Good evening.
Sorry I haven't updated sooner. The trip to San Francisco went well. My best friend came with us. She just needed to get away for a day, and see some new sights, so we took her with us. She got to see first hand how exhausting these trips are. People who don't do it have really NO idea how tough these trips are. And these are the easy ones! Not near as rough as the chemo trips! Anyway, we left around 7:45am and got to S.F. around 11:45 or so. We had lunch across the street from the UCSF at this yummy deli. Then we went across the street to get David's leg xrayed. Then we had David's appointment. Dr. O'Donnell watched David walk and checked out the xrays. He said his 'bad' leg is still a bit shorter, so we are to come back in 3 months and check again. If need be, we will schedule the surgery for June. He said when we come back in May they will xray David's left knee to see if it is done growing. If it is done growing, we will discuss the surgery to replace the expandable implant with a non-expandable one. Dr. O says probably when David is around 17 or 18; depending. So, we will see how things go. But that was a good appointment.
After San Francisco we went to Oakland Children's Hospital. We had to give something to Christine in Nuclear Medicine. She was so excited with what we brought her. Then we knew of another boy with Osteo (from our support group website) named Alex, so we went up and saw him. We spent some time with his mom. His sister is the one who spends the most time with him so we were hoping to meet her; but it was good to meet and spend time with his mom. Then we left Oakland and came home. We got home a little after 10pm. It was a good day, just exhausting, as usual.
The weather has been great here. We have had snow, rain, hail, and wind. It has been nice.
Please pray for David as he is studying to take the Nevada Proficiency test in a couple of weeks. I have to take him to Reno for the test. His test dates are March 11 and 12. Please pray he passes them, he can't get a diploma without passing the tests. Thanks.
Please continue to pray about our house situation. Bryon had contacted Dean Heller's (our NV congressman) office; and Harry Reid's office. Well, we got NOWHERE with Harry Reid (big surprise); but Dean Heller's office is being very proactive in helping us. So, things are moving. We still don't know exactly what is going to happen, so we are still praying we can keep our house. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to uplift us in your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Pediatric cancer is a punishing disease for children and their families. And the often harsh treatments for cancer can impede youngsters' development at a crucial time.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Good evening.
Well, today was a VERY interesting day. I have told you all how much stress I am under. Well, I found out, the hard way, about a mistake I made. When we ran out of checks in the checkbook, I grabbed another book of checks from the box. No big deal, right? Well, normally that would be true. Well, unbeknown to me, somehow a book from an account that was closed almost 3 years ago was in the box. And did I grab that book? Of course I did. So, after I got a notice that a check I had written had been returned, I promptly went to the bank to try to straighten it out. They informed me that I had written the check on the closed account. So I spent the better part of the afternoon calling all the companies I had written a check to; then I promptly burned the remaining checks from that book. We have NO idea how that rogue book of checks found it's way into the box of 'good' checks! We didn't know we still had checks from that closed account. *sigh* It is a more convoluted story that I posted, I gave you the Reader's Digest condensed version! Stress is high in my life, can you tell? I am so glad today is over! But at least I was able to get everything straightened out, for the most part. So it is all good.
Tomorrow we go to San Francisco. It will be a long day, as it always is when we go to S.F. We are meeting with the surgeon. He will be taking a look at David's leg to see if we need to schedule another surgery this summer. If so, it will probably be in June. Please pray for our safety as we drive to San Francisco. Thank you.
I was talking to the Physical Therapy office today, they are really missing David. I haven't taken him lately because he has been feeling a bit 'under the weather' and we needed to make sure he is healthy for tomorrow. So I told them we will be there next week. So, Toby, you will see him in the pool on Thursday! We love them, and we know they love David. It will be good to get him back working out regularly again.
David had fun in Bible Study tonight. He was glad he got to go. So he had a good night.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please keep our house situation in your prayers. Thank you for all your prayers. Have a good day tomorrow. If we get home early enough tomorrow I will post how the appointment went. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Nationally, childhood cancer is 20x more prevalent than pediatric AIDS.
Pediatric AIDS receives 4x the funding that childhood cancer receives.
In one month there are 2x as many deaths from childhood cancer as pediatric AIDS for the entire year.
Well, today was a VERY interesting day. I have told you all how much stress I am under. Well, I found out, the hard way, about a mistake I made. When we ran out of checks in the checkbook, I grabbed another book of checks from the box. No big deal, right? Well, normally that would be true. Well, unbeknown to me, somehow a book from an account that was closed almost 3 years ago was in the box. And did I grab that book? Of course I did. So, after I got a notice that a check I had written had been returned, I promptly went to the bank to try to straighten it out. They informed me that I had written the check on the closed account. So I spent the better part of the afternoon calling all the companies I had written a check to; then I promptly burned the remaining checks from that book. We have NO idea how that rogue book of checks found it's way into the box of 'good' checks! We didn't know we still had checks from that closed account. *sigh* It is a more convoluted story that I posted, I gave you the Reader's Digest condensed version! Stress is high in my life, can you tell? I am so glad today is over! But at least I was able to get everything straightened out, for the most part. So it is all good.
Tomorrow we go to San Francisco. It will be a long day, as it always is when we go to S.F. We are meeting with the surgeon. He will be taking a look at David's leg to see if we need to schedule another surgery this summer. If so, it will probably be in June. Please pray for our safety as we drive to San Francisco. Thank you.
I was talking to the Physical Therapy office today, they are really missing David. I haven't taken him lately because he has been feeling a bit 'under the weather' and we needed to make sure he is healthy for tomorrow. So I told them we will be there next week. So, Toby, you will see him in the pool on Thursday! We love them, and we know they love David. It will be good to get him back working out regularly again.
David had fun in Bible Study tonight. He was glad he got to go. So he had a good night.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please keep our house situation in your prayers. Thank you for all your prayers. Have a good day tomorrow. If we get home early enough tomorrow I will post how the appointment went. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Nationally, childhood cancer is 20x more prevalent than pediatric AIDS.
Pediatric AIDS receives 4x the funding that childhood cancer receives.
In one month there are 2x as many deaths from childhood cancer as pediatric AIDS for the entire year.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tomorrow is Free Pancake Night at IHOP; so if you have an IHOP near you, go have some pancakes. They do this for Children's Miracle Network. We went last year, and David met Miss Nevada. Please go and support Children's Miracle Network. Thanks.
Things are very interesting around here~~~I will post as thing transpire. Please keep praying for my family. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting, and for all your notes of encouragement to me. I appreciate it more than you know. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'There is no tragedy in life like the death of a child.Things never get back to the way they were.'~~~ President Dwight Eisenhower
Things are very interesting around here~~~I will post as thing transpire. Please keep praying for my family. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting, and for all your notes of encouragement to me. I appreciate it more than you know. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'There is no tragedy in life like the death of a child.Things never get back to the way they were.'~~~ President Dwight Eisenhower
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Good evening.
I forgot to tell you a couple of things. #1~~~Joey's scans came back clear!! Thank you God! Thank you for your prayers. #2~~~Amber came through her surgery fine. Please continue to pray for her pain and her healing. Thank you. Sorry I forgot to tell you this yesterday.
Today was a busy (as usual) day. Bryon and I did the grocery shopping. I got everything on my list, yay! Had to go to 4 different stores.......oh well. I am glad it is just done. Now I have to put it all away. Then we went to church tonight. It was really good.
Please continue to pray about our house. We have a couple of leads, and things are very interesting around here. But I know that God is good at swooping in at the last second and working things out. So we will see. Clearly, my first choice is to keep my house. But if we lose it, we lose it. God has been speaking to me and reminding me that this is just my temporary home anyway. My mansion is in Heaven with Him, so it truly doesn't matter where I live while I am on this earth. He will always be there with, and for, me. He is the only One who will never leave me or forsake me. He is the only One who will NEVER let me down, betray me, or walk away when things are tough. He accepts me NO MATTER WHAT!! So I know I can trust Him to take care of us. This life is not about me, it is about HIM. It is about giving God the glory. Does that mean everything will go my way? Of course not! My child has cancer! It just means that He loves us, and we live in a sinful world where bad things happen. But He is there, always. And He will get the glory no matter what happens to David. As I said many months ago; if David lives, he wins; he is still alive. If David dies, he wins; he goes to Heaven to wait for us. We have the hope of seeing him again. I can't imagine not having that hope. Of course we pray that David survives this cancer; but there are so many children who have died just in the time since David was diagnosed. And there are some children right now who are out of options. That is why I am realizing that a house is just boards and paint and glass. We are a family, and we can make a home wherever we live. This is 'easy' for me to say, but still hard to accept sometimes. I still don't want to lose my house. Please pray that I/we will be able to accept whatever happens. Thanks.
Please continue to keep our osteo family members in your prayers: Rachel, Nick, Todd, Lindsey, Nikki, Sara S, Sara R, Kennedy, Chris, Teagan, Meghan, Ben B, Zoe, Ty, Nicki, Madison, Frankie, Keaton, Amber, Jenna, Case, Sam, Conner, Garrett, Andreas, Natalie, Sonya, Brendan, Jonah, Justin, Amanda, Marianne, to name a few. I know I have forgotten some, please forgive me. Please pray that the tumors in David's lungs stay just the way they are and do NOT grow. Or better yet, pray they just flat out go away!! Thank you for your continued prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night, and a blessed day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.
I forgot to tell you a couple of things. #1~~~Joey's scans came back clear!! Thank you God! Thank you for your prayers. #2~~~Amber came through her surgery fine. Please continue to pray for her pain and her healing. Thank you. Sorry I forgot to tell you this yesterday.
Today was a busy (as usual) day. Bryon and I did the grocery shopping. I got everything on my list, yay! Had to go to 4 different stores.......oh well. I am glad it is just done. Now I have to put it all away. Then we went to church tonight. It was really good.
Please continue to pray about our house. We have a couple of leads, and things are very interesting around here. But I know that God is good at swooping in at the last second and working things out. So we will see. Clearly, my first choice is to keep my house. But if we lose it, we lose it. God has been speaking to me and reminding me that this is just my temporary home anyway. My mansion is in Heaven with Him, so it truly doesn't matter where I live while I am on this earth. He will always be there with, and for, me. He is the only One who will never leave me or forsake me. He is the only One who will NEVER let me down, betray me, or walk away when things are tough. He accepts me NO MATTER WHAT!! So I know I can trust Him to take care of us. This life is not about me, it is about HIM. It is about giving God the glory. Does that mean everything will go my way? Of course not! My child has cancer! It just means that He loves us, and we live in a sinful world where bad things happen. But He is there, always. And He will get the glory no matter what happens to David. As I said many months ago; if David lives, he wins; he is still alive. If David dies, he wins; he goes to Heaven to wait for us. We have the hope of seeing him again. I can't imagine not having that hope. Of course we pray that David survives this cancer; but there are so many children who have died just in the time since David was diagnosed. And there are some children right now who are out of options. That is why I am realizing that a house is just boards and paint and glass. We are a family, and we can make a home wherever we live. This is 'easy' for me to say, but still hard to accept sometimes. I still don't want to lose my house. Please pray that I/we will be able to accept whatever happens. Thanks.
Please continue to keep our osteo family members in your prayers: Rachel, Nick, Todd, Lindsey, Nikki, Sara S, Sara R, Kennedy, Chris, Teagan, Meghan, Ben B, Zoe, Ty, Nicki, Madison, Frankie, Keaton, Amber, Jenna, Case, Sam, Conner, Garrett, Andreas, Natalie, Sonya, Brendan, Jonah, Justin, Amanda, Marianne, to name a few. I know I have forgotten some, please forgive me. Please pray that the tumors in David's lungs stay just the way they are and do NOT grow. Or better yet, pray they just flat out go away!! Thank you for your continued prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night, and a blessed day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
P.S.~~~~God only promised to supply all our NEEDS, He never promised to give us all our WANTS!! As selfish humans, we want all the 'wants,' too. We need to be satisfied with just the 'needs' and be content if He doesn't give us everything we want. And right now I have God, my husband, and the 5 is good. Thanks for your prayers.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Good evening.
Today was a busy day. We had to go to Reno this morning to get a certified copy of Bryon's name change. When he was 16 his last name was changed from 'Peters' to 'Koury.' He did not have a certified copy of the paper, and he needs it for many reasons. #1~~in order to get a new driver's license (the Real ID act) you have to have a lot of identification. Well, his birth certificate doesn't match his driver's license or his social security card name. So we had to get a copy of the name change so he can get a copy of his birth certificate. It is kind of a long story. #2~~he also needs all this info to get a passport. A few years ago we were going to go to Canada, but Bryon didn't have a birth certificate to get a passport. Plus, for years we have been talking about going on an Alaskan cruise, and, again. he needs a passport. It is kind of a mess........I have our marriage certificate with my 'name change' on it, so I'm all good :) I don't see us taking that cruise any time real soon, but one never knows! If things work out with the house, we will be able to save money to do things that we want to do! We are still in major prayer about the house. Please continue to pray about us keeping our house. Thank you.
When we went to the court house they had to 'wand' David. Yep, he set off the metal detectors!! I told them that I have the documentation about the prosthesis, but they said it was ok, they would just wand him and it would all be good. I totally forgot about the metal detectors! He thought it was kinda fun; crazy kid!!! If he goes through metal detectors in the summer (and he is wearing shorts) they will see the big 'ol scar! So that made David's morning interesting!
Then we came home and I got to get my nails done (thank you, Jennifer and Rachel). I am so thankful to my daughters for giving me the wonderful gift of my nails. It was nice to be 'pampered' for that hour.
Then it was dinner, put food away, dishes, etc. And now we are just relaxing in front of the fire. Actually, I need to finish making my shopping list. I made my 'menu' list (what we will be eating for the next 2 weeks), now I need to make the list of the ingredients to buy to make those meals. It is so much cheaper for me to do it that way. Plus, I don't have the "what should I make for dinner tonight" problem. I have a list, and I just pick from the list. It takes a bit of stress off of me! And that is a good thing!!
I want to say a big THANK YOU to whomever deposited money into David's account. We have to make a trip to San Francisco on Thursday, so the money will come in handy. Thank you so very much!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a great night. God bless you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I live through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'"~~~Eleanor Roosevelt
Today was a busy day. We had to go to Reno this morning to get a certified copy of Bryon's name change. When he was 16 his last name was changed from 'Peters' to 'Koury.' He did not have a certified copy of the paper, and he needs it for many reasons. #1~~in order to get a new driver's license (the Real ID act) you have to have a lot of identification. Well, his birth certificate doesn't match his driver's license or his social security card name. So we had to get a copy of the name change so he can get a copy of his birth certificate. It is kind of a long story. #2~~he also needs all this info to get a passport. A few years ago we were going to go to Canada, but Bryon didn't have a birth certificate to get a passport. Plus, for years we have been talking about going on an Alaskan cruise, and, again. he needs a passport. It is kind of a mess........I have our marriage certificate with my 'name change' on it, so I'm all good :) I don't see us taking that cruise any time real soon, but one never knows! If things work out with the house, we will be able to save money to do things that we want to do! We are still in major prayer about the house. Please continue to pray about us keeping our house. Thank you.
When we went to the court house they had to 'wand' David. Yep, he set off the metal detectors!! I told them that I have the documentation about the prosthesis, but they said it was ok, they would just wand him and it would all be good. I totally forgot about the metal detectors! He thought it was kinda fun; crazy kid!!! If he goes through metal detectors in the summer (and he is wearing shorts) they will see the big 'ol scar! So that made David's morning interesting!
Then we came home and I got to get my nails done (thank you, Jennifer and Rachel). I am so thankful to my daughters for giving me the wonderful gift of my nails. It was nice to be 'pampered' for that hour.
Then it was dinner, put food away, dishes, etc. And now we are just relaxing in front of the fire. Actually, I need to finish making my shopping list. I made my 'menu' list (what we will be eating for the next 2 weeks), now I need to make the list of the ingredients to buy to make those meals. It is so much cheaper for me to do it that way. Plus, I don't have the "what should I make for dinner tonight" problem. I have a list, and I just pick from the list. It takes a bit of stress off of me! And that is a good thing!!
I want to say a big THANK YOU to whomever deposited money into David's account. We have to make a trip to San Francisco on Thursday, so the money will come in handy. Thank you so very much!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a great night. God bless you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I live through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'"~~~Eleanor Roosevelt
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Good evening.
Things are interesting around here, to say the least! Please keep praying about our house. I will leave it at that, for now.
Please pray that my stress level can be reduced. On the outside, people think I am fine. Well, remember I said that my eyelashes are falling out because of stress? Well, there is more evidence of my body reacting to the stress. I had my teeth cleaned today. Normally my teeth are fine, and very little bleeding with the cleaning. Well, the hygienist said that though my teeth are good; very little tartar, very little plaque; but my gums tell the truth! She said I am doing everything right, taking good care of my teeth, but my gums are not so good. So she put me on a low dose antibiotic, and has me using a special rinse twice a day for 2 weeks. Please pray for my stress level. But I guess with the house situation and David..........*sigh*
David didn't go to Bible Study tonight. Actually, it was 'fun night' and they were going to play lazer tag. He didn't go for two reasons: #1, he would be too easy of a target~~~he can't run! He wouldn't have that much fun when he can't really play. #2, we really couldn't afford it anyway. I feel bad about that, but it is what it is. So he just stayed home tonight. He loves going, and he will go next week.
Please pray for a boy named Joey. He has scans tomorrow. He is a lymphoma survivor. Please pray that his scans come back clear. Thanks!
Also, please pray for another woman named Amber. She is having a thoracotomy tomorrow. Please pray for minimal pain, and rapid healing. Thanks!
Please remember all our Osteo family members in your prayers. Some are struggling BIG time; Keaton, Lindsey, Rachel, Nick, Todd, to name just a few. Thank you for praying for these children.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please continue to pray about our house. God is still in the miracle business, and one never knows!! Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'When you get to the end of your rope; tie a knot and hang on.'~~~Winston Churchill
Things are interesting around here, to say the least! Please keep praying about our house. I will leave it at that, for now.
Please pray that my stress level can be reduced. On the outside, people think I am fine. Well, remember I said that my eyelashes are falling out because of stress? Well, there is more evidence of my body reacting to the stress. I had my teeth cleaned today. Normally my teeth are fine, and very little bleeding with the cleaning. Well, the hygienist said that though my teeth are good; very little tartar, very little plaque; but my gums tell the truth! She said I am doing everything right, taking good care of my teeth, but my gums are not so good. So she put me on a low dose antibiotic, and has me using a special rinse twice a day for 2 weeks. Please pray for my stress level. But I guess with the house situation and David..........*sigh*
David didn't go to Bible Study tonight. Actually, it was 'fun night' and they were going to play lazer tag. He didn't go for two reasons: #1, he would be too easy of a target~~~he can't run! He wouldn't have that much fun when he can't really play. #2, we really couldn't afford it anyway. I feel bad about that, but it is what it is. So he just stayed home tonight. He loves going, and he will go next week.
Please pray for a boy named Joey. He has scans tomorrow. He is a lymphoma survivor. Please pray that his scans come back clear. Thanks!
Also, please pray for another woman named Amber. She is having a thoracotomy tomorrow. Please pray for minimal pain, and rapid healing. Thanks!
Please remember all our Osteo family members in your prayers. Some are struggling BIG time; Keaton, Lindsey, Rachel, Nick, Todd, to name just a few. Thank you for praying for these children.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please continue to pray about our house. God is still in the miracle business, and one never knows!! Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'When you get to the end of your rope; tie a knot and hang on.'~~~Winston Churchill
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Good evening.
Please continue to pray about our housing situation. A very specific request is that when we do apply to rent a house, that our credit will not hurt us too bad. Clearly our credit is in the toilet, and I don't want it to hinder us from being able to get a house to rent. We have to move, and I don't want to be homeless!! Please pray that the landlords we apply to will be understanding of our situation and realize that we WILL pay rent, we have to have a roof over our heads!! Without a $3000+ mortgage, we can afford the rent on a house!! Please pray. Thank you.
I will update again soon. Have a good night. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.'~~~Laura Ingalls Wilder
Please continue to pray about our housing situation. A very specific request is that when we do apply to rent a house, that our credit will not hurt us too bad. Clearly our credit is in the toilet, and I don't want it to hinder us from being able to get a house to rent. We have to move, and I don't want to be homeless!! Please pray that the landlords we apply to will be understanding of our situation and realize that we WILL pay rent, we have to have a roof over our heads!! Without a $3000+ mortgage, we can afford the rent on a house!! Please pray. Thank you.
I will update again soon. Have a good night. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.'~~~Laura Ingalls Wilder
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Click on this link.
It takes a few seconds to load, just be patient. Anyway, it wil explain why banks (ours) are not interested in modifying loans. Please keep praying. Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Stephen Sallan, chief of staff at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, says, 'Adults attract more cancer research than children because they are a far larger and more lucrative market. Patients younger than 20 make up 12,400 of the nearly 1.4 million Americans stricken with cancer each year. Drug companies are generally unwilling to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into such a small market,' he says.
It takes a few seconds to load, just be patient. Anyway, it wil explain why banks (ours) are not interested in modifying loans. Please keep praying. Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Stephen Sallan, chief of staff at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, says, 'Adults attract more cancer research than children because they are a far larger and more lucrative market. Patients younger than 20 make up 12,400 of the nearly 1.4 million Americans stricken with cancer each year. Drug companies are generally unwilling to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into such a small market,' he says.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Good evening.
Well, we looked at a house today. It is another beautiful house, and closer to Carson City (the other house we looked at the other day was out in Fish Springs~~~45 minutes from Carson). This house is only about 10 minutes away from our present house. Anyway, the only 'deal killer' for us would be if they don't allow dogs. We have Bryon's German Shepherd and David's Chihuahua. We would really like to get that house; please pray that if it God's will that we get it they will accept dogs. Thanks.
Because I have been asked many times, I am going to address this here instead of in individual emails. We tried for a modification from our present mortgage carrier. We have tried over and over; we have written our senator (the wonderful (gag) Harry Reid), and congressman Dean Heller. We got NOWHERE!!! There have been other things we have tried, and the bottom line is the company carrying our loan, Ocwen, is a heartless company that is only in it for the money. They basically are trying to run us out of our house because they will benefit from it. They got the bailout money, and if they foreclose and resell, they make even MORE money. We have talked to a few lawyers and they have shed a LOT of light on this situation. They don't care about the house, and they don't care about helping people with a hardship. We have fought for so long; and there just isn't any fight left. We want to keep the house, but we can't get the right help. It has come down to keeping our house, or making sure we can treat our son. Clearly that is a no-brainer!! I desperately want to keep the house; but not at the expense of my son. It just sucks so bad!! And we are having a hard time finding an acceptable house in Carson City. There are a LOT in Reno, Dayton, Fernley, Garnderville, Sparks, everywhere but Carson City. There are even more in Lake Tahoe than there are here! We are trying to find the size of house we want/need for a decent price. The only drawback with the house we looked at today is we would have to pay to store our trailer. Obviously the only 'perfect' house is the one we are living in now! But I guess that is just not to be. I have cried many tears over this, it truly breaks my heart to lose my house. Like I said before; when we bought this house 9 1/2 years ago we were NEVER going to move again. I wish I could see the future. I also wish the move was just over and done with! I am not sleeping good, and I am exhausted; physically and emotionally. I know that once I resign myself to the move, and detach myself from this house, things will be better. I just don't want to walk down the road of depression again~~~though I am close now!! Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. Pray that the house we saw today will accept our dogs. Thank you for your prayers.
The Physical Therapy office called today. They miss David, they love David. Anyway, they 'scolded' me for not bringing David in. I told them I couldn't afford it, and they said to bring him in whenever I want~~no charge! They said they know he needs it (which he does), and they want him to come in and exercise. They are sweet; and they do love David. They ALL decided that, not just Linda. So I will be bringing him in sometime, as much as I can. That will be good.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening, and a good weekend. Please, please pray for us. Pray for our emotional and mental state as we go through the devastation of losing our home. We are happy for people who are able to buy a house now, but it is hard to hear the excitement for them when we lost ours. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one bothered to ask.'~~~Billy Graham
Well, we looked at a house today. It is another beautiful house, and closer to Carson City (the other house we looked at the other day was out in Fish Springs~~~45 minutes from Carson). This house is only about 10 minutes away from our present house. Anyway, the only 'deal killer' for us would be if they don't allow dogs. We have Bryon's German Shepherd and David's Chihuahua. We would really like to get that house; please pray that if it God's will that we get it they will accept dogs. Thanks.
Because I have been asked many times, I am going to address this here instead of in individual emails. We tried for a modification from our present mortgage carrier. We have tried over and over; we have written our senator (the wonderful (gag) Harry Reid), and congressman Dean Heller. We got NOWHERE!!! There have been other things we have tried, and the bottom line is the company carrying our loan, Ocwen, is a heartless company that is only in it for the money. They basically are trying to run us out of our house because they will benefit from it. They got the bailout money, and if they foreclose and resell, they make even MORE money. We have talked to a few lawyers and they have shed a LOT of light on this situation. They don't care about the house, and they don't care about helping people with a hardship. We have fought for so long; and there just isn't any fight left. We want to keep the house, but we can't get the right help. It has come down to keeping our house, or making sure we can treat our son. Clearly that is a no-brainer!! I desperately want to keep the house; but not at the expense of my son. It just sucks so bad!! And we are having a hard time finding an acceptable house in Carson City. There are a LOT in Reno, Dayton, Fernley, Garnderville, Sparks, everywhere but Carson City. There are even more in Lake Tahoe than there are here! We are trying to find the size of house we want/need for a decent price. The only drawback with the house we looked at today is we would have to pay to store our trailer. Obviously the only 'perfect' house is the one we are living in now! But I guess that is just not to be. I have cried many tears over this, it truly breaks my heart to lose my house. Like I said before; when we bought this house 9 1/2 years ago we were NEVER going to move again. I wish I could see the future. I also wish the move was just over and done with! I am not sleeping good, and I am exhausted; physically and emotionally. I know that once I resign myself to the move, and detach myself from this house, things will be better. I just don't want to walk down the road of depression again~~~though I am close now!! Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. Pray that the house we saw today will accept our dogs. Thank you for your prayers.
The Physical Therapy office called today. They miss David, they love David. Anyway, they 'scolded' me for not bringing David in. I told them I couldn't afford it, and they said to bring him in whenever I want~~no charge! They said they know he needs it (which he does), and they want him to come in and exercise. They are sweet; and they do love David. They ALL decided that, not just Linda. So I will be bringing him in sometime, as much as I can. That will be good.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening, and a good weekend. Please, please pray for us. Pray for our emotional and mental state as we go through the devastation of losing our home. We are happy for people who are able to buy a house now, but it is hard to hear the excitement for them when we lost ours. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one bothered to ask.'~~~Billy Graham
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:18 PM, PST
Good evening.
We are still asking for our miracle; but in the meantime we are looking for a house to rent. It rips my heart out to do that, but we have no choice. We are socking all we have into paying mortgage, and that is no quality of life for us. We want to be able to go on vacation and give David (and us) some memories while we still have him with us. I just never thought I would be where I am in my life right now. Please pray for us that we can find the house God wants us to have. We do have some requirements for the house; we can't be expected to give up EVERYTHING!!! Giving up our home is devastating enough. So please keep us in your prayers. Thank you.
We did look at an absolutely gorgeous house today~~~it was propane heated with a gas fireplace. We knew that would not be do-able for us. We will be looking at another house tomorrow. We will see......
I will keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'It is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as one part of your life starts looking up, another falls to pieces.'~~Helen Fielding
We are still asking for our miracle; but in the meantime we are looking for a house to rent. It rips my heart out to do that, but we have no choice. We are socking all we have into paying mortgage, and that is no quality of life for us. We want to be able to go on vacation and give David (and us) some memories while we still have him with us. I just never thought I would be where I am in my life right now. Please pray for us that we can find the house God wants us to have. We do have some requirements for the house; we can't be expected to give up EVERYTHING!!! Giving up our home is devastating enough. So please keep us in your prayers. Thank you.
We did look at an absolutely gorgeous house today~~~it was propane heated with a gas fireplace. We knew that would not be do-able for us. We will be looking at another house tomorrow. We will see......
I will keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'It is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as one part of your life starts looking up, another falls to pieces.'~~Helen Fielding
Monday, February 8, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Good evening.
As I said on Facebook, I am quoting a gentlemen from church yesterday, "There are a couple more inches of global warming out there." Yeah, we had more snow. Dang that global warming! LOL
The phone call didn't happen today, hopefully tomorrow. It is too convoluted as to why it didn't happen, so I won't bore you with the details. I am just praying that something will happen that we are able to keep our house. If anyone knows of a philanthropist, or someone like that, could you let them know about us? We just want a lower payment (with a better interest rate) that we can afford. Thanks.
A number of people have said to us that, if we walk, they don't blame us. They have also said that they would do the same thing. With that being said; I DON'T WANT TO!!! Kim, you are right; if I can just let the emotional attachment go I will be ok. I will be able to 'move on' if I can just let go of the emotional attachment. But the thought of someone else living in my house is like a knife in my heart! I know it is just a house~~but that isn't the point! We would have to rent a storage unit; I really doubt we will find a house this size to rent. If we could find a house just like mine......that would be a wonderful miracle! I am just so stressed out right now! Because of all the stress I am under my body is reacting; my eyelashes are falling out! I internalize everything, and that is how my body responds. On top of everything, Bryon did our taxes and we OWE this year! Grrrrr. Please pray for our family! Thank you.
David is doing ok today. He didn't have PT, remember, we can't afford it. We have been doing research into options for treatments for David, and there are some things out there that we may have to resort to at some point in time. And insurance doesn't cover these things. We are praying we never need these treatments; but this is an aggressive cancer, it was aggressive in David, and he has those 2 lung mets, and we have to be prepared. But he is doing PT here at home, so that is good. He would rather do PT here, anyway. He doesn't like to go anywhere. He has always been a 'homebody' and being gone for a year to Oakland Children's Hospital has made him more so. So it really isn't too much of a chore to get him to do some PT here. I need to call the office and see about keeping him in the pool on Thursdays, though. We will see.
We miss Emilee. It felt strange not having her here today. Even though we only had her for 3 weeks, it feels different without her. But we know she will be back.
David is doing ok in school. He really enjoys his Elluminate sessions. He tries so hard. He is a great kid! I am so proud of him.
I want to say 'thank you' to those of you who have donated to St. Baldrick's in honor of David. I appreciate it very much!
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. I will keep you posted on what is happening. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'When you are down and out something always turns up~~and it is usually the noses of your friends.'~~~~Orson Welles
As I said on Facebook, I am quoting a gentlemen from church yesterday, "There are a couple more inches of global warming out there." Yeah, we had more snow. Dang that global warming! LOL
The phone call didn't happen today, hopefully tomorrow. It is too convoluted as to why it didn't happen, so I won't bore you with the details. I am just praying that something will happen that we are able to keep our house. If anyone knows of a philanthropist, or someone like that, could you let them know about us? We just want a lower payment (with a better interest rate) that we can afford. Thanks.
A number of people have said to us that, if we walk, they don't blame us. They have also said that they would do the same thing. With that being said; I DON'T WANT TO!!! Kim, you are right; if I can just let the emotional attachment go I will be ok. I will be able to 'move on' if I can just let go of the emotional attachment. But the thought of someone else living in my house is like a knife in my heart! I know it is just a house~~but that isn't the point! We would have to rent a storage unit; I really doubt we will find a house this size to rent. If we could find a house just like mine......that would be a wonderful miracle! I am just so stressed out right now! Because of all the stress I am under my body is reacting; my eyelashes are falling out! I internalize everything, and that is how my body responds. On top of everything, Bryon did our taxes and we OWE this year! Grrrrr. Please pray for our family! Thank you.
David is doing ok today. He didn't have PT, remember, we can't afford it. We have been doing research into options for treatments for David, and there are some things out there that we may have to resort to at some point in time. And insurance doesn't cover these things. We are praying we never need these treatments; but this is an aggressive cancer, it was aggressive in David, and he has those 2 lung mets, and we have to be prepared. But he is doing PT here at home, so that is good. He would rather do PT here, anyway. He doesn't like to go anywhere. He has always been a 'homebody' and being gone for a year to Oakland Children's Hospital has made him more so. So it really isn't too much of a chore to get him to do some PT here. I need to call the office and see about keeping him in the pool on Thursdays, though. We will see.
We miss Emilee. It felt strange not having her here today. Even though we only had her for 3 weeks, it feels different without her. But we know she will be back.
David is doing ok in school. He really enjoys his Elluminate sessions. He tries so hard. He is a great kid! I am so proud of him.
I want to say 'thank you' to those of you who have donated to St. Baldrick's in honor of David. I appreciate it very much!
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. I will keep you posted on what is happening. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'When you are down and out something always turns up~~and it is usually the noses of your friends.'~~~~Orson Welles
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Good evening, everyone.
Well, the phone call didn't go so well yesterday; things don't look good. Bryon is going to call again on Monday, so we will see. There is also a friend seeing what she can do for us. It is in God's very capable hands.........I will keep you posted. I just want to know that we tried EVERYTHING (and then some) to save the house. There are so many 'little' things that I don't want to let go of. I know it is just a house, and we are a family no matter where we live, but that really isn't the point. When we bought this house 9 1/2 years ago we were planning to NEVER move again! We moved a lot in our early years of marriage, and when the 3 older children were younger; I HATE moving! This is our first house, and I have a HUGE emotional attachment to it. One lawyer told Bryon that a lot of people are walking away from their houses; not because they can't afford it; but because they don't want to pay $500,000 for a house that is only worth $200,000-$300,000! I understand the logic in that, but I don't want to walk away without a fight! That's all I can say. Please continue to pray about this situation. Please pray that someone will be able to help us stay in the house. Thanks.
David is doing ok. His knee and leg are very sore today. He said his knee is really stiff and really hurts. Hopefully that will go away soon. He is off the Megace and doesn't really seem to be eating that good. But I am keeping an eye on him, and making sure he takes his Prevacid and Vitamins daily. He still gets very tired easily, and fatigued. We really don't know how long that will last. But he is a trooper! I am so proud of him.
Well, gotta run. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. I will let you know what happens. Thank you for the prayers. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Every child deserves a home and love. Period.'~~~Dave Thomas
Well, the phone call didn't go so well yesterday; things don't look good. Bryon is going to call again on Monday, so we will see. There is also a friend seeing what she can do for us. It is in God's very capable hands.........I will keep you posted. I just want to know that we tried EVERYTHING (and then some) to save the house. There are so many 'little' things that I don't want to let go of. I know it is just a house, and we are a family no matter where we live, but that really isn't the point. When we bought this house 9 1/2 years ago we were planning to NEVER move again! We moved a lot in our early years of marriage, and when the 3 older children were younger; I HATE moving! This is our first house, and I have a HUGE emotional attachment to it. One lawyer told Bryon that a lot of people are walking away from their houses; not because they can't afford it; but because they don't want to pay $500,000 for a house that is only worth $200,000-$300,000! I understand the logic in that, but I don't want to walk away without a fight! That's all I can say. Please continue to pray about this situation. Please pray that someone will be able to help us stay in the house. Thanks.
David is doing ok. His knee and leg are very sore today. He said his knee is really stiff and really hurts. Hopefully that will go away soon. He is off the Megace and doesn't really seem to be eating that good. But I am keeping an eye on him, and making sure he takes his Prevacid and Vitamins daily. He still gets very tired easily, and fatigued. We really don't know how long that will last. But he is a trooper! I am so proud of him.
Well, gotta run. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. I will let you know what happens. Thank you for the prayers. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Every child deserves a home and love. Period.'~~~Dave Thomas
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Good evening.
Well, today is the 2-year anniversary of David's 1st limb-salvage surgery. Two years ago today David's life was changed (again), forever.
Well, today is the 2-year anniversary of David's 1st limb-salvage surgery. Two years ago today David's life was changed (again), forever.

It also was the start of a week of him dying and nobody knew why! Wow. I am glad we are NOT in that place anymore.

Two years. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday that we were in that hospital room at UCSF~~~~sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago. Two years ago today David was on surgery #3. In October 2009 he had surgery #10. Two years ago we still didn't know what all was in store for David (and the family). Wow. Two years. Amazing.
David has had a pretty good week. He went to Bible Study last night, and was so happy to get back to it. He had PT in the pool today. He has PT in the office tomorrow. We will be talking to Connie about PT just one day a week~~~pool day. We have stuff here; Treadmill, Total Trainer, etc. that David can do here. Plus we have one of those huge blow-up balls that he does exercises on. We figured he can do his workouts at home and save some money. Every visit to the office takes away from David's lifetime cap! So he will just be doing his exercises here, except for the pool. So tomorrow will be his last office visit. I will have to call Connie tomorrow. David still limps, but I think he always will. Sometimes we struggle with wondering if we made the right decision about his leg. Should we have just gone with the amputation? He would have much more mobility than he has now. *sigh* We did the best we could, and made the best decision based on what we knew at the time. We pray it was the right decision.
Tomorrow is also my last day with Emilee. We have been having so much fun with her. She is a very good baby. She is so much more comfortable here now. She doesn't cling to me quite as much, she actually roams around the house! I can go to the other room and she doesn't get upset. She is such a sweet baby. I will miss her. There is a lady who has PT after David, and she smells Emilee's head and says, 'That is what Heaven smells like.' Sweet lady. So I will miss having Emilee.
Please remember to pray for Bryon and his meeting tomorrow. Actually, it is a phone call, but please pray that things go positive for us. Please pray that a deal can be made. If not......well, then that's it. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'The barb in the arrow of childhood suffering is this; its intense loneliness, its intense ignorance.' ~~Akhenaton
David has had a pretty good week. He went to Bible Study last night, and was so happy to get back to it. He had PT in the pool today. He has PT in the office tomorrow. We will be talking to Connie about PT just one day a week~~~pool day. We have stuff here; Treadmill, Total Trainer, etc. that David can do here. Plus we have one of those huge blow-up balls that he does exercises on. We figured he can do his workouts at home and save some money. Every visit to the office takes away from David's lifetime cap! So he will just be doing his exercises here, except for the pool. So tomorrow will be his last office visit. I will have to call Connie tomorrow. David still limps, but I think he always will. Sometimes we struggle with wondering if we made the right decision about his leg. Should we have just gone with the amputation? He would have much more mobility than he has now. *sigh* We did the best we could, and made the best decision based on what we knew at the time. We pray it was the right decision.
Tomorrow is also my last day with Emilee. We have been having so much fun with her. She is a very good baby. She is so much more comfortable here now. She doesn't cling to me quite as much, she actually roams around the house! I can go to the other room and she doesn't get upset. She is such a sweet baby. I will miss her. There is a lady who has PT after David, and she smells Emilee's head and says, 'That is what Heaven smells like.' Sweet lady. So I will miss having Emilee.
Please remember to pray for Bryon and his meeting tomorrow. Actually, it is a phone call, but please pray that things go positive for us. Please pray that a deal can be made. If not......well, then that's it. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'The barb in the arrow of childhood suffering is this; its intense loneliness, its intense ignorance.' ~~Akhenaton
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Quick update~~~I will try to update later. Please continue to pray for our housing situation. Barring a miracle, we WILL lose the house. Well, it is possible a miracle is 'in the works' at this time. We will see. Please pray that our mortgage company, Ocwen, will grow a heart and lower our payments. We have already jumped through many hoops for this blasted company~~~and so far we have gotten NOWHERE with them. Gotta run. I will try to update more later. Thank you for your prayers.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“There has been a significant lack of progress during the last two decades in treating osteosarcoma,” said Ian Lewis, Professor of Cancer Studies at St. James University Hospital in Leeds, England
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“There has been a significant lack of progress during the last two decades in treating osteosarcoma,” said Ian Lewis, Professor of Cancer Studies at St. James University Hospital in Leeds, England
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