked on some throat drops all day, and we were hoping he would feel better today. Well, not so much. He feels worse today. He has a sore throat, is achy all over, and is running a fever. His fever is up to 101.5, and we are not sure if we should call the doctor or not. We are in uncharted waters. We knew what to do when he was in treatment; we would have called the doctor (oncologist) by now!! But now that he is no longer in treatment, we aren't sure what the 'protocol' is. Please pray that he feels better soon. It sucks that just as his Christmas vacation is starting he gets sick!! We really don't want him to be sick for Christmas, of course. Thanks. Actually, my other son needs prayers, too. Jeremy is also sick! And he just started his new job, so he really can't call in sick! Please pray for my family. Thank you so much.
Otherwise, things are going ok around here. We had 9 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday. Then, in typical northern Nevada style, it rained all day today and melted most of the snow! Then tonight it started to snow again! So, we have a white ground again. We were soooooo loving the 9 inches of snow!! We are praying that we have the same thing on Christmas Eve, and a white Christmas. That would be so cool. But, we will see.
We can't believe Christmas is 6 days away. It is totally empty under our tree, but that is ok. Christmas isn't about the presents, anyway. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And that is what we will do. And we are just so thankful that David is not in the hospital this year. Christmas of 2007 we spent in the hospital with David receiving chemo!! This will be a better year that way, that's for sure! It just seems so strange that this year is almost over. Less than 2 weeks left of 2010!! I mean, where has this year gone? It sure has screamed by!!
Again, please pray for David and Jeremy. Please pray that they both feel better soon. Please pray that David's fever goes away. Please pray that Lucy doesn't get sick! Thank you so much. Thank you for checking in. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have, than to have things I am not able to appreciate.'~~~Elbert Hubbard
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Good evening.
We went to the Christmas party last night; and we had a lot of fun. The food was kid-friendly and yummy! The had a wonderful homemade mac and cheese! It was really good. David didn't eat much, go figure. All he had was about 2 1/2 chicken fingers. But he did come home and have ice cream. He got his picture taken with Mrs. Clause, and he got a Walmart gift card. It was fun. It just sucks that the whole room, of a lot of people, are there because they have been touched by childhood cancer. It was good to see the kids we know looking so good. We know how deceiving 'looking good' can be, however. David looked good when that blasted cancer was growing in his young body. Nevertheless, it is still good to see them looking good. It was a really nice party, and we had a good time.
David is doing so well with school. He had to write 2 essays for his Government class, one due today and one due on Friday. Well, they are both done! He is really trying hard to stay caught up. He has some really long days, but he is able to stay caught up. I am so very proud of him. He wants to make sure he stays caught up because this is his last week of school before Christmas vacation~~and he wants the full 2 weeks off!! Thank you so very much for all your prayers. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. I can't say thank you enough. All your prayers are what is getting us through this horrible nightmare that is our life.
David is looking forward to tomorrow night; Bible study night!! It will be the last one before they take the time off for the Holidays. He hates when they don't meet, he loves it so much. I am so glad he does. So we will be making another trip to Garderville tomorrow evening!! It is a bit of a drive (about 30 minutes), but well worth it.
I would like to ask prayer for two of our Osteo warriors; Todd and Kenny. They both got some very bad news this week, and aren't expected to live much longer. Please pray for their families. I will post their websites at the end of this post. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for all the members of the Koury family, God knows what the needs are. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
We went to the Christmas party last night; and we had a lot of fun. The food was kid-friendly and yummy! The had a wonderful homemade mac and cheese! It was really good. David didn't eat much, go figure. All he had was about 2 1/2 chicken fingers. But he did come home and have ice cream. He got his picture taken with Mrs. Clause, and he got a Walmart gift card. It was fun. It just sucks that the whole room, of a lot of people, are there because they have been touched by childhood cancer. It was good to see the kids we know looking so good. We know how deceiving 'looking good' can be, however. David looked good when that blasted cancer was growing in his young body. Nevertheless, it is still good to see them looking good. It was a really nice party, and we had a good time.
David is doing so well with school. He had to write 2 essays for his Government class, one due today and one due on Friday. Well, they are both done! He is really trying hard to stay caught up. He has some really long days, but he is able to stay caught up. I am so very proud of him. He wants to make sure he stays caught up because this is his last week of school before Christmas vacation~~and he wants the full 2 weeks off!! Thank you so very much for all your prayers. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. I can't say thank you enough. All your prayers are what is getting us through this horrible nightmare that is our life.
David is looking forward to tomorrow night; Bible study night!! It will be the last one before they take the time off for the Holidays. He hates when they don't meet, he loves it so much. I am so glad he does. So we will be making another trip to Garderville tomorrow evening!! It is a bit of a drive (about 30 minutes), but well worth it.
I would like to ask prayer for two of our Osteo warriors; Todd and Kenny. They both got some very bad news this week, and aren't expected to live much longer. Please pray for their families. I will post their websites at the end of this post. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for all the members of the Koury family, God knows what the needs are. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Good evening. I hope you are having a wonderful evening.
Saturday was a VERY busy day! Bryon had to work, and the girls and I went to Lucy's baby shower! I had to get gas in my car before we left for the shower. We had so much fun at the shower. The 4 of us all drove together~~no sense taking more than one car down to Gardnerville! Besides, with the third seat down in my Pilot there was room for all the gifts! It was a very nice shower. When we got home I needed to make some Biscotti. Well, I didn't HAVE to, but a woman from church wanted my recipe, so I thought I would make a batch to send with the recipe. Bryon was still at work, and wasn't sure when he was going to get home, but hoping it was before the Bighorns game! Well, he wanted me to just pick him up to save time (he works between home and Reno). I had just enough time to make the Biscotti; I literally pulled it out of the oven, put it on a cooling rack, and we left to pick up Bryon!! Then we went to the game. We had a great time at the Bighorns game! They lost, 122-126, but we still had fun. They throw things to the spectators; like clapping things (hard to explain) and Bighorn T-shirts. They threw a T-shirt right to Bryon, so now David has a Bighorn T-shirt!! They do that at the Aces games, too. They throw shirts and baseballs. Anyway, we had a lot of fun. Then, because we were in Reno, we had to stop at WinCo to pick up some Tillamook Mudslide ice cream for David. I wish they sold that ice cream in Carson City; but, alas, they don't! So now he has enough for a few weeks, hopefully! We didn't get home until about 11pm, so David had to get ready for bed soon after we got home because we had church on Sunday morning.
Then I had to get up early Sunday morning because I had to make my dish for our potluck! I made Mexacali Spaghetti Bake. Then I got ready for church while it baked, and then put it in the crock pot to take to church. Bryon got called into work, problems he had to fix, so I was just going to go to church without him. But, he got home just in time to leave to go to church! Then we went to church, had a wonderful potluck, then came home. Then I went shopping with my girls for a couple hours. Then they went to Reno to meet up with some friends for dinner. It was a very busy day!! Actually, it was a very busy weekend!! The only problem with busy weekends, is they go by soooo fast!! *sigh*
Tomorrow is our annual Christmas Party put on by the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation. It is being hosted and catered by the El Dorado Hotel/Casino again this year. It was fun last year with great food! It used to be held at Renown; but it was just too small. I am glad the El Dorado hosts it now. So we will have a busy night tomorrow, too. The party is from 6-8pm. The kids all get a present, the teenagers usually get a gift card. David really likes that part! This will be our fourth year going. The first year we were pretty new to the cancer world, and David was in a wheelchair, unable to walk. Three years later he is doing so much better! It is just amazing to me how fast the time has flown.
David is doing quite well in school, thank you for the prayers. His German teacher is very impressed with how well he does in pronouncing the difficult words! I read the comments to David, and they are always so positive and encouraging. My son is trying so hard, and I am so proud of him. He is really applying himself, and so far getting great grades. After all he has been through...............I am just so proud. Please continue to pray for him, that he is able to keep it up. Thanks.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Your support means so much to us. Please continue to keep the Koury Klan in your prayers. Thank you so much for everything. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.'~~~Henry Ward Beecher
Saturday was a VERY busy day! Bryon had to work, and the girls and I went to Lucy's baby shower! I had to get gas in my car before we left for the shower. We had so much fun at the shower. The 4 of us all drove together~~no sense taking more than one car down to Gardnerville! Besides, with the third seat down in my Pilot there was room for all the gifts! It was a very nice shower. When we got home I needed to make some Biscotti. Well, I didn't HAVE to, but a woman from church wanted my recipe, so I thought I would make a batch to send with the recipe. Bryon was still at work, and wasn't sure when he was going to get home, but hoping it was before the Bighorns game! Well, he wanted me to just pick him up to save time (he works between home and Reno). I had just enough time to make the Biscotti; I literally pulled it out of the oven, put it on a cooling rack, and we left to pick up Bryon!! Then we went to the game. We had a great time at the Bighorns game! They lost, 122-126, but we still had fun. They throw things to the spectators; like clapping things (hard to explain) and Bighorn T-shirts. They threw a T-shirt right to Bryon, so now David has a Bighorn T-shirt!! They do that at the Aces games, too. They throw shirts and baseballs. Anyway, we had a lot of fun. Then, because we were in Reno, we had to stop at WinCo to pick up some Tillamook Mudslide ice cream for David. I wish they sold that ice cream in Carson City; but, alas, they don't! So now he has enough for a few weeks, hopefully! We didn't get home until about 11pm, so David had to get ready for bed soon after we got home because we had church on Sunday morning.
Then I had to get up early Sunday morning because I had to make my dish for our potluck! I made Mexacali Spaghetti Bake. Then I got ready for church while it baked, and then put it in the crock pot to take to church. Bryon got called into work, problems he had to fix, so I was just going to go to church without him. But, he got home just in time to leave to go to church! Then we went to church, had a wonderful potluck, then came home. Then I went shopping with my girls for a couple hours. Then they went to Reno to meet up with some friends for dinner. It was a very busy day!! Actually, it was a very busy weekend!! The only problem with busy weekends, is they go by soooo fast!! *sigh*
Tomorrow is our annual Christmas Party put on by the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation. It is being hosted and catered by the El Dorado Hotel/Casino again this year. It was fun last year with great food! It used to be held at Renown; but it was just too small. I am glad the El Dorado hosts it now. So we will have a busy night tomorrow, too. The party is from 6-8pm. The kids all get a present, the teenagers usually get a gift card. David really likes that part! This will be our fourth year going. The first year we were pretty new to the cancer world, and David was in a wheelchair, unable to walk. Three years later he is doing so much better! It is just amazing to me how fast the time has flown.
David is doing quite well in school, thank you for the prayers. His German teacher is very impressed with how well he does in pronouncing the difficult words! I read the comments to David, and they are always so positive and encouraging. My son is trying so hard, and I am so proud of him. He is really applying himself, and so far getting great grades. After all he has been through...............I am just so proud. Please continue to pray for him, that he is able to keep it up. Thanks.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Your support means so much to us. Please continue to keep the Koury Klan in your prayers. Thank you so much for everything. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.'~~~Henry Ward Beecher
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Good evening.
I want to say a great big 'Thank you' to all of you who gave me some suggestions to help David. Some of them we have tried, others we haven't. Sabrina, it was great to hear from you, I follow Becca's CB site! So glad to hear she is doing as well as she is, considering. Anyway, thank you for all the suggestions, and the encouragement!
David had a great time at Bible study last night, though he didn't eat, as usual. He said it is because he doesn't really like fried chicken that much, but also because I had made 6 dozen chicken enchiladas and he said he wanted them instead. So, the three of us ate dinner after we got home from Gardnerville. And then he ate 5 enchiladas. So that was great! He ate 5 more for dinner tonight (we had leftovers for dinner). Otherwise he hasn't eaten that great, but it could be worse. Thank you for your prayers.
Today I had to order David's class ring and his graduation package; you know, announcements, tassel, cap and gown, etc. Of course it had to be ordered at Christmas time, today was the deadline. Luckily I could put the ring on a payment plan (4 payments), but the other stuff I had to pay for up front. So, that is about $400 we can't really afford right now, but if we waited everything would have cost more! *sigh* At least everything is ordered and I can send out announcements to announce the proud accomplishment my son has achieved~~a year ahead of his age! He will turn 17 less than two months before he graduates. I am so proud of him.
I am so proud of all my children. I know I brag a lot, so I guess you will just have to deal with it, lol. I am just so proud of the people my children have become. The three older ones have become responsible, respectful, mature, moral adults. David is well on his way to being the same. They are children who love each other, and enjoy being together. Sure they argue, but they are always there for each other, no matter what. I saw a picture of a young woman on Facebook, and the picture she took of herself was of her 'flipping off' the camera. It made me sad. I thought to myself, "her mother must be so proud (sarcasm)." I am so proud of my children, and I love them so much. They are the best!!
Tomorrow is a baby shower for Lucy at church, I hope there is a good turnout. I am sure it will be fun. Then tomorrow night we are going to another basketball game! The Reno Bighorns. We had a good time last time, so I am sure we will have a good time this time, too. I really appreciate the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation, and the Bighorns, for giving us these tickets. The game starts at 7pm. It will be a busy, but fun, day.
Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good weekend. Please continue to keep us and our other Osteosarcoma family members in your prayers. Todd isn't doing so well right now, please say extra prayers for him. Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.'~~~Albert Einstein
I want to say a great big 'Thank you' to all of you who gave me some suggestions to help David. Some of them we have tried, others we haven't. Sabrina, it was great to hear from you, I follow Becca's CB site! So glad to hear she is doing as well as she is, considering. Anyway, thank you for all the suggestions, and the encouragement!
David had a great time at Bible study last night, though he didn't eat, as usual. He said it is because he doesn't really like fried chicken that much, but also because I had made 6 dozen chicken enchiladas and he said he wanted them instead. So, the three of us ate dinner after we got home from Gardnerville. And then he ate 5 enchiladas. So that was great! He ate 5 more for dinner tonight (we had leftovers for dinner). Otherwise he hasn't eaten that great, but it could be worse. Thank you for your prayers.
Today I had to order David's class ring and his graduation package; you know, announcements, tassel, cap and gown, etc. Of course it had to be ordered at Christmas time, today was the deadline. Luckily I could put the ring on a payment plan (4 payments), but the other stuff I had to pay for up front. So, that is about $400 we can't really afford right now, but if we waited everything would have cost more! *sigh* At least everything is ordered and I can send out announcements to announce the proud accomplishment my son has achieved~~a year ahead of his age! He will turn 17 less than two months before he graduates. I am so proud of him.
I am so proud of all my children. I know I brag a lot, so I guess you will just have to deal with it, lol. I am just so proud of the people my children have become. The three older ones have become responsible, respectful, mature, moral adults. David is well on his way to being the same. They are children who love each other, and enjoy being together. Sure they argue, but they are always there for each other, no matter what. I saw a picture of a young woman on Facebook, and the picture she took of herself was of her 'flipping off' the camera. It made me sad. I thought to myself, "her mother must be so proud (sarcasm)." I am so proud of my children, and I love them so much. They are the best!!
Tomorrow is a baby shower for Lucy at church, I hope there is a good turnout. I am sure it will be fun. Then tomorrow night we are going to another basketball game! The Reno Bighorns. We had a good time last time, so I am sure we will have a good time this time, too. I really appreciate the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation, and the Bighorns, for giving us these tickets. The game starts at 7pm. It will be a busy, but fun, day.
Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good weekend. Please continue to keep us and our other Osteosarcoma family members in your prayers. Todd isn't doing so well right now, please say extra prayers for him. Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.'~~~Albert Einstein
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Good evening.
First things first~~~HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JEREMY AND LUCY!! Today is my son and daughter-in-love's anniversary. I am so happy for the choice Jeremy made in a wife, she is THE BEST!! We praise God for bringing Lucy into our lives, we couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-love. I hope they had a wonderful day. This is their last anniversary without children!
I am so sorry I haven't updated lately. Things are just going same-o, same-o. Things are pretty much just status-quo around here.
David is doing ok with school. He is trying very hard to stay caught up, and he is doing a good job, so far. He has some pretty long days, but that is partly because he has to spend so much time re-reading things. I have heard that sometimes the memory loss gets better with time, I am hoping that David will be one of the lucky ones! So far that hasn't happened, but he is only 2 years out of treatment. Maybe it takes a few more years. Anyway, he is doing well in school.
His eating is still hit and miss. Lately, we are seeing a huge improvement in some of his meals. For example, yesterday for lunch he ate 2 homemade BBQ'd burgers!! And tonight for dinner he had some ham, corn, and 2 1/2 helpings of my homemade scalloped potatoes! So we are happy with those 2 great meals! Otherwise, he isn't doing that great. But, he is eating, so I am happy! He still drinks 2 huge glasses of milk every day, so I know that is good protein and calcium for him. And I am trying to get him to drink more water. Overall, he is doing ok.
Now that winter is here David's skin on his hands is pretty bad. He has eczema, and it is flaring up big time. The area that is the worst is his hands. He really hates lotion, and I found some special lotion that works great, so I now have to nag him to use it. His hands crack and bleed; he gets it from my dad. Please pray that he can tolerate using the lotion better. The older he gets the more he hates to use it. I hate to see his hands looking so bad. Thanks for the prayers.
We can't believe Christmas is only 19 days away! It will be a VERY small Christmas this year. I am the most fortunate parent there is. I have a family that is not materialistic, and they know times are really tight for us, so they don't expect much from us. They know we wish we could do something for them, but we can't. Maybe someday we will be better off financially; who knows. I really appreciate my children, more than I can say. I am so proud of each and every one of them. I love you, kids, all 5 of you!!
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all the prayers, we sure do need them!! Please continue to pray for David's appetite to improve, and for him to stay caught up with school. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'You won't be happy with more until you're happy with what you've got.'~~~Angel Blessing
First things first~~~HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JEREMY AND LUCY!! Today is my son and daughter-in-love's anniversary. I am so happy for the choice Jeremy made in a wife, she is THE BEST!! We praise God for bringing Lucy into our lives, we couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-love. I hope they had a wonderful day. This is their last anniversary without children!
I am so sorry I haven't updated lately. Things are just going same-o, same-o. Things are pretty much just status-quo around here.
David is doing ok with school. He is trying very hard to stay caught up, and he is doing a good job, so far. He has some pretty long days, but that is partly because he has to spend so much time re-reading things. I have heard that sometimes the memory loss gets better with time, I am hoping that David will be one of the lucky ones! So far that hasn't happened, but he is only 2 years out of treatment. Maybe it takes a few more years. Anyway, he is doing well in school.
His eating is still hit and miss. Lately, we are seeing a huge improvement in some of his meals. For example, yesterday for lunch he ate 2 homemade BBQ'd burgers!! And tonight for dinner he had some ham, corn, and 2 1/2 helpings of my homemade scalloped potatoes! So we are happy with those 2 great meals! Otherwise, he isn't doing that great. But, he is eating, so I am happy! He still drinks 2 huge glasses of milk every day, so I know that is good protein and calcium for him. And I am trying to get him to drink more water. Overall, he is doing ok.
Now that winter is here David's skin on his hands is pretty bad. He has eczema, and it is flaring up big time. The area that is the worst is his hands. He really hates lotion, and I found some special lotion that works great, so I now have to nag him to use it. His hands crack and bleed; he gets it from my dad. Please pray that he can tolerate using the lotion better. The older he gets the more he hates to use it. I hate to see his hands looking so bad. Thanks for the prayers.
We can't believe Christmas is only 19 days away! It will be a VERY small Christmas this year. I am the most fortunate parent there is. I have a family that is not materialistic, and they know times are really tight for us, so they don't expect much from us. They know we wish we could do something for them, but we can't. Maybe someday we will be better off financially; who knows. I really appreciate my children, more than I can say. I am so proud of each and every one of them. I love you, kids, all 5 of you!!
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all the prayers, we sure do need them!! Please continue to pray for David's appetite to improve, and for him to stay caught up with school. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'You won't be happy with more until you're happy with what you've got.'~~~Angel Blessing
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Good evening.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was good. It was great to have our last Thanksgiving as the 7 of us~~~~next year there will be 8!! Of course, we are praying that there will be 8, that is the plan. Our day was the normal Thanksgiving; football, food, family, and fellowship! It was so nice to be all of us together. We had a good day. It was cold, and white, but it was nice. The low was 4*!! Fantastic! We really had a nice day. Jennifer spent the night that night, in our guest room, and it was nice to have her back 'under our roof' for a night! We miss her. Then in the afternoon on Thanksgiving Bryon put up the Christmas lights on the house. We are still in the process of getting all the decorations out and up. So we had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. I hope you all had a nice day.
It has pretty much been snowing almost every day. It has been really cold. We got some more firewood yesterday, yay!! We will be warm for awhile. Our house is nice and toasty downstairs. David does have a room heater in his room, so he won't get too cold. I don't want him to get sick. Parents of children with cancer understand how worrisome it is when our children get sick. They aren't like 'normal' children; when they get sick it is far more worrisome for us. We can't just brush off a cold like other parents can. So I want to make sure he stays warm enough.
David was pretty excited to see the UNR (University of Nevada Reno) Wolf Pack beat Boise State last night! Sorry, Kim and Ty, we really didn't think Boise State would lose! We were pretty sure Nevada would lose, but David was very excited when they won!! It was quite surprising, and wonderful!! David is getting more interested in sports as he gets older. Too bad he can never do any.........sigh. He can be the loyal spectator/fan!! Overall, we have had a pretty good weekend.
Thanks for checking in. Have a great rest of your weekend. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Snowmen fall from Heaven---Un-assembled.'~~~Unknown
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was good. It was great to have our last Thanksgiving as the 7 of us~~~~next year there will be 8!! Of course, we are praying that there will be 8, that is the plan. Our day was the normal Thanksgiving; football, food, family, and fellowship! It was so nice to be all of us together. We had a good day. It was cold, and white, but it was nice. The low was 4*!! Fantastic! We really had a nice day. Jennifer spent the night that night, in our guest room, and it was nice to have her back 'under our roof' for a night! We miss her. Then in the afternoon on Thanksgiving Bryon put up the Christmas lights on the house. We are still in the process of getting all the decorations out and up. So we had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. I hope you all had a nice day.
It has pretty much been snowing almost every day. It has been really cold. We got some more firewood yesterday, yay!! We will be warm for awhile. Our house is nice and toasty downstairs. David does have a room heater in his room, so he won't get too cold. I don't want him to get sick. Parents of children with cancer understand how worrisome it is when our children get sick. They aren't like 'normal' children; when they get sick it is far more worrisome for us. We can't just brush off a cold like other parents can. So I want to make sure he stays warm enough.
David was pretty excited to see the UNR (University of Nevada Reno) Wolf Pack beat Boise State last night! Sorry, Kim and Ty, we really didn't think Boise State would lose! We were pretty sure Nevada would lose, but David was very excited when they won!! It was quite surprising, and wonderful!! David is getting more interested in sports as he gets older. Too bad he can never do any.........sigh. He can be the loyal spectator/fan!! Overall, we have had a pretty good weekend.
Thanks for checking in. Have a great rest of your weekend. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Snowmen fall from Heaven---Un-assembled.'~~~Unknown
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Good evening.
Well, it has been snowing (and blowing) every day! We are loving it. It is going to be VERY cold the next couple of days, and it isn't even winter yet!! We are hoping this is just a pre-curser to what winter will be like!!
David is all caught up with his school work! Yay!! Praise Jesus. Thank you for the prayers. He said he learned his lesson, and will not put things off or get behind again. He is like his mom, he wanted to just do it all himself! We told him to ask for help if he needs it! Don't go it alone. We told him it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. So he said he would remember, and ask for help when he needs it. His memory problems still get in his way, and he does struggle with school where he never used to before. It is hard for us to watch him struggle, but he is learning how to rise above the effects of his stupid cancer and treatment. He is such a trooper, and we are so proud of him. Thank you again for all the prayers.
Lucy had her ultrasound this afternoon; it looks like a c-section will not be necessary!! Yay! She is happy about that. She said the baby is 4.6 pounds, has hair, and is doing well. Jeremy was born with a lot of hair, so maybe the baby will take after it's Daddy!! They said the baby is in the 68th percentile, so Lucy thinks there is a good chance the baby will be on the bigger side. Lucy was 10 pounds at birth, Jeremy was 7lbs. 11oz. (my biggest baby). The best news is that the baby is doing well, and Lucy is feeling good. She has less than 9 weeks left!! We are all getting sooooo excited! We can't wait. Thank you for your prayers for Lucy and the baby.
I neglected to say 'thank you' to our church family. They presented us with a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. All the fixins! We can't wait to eat it. And I need to say 'thank you' to the Linke family for the Butterball Gift Certificate and the Gift Card. We can't tell you how much we appreciate our friends! Thank you, all of you. Thank you for loving us and being there for us during this horrific time in our lives. You people are the ones who help keep us going. We love you.
Well, Rachel and I have been doing some baking. I love baking with my daughters. We have made some cookies and fudge. We will be doing more baking when it is Christmas time, she is working some overtime so she goes to bed early. She is working the overtime to help build back her money after spending so much going to Israel. It was worth it, but she did spend a lot of money to go. Anyway, we have been enjoying baking together. I used to bake with my dad, and I really miss not doing it anymore. That is why I have such a hard time baking pumpkin pies now. Before my dad died, we would make the pies together. I would make the crust, he would make the filling. We had a great time together in the kitchen; and I miss him so much.
Well, that is about it for now. Thank you for all the prayers about Lucy, the baby, and David. David is relieved to finally be done. Thanks for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Have a great evening. If I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, have a Happy Thanksgiving! I know we all have much to be thankful for. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything--even poverty--you can survive it.'~~~Bill Cosby
Well, it has been snowing (and blowing) every day! We are loving it. It is going to be VERY cold the next couple of days, and it isn't even winter yet!! We are hoping this is just a pre-curser to what winter will be like!!
David is all caught up with his school work! Yay!! Praise Jesus. Thank you for the prayers. He said he learned his lesson, and will not put things off or get behind again. He is like his mom, he wanted to just do it all himself! We told him to ask for help if he needs it! Don't go it alone. We told him it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. So he said he would remember, and ask for help when he needs it. His memory problems still get in his way, and he does struggle with school where he never used to before. It is hard for us to watch him struggle, but he is learning how to rise above the effects of his stupid cancer and treatment. He is such a trooper, and we are so proud of him. Thank you again for all the prayers.
Lucy had her ultrasound this afternoon; it looks like a c-section will not be necessary!! Yay! She is happy about that. She said the baby is 4.6 pounds, has hair, and is doing well. Jeremy was born with a lot of hair, so maybe the baby will take after it's Daddy!! They said the baby is in the 68th percentile, so Lucy thinks there is a good chance the baby will be on the bigger side. Lucy was 10 pounds at birth, Jeremy was 7lbs. 11oz. (my biggest baby). The best news is that the baby is doing well, and Lucy is feeling good. She has less than 9 weeks left!! We are all getting sooooo excited! We can't wait. Thank you for your prayers for Lucy and the baby.
I neglected to say 'thank you' to our church family. They presented us with a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. All the fixins! We can't wait to eat it. And I need to say 'thank you' to the Linke family for the Butterball Gift Certificate and the Gift Card. We can't tell you how much we appreciate our friends! Thank you, all of you. Thank you for loving us and being there for us during this horrific time in our lives. You people are the ones who help keep us going. We love you.
Well, Rachel and I have been doing some baking. I love baking with my daughters. We have made some cookies and fudge. We will be doing more baking when it is Christmas time, she is working some overtime so she goes to bed early. She is working the overtime to help build back her money after spending so much going to Israel. It was worth it, but she did spend a lot of money to go. Anyway, we have been enjoying baking together. I used to bake with my dad, and I really miss not doing it anymore. That is why I have such a hard time baking pumpkin pies now. Before my dad died, we would make the pies together. I would make the crust, he would make the filling. We had a great time together in the kitchen; and I miss him so much.
Well, that is about it for now. Thank you for all the prayers about Lucy, the baby, and David. David is relieved to finally be done. Thanks for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Have a great evening. If I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, have a Happy Thanksgiving! I know we all have much to be thankful for. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything--even poverty--you can survive it.'~~~Bill Cosby
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Good evening.
We woke up to a Winter Wonderland for the past 2 days!! YAY! Soooo exciting. We are loving it! And it is snowing, and blowing, as I write this. The weather is sooo cold. The forecasted low for Wednesday night is going to be 0, and the high will be 27. We are so thankful for our firewood! We are loving the cold weather and warm house. It looks like it is possible we are going to have a white Thanksgiving. That would be cool!
David had a very exciting day today. We got an email from Lizzie at Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation, and she said Amanda from the Reno Aces had some tickets for the Reno Bighorns (basketball) game today. Both sports teams are owned by the same people. So, we went to the basketball game today! It was a lot of fun. David didn't think he liked basketball; but, just like baseball, it is much more fun when you are there. Thank you, Amanda and Lizzie. I have to say, Reno does a lot for our children. We really had a great time! Of course, it was made much more enjoyable by the fact that we won; 110-105. We played the Utah Flash. So that was very exciting for David. We just left right after church. We saw a lot of cars in the ditch on the way to Reno, and tow trucks pulling them out. We even saw a limo in the ditch! There were some crashed cars, too. The road was icy in places. Then on the way home, there was a total white-out through the valley. We couldn't see the road, the cars in front of us, or anything beyond the hood of my car! It was pretty scary for awhile. But Bryon did good, and we made it home safely. So it was a fun day today.
David is almost caught up with all his work. Crazy kid left the hardest work for tomorrow~~~essays!! He has a two-page and a three-page essay in government to write. Grrrr. But I hope he can get them done tomorrow. Bryon has the week off, so I was hoping David would have it off, too. But he will have work to do tomorrow. That is ok, he will get it done. Then maybe he can sleep in on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please pray that he gets those essays done. Thanks.
Lucy will be having another ultrasound on Tuesday to determine whether or not she will end up with a c-section. So far, it is looking that way. That is why the need for the ultrasound on Tuesday. Please pray for God's will for the best outcome for the birth of the baby. We all want what is best for Lucy and for the baby. Thank you for your prayers in this matter.
That is about all that is happening in the snowy land of Carson City, Nevada. Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please keep us all in your prayers. Please continue to pray for all our Osteo family members; there are some that are really suffering right now. Off the top of my head the ones I can name are Sara, Todd, Rachel, and Taylor. Rachel has surgery on Wednesday; and Taylor just had surgery and is starting chemo, again (she has relapsed). Thank you for praying for these children (sorry, Todd {he's not a child}). I really appreciate all your prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'If you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches.'~~~Carolyn Kenmore
We woke up to a Winter Wonderland for the past 2 days!! YAY! Soooo exciting. We are loving it! And it is snowing, and blowing, as I write this. The weather is sooo cold. The forecasted low for Wednesday night is going to be 0, and the high will be 27. We are so thankful for our firewood! We are loving the cold weather and warm house. It looks like it is possible we are going to have a white Thanksgiving. That would be cool!
David had a very exciting day today. We got an email from Lizzie at Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation, and she said Amanda from the Reno Aces had some tickets for the Reno Bighorns (basketball) game today. Both sports teams are owned by the same people. So, we went to the basketball game today! It was a lot of fun. David didn't think he liked basketball; but, just like baseball, it is much more fun when you are there. Thank you, Amanda and Lizzie. I have to say, Reno does a lot for our children. We really had a great time! Of course, it was made much more enjoyable by the fact that we won; 110-105. We played the Utah Flash. So that was very exciting for David. We just left right after church. We saw a lot of cars in the ditch on the way to Reno, and tow trucks pulling them out. We even saw a limo in the ditch! There were some crashed cars, too. The road was icy in places. Then on the way home, there was a total white-out through the valley. We couldn't see the road, the cars in front of us, or anything beyond the hood of my car! It was pretty scary for awhile. But Bryon did good, and we made it home safely. So it was a fun day today.
David is almost caught up with all his work. Crazy kid left the hardest work for tomorrow~~~essays!! He has a two-page and a three-page essay in government to write. Grrrr. But I hope he can get them done tomorrow. Bryon has the week off, so I was hoping David would have it off, too. But he will have work to do tomorrow. That is ok, he will get it done. Then maybe he can sleep in on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please pray that he gets those essays done. Thanks.
Lucy will be having another ultrasound on Tuesday to determine whether or not she will end up with a c-section. So far, it is looking that way. That is why the need for the ultrasound on Tuesday. Please pray for God's will for the best outcome for the birth of the baby. We all want what is best for Lucy and for the baby. Thank you for your prayers in this matter.
That is about all that is happening in the snowy land of Carson City, Nevada. Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please keep us all in your prayers. Please continue to pray for all our Osteo family members; there are some that are really suffering right now. Off the top of my head the ones I can name are Sara, Todd, Rachel, and Taylor. Rachel has surgery on Wednesday; and Taylor just had surgery and is starting chemo, again (she has relapsed). Thank you for praying for these children (sorry, Todd {he's not a child}). I really appreciate all your prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'If you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches.'~~~Carolyn Kenmore
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Good evening.
Wow, I can't believe it has been so long since I updated. Sorry about that.
David is getting all caught up with school, yay! He technically doesn't have school next week, except to get caught up. The school uses that week for the kids to get all caught up on their work, there are no new assignments due. So, David will use the remainder of this week and a couple days next week; then he will be all caught up!! Hooray! Thanks for the prayers for him, please keep them coming.
It is really good to have Rachel home. We really did miss her. We know she had a fantastic time and she really didn't want to come home, but we are glad she is home. It really wasn't the same without her home. I wish I could tell you about her trip, but there are things I can't tell you. She did NOT go on the 'traditional' (aka 'muslim approved') tour. She saw places that are secret, and if it gets out, they will be destroyed. Suffice it to say, they are recently excavated places that are the true Biblical sites, not the sites that the tours go to. She couldn't even take pictures of those sites! Trust me, I am telling the truth. I am so glad she had such an amazing time. She said at first it was strange being alone; everyone else had someone they went to Israel with. She said she walked alone, but rather enjoyed it. She could look at what she wanted to look at, see what she wanted to see, etc. But Rick and Moshe did take her under their wing and she wasn't alone the whole time. I am so proud of her. Not many people would go all the way to Israel by themselves~~~with absolutely NOBODY they know!! I have been told that Rachel has 'issues' with being alone; that tells you how much that person does NOT know my wonderful daughter!! She is perfectly fine being alone. Of course, she prefers being with people; who doesn't; but she is fine doing things alone. I am so proud of her, and so proud to be her mom! I feel that way about all 4 of my children. And I am so glad that Lucy is my daughter-in-love. I am thrilled with the choice Jeremy made in a spouse; he couldn't have made a better choice! We love her so much. God has richly blessed my family!
David is eating ok, depending on what I make. I made chicken enchiladas earlier this week, and David ate 8 of them!!! And then on Sunday, he ate 6 tacos! He has his good days, and not so good days. I love the good days!! Today he ate 4 leftover enchiladas for lunch. So that isn't too bad. We just try to keep his Tillamook Mudslide ice cream on hand! He is actually doing ok with his eating. Thank you so much for the prayers! Please don't give up praying for him!
Please pray that he is able to get caught up on his schoolwork. I would love to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving without knowing he has schoolwork still yet to do. Thanks for visiting and checking up on him. Have a wonderful evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'God gives us relatives; thank God we can choose our friends.'~~~Ethel Watts Mumford
Wow, I can't believe it has been so long since I updated. Sorry about that.
David is getting all caught up with school, yay! He technically doesn't have school next week, except to get caught up. The school uses that week for the kids to get all caught up on their work, there are no new assignments due. So, David will use the remainder of this week and a couple days next week; then he will be all caught up!! Hooray! Thanks for the prayers for him, please keep them coming.
It is really good to have Rachel home. We really did miss her. We know she had a fantastic time and she really didn't want to come home, but we are glad she is home. It really wasn't the same without her home. I wish I could tell you about her trip, but there are things I can't tell you. She did NOT go on the 'traditional' (aka 'muslim approved') tour. She saw places that are secret, and if it gets out, they will be destroyed. Suffice it to say, they are recently excavated places that are the true Biblical sites, not the sites that the tours go to. She couldn't even take pictures of those sites! Trust me, I am telling the truth. I am so glad she had such an amazing time. She said at first it was strange being alone; everyone else had someone they went to Israel with. She said she walked alone, but rather enjoyed it. She could look at what she wanted to look at, see what she wanted to see, etc. But Rick and Moshe did take her under their wing and she wasn't alone the whole time. I am so proud of her. Not many people would go all the way to Israel by themselves~~~with absolutely NOBODY they know!! I have been told that Rachel has 'issues' with being alone; that tells you how much that person does NOT know my wonderful daughter!! She is perfectly fine being alone. Of course, she prefers being with people; who doesn't; but she is fine doing things alone. I am so proud of her, and so proud to be her mom! I feel that way about all 4 of my children. And I am so glad that Lucy is my daughter-in-love. I am thrilled with the choice Jeremy made in a spouse; he couldn't have made a better choice! We love her so much. God has richly blessed my family!
David is eating ok, depending on what I make. I made chicken enchiladas earlier this week, and David ate 8 of them!!! And then on Sunday, he ate 6 tacos! He has his good days, and not so good days. I love the good days!! Today he ate 4 leftover enchiladas for lunch. So that isn't too bad. We just try to keep his Tillamook Mudslide ice cream on hand! He is actually doing ok with his eating. Thank you so much for the prayers! Please don't give up praying for him!
Please pray that he is able to get caught up on his schoolwork. I would love to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving without knowing he has schoolwork still yet to do. Thanks for visiting and checking up on him. Have a wonderful evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'God gives us relatives; thank God we can choose our friends.'~~~Ethel Watts Mumford
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Good evening.
Rachel is home, safe and sound. Her plane landed at 2:25pm. She has a cold, and is not feeling well, but she is home. It is so good to see her! She is extremely tired, but that is to be expected. She has the weekend the 'recoup' before going to work on Monday. We haven't heard all about her trip yet, she is just too tired. When she is fresher she will tell us. And I suspect it will come back in bits and pieces as she remembers things. It was just such an overwhelming trip for her. Thank you for your prayers for her while she was gone, and as she came home. Please pray that she can get rid of this cold fast. Thanks.
David had a shortened school day today~~~he wanted to come to the airport to pick up Rachel. And Emilee only slept a little bit in the morning, but she was great! Still happy all day! She was having fun watching the airplanes; and when we got home she played with David until her mommy got here. David is so good with babies; he can't wait until his niece or nephew is born. It is so exciting for him. Like I said before, he took it pretty hard when Jeremy and Lucy's first baby died. So he is really looking forward to this new baby. He had a good day today.
A praise; Jeremy got the job I asked you to pray about! Woo-hoo!! He starts the job 12/13. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'~~George Santayana
Rachel is home, safe and sound. Her plane landed at 2:25pm. She has a cold, and is not feeling well, but she is home. It is so good to see her! She is extremely tired, but that is to be expected. She has the weekend the 'recoup' before going to work on Monday. We haven't heard all about her trip yet, she is just too tired. When she is fresher she will tell us. And I suspect it will come back in bits and pieces as she remembers things. It was just such an overwhelming trip for her. Thank you for your prayers for her while she was gone, and as she came home. Please pray that she can get rid of this cold fast. Thanks.
David had a shortened school day today~~~he wanted to come to the airport to pick up Rachel. And Emilee only slept a little bit in the morning, but she was great! Still happy all day! She was having fun watching the airplanes; and when we got home she played with David until her mommy got here. David is so good with babies; he can't wait until his niece or nephew is born. It is so exciting for him. Like I said before, he took it pretty hard when Jeremy and Lucy's first baby died. So he is really looking forward to this new baby. He had a good day today.
A praise; Jeremy got the job I asked you to pray about! Woo-hoo!! He starts the job 12/13. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'~~George Santayana
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Good evening.
HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!!! Thank you to all our veterans out there, including my husband. Thank you that we all sleep at peace in our beds because someone is/was out there protecting our freedom. I know war is not popular, but freedom is NOT free, and it has cost many men and women their lives. So every time you 'speak your mind' or want to protest something, remember where you got that right!! THANK YOU VETS!!!
Well, Rachel comes home tomorrow. Actually, she is in the air as I type this. She left Israel at 1:55pm our time, and will arrive in Reno at 2:25pm tomorrow, our time. Poor thing, it is going to be a very long day for her. She really doesn't want to come home, and I understand that. It still makes me kinda sad, but I do understand. She is having a fantastic time, and she wants to continue the experience. I miss her so much. Please pray that she has a safe trip home. Thank you.
David had a nice day off today. He liked not going to school. Please continue to pray that he gets caught up, he is getting there. He still hasn't eaten that great today, but I guess that is something I just need to 'let go' of. I still believe that part of it is a control thing. His life has been out of his control for 3 years now; with his eating being the ONE thing he can control. Please continue to pray for his appetite. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting. Please pray for our safety as we go to Reno to pick up Rachel tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. Elaine and her dad had a safe trip to Oakland (and home), thanks for praying. Have a good day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country.'~~~George W. Bush (I hope that always remains true)
HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!!! Thank you to all our veterans out there, including my husband. Thank you that we all sleep at peace in our beds because someone is/was out there protecting our freedom. I know war is not popular, but freedom is NOT free, and it has cost many men and women their lives. So every time you 'speak your mind' or want to protest something, remember where you got that right!! THANK YOU VETS!!!
Well, Rachel comes home tomorrow. Actually, she is in the air as I type this. She left Israel at 1:55pm our time, and will arrive in Reno at 2:25pm tomorrow, our time. Poor thing, it is going to be a very long day for her. She really doesn't want to come home, and I understand that. It still makes me kinda sad, but I do understand. She is having a fantastic time, and she wants to continue the experience. I miss her so much. Please pray that she has a safe trip home. Thank you.
David had a nice day off today. He liked not going to school. Please continue to pray that he gets caught up, he is getting there. He still hasn't eaten that great today, but I guess that is something I just need to 'let go' of. I still believe that part of it is a control thing. His life has been out of his control for 3 years now; with his eating being the ONE thing he can control. Please continue to pray for his appetite. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting. Please pray for our safety as we go to Reno to pick up Rachel tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. Elaine and her dad had a safe trip to Oakland (and home), thanks for praying. Have a good day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country.'~~~George W. Bush (I hope that always remains true)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Good evening. We heard from Rachel today. Here is what she said,
"I hate being sick! I could hardly sleep last night and now I can't breathe. hopefully I can sleep more tonight.
today was pretty uneventful. we saw the entrance to Petra, Moses Mountain. we stopped at a neat little store that loves cows. I rode a camel. and yes mom somebody was there to take pictures. I didn't have my camera on the camel so I'll be getting them by email.
"I hate being sick! I could hardly sleep last night and now I can't breathe. hopefully I can sleep more tonight.
today was pretty uneventful. we saw the entrance to Petra, Moses Mountain. we stopped at a neat little store that loves cows. I rode a camel. and yes mom somebody was there to take pictures. I didn't have my camera on the camel so I'll be getting them by email.
I could see the Dead Sea from my hotel room but it's dark so I can't really see anything. I'll be going down there first thing in the morning and then we're packing up and hauling out at 9. I won't get to spend much time but that's alright.
I dunno if I'll have Internet at my next hotel but I'll let you know. love you! miss you! ttyl"
So, as you can see, she is sick. I think it is just because she is so run down. She is a girl who loves, and needs, her sleep, and she is clearly not getting enough. It was great to hear from her. She also said that Rick and Moshe are currently excavating in and around Jerusalem, and they might let her help. I don't know if that actually happened, but she was hoping it would. I can't believe she will be home in 3 days. We really miss her.
David had an 'ok' day today. He did eat a pretty good lunch. I made some Lipton sides (parmesan pasta) and boiled a chicken breast. I gave some of it to Emilee, and David ate the rest!! Emilee ate all I gave her, too! It was good to see them both eating! Actually, Emilee left one tiny piece of chicken, but she ate all the other 9 bites I gave her!
Tomorrow David has an orthodontist appointment. He is bummed a bit because the appointment is at the same time as his Driver's Ed Elluminate class; but I made the appointment 6 months ago!!! So he will just miss the live Elluminate session and have to watch the recording. Oh well.
Please continue to pray for Sara. She had the surgery to remove the tumor from her leg yesterday. She is already home! Good for her! Please pray that she is able to survive this cancer. They said the recurrance in her lung and leg is not good. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Also, please pray for Elaine, she is having her MRI tomorrow. She is a brain cancer survivor, please pray for clear scans, safe trip to Oakland (and back), and peace in the time of waiting. Thank you so much.
Thank you all for being there, and for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers; not just the prayers for David, but for all the others we care about. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.'~~~George Orwell
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Good evening.
The weather is absolutely gorgeous! We have had rain, wind, and cold today! It is so beautiful.
We heard from Rachel. She is going to the Dead Sea tomorrow. She talked all about Eilat and the Eilat stone that is from the area. The picture on this update is a sample of that stone.
The weather is absolutely gorgeous! We have had rain, wind, and cold today! It is so beautiful.
We heard from Rachel. She is going to the Dead Sea tomorrow. She talked all about Eilat and the Eilat stone that is from the area. The picture on this update is a sample of that stone.
She said it is very unique and beautiful, and they all got an Eilat stone pendant. She said the weather is quite warm there, which she isn't really enjoying too much. Tomorrow at the Dead Sea it will be even hotter, but she said it all goes with the experience! She said she doesn't want to come home. We really hope we can try to save some money (ha-ha) and try to go next year. It will take a miracle, but, as the saying goes in the movie Angels in the outfield, "it can happen!" Thank you for your continued prayers for her.
David had fun with Jennifer this weekend. The only part that frustrates me is he didn't have lunch on Saturday. He just wasn't hungry!! Grrr. And that is NOT because he had a big breakfast, he only had a muffin and milk. Please continue to pray for his appetite to pick up. Thanks.
Thanks for checking in on us. Have a good rest of your weekend. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
More than 2/3’s of survivors will deal with one or more (sometimes life-long) “late effects” from treatment, which can occur in any organ or system of the body, & include such things as Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD – can occur from bone marrow transplants), learning disorders, growth problems, sterility, hearing &/or vision loss, neuropathy/pain, heart damage, amputations (& prosthetics) & the possibilities of recurrences &/or secondary cancers.
David had fun with Jennifer this weekend. The only part that frustrates me is he didn't have lunch on Saturday. He just wasn't hungry!! Grrr. And that is NOT because he had a big breakfast, he only had a muffin and milk. Please continue to pray for his appetite to pick up. Thanks.
Thanks for checking in on us. Have a good rest of your weekend. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
More than 2/3’s of survivors will deal with one or more (sometimes life-long) “late effects” from treatment, which can occur in any organ or system of the body, & include such things as Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD – can occur from bone marrow transplants), learning disorders, growth problems, sterility, hearing &/or vision loss, neuropathy/pain, heart damage, amputations (& prosthetics) & the possibilities of recurrences &/or secondary cancers.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Good evening.
We heard from Rachel today. She is having a blast. She lost her sunglasses in Hezekiah's tunnel, thinks she broke her camera, and lost her camera case! But she still has her passport! Here are the places she's been/things she's seen:
Ramat Samuel (Samuel's High Place, or Mount Samuel) where Samuel's school of the prophets was.
Ramat Rachel.
the Shepherds Field
the birthplace of Christ
the Pool of Siloam
Hezekiah's tunnel
the Old City and the Western Wall
Right now they are in Eilat, which is on the Red Sea. She said she will be going back, and she will only have Moshe (pronounced mo-shay) as a tour guide; nobody else can give what he can. She is sleep-deprived, go figure, but says she wakes up excited for the day, and goes to bed sad that another day is over. Thanks for your continued prayers for her. Please pray she doesn't lose her passport! Crazy girl. She is just so excited that she gets a little careless. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you.
Bryon and I are 'childless' this weekend. Rachel is out of the country, duh, and David is spending the weekend at Jennifer's again. So we are all alone. It is very quiet. Well, we do have the 3 dogs and 3 cats.........It feels strange to be all alone, but it is how life goes.
Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight. Yay! I get my hour back. I hate daylight savings time!! Like someone told me~~'only the government can take a blanket, lay it down, cut a foot off one end, add it to the other end, and say it is a longer blanket'!! I heard it said that daylight savings time causes global warming because we are making the sun shine an extra hour a day now. WHAT???? That ranks up there with one of the stupidest things I have ever heard!! David and I got a good laugh out of that one!! I mean, come on! Give me a break! I just wish they would leave it one way or the other. Changing our clocks twice a year is ridiculous!! Anyway, don't forget to set yours back before you go to bed.
Our weather is gorgeous! Today was an absolutely beautiful day. And they are predicting snow in a couple of days!! Our high is only expected to be 43* in the next couple of days!! Can't wait!
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. Enjoy that extra hour!! God bless you all. We love you. <><
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'To change and to change for the better are two different things.'~~~German proverb
We heard from Rachel today. She is having a blast. She lost her sunglasses in Hezekiah's tunnel, thinks she broke her camera, and lost her camera case! But she still has her passport! Here are the places she's been/things she's seen:
Ramat Samuel (Samuel's High Place, or Mount Samuel) where Samuel's school of the prophets was.
Ramat Rachel.
the Shepherds Field
the birthplace of Christ
the Pool of Siloam
Hezekiah's tunnel
the Old City and the Western Wall
Right now they are in Eilat, which is on the Red Sea. She said she will be going back, and she will only have Moshe (pronounced mo-shay) as a tour guide; nobody else can give what he can. She is sleep-deprived, go figure, but says she wakes up excited for the day, and goes to bed sad that another day is over. Thanks for your continued prayers for her. Please pray she doesn't lose her passport! Crazy girl. She is just so excited that she gets a little careless. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you.
Bryon and I are 'childless' this weekend. Rachel is out of the country, duh, and David is spending the weekend at Jennifer's again. So we are all alone. It is very quiet. Well, we do have the 3 dogs and 3 cats.........It feels strange to be all alone, but it is how life goes.
Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight. Yay! I get my hour back. I hate daylight savings time!! Like someone told me~~'only the government can take a blanket, lay it down, cut a foot off one end, add it to the other end, and say it is a longer blanket'!! I heard it said that daylight savings time causes global warming because we are making the sun shine an extra hour a day now. WHAT???? That ranks up there with one of the stupidest things I have ever heard!! David and I got a good laugh out of that one!! I mean, come on! Give me a break! I just wish they would leave it one way or the other. Changing our clocks twice a year is ridiculous!! Anyway, don't forget to set yours back before you go to bed.
Our weather is gorgeous! Today was an absolutely beautiful day. And they are predicting snow in a couple of days!! Our high is only expected to be 43* in the next couple of days!! Can't wait!
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. Enjoy that extra hour!! God bless you all. We love you. <><
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'To change and to change for the better are two different things.'~~~German proverb
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Good evening.
Well, the elections didn't go quite like we would have liked; but if you can say 'voter fraud' then you will know why. We had our secretary of state allowing people in Las Vegas to CALL and register to vote! Only, Las Vegas. Why? Because Las Vegas is the biggest city in Nevada! And the mayors of the northern Nevada cities were blackmailed. I am NOT posting a conspiracy theory, this is fact. But, ultimately things are ok. The country will be turning around and heading back in the right direction! Prayerfully, anyway.
David had a great time at Bible study tonight~~he always does!! I am so glad he enjoys it so much. He really enjoys being with all the teens! He still didn't eat, but that is ok. He had a pretty ok lunch. I had made a chicken casserole (with stove top stuffing on top, yummy) for dinner last night, so that is what he had for lunch today. And he ate some candy!! Yay. So, overall, he didn't do too bad.
I was ordering all his graduation stuff today; well, just seeing what to order when we have the money. I got his package all figured out, with the announcements, cap & gown, key chain, etc. I can't believe my baby is graduating from High School in June! He was designing his class ring, and he noticed that on the side he can put a gold ribbon!! He was rather excited about that. I was kinda surprised that he wanted that, but I was glad, too. Him graduating is a major milestone for him~~he was not expected to live to see High School graduation. So he is proud to put the gold ribbon on his class ring; it is a symbol of his survival from Childhood Cancer! Of course, we still don't know how much longer he will be alive, but he has outlived their predictions so far!! We have to keep praying that he will continue to outlive what they thought! Anyway, it was bittersweet for me to be looking at graduation announcements and class rings! We just have to figure out who to send announcements to, ha-ha.
Today I made applesauce. I couldn't can it because I don't have lids. So I just put it in some of my food sealer bags and put it in the freezer. The apples were starting to get mushy, so the applesauce is super sweet! When fruit starts to get 'old' the natural sugar just gets concentrated. I added some cinnamon to the applesauce, and it tastes so good. David said the house smelled like Christmas.
David is doing ok in school. He is getting caught up. Of course I wish he was doing better, but that is a given. I guess I have to accept that he will never do as well, as easily, as he used to. It is just tough to watch him struggle when school used to come easily to him. I mean, he isn't a grade ahead of his age for nothing! He should be a Junior this year, and he is a Senior! School used to be easy for him, even when he was doing an accelerated curriculum!! Please continue to pray for him and his schooling. I still say that cancer and chemo = the gift that keeps on giving!! Thank you for your prayers.
Please pray for Jeremy, again. He has another interview tomorrow morning at 8:30. So he made it to the second interview phase!! Please pray he gets the job. Thanks. He said school is going ok so far, he likes it. Thanks for your continued prayers for him.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the Koury Klan. We do appreciate all the prayers. Thank you for the prayers, love, and emotional support. Thank you for the deposits in the bank account. Thank you for reading and caring about us. Thanks for being there. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'~~John Quincy Adams
Well, the elections didn't go quite like we would have liked; but if you can say 'voter fraud' then you will know why. We had our secretary of state allowing people in Las Vegas to CALL and register to vote! Only, Las Vegas. Why? Because Las Vegas is the biggest city in Nevada! And the mayors of the northern Nevada cities were blackmailed. I am NOT posting a conspiracy theory, this is fact. But, ultimately things are ok. The country will be turning around and heading back in the right direction! Prayerfully, anyway.
David had a great time at Bible study tonight~~he always does!! I am so glad he enjoys it so much. He really enjoys being with all the teens! He still didn't eat, but that is ok. He had a pretty ok lunch. I had made a chicken casserole (with stove top stuffing on top, yummy) for dinner last night, so that is what he had for lunch today. And he ate some candy!! Yay. So, overall, he didn't do too bad.
I was ordering all his graduation stuff today; well, just seeing what to order when we have the money. I got his package all figured out, with the announcements, cap & gown, key chain, etc. I can't believe my baby is graduating from High School in June! He was designing his class ring, and he noticed that on the side he can put a gold ribbon!! He was rather excited about that. I was kinda surprised that he wanted that, but I was glad, too. Him graduating is a major milestone for him~~he was not expected to live to see High School graduation. So he is proud to put the gold ribbon on his class ring; it is a symbol of his survival from Childhood Cancer! Of course, we still don't know how much longer he will be alive, but he has outlived their predictions so far!! We have to keep praying that he will continue to outlive what they thought! Anyway, it was bittersweet for me to be looking at graduation announcements and class rings! We just have to figure out who to send announcements to, ha-ha.
Today I made applesauce. I couldn't can it because I don't have lids. So I just put it in some of my food sealer bags and put it in the freezer. The apples were starting to get mushy, so the applesauce is super sweet! When fruit starts to get 'old' the natural sugar just gets concentrated. I added some cinnamon to the applesauce, and it tastes so good. David said the house smelled like Christmas.
David is doing ok in school. He is getting caught up. Of course I wish he was doing better, but that is a given. I guess I have to accept that he will never do as well, as easily, as he used to. It is just tough to watch him struggle when school used to come easily to him. I mean, he isn't a grade ahead of his age for nothing! He should be a Junior this year, and he is a Senior! School used to be easy for him, even when he was doing an accelerated curriculum!! Please continue to pray for him and his schooling. I still say that cancer and chemo = the gift that keeps on giving!! Thank you for your prayers.
Please pray for Jeremy, again. He has another interview tomorrow morning at 8:30. So he made it to the second interview phase!! Please pray he gets the job. Thanks. He said school is going ok so far, he likes it. Thanks for your continued prayers for him.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the Koury Klan. We do appreciate all the prayers. Thank you for the prayers, love, and emotional support. Thank you for the deposits in the bank account. Thank you for reading and caring about us. Thanks for being there. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'~~John Quincy Adams
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Good evening.
Well, I got a text from Rachel today. Here is what she said, "Saw the shepherds field where the angels announced Jesus's birth to the shepherds!! Saw the actual stable where Jesus was born (recently excavated!!) Love to all." It was great to hear from her. I guess I am the 'spokesperson' for relating info around. That's ok, I just cut and paste her message to all my family members. She is clearly having a fantastic time!!! I can't wait to hear all about her adventures! I am so proud of her. I forgot to tell you one thing she said before she left. She said she really wishes we are ALL going, but on the other had she is glad that she is going alone, and having this experience by herself. I know that sounds like a strange thing to say, but we totally understood what she meant by that. Please continue to pray for her. Thanks.
I hope you all voted today. We did, and now we wait. Hopefully it will go the way we want it to. We hope one of our elections won't get 'stolen' again!! It has happened before, and it is not beneath this person to do it again!!! Anyway, I hope you all did your civic duty and voted.
David ate pretty good today. He had a bagel for breakfast, then I made him a turkey and cranberry sauce pannini for lunch, and he ate 5 shredded beef tacos for dinner!! Plus he had some chip and dip between lunch and dinner. YAY!! It doesn't mean he will eat good tomorrow~~~but I will take it today! Good job, David!!
Please pray for Jeremy; he had an interview today. Please pray that he gets the job! Also, he is back in school. He graduated from college a few years ago (with a AA in Graphic Design), and now he is going back to school for a BS in Information Technology with an emphasis on software development. Please pray for him. This is a huge undertaking with a new baby on the way and all. I am so proud of my children. They have goals, and they go for them! Fantastic children. I have THE BEST!! Thanks for your prayers.
Thanks for checking in. Thanks for all the prayers for us, and for our Osteo family members. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong.'~~~John G. Riefenbaker
Well, I got a text from Rachel today. Here is what she said, "Saw the shepherds field where the angels announced Jesus's birth to the shepherds!! Saw the actual stable where Jesus was born (recently excavated!!) Love to all." It was great to hear from her. I guess I am the 'spokesperson' for relating info around. That's ok, I just cut and paste her message to all my family members. She is clearly having a fantastic time!!! I can't wait to hear all about her adventures! I am so proud of her. I forgot to tell you one thing she said before she left. She said she really wishes we are ALL going, but on the other had she is glad that she is going alone, and having this experience by herself. I know that sounds like a strange thing to say, but we totally understood what she meant by that. Please continue to pray for her. Thanks.
I hope you all voted today. We did, and now we wait. Hopefully it will go the way we want it to. We hope one of our elections won't get 'stolen' again!! It has happened before, and it is not beneath this person to do it again!!! Anyway, I hope you all did your civic duty and voted.
David ate pretty good today. He had a bagel for breakfast, then I made him a turkey and cranberry sauce pannini for lunch, and he ate 5 shredded beef tacos for dinner!! Plus he had some chip and dip between lunch and dinner. YAY!! It doesn't mean he will eat good tomorrow~~~but I will take it today! Good job, David!!
Please pray for Jeremy; he had an interview today. Please pray that he gets the job! Also, he is back in school. He graduated from college a few years ago (with a AA in Graphic Design), and now he is going back to school for a BS in Information Technology with an emphasis on software development. Please pray for him. This is a huge undertaking with a new baby on the way and all. I am so proud of my children. They have goals, and they go for them! Fantastic children. I have THE BEST!! Thanks for your prayers.
Thanks for checking in. Thanks for all the prayers for us, and for our Osteo family members. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong.'~~~John G. Riefenbaker
Monday, November 1, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Good evening.
This past weekend was another busy weekend. It was filled with helping Rachel prepare to leave.
David spent the weekend at Jennifer's apartment. Friday morning Bryon, Rachel, and I went to Reno because Rachel needed the oil changed in her car. After that we went to Ross because Rachel was looking for a bigger suitcase than the one she has. She knew she was going to be gone 2 weeks, and also needed room for the souvies she wants to buy. She got a HUGE suitcase for only $55 at Ross! It was great! Then we did some lunch at Baja Fresh and came home. We needed to do some shopping, just a bit, so we did that. Then on Saturday morning Bryon shampooed the carpet in the 'spare' room that the kittens were in. That room is totally empty, we need to furnish it as a guest room~~~someday. Right now it is just empty. Anyway, Rachel and I did some more last minute shopping, and went to a new store we have; BigLots! There is a BigLots in Reno, and now we have one, too. Then Rachel went to bed pretty early; we were getting up VERY early on Sunday. We all tried to sleep, excitement was high for Rachel. Anyway, we got up at 3:45 so we could leave by 4am to get to the airport by 4:30. We got there and Rachel met up with Bill and Darla. That is the couple that are getting married on the Sea of Galilee.
This past weekend was another busy weekend. It was filled with helping Rachel prepare to leave.
David spent the weekend at Jennifer's apartment. Friday morning Bryon, Rachel, and I went to Reno because Rachel needed the oil changed in her car. After that we went to Ross because Rachel was looking for a bigger suitcase than the one she has. She knew she was going to be gone 2 weeks, and also needed room for the souvies she wants to buy. She got a HUGE suitcase for only $55 at Ross! It was great! Then we did some lunch at Baja Fresh and came home. We needed to do some shopping, just a bit, so we did that. Then on Saturday morning Bryon shampooed the carpet in the 'spare' room that the kittens were in. That room is totally empty, we need to furnish it as a guest room~~~someday. Right now it is just empty. Anyway, Rachel and I did some more last minute shopping, and went to a new store we have; BigLots! There is a BigLots in Reno, and now we have one, too. Then Rachel went to bed pretty early; we were getting up VERY early on Sunday. We all tried to sleep, excitement was high for Rachel. Anyway, we got up at 3:45 so we could leave by 4am to get to the airport by 4:30. We got there and Rachel met up with Bill and Darla. That is the couple that are getting married on the Sea of Galilee.
Anyway, we walked as far as we could with her, and then watched her walk away with Bill and Darla.
She texted me when she arrived in Los Angeles, and then again when they were leaving for Philadelphia.
She arrived in Tel Aviv at 1:30pm, her time, today. It was 4:30am our time. They are 9 hours ahead of us. It feels strange to not be able to talk to her whenever we want to. There is no free wifi in her hotel room, which is a bummer. And the only semi disappointing thing is she is sharing a room with Darla; until Bill and Darla get married, that is. She was hoping for her own room. The last time she was not with us in a hotel she couldn't have her own room, either. That was because she went with work, and the room was in a casino, and she wasn't 21!! But she said she knows they all have to be flexible, and she is fine with it. I am so proud of her. We just really miss her. It isn't the same without her. It was strange for Bryon and I; after we dropped Rachel off at the airport and came home, we were alone! We were in our big house all alone. Very strange. But then we tried to get more sleep before going to church. So we went to church and then came home and had stew. It was a perfect day for stew and Rosemary and Olive Oil bread!! It was strange just the 6 of us, though. I am so glad that Rachel was able to take this trip. I look forward to hearing all about it. She bought a couple of journals so she can journal the whole experience. I am sure she will talk for days about this trip! We are hoping that we can save some money and go next year. No guarantees, but we will try.
Thank you for all your prayers; keep them coming. I am not worried about her at all, we just miss her. But I still want her to be safe, of course. I know she is in God's hands, and He will take care of her. So that is how our weekend went. We are still pretty tired, trying to recover, so we can only imagine how tired Rachel is. Please pray that she is able to get sleep, she is like me and she gets migraines if she doesn't get enough sleep. I worry a little about her sleeping and eating. Anyway, thanks for being there. Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Thank you for all your prayers; keep them coming. I am not worried about her at all, we just miss her. But I still want her to be safe, of course. I know she is in God's hands, and He will take care of her. So that is how our weekend went. We are still pretty tired, trying to recover, so we can only imagine how tired Rachel is. Please pray that she is able to get sleep, she is like me and she gets migraines if she doesn't get enough sleep. I worry a little about her sleeping and eating. Anyway, thanks for being there. Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Good evening.
Our temperatures are finally getting fall-like. Our low this morning was 20.4 degrees! Our highs are in the 50's! Yay! We are loving the cooler weather. David is so happy, he now wants it to snow!
We finally got rid of all 4 kittens! Woo-Hoo! I am so happy to have those kittens gone! We have enough animals already. There are a couple more I would love to get rid of......I just can't. I hate chihuahuas, and would love to see them gone. But one is Jennifer's, and one is David's; so....... I am stuck with them, for awhile anyway.
Please continue to pray for David and school. He is doing ok, I just wish he was doing better. He is a bit behind, again, and I have told him he needs to get caught up. Please pray that he can get caught up. Thanks.
David is looking forward to Friday; it is a holiday. It is Nevada Day. Well, technically, Nevada Day is Oct. 31st, but several years ago they decided to celebrate it the last Friday of October. So everybody is off that day! Sleep in day!! 3 day weekend. YAY!!
I forgot to tell you all, Rachel got her passport! She is leaving Reno at 6am Sunday morning. She will fly from Reno to Los Angeles; then Los Angeles to Philadelphia; then Philadelphia to Tel Aviv! She is so excited!! We are so excited for her. The time went sooooo fast! I can't believe she leaves in just a few days. It will be such a wonderful experience for her. A couple that is going will be getting married while they are there~~they will be getting married on the Sea of Galilee. And thy have asked Rachel to be part of the ceremony. That is so sweet. Please pray for Rachel as the time gets closer. She is getting the normal nervousness; remember, she doesn't know any of the people. She has talked to them on the phone, and in some ways feels like she knows them, but still. Thank you for all your prayers. Please pray for her safety the whole time she is gone. I am not really worried about her, just the normal 'mom' feelings of her being so far away!! Thank you.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please continue to pray for all the members of our Osteo family. Thanks. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Every person has 1000 wishes, a cancer patient only has one: to get better.
Sign My Guestbook
Our temperatures are finally getting fall-like. Our low this morning was 20.4 degrees! Our highs are in the 50's! Yay! We are loving the cooler weather. David is so happy, he now wants it to snow!
We finally got rid of all 4 kittens! Woo-Hoo! I am so happy to have those kittens gone! We have enough animals already. There are a couple more I would love to get rid of......I just can't. I hate chihuahuas, and would love to see them gone. But one is Jennifer's, and one is David's; so....... I am stuck with them, for awhile anyway.
Please continue to pray for David and school. He is doing ok, I just wish he was doing better. He is a bit behind, again, and I have told him he needs to get caught up. Please pray that he can get caught up. Thanks.
David is looking forward to Friday; it is a holiday. It is Nevada Day. Well, technically, Nevada Day is Oct. 31st, but several years ago they decided to celebrate it the last Friday of October. So everybody is off that day! Sleep in day!! 3 day weekend. YAY!!
I forgot to tell you all, Rachel got her passport! She is leaving Reno at 6am Sunday morning. She will fly from Reno to Los Angeles; then Los Angeles to Philadelphia; then Philadelphia to Tel Aviv! She is so excited!! We are so excited for her. The time went sooooo fast! I can't believe she leaves in just a few days. It will be such a wonderful experience for her. A couple that is going will be getting married while they are there~~they will be getting married on the Sea of Galilee. And thy have asked Rachel to be part of the ceremony. That is so sweet. Please pray for Rachel as the time gets closer. She is getting the normal nervousness; remember, she doesn't know any of the people. She has talked to them on the phone, and in some ways feels like she knows them, but still. Thank you for all your prayers. Please pray for her safety the whole time she is gone. I am not really worried about her, just the normal 'mom' feelings of her being so far away!! Thank you.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please continue to pray for all the members of our Osteo family. Thanks. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Every person has 1000 wishes, a cancer patient only has one: to get better.
Sign My Guestbook
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Good evening.
I hope you all had a great weekend. Our was quite busy!! We all had Friday off; Bryon works 4/10s so Friday was his day off, Jennifer and Rachel had their furlough day, and Emilee didn't come so I was off. So we were busy preparing for Lucy's baby shower. We did some shopping, not much, though. We did early voting (glad that's over, and we did our civic duty), and then we went and got our flu shots. They were free, yay!! Then my girls and I did a little bit more shopping, for baby gifts, while Bryon shampooed the carpet in the living room and the (stay with me here) room that used to be the formal dining room but is now the "therapy" room where the treadmill and total trainer are for David to to his PT. I hope I didn't lose anyone there!! Anyway, Bryon worked really hard getting those rooms shampooed. Then he ran out of shampoo, so he had to run to Walmart to get some more. We were up late making sure everything was done. Oh, Rachel sliced the apples and had them ready for the apple pie I needed to make. She put the slices in the fridge to wait for me to make the pie Saturday morning. Then we went to bed. We got up Saturday morning and I made the soup for the shower and put it in the crock pot. Then I put the apple pie in the oven and Rachel and I ran to Walmart; we forgot to get wrapping paper on Friday. When we got home Bryon was vacuuming the freshly-shampooed carpets. Then I mopped the family room floor, and the kitchen and dining room floors. Then Berlynn went into the living room and decided to throw up on the nice clean carpet!! Rachel cleaned that up. The dog coudn't throw up outside, or on a hard floor, could she?!?! Of course not! That would just be too easy for us. Grrrrr. But we were all ready when the guests started arriving, and we had a good time. Lucy is due 3 months from today!! Then today we went to church and we made tacos for lunch. It was good. And the weather has been beautiful! It has rained ALL weekend. Well, all of today for sure. It has been super windy (go figure) and we have loved the weather this weekend. It is gorgeous. We do have a bit of a flood in the backyard, but that is ok. It is just hard to get the chihuahua's to go outside to go potty. Berlynn, she loves all weather!! So it has been a busy, fun, and wet weekend.
We also got rid of another kitten on Saturday~~~one more to go!! Kitten #16 (total number of kittens we have had to get rid of) is the last one left, and NEEDS to go. Bryon put them on Craig's List, that's how #15 was taken, so hopefully someone will want the last one. He is a sweet kitty, we just can't keep him. Any takers?
Well, that is about all that is happening around here. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Thank you for your continued prayers for us and for Sara. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
For the patients' parents, a cancer diagnosis can launch a balancing act between the toughness needed to hold together the family and demand the best medical care, and the gentleness needed to stay collected and positive with the child. The ordeal of treatments creates a bond among families who go through the experience.
I hope you all had a great weekend. Our was quite busy!! We all had Friday off; Bryon works 4/10s so Friday was his day off, Jennifer and Rachel had their furlough day, and Emilee didn't come so I was off. So we were busy preparing for Lucy's baby shower. We did some shopping, not much, though. We did early voting (glad that's over, and we did our civic duty), and then we went and got our flu shots. They were free, yay!! Then my girls and I did a little bit more shopping, for baby gifts, while Bryon shampooed the carpet in the living room and the (stay with me here) room that used to be the formal dining room but is now the "therapy" room where the treadmill and total trainer are for David to to his PT. I hope I didn't lose anyone there!! Anyway, Bryon worked really hard getting those rooms shampooed. Then he ran out of shampoo, so he had to run to Walmart to get some more. We were up late making sure everything was done. Oh, Rachel sliced the apples and had them ready for the apple pie I needed to make. She put the slices in the fridge to wait for me to make the pie Saturday morning. Then we went to bed. We got up Saturday morning and I made the soup for the shower and put it in the crock pot. Then I put the apple pie in the oven and Rachel and I ran to Walmart; we forgot to get wrapping paper on Friday. When we got home Bryon was vacuuming the freshly-shampooed carpets. Then I mopped the family room floor, and the kitchen and dining room floors. Then Berlynn went into the living room and decided to throw up on the nice clean carpet!! Rachel cleaned that up. The dog coudn't throw up outside, or on a hard floor, could she?!?! Of course not! That would just be too easy for us. Grrrrr. But we were all ready when the guests started arriving, and we had a good time. Lucy is due 3 months from today!! Then today we went to church and we made tacos for lunch. It was good. And the weather has been beautiful! It has rained ALL weekend. Well, all of today for sure. It has been super windy (go figure) and we have loved the weather this weekend. It is gorgeous. We do have a bit of a flood in the backyard, but that is ok. It is just hard to get the chihuahua's to go outside to go potty. Berlynn, she loves all weather!! So it has been a busy, fun, and wet weekend.
We also got rid of another kitten on Saturday~~~one more to go!! Kitten #16 (total number of kittens we have had to get rid of) is the last one left, and NEEDS to go. Bryon put them on Craig's List, that's how #15 was taken, so hopefully someone will want the last one. He is a sweet kitty, we just can't keep him. Any takers?
Well, that is about all that is happening around here. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Thank you for your continued prayers for us and for Sara. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
For the patients' parents, a cancer diagnosis can launch a balancing act between the toughness needed to hold together the family and demand the best medical care, and the gentleness needed to stay collected and positive with the child. The ordeal of treatments creates a bond among families who go through the experience.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Good evening.
Sorry I haven't posted for awhile, it has been rather busy. Bryon was gone from Monday through Wednesday for work. He pretty much went all over the state of Nevada~~~from Carson City to Elko to Las Vegas and back again. All in three days! So I was a single mom for a few days. No biggie, I have been a single mom a LOT in our marriage. He used to travel a lot, now he doesn't so much. Every now and then he has a class he has to go to, or something, but not that often. Anyway, he is home now and things are going as usual.
David went to Bible Study tonight, as usual on Thursday, and loved it, as usual. They tell us that they are having the same battle we deal with every day. They serve dinner to the kids (which is really sweet) but David won't eat!! Last week he did eat an enchilada, but this week he ate NOTHING!! They tell us they beg, plead, 'threaten', bribe, etc, him to eat. . . . . no go! Today he wouldn't eat breakfast; other than a piece of toast! It isn't that he isn't hungry, just nothing sounds good to him; not much tastes good to him anymore. We threaten the Megace, which he absolutely hates, but all the Megace does is make him hungry. He does get hungry, just doesn't want to eat. So the Megace really won't help. He needs new taste buds! That blasted chemo really did a number on him. They warned us that this could happen, I was just hoping that it wouldn't.*sigh* It is a battle that we will keep fighting as long as we have to. Poor kid. Please pray that he is able to eat better. Thanks.
Sara came through her surgery ok, she is home. She is in some pain, and she is nauseous. It is such a balancing act with pain meds and eating and nausea. She also has another 'mass' on her upper thigh, near the sight of her original tumor. She had a biopsy on it, don't know the results of that yet. Please pray for her. We all know this can happen, it just sucks when it does. Pray that she can recover and heal from this latest development, and that she can once again be cancer free! Thank you so much for your prayers.
We will be busy tomorrow. We need to shampoo carpets, mop floors, and do some real good cleaning because on Saturday we are having a baby shower for Lucy at our house! We are so excited. It is getting close. She is due in just over 3 months!! Three months and 2 days from tomorrow. The time has been going so fast. I can't wait to meet that little person growing in her body. We have been waiting so long for this. The shower will be fun, I am sure. It is supposed to be cold, so we are having soups, bread, hot cider, coffee, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin squares, apple pie, punch, nice belly-warming 'comfort food.' Can't wait! I know it will be fun.
Tomorrow we are also going to vote, shop, and get flu shots. Oh, and try to get rid of the last two kittens at the pound. Please pray that we are able to get rid of them. We cannot have them here anymore. I want my spare room. The kittens are 3 1/2 months old, and we cannot afford to give them all their shots and whatever. If we can give them to the pound that would take the burden off us. Please pray that the pound will take them!! Thanks.
Well, that is all that is happening around here. Thank you for all your prayers. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your support. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“There has been a significant lack of progress during the last two decades in treating osteosarcoma,” said Ian Lewis, Professor of Cancer Studies at St. James University Hospital in Leeds, England
Sorry I haven't posted for awhile, it has been rather busy. Bryon was gone from Monday through Wednesday for work. He pretty much went all over the state of Nevada~~~from Carson City to Elko to Las Vegas and back again. All in three days! So I was a single mom for a few days. No biggie, I have been a single mom a LOT in our marriage. He used to travel a lot, now he doesn't so much. Every now and then he has a class he has to go to, or something, but not that often. Anyway, he is home now and things are going as usual.
David went to Bible Study tonight, as usual on Thursday, and loved it, as usual. They tell us that they are having the same battle we deal with every day. They serve dinner to the kids (which is really sweet) but David won't eat!! Last week he did eat an enchilada, but this week he ate NOTHING!! They tell us they beg, plead, 'threaten', bribe, etc, him to eat. . . . . no go! Today he wouldn't eat breakfast; other than a piece of toast! It isn't that he isn't hungry, just nothing sounds good to him; not much tastes good to him anymore. We threaten the Megace, which he absolutely hates, but all the Megace does is make him hungry. He does get hungry, just doesn't want to eat. So the Megace really won't help. He needs new taste buds! That blasted chemo really did a number on him. They warned us that this could happen, I was just hoping that it wouldn't.*sigh* It is a battle that we will keep fighting as long as we have to. Poor kid. Please pray that he is able to eat better. Thanks.
Sara came through her surgery ok, she is home. She is in some pain, and she is nauseous. It is such a balancing act with pain meds and eating and nausea. She also has another 'mass' on her upper thigh, near the sight of her original tumor. She had a biopsy on it, don't know the results of that yet. Please pray for her. We all know this can happen, it just sucks when it does. Pray that she can recover and heal from this latest development, and that she can once again be cancer free! Thank you so much for your prayers.
We will be busy tomorrow. We need to shampoo carpets, mop floors, and do some real good cleaning because on Saturday we are having a baby shower for Lucy at our house! We are so excited. It is getting close. She is due in just over 3 months!! Three months and 2 days from tomorrow. The time has been going so fast. I can't wait to meet that little person growing in her body. We have been waiting so long for this. The shower will be fun, I am sure. It is supposed to be cold, so we are having soups, bread, hot cider, coffee, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin squares, apple pie, punch, nice belly-warming 'comfort food.' Can't wait! I know it will be fun.
Tomorrow we are also going to vote, shop, and get flu shots. Oh, and try to get rid of the last two kittens at the pound. Please pray that we are able to get rid of them. We cannot have them here anymore. I want my spare room. The kittens are 3 1/2 months old, and we cannot afford to give them all their shots and whatever. If we can give them to the pound that would take the burden off us. Please pray that the pound will take them!! Thanks.
Well, that is all that is happening around here. Thank you for all your prayers. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your support. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“There has been a significant lack of progress during the last two decades in treating osteosarcoma,” said Ian Lewis, Professor of Cancer Studies at St. James University Hospital in Leeds, England
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Good evening.
We are home from camping. Actually, we have been home for quite some time~~~all day in fact. We left early, I will let you in on the weekend. Here goes:
Friday morning Bryon, Emilee, and I went out to the campground to set up the trailer. The campground is only 10 minutes from our house. So we got the trailer set up; there is a bit more to the story, but I won't bore you with those details. Anyway, after getting the trailer set up (David was home doing school) we came home and had lunch. David was supposed to have an Elluminate session with his Driver's Ed class, but the system was down, so it didn't happen. So Bryon went to the store to get the few things we needed; like ice, pickles, etc. while I got my nails done. Then we loaded up the dogs, the ice chest, us, and went out to the campsite. Jennifer and Rachel came after work and we bbq'd burgers. I really thought it would be a perfect time of year to go to Washoe Lake for camping. Well, not so much. As I told my facebook friends, we were miserable!! I just didn't take into consideration that the campground is FULL of rabbit brush!! Granted, most of it was dead, but the pollen is still in the air. I did not sleep much all night, I couldn't breathe! And I am taking sudafed and claritin!! Poor David and Jennifer sneezed all day Saturday, and we were all (with the exception of Rachel) stuffed up! My nose and eyes were itching soooooo badly. My husband even told me I looked awful! He didn't say I looked like I felt awful, but I looked awful. I took Benadryl last night hoping I would sleep, it usually knocks me out! Well, I still didn't sleep much. So we left early this morning and came home. Oh, Jennifer and Rachel left Saturday night because they were teaching Sunday School at church this morning. We are all doing much better now that we are home. We are still suffering somewhat, but we are doing so much better. So today we did a little bit of shopping, and we defrosted the big commercial freezer in the garage. Bryon spent a lot of time cleaning it once it defrosted. He did a great job, it looks brand new inside. We are all pretty tired~~~basically pretty worn out. My house is not put together at all right now, but that is ok. The housework waits for me, it never seems to get done by itself. It will get done, I am just too darn tired to do it right now!
David is feeling ok, just the suffering from the stupid allergies. Oh, it rained quite a bit today, so hopefully the pollen is knocked out of the air. It is supposed to rain quite a bit this week, and it will be getting down below freezing, so the rabbit brush will be dead soon!! YAY!! David's nose is so sore from him blowing it so much, poor kid. But he is feeling good otherwise. He is sad that it is possible that we are done camping for the year. We have some busy weekends coming up, and it will soon be too cold to go. Oh well. We will go next year. He really enjoys going, and I love to watch him enjoy himself. Overall, he is doing good.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your continued prayers and your love. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
We are home from camping. Actually, we have been home for quite some time~~~all day in fact. We left early, I will let you in on the weekend. Here goes:
Friday morning Bryon, Emilee, and I went out to the campground to set up the trailer. The campground is only 10 minutes from our house. So we got the trailer set up; there is a bit more to the story, but I won't bore you with those details. Anyway, after getting the trailer set up (David was home doing school) we came home and had lunch. David was supposed to have an Elluminate session with his Driver's Ed class, but the system was down, so it didn't happen. So Bryon went to the store to get the few things we needed; like ice, pickles, etc. while I got my nails done. Then we loaded up the dogs, the ice chest, us, and went out to the campsite. Jennifer and Rachel came after work and we bbq'd burgers. I really thought it would be a perfect time of year to go to Washoe Lake for camping. Well, not so much. As I told my facebook friends, we were miserable!! I just didn't take into consideration that the campground is FULL of rabbit brush!! Granted, most of it was dead, but the pollen is still in the air. I did not sleep much all night, I couldn't breathe! And I am taking sudafed and claritin!! Poor David and Jennifer sneezed all day Saturday, and we were all (with the exception of Rachel) stuffed up! My nose and eyes were itching soooooo badly. My husband even told me I looked awful! He didn't say I looked like I felt awful, but I looked awful. I took Benadryl last night hoping I would sleep, it usually knocks me out! Well, I still didn't sleep much. So we left early this morning and came home. Oh, Jennifer and Rachel left Saturday night because they were teaching Sunday School at church this morning. We are all doing much better now that we are home. We are still suffering somewhat, but we are doing so much better. So today we did a little bit of shopping, and we defrosted the big commercial freezer in the garage. Bryon spent a lot of time cleaning it once it defrosted. He did a great job, it looks brand new inside. We are all pretty tired~~~basically pretty worn out. My house is not put together at all right now, but that is ok. The housework waits for me, it never seems to get done by itself. It will get done, I am just too darn tired to do it right now!
David is feeling ok, just the suffering from the stupid allergies. Oh, it rained quite a bit today, so hopefully the pollen is knocked out of the air. It is supposed to rain quite a bit this week, and it will be getting down below freezing, so the rabbit brush will be dead soon!! YAY!! David's nose is so sore from him blowing it so much, poor kid. But he is feeling good otherwise. He is sad that it is possible that we are done camping for the year. We have some busy weekends coming up, and it will soon be too cold to go. Oh well. We will go next year. He really enjoys going, and I love to watch him enjoy himself. Overall, he is doing good.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your continued prayers and your love. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ok, I have a quick minute to update before we leave.
I got the reports in the mail today. Didn't have a chance to call Connie, yet, so the timing was perfect. Here are the findings~~~
"Stable-appearing chest CT scan." Yay! And for the bone scan, "Stable examination. Abnormal focal activity in the right 7th posterior rib, consistent with healing fracture (from when they broke his rib for the thoracotomy). Stable findings associated with prosthesis in right distal femur." Another yay! The lab work all looks good, with the exception of his platelets; they are low. Don't really understand why......The 'normal' range for platelets is 150-400 TH/MM3; and David's are 137. Not sure what we do about that.......maybe nothing. *sigh* There is always something!!
Gotta run. Have a good weekend! We will enjoy our camping trip, I am sure. Thanks for the prayers, they work! God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
I got the reports in the mail today. Didn't have a chance to call Connie, yet, so the timing was perfect. Here are the findings~~~
"Stable-appearing chest CT scan." Yay! And for the bone scan, "Stable examination. Abnormal focal activity in the right 7th posterior rib, consistent with healing fracture (from when they broke his rib for the thoracotomy). Stable findings associated with prosthesis in right distal femur." Another yay! The lab work all looks good, with the exception of his platelets; they are low. Don't really understand why......The 'normal' range for platelets is 150-400 TH/MM3; and David's are 137. Not sure what we do about that.......maybe nothing. *sigh* There is always something!!
Gotta run. Have a good weekend! We will enjoy our camping trip, I am sure. Thanks for the prayers, they work! God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Good evening.
We are still awaiting news. I will most likely call Connie tomorrow. Please continue to pray that the suspicious spot they saw is just 'shine through' from the ribs. We have a copy of the bone scan and the chest CT, and in the chest CT there is an arrow pointing to something that is in 4 slides. They don't point an arrow at nothing. They point an arrow at something they want to keep an eye on. Please pray. Thank you.
We are still awaiting news. I will most likely call Connie tomorrow. Please continue to pray that the suspicious spot they saw is just 'shine through' from the ribs. We have a copy of the bone scan and the chest CT, and in the chest CT there is an arrow pointing to something that is in 4 slides. They don't point an arrow at nothing. They point an arrow at something they want to keep an eye on. Please pray. Thank you.
And while we are on the subject of prayer, please pray for Sara. She had scans on Monday, also, and they found a new lung met. She is scheduled for surgery for another thoracotomy on Tuesday. They are going in through her old scar. Please pray that they are able to get that met out, and any other mets they might find. Please pray that the met(s) are all DEAD!! Also, please pray that they can figure out what the next course of treatment is for Sara. I know that when we talked to Connie, she told us that if the mets in David's lungs that they are watching should need to be removed, that is all they will do. No more chemo for David. But I don't know if that is the case with Sara. Thank you for your prayers for her.
I share the same sentiment with a lot of my facebook friends; who also happen to be parents of a child with cancer. People get so offended when we want the GOLD to be as important as the PINK! We focus soooooo much on ONE cancer. There are tons (unfortunately) of other cancers out there. My passion is Childhood Cancer for a couple reasons. One, is of course because my son has Childhood Cancer. Another reason is it is frustrating that children get so little funding! The vast majority of women (and men) diagnosed with breast cancer are successfully treated. Sadly, some lose their battle to this disease. I don't know how to say this so as not to offend, so I apologize in advance if I do. We need to keep in mind just how tragic it is when a child dies. It is sad when an adult dies, of course, but when a child dies we lose generations of people. We lose their children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, etc. We don't lose someone who has already had their families, we lose someone who never had a chance to have their families. Please, again, I don't mean to offend. Life is precious, and one isn't any more important than another. It just makes a huge impact on society when generations are lost. That is why it makes me so angry and frustrated that children get so little funding. I am re-posting the pie chart of where the money goes that is raised from the American Cancer Society. Please keep the word and awareness out there!! I thank you, my family thanks you, and all the possible saved generations thank you.
I share the same sentiment with a lot of my facebook friends; who also happen to be parents of a child with cancer. People get so offended when we want the GOLD to be as important as the PINK! We focus soooooo much on ONE cancer. There are tons (unfortunately) of other cancers out there. My passion is Childhood Cancer for a couple reasons. One, is of course because my son has Childhood Cancer. Another reason is it is frustrating that children get so little funding! The vast majority of women (and men) diagnosed with breast cancer are successfully treated. Sadly, some lose their battle to this disease. I don't know how to say this so as not to offend, so I apologize in advance if I do. We need to keep in mind just how tragic it is when a child dies. It is sad when an adult dies, of course, but when a child dies we lose generations of people. We lose their children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, etc. We don't lose someone who has already had their families, we lose someone who never had a chance to have their families. Please, again, I don't mean to offend. Life is precious, and one isn't any more important than another. It just makes a huge impact on society when generations are lost. That is why it makes me so angry and frustrated that children get so little funding. I am re-posting the pie chart of where the money goes that is raised from the American Cancer Society. Please keep the word and awareness out there!! I thank you, my family thanks you, and all the possible saved generations thank you.

We are going camping tomorrow. We will come home on Sunday. It might be our last camping trip for the year, we will see. We are pretty excited to go! We will leave after David gets off school. He has an Elluminate class at 1, so we will be going after that.
It is late, and I am tired. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. If I find out the results of David's scans before we leave, I will post and let you know. Thanks for praying for us, and for Sara and her family. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for your love, prayers, support, and for the deposits in David's account. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) federal budget was $4.6 billion. Of that, breast cancer received 12%, prostate cancer received 7%, and all 12 major groups of pediatric cancers combined received less than 3%.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Good evening.
It has been a long weekend. I was unable to update because the hotel we stayed in had no free internet. I suppose I could have updated via my iPhone......but I am not that good at it that way.
Anyway, the scans are over, yay. We don't have any official results yet, Connie said maybe as early as tomorrow. They did have to do some extra bone scans of David's right side, something was showing between a couple of ribs. Please pray it is nothing. It could be an active lung met, and it could just be 'shine through' from the end of the front of his ribs (to the back). The preliminary report on the CT scan is that everything is stable; so that is very good news! We are hanging on to the suspicious spot being just shine through. He had shine through last scan, but from his collar bone! Any of you who have been with us through this whole journey know that I have called David our 'curve-ball thrower' for the past 3 years~~it appears he continues to be. He can't just do anything the easy way, he has to throw the curve balls that freak us out; and keep us trusting God!!
It was a rough weekend for him. None of us got much sleep. He even slept on the way home today, and he does everything in his power NOT to sleep in the car. He hates to take 'naps' because he says he is missing part of his day. We try to tell him if he sleeps in the car then when he wakes up we will be closer to home. But he is a goofball and won't sleep. So the fact that he slept on the way home says a lot about just how tired he is!! He slept on the way home when he was receiving chemo (when he wasn't vomiting), but that was different. He was so drugged up then that he couldn't stay awake!! And that is also partly why he won't nap now. Anyway, it was a rough weekend, and we are all glad it is over.
David also had to have an echo, so we will find out the results of that, too. He has to have one every year, as heart damage from the chemo can show up years later. I will post when I hear any results.
Connie said he looks good, and she doesn't need to see him for 4 months! His scans are now on the every four month schedule! We have graduated from the every 3 months! They will continue to do lab work when they do scans. Poor kid still has to keep getting poked!! But now it is only 3 times a year instead of 4!! YAY! So that is good news. We are nervous with the every 4 months, but we just have to trust that they know what they are doing.
Sorry we missed you, Autumn. We really wanted to see you before you moved! Have a safe trip, and I know we will keep in touch. You mean a lot to us!
That is all the news for now. Have a good evening, and I will post when I know anything definite. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Teenagers and young adults aged 15-22 have the lowest cancer survival rate of any age group.
It has been a long weekend. I was unable to update because the hotel we stayed in had no free internet. I suppose I could have updated via my iPhone......but I am not that good at it that way.
Anyway, the scans are over, yay. We don't have any official results yet, Connie said maybe as early as tomorrow. They did have to do some extra bone scans of David's right side, something was showing between a couple of ribs. Please pray it is nothing. It could be an active lung met, and it could just be 'shine through' from the end of the front of his ribs (to the back). The preliminary report on the CT scan is that everything is stable; so that is very good news! We are hanging on to the suspicious spot being just shine through. He had shine through last scan, but from his collar bone! Any of you who have been with us through this whole journey know that I have called David our 'curve-ball thrower' for the past 3 years~~it appears he continues to be. He can't just do anything the easy way, he has to throw the curve balls that freak us out; and keep us trusting God!!
It was a rough weekend for him. None of us got much sleep. He even slept on the way home today, and he does everything in his power NOT to sleep in the car. He hates to take 'naps' because he says he is missing part of his day. We try to tell him if he sleeps in the car then when he wakes up we will be closer to home. But he is a goofball and won't sleep. So the fact that he slept on the way home says a lot about just how tired he is!! He slept on the way home when he was receiving chemo (when he wasn't vomiting), but that was different. He was so drugged up then that he couldn't stay awake!! And that is also partly why he won't nap now. Anyway, it was a rough weekend, and we are all glad it is over.
David also had to have an echo, so we will find out the results of that, too. He has to have one every year, as heart damage from the chemo can show up years later. I will post when I hear any results.
Connie said he looks good, and she doesn't need to see him for 4 months! His scans are now on the every four month schedule! We have graduated from the every 3 months! They will continue to do lab work when they do scans. Poor kid still has to keep getting poked!! But now it is only 3 times a year instead of 4!! YAY! So that is good news. We are nervous with the every 4 months, but we just have to trust that they know what they are doing.
Sorry we missed you, Autumn. We really wanted to see you before you moved! Have a safe trip, and I know we will keep in touch. You mean a lot to us!
That is all the news for now. Have a good evening, and I will post when I know anything definite. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Teenagers and young adults aged 15-22 have the lowest cancer survival rate of any age group.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Three years ago.....
Three years ago today we took David for his 1st MRI. Three years ago. Hindsight is 20/20, and we should have figured out something was up. All the techs were chatty and friendly when we were first. They couldn't get David to calm down and lay still, so they told us they might have to sedate him. But they said first they will let one of us go back with him and stay with him to try to calm him down. I jumped up and went to him. He was in a lot of pain, and scared, so that is why he couldn't lay still. Plus, he was a little freaked out by the noise of the MRI machine. The only time he had ever been in this kind of situation (sort of) was when he was 17 months old and broke his arm. He had never had any other tests like this done, and he was scared. Anyway, the techs were still friendly and talking and trying to get David to relax. They were joking with David and trying to lighten the situation. They were told that the urgent care doctor suspected a sprain, so I assume that is what they were looking for. Well, almost at the end of the MRI they got quiet. Then when they were done they just kept asking us lots of questions; when did the pain start, when did the swelling start, when did we take him to urgent care, when did we take him to our primary care physician, what have we done to 'treat' the knee, how have we tried to manage the pain, etc. We were there for a few hours! We didn't understand what was going on; then. Now we do! They panicked when they saw the tumor in his knee, but we didn't know that at the time. We found out the next morning, when our primary care physician called and told me to take David NOW for an x-ray, because he has a bone tumor. So, three years ago tomorrow our lives were changed FOREVER!! Even though David wasn't 'officially' diagnosed until 10/18/07; we were told about the bone tumor on 10/9/07. I don't know if I will post tomorrow, so I decided to tell you today where we were three years ago. This has been a very long three years, let me tell you. I have to admit I had never heard of Osteosarcoma before David was diagnosed with it! We also found out on 10/18/07 that he was metastatic~~~it had spread to his lungs. That was the day of the biopsy on his knee, and the surgeon told us that it was not our fault, we didn't wait 'too long' to bring him in; this cancer was just very aggressive in David. It is an aggressive cancer, but it reacts different in each child. Which is partly why it is still a mostly unknown cancer. There is no rhyme or reason to how it responds and/or reacts. And that is why we are so scared most of the time. We all put up a great front to people; but if they could see our hearts and our fear, they would be surprised! Yes, we know that our precious children are in God's hands; but we also know from experience that it doesn't mean they will live! We have watched way too many of our precious Osteo family warriors die of this dreaded and horrible monster!! We also know from personal experience that it also doesn't mean that our children won't suffer! Because let me tell you, David has suffered! A LOT!! So, that is where we were three years ago today. Two years ago today David was in the hospital with his last chemo! One year ago this month we found out he has new spots in his lungs!
Three years ago today we took David for his 1st MRI. Three years ago. Hindsight is 20/20, and we should have figured out something was up. All the techs were chatty and friendly when we were first. They couldn't get David to calm down and lay still, so they told us they might have to sedate him. But they said first they will let one of us go back with him and stay with him to try to calm him down. I jumped up and went to him. He was in a lot of pain, and scared, so that is why he couldn't lay still. Plus, he was a little freaked out by the noise of the MRI machine. The only time he had ever been in this kind of situation (sort of) was when he was 17 months old and broke his arm. He had never had any other tests like this done, and he was scared. Anyway, the techs were still friendly and talking and trying to get David to relax. They were joking with David and trying to lighten the situation. They were told that the urgent care doctor suspected a sprain, so I assume that is what they were looking for. Well, almost at the end of the MRI they got quiet. Then when they were done they just kept asking us lots of questions; when did the pain start, when did the swelling start, when did we take him to urgent care, when did we take him to our primary care physician, what have we done to 'treat' the knee, how have we tried to manage the pain, etc. We were there for a few hours! We didn't understand what was going on; then. Now we do! They panicked when they saw the tumor in his knee, but we didn't know that at the time. We found out the next morning, when our primary care physician called and told me to take David NOW for an x-ray, because he has a bone tumor. So, three years ago tomorrow our lives were changed FOREVER!! Even though David wasn't 'officially' diagnosed until 10/18/07; we were told about the bone tumor on 10/9/07. I don't know if I will post tomorrow, so I decided to tell you today where we were three years ago. This has been a very long three years, let me tell you. I have to admit I had never heard of Osteosarcoma before David was diagnosed with it! We also found out on 10/18/07 that he was metastatic~~~it had spread to his lungs. That was the day of the biopsy on his knee, and the surgeon told us that it was not our fault, we didn't wait 'too long' to bring him in; this cancer was just very aggressive in David. It is an aggressive cancer, but it reacts different in each child. Which is partly why it is still a mostly unknown cancer. There is no rhyme or reason to how it responds and/or reacts. And that is why we are so scared most of the time. We all put up a great front to people; but if they could see our hearts and our fear, they would be surprised! Yes, we know that our precious children are in God's hands; but we also know from experience that it doesn't mean they will live! We have watched way too many of our precious Osteo family warriors die of this dreaded and horrible monster!! We also know from personal experience that it also doesn't mean that our children won't suffer! Because let me tell you, David has suffered! A LOT!! So, that is where we were three years ago today. Two years ago today David was in the hospital with his last chemo! One year ago this month we found out he has new spots in his lungs!
Now that he has scans on Monday,
.................Bone Scan......................................................... CT Scan
.......................Bone Scan............................................................. CT Scanwe are just a wee bit nervous! Actually, we are suffering quite a bit from scanxiety! We do not know what is going on in his body/lungs. Please pray that his scans come back stable at the 'worst' and clear at the 'best!' We don't even want to think that something is going on that will be detrimental to his health. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for bearing with us these last 3 years.
Please continue to pray for all our Osteo family members. I know you don't know all their names, but God know who they are. Thank you for praying for them, too.
I will post as soon as I find out anything about David's scans. We have to be at Oakland Children's Hospital at 8:30: injection for bone scan at 9, CT scan at 10, oncology appointment at 11, and bone scan at 12. It will be a busy morning. We were unable to get our 'usual' hotel, so we will be staying in Walnut Creek; a bit further from the hospital. We will have to leave earlier than we usually do to get to the hospital, we are further away and we want to beat the traffic! I don't miss that traffic! Please pray for our safety, too. Thank you so much. I will let you know as soon as I can.
Lucy went to the doctor today; baby is doing great! It is growing and healthy. Everything is going as it should! She will be 25 weeks along on Monday. We are all so excited! We can't wait for that baby to join our family! Thank you for your continued prayers for Jeremy and Lucy and their precious bundle of joy!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for listening and for being there. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Attempts to detect childhood cancers at an earlier stage, when the disease would react more favorably to treatment, have largely failed. Young patients often have a more advanced stage of cancer when first diagnosed. (Approximately 20% of adults with cancer show evidence the disease has spread, yet almost 80% of children show that the cancer has spread to distant sites at the time of diagnosis).
Please continue to pray for all our Osteo family members. I know you don't know all their names, but God know who they are. Thank you for praying for them, too.
I will post as soon as I find out anything about David's scans. We have to be at Oakland Children's Hospital at 8:30: injection for bone scan at 9, CT scan at 10, oncology appointment at 11, and bone scan at 12. It will be a busy morning. We were unable to get our 'usual' hotel, so we will be staying in Walnut Creek; a bit further from the hospital. We will have to leave earlier than we usually do to get to the hospital, we are further away and we want to beat the traffic! I don't miss that traffic! Please pray for our safety, too. Thank you so much. I will let you know as soon as I can.
Lucy went to the doctor today; baby is doing great! It is growing and healthy. Everything is going as it should! She will be 25 weeks along on Monday. We are all so excited! We can't wait for that baby to join our family! Thank you for your continued prayers for Jeremy and Lucy and their precious bundle of joy!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for listening and for being there. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Attempts to detect childhood cancers at an earlier stage, when the disease would react more favorably to treatment, have largely failed. Young patients often have a more advanced stage of cancer when first diagnosed. (Approximately 20% of adults with cancer show evidence the disease has spread, yet almost 80% of children show that the cancer has spread to distant sites at the time of diagnosis).
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010

First off, Happy Birthday Mike and Ashley! Sorry I didn't send a card; I hope you two had a great day!
Today was an absolutely beautiful day! David absolutely loved today. Last night was great, according to him, too. We had lightening, thunder, and rain during the night. Then it pretty much rained all day today. We had lightening, and VERY loud thunder today. And it poured for awhile. And there is snow on the mountains, still! And we had a fire in the woodstove. It was a perfect day! David was so excited to have the day we had today. And, as is fitting for the day, I made Chunky Chicken Potato Soup for dinner!! It was a perfect dinner for a cold, rainy day.
And we got some firewood today! Thank you, Sharon, for buying the wood for us. It was too rainy to stack it, so it is in the garage. Now our garage smells like Christmas!! The cars are all parked outside getting washed, lol. God is washing our cars for us. It is raining right now as I write this. It is supposed to rain and storm tomorrow, too. Our highs are only in the 50's! We are loving it!! We were so ready for Fall, and I think it is finally here! YAY!
We are getting nervous about David's scans coming up in a week. We just pray that there are no more surprises, and that the lung mets are still stable! I do get frustrated when people say how 'good' David looks. He looked good when the cancer was growing in his young body, too! How he looks is just not an indication of what is happening in his lungs. I know people mean well, and I don't hold it against them when they say that, it just frustrates me is all. Please pray that David's scans come back stable. Thank you.
Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening, and thank you for all your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Despite the success of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, it has one of the lowest survival rates for pediatric cancer.
Today was an absolutely beautiful day! David absolutely loved today. Last night was great, according to him, too. We had lightening, thunder, and rain during the night. Then it pretty much rained all day today. We had lightening, and VERY loud thunder today. And it poured for awhile. And there is snow on the mountains, still! And we had a fire in the woodstove. It was a perfect day! David was so excited to have the day we had today. And, as is fitting for the day, I made Chunky Chicken Potato Soup for dinner!! It was a perfect dinner for a cold, rainy day.
And we got some firewood today! Thank you, Sharon, for buying the wood for us. It was too rainy to stack it, so it is in the garage. Now our garage smells like Christmas!! The cars are all parked outside getting washed, lol. God is washing our cars for us. It is raining right now as I write this. It is supposed to rain and storm tomorrow, too. Our highs are only in the 50's! We are loving it!! We were so ready for Fall, and I think it is finally here! YAY!
We are getting nervous about David's scans coming up in a week. We just pray that there are no more surprises, and that the lung mets are still stable! I do get frustrated when people say how 'good' David looks. He looked good when the cancer was growing in his young body, too! How he looks is just not an indication of what is happening in his lungs. I know people mean well, and I don't hold it against them when they say that, it just frustrates me is all. Please pray that David's scans come back stable. Thank you.
Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening, and thank you for all your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Despite the success of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, it has one of the lowest survival rates for pediatric cancer.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Happy October!
Well, September is over, and so is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Sadly, Childhood Cancer is NOT over~~~far from it! We still need awareness and funding to find a cure. Every month is Childhood Cancer Awareness month to us!!
Things are going ok. David is still not really eating. When I make something he likes, he will eat a lot (relatively speaking) of it. The one thing he really likes is a specific brand of ice cream. The only thing is, the only place we can find this ice cream is at Winco in Reno!! It is Tillamook ice cream. His favorite flavor is Tillamook Mudslide. It seems that every time we go to Reno, we stop at Winco; but there isn't always his favorite flavor. But he does like the Rocky Road, too. He doesn't like ice cream; with the exception of Tillamook brand. It is a really good ice cream~~really creamy. So, today Rachel and I went to Reno and we got him some ice cream. Bryon went golfing with some friends from work, and he invited Pat from church. They had a good time. And Rachel and I had a good time together. So the day was busy, but fun.
The weather is typical Northern Nevada!! We have had record heat this past week~~in the 90's! Then today started out warm, and then this afternoon it started raining! Thunder, lightening, and LOTS of rain! We are really enjoying the very cool weather. There is even snow on the mountains around us! The rain was so wonderful. We are hoping the rain knocked the pollen out of the air! Rain is in the forecast for the rest of the week, off and on, so that is wonderful. Allergies~~~go go away!!
Well, that is about it for the weekend. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David. Have a good rest of your weekend. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist
Well, September is over, and so is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Sadly, Childhood Cancer is NOT over~~~far from it! We still need awareness and funding to find a cure. Every month is Childhood Cancer Awareness month to us!!
Things are going ok. David is still not really eating. When I make something he likes, he will eat a lot (relatively speaking) of it. The one thing he really likes is a specific brand of ice cream. The only thing is, the only place we can find this ice cream is at Winco in Reno!! It is Tillamook ice cream. His favorite flavor is Tillamook Mudslide. It seems that every time we go to Reno, we stop at Winco; but there isn't always his favorite flavor. But he does like the Rocky Road, too. He doesn't like ice cream; with the exception of Tillamook brand. It is a really good ice cream~~really creamy. So, today Rachel and I went to Reno and we got him some ice cream. Bryon went golfing with some friends from work, and he invited Pat from church. They had a good time. And Rachel and I had a good time together. So the day was busy, but fun.
The weather is typical Northern Nevada!! We have had record heat this past week~~in the 90's! Then today started out warm, and then this afternoon it started raining! Thunder, lightening, and LOTS of rain! We are really enjoying the very cool weather. There is even snow on the mountains around us! The rain was so wonderful. We are hoping the rain knocked the pollen out of the air! Rain is in the forecast for the rest of the week, off and on, so that is wonderful. Allergies~~~go go away!!
Well, that is about it for the weekend. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David. Have a good rest of your weekend. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Good evening.
Thank you to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday, here and on Facebook. It was a good day. I pretty much cleaned house and did laundry most of the day, but the downstairs looks great! It looks the best it has looked in a long time. Actually, Bryon and I did most of it over the weekend, I just had some 'finishing up' that needed to be done. Then Jeremy, Lucy, and Jennifer all came over for dinner~~~we had BBQ'd burgers! They were yummy. I wanted to go to Chili's because every September they donate all the proceeds to St. Jude (and it seems to fall on my birthday every year), but we just couldn't afford it. It was nice to be home, though. Rachel made me a coconut cake, and it is soooo yummy!! It was really nice to be together, all 7 of us. Before long, it is going to be 8 of us!! I can't wait!!
David is doing the same. He is still plugging away with school. He is so funny. He is taking German, and when he has his Elluminate classes (that is like a lecture, it is audio) the teacher makes him (and all the students in turn) speak into their microphones so he can hear them speak. David always says, "ohhh, I don't want to do this!" But EVERY time he speaks, the teacher gets so excited because he says David does it perfect! He has never had to correct David on pronouncuation or tell him he used any words incorrectly. I am so proud of him. He just cracks me up. He hates speaking it, but he does it perfectly! Jeremy speaks fluent French, and I guess David is destined to speak German!! He is doing ok in his other classes, too. He just still has some memory issues, and I guess he always will. But he still tries his best, and that is all we have ever asked of any of our children. Like I said many times before; school just used to come pretty easy to him. He went from getting almost all A's (just a couple B's), to struggling for C's!! Please continue to pray for him this school year. Thank you.
Yesterday I got a call from Oakland Children's Hospital~~~David's next scans are on October 11th. We have to check in at 8:30am, so we will be going to Oakland the day before, after church. I am so glad that Connie understands how we feel come scan time. She said that no matter how far 'out' from chemo we get, the scanxiety doesn't get any easier! As a matter of fact, it hit me really hard this time. As I was writing it on the calendar I got instantly nauseous and couldn't stop crying!! I don't know why, other that the fact that I get scared! Connie told us that David will never be in 'remission' and that they will keep a close eye on him as he is at high risk of relapse. We try to just not think about it until scan time comes around. Then it knocks up the side of the head!! Please pray for our peace as we wait this 2 weeks. Then when we get the results I will let you know.
Thanks for visiting. That is about all that is happening on the Koury Cancer front! You all have a great evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“Each day that pediatric cancer research goes under-funded, the road to discovering new treatments and cures become longer, and more children are put at risk,” said Gregory Reaman, M.D., Chairman of the Children's Oncology Group
Thank you to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday, here and on Facebook. It was a good day. I pretty much cleaned house and did laundry most of the day, but the downstairs looks great! It looks the best it has looked in a long time. Actually, Bryon and I did most of it over the weekend, I just had some 'finishing up' that needed to be done. Then Jeremy, Lucy, and Jennifer all came over for dinner~~~we had BBQ'd burgers! They were yummy. I wanted to go to Chili's because every September they donate all the proceeds to St. Jude (and it seems to fall on my birthday every year), but we just couldn't afford it. It was nice to be home, though. Rachel made me a coconut cake, and it is soooo yummy!! It was really nice to be together, all 7 of us. Before long, it is going to be 8 of us!! I can't wait!!
David is doing the same. He is still plugging away with school. He is so funny. He is taking German, and when he has his Elluminate classes (that is like a lecture, it is audio) the teacher makes him (and all the students in turn) speak into their microphones so he can hear them speak. David always says, "ohhh, I don't want to do this!" But EVERY time he speaks, the teacher gets so excited because he says David does it perfect! He has never had to correct David on pronouncuation or tell him he used any words incorrectly. I am so proud of him. He just cracks me up. He hates speaking it, but he does it perfectly! Jeremy speaks fluent French, and I guess David is destined to speak German!! He is doing ok in his other classes, too. He just still has some memory issues, and I guess he always will. But he still tries his best, and that is all we have ever asked of any of our children. Like I said many times before; school just used to come pretty easy to him. He went from getting almost all A's (just a couple B's), to struggling for C's!! Please continue to pray for him this school year. Thank you.
Yesterday I got a call from Oakland Children's Hospital~~~David's next scans are on October 11th. We have to check in at 8:30am, so we will be going to Oakland the day before, after church. I am so glad that Connie understands how we feel come scan time. She said that no matter how far 'out' from chemo we get, the scanxiety doesn't get any easier! As a matter of fact, it hit me really hard this time. As I was writing it on the calendar I got instantly nauseous and couldn't stop crying!! I don't know why, other that the fact that I get scared! Connie told us that David will never be in 'remission' and that they will keep a close eye on him as he is at high risk of relapse. We try to just not think about it until scan time comes around. Then it knocks up the side of the head!! Please pray for our peace as we wait this 2 weeks. Then when we get the results I will let you know.
Thanks for visiting. That is about all that is happening on the Koury Cancer front! You all have a great evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“Each day that pediatric cancer research goes under-funded, the road to discovering new treatments and cures become longer, and more children are put at risk,” said Gregory Reaman, M.D., Chairman of the Children's Oncology Group
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Cancer Moms
I belong to a special group of women
My friends and I have an amazing bond.
We never wanted to be in this group,
Yet we are in, for life.
Maybe we have met, maybe we haven’t,
Yet our love for each other is boundless.
We know the pain the other one feels,
And we share our victories small or huge.
Words like chemo, IV, Zofran , bald heads
Are always parts of our conversations,
As well as roidrage, tears, and meltdowns…
We always know where the closest puke bucket is ,
We can hold it in one hand and if necessary,
Swallow the sandwich the other hand was holding.
We can drive to the hospital ,
Park in the dark parking garage
Make our way thru the halls of the hospital
And to the appropriate floor,
Settle in a room, turn the TV on,
Give instructions to the head nurse,
Silence loud beeping IV pumps,
Direct a wagon AND an IV pole
To the playroom without hitting anything.
Make our way back to the correct room.
And all this, mind you,
With our eyes closed at any given time.
We know how to draw blood from lines
Sticking out of our kids' chests.
We can hold them down with one hand,
While a nasogastric tube is inserted in their little nose,
And be on the phone with their dads at the same time.
We can live for days on hospital food,
And on maybe only one meal a day .
We know the names of up to 20 different drugs,
Their purpose, dosage and time to be taken.
We are always on call, 24 hours a day ,
Seven days a week.
We are used to not always looking our best,
Hard to do with only a few hours of sleep.
Make up , hair styling, skirts are words of the past .
We have become addicted to texting ,
hospital, clinic, home, wherever…
We talk sometimes at all hours of the night ,
We know we can count on someone to be up.
Then for one of us, the world stops .
She has to walk away, broken.
The job is over, but the fight is on.
Remember, I said we were in this forever.
We are friends, sisters, temporary nurses,
We are each others rock, each others punching bag,
We listen, we vent, we cry, we laugh together .
We share our lives and our deaths
We share our pain and our victories.
We are strong, but not by choice ,
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose,
But never are we defeated.
We are not nurses.
We are not doctors.
We are cancer moms…
I wanted to post this again, as a reminder to all. We belong to this special group for the rest of our lives. None of want, or chose, to be part of this group, but we are all glad that we are there for each other. I love all my fellow 'cancer moms.' They are my family!
As September is drawing to a close, I already see a LOT of pink out there. Where is the GOLD? I would like to say it is crowded out by the pink; but I just never saw the GOLD. We talked to people about what September is, and they were clueless!!! Very sad. Maybe someday the GOLD will evoke as much passion as the pink; I pray it does. The children are our future!! We let them all die, or suffer long-term effects of cancer, and we won't have to worry about adults getting cancer~~~there won't be enough!! *sigh*
I guess I am not in a real good mood today. We had to watch our next-door neighbors walk away from their house yesterday. Not by choice, they were foreclosed on. Breaks my heart. They are in their mid-seventies (I think), and the sweetest people. It is just so sad. We have lived next to them the whole 10 years we have been here!! We are really going to miss him. We will keep in touch, but it just won't be the same. Please pray for Jack and Marsha as they try to start over, especially at their age. Thanks.
I don't know how McKenna is doing at this point. I just pray that she is staying as 'healthy' as possible. I pray her biological mother is not taking her to any more hospitals (worst place ever) or casino restaurants. To answer some of you, her website is She is a beautiful child. Please pray that she is healthy enough to start her next round of chemo on the 28th. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Have a good weekend. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.
I belong to a special group of women
My friends and I have an amazing bond.
We never wanted to be in this group,
Yet we are in, for life.
Maybe we have met, maybe we haven’t,
Yet our love for each other is boundless.
We know the pain the other one feels,
And we share our victories small or huge.
Words like chemo, IV, Zofran , bald heads
Are always parts of our conversations,
As well as roidrage, tears, and meltdowns…
We always know where the closest puke bucket is ,
We can hold it in one hand and if necessary,
Swallow the sandwich the other hand was holding.
We can drive to the hospital ,
Park in the dark parking garage
Make our way thru the halls of the hospital
And to the appropriate floor,
Settle in a room, turn the TV on,
Give instructions to the head nurse,
Silence loud beeping IV pumps,
Direct a wagon AND an IV pole
To the playroom without hitting anything.
Make our way back to the correct room.
And all this, mind you,
With our eyes closed at any given time.
We know how to draw blood from lines
Sticking out of our kids' chests.
We can hold them down with one hand,
While a nasogastric tube is inserted in their little nose,
And be on the phone with their dads at the same time.
We can live for days on hospital food,
And on maybe only one meal a day .
We know the names of up to 20 different drugs,
Their purpose, dosage and time to be taken.
We are always on call, 24 hours a day ,
Seven days a week.
We are used to not always looking our best,
Hard to do with only a few hours of sleep.
Make up , hair styling, skirts are words of the past .
We have become addicted to texting ,
hospital, clinic, home, wherever…
We talk sometimes at all hours of the night ,
We know we can count on someone to be up.
Then for one of us, the world stops .
She has to walk away, broken.
The job is over, but the fight is on.
Remember, I said we were in this forever.
We are friends, sisters, temporary nurses,
We are each others rock, each others punching bag,
We listen, we vent, we cry, we laugh together .
We share our lives and our deaths
We share our pain and our victories.
We are strong, but not by choice ,
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose,
But never are we defeated.
We are not nurses.
We are not doctors.
We are cancer moms…
I wanted to post this again, as a reminder to all. We belong to this special group for the rest of our lives. None of want, or chose, to be part of this group, but we are all glad that we are there for each other. I love all my fellow 'cancer moms.' They are my family!
As September is drawing to a close, I already see a LOT of pink out there. Where is the GOLD? I would like to say it is crowded out by the pink; but I just never saw the GOLD. We talked to people about what September is, and they were clueless!!! Very sad. Maybe someday the GOLD will evoke as much passion as the pink; I pray it does. The children are our future!! We let them all die, or suffer long-term effects of cancer, and we won't have to worry about adults getting cancer~~~there won't be enough!! *sigh*
I guess I am not in a real good mood today. We had to watch our next-door neighbors walk away from their house yesterday. Not by choice, they were foreclosed on. Breaks my heart. They are in their mid-seventies (I think), and the sweetest people. It is just so sad. We have lived next to them the whole 10 years we have been here!! We are really going to miss him. We will keep in touch, but it just won't be the same. Please pray for Jack and Marsha as they try to start over, especially at their age. Thanks.
I don't know how McKenna is doing at this point. I just pray that she is staying as 'healthy' as possible. I pray her biological mother is not taking her to any more hospitals (worst place ever) or casino restaurants. To answer some of you, her website is She is a beautiful child. Please pray that she is healthy enough to start her next round of chemo on the 28th. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Have a good weekend. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.
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