Good evening.
Urgent prayer request~~~please pray for Nicki. This Osteo monster is rapidly taking her life from her. She is only 20 years old, and has been fighting this monster for 4 years. Please pray for her and her family. Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) is a highly malignant tumor. It characteristically presents between the ages of 10 and 30 years and has a male predominance. The tumor is usually treated with wide tumor resection and adjunctant chemotherapy. Despite treatment the prognosis is poor and a fatal outcome is the rule.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Good evening.
We are really ready for Fall!! We are tired of the hot weather. It has been in the low 90's with around 11% humidity. We pretty much stay in the house where it is cool, David just doesn't handle the heat well. We are ready to have the windows open and let the cool, fresh air in. We know Fall will be here soon, we just can't wait!
I neglected to tell you all something. I am VERY happy that the nodules in David's lungs are stable. But what I forgot to tell you, is just how good of news that is. We were told of a young man (19 years old now) who has 6 or 7 lung mets. They are 100% osteo (they have been biopsied), and they are VERY visible on the bone scan. We saw the bone scan, and we saw the mets. There is one that is quite large. The thing is, they have been there for 5 years; unchanged. We don't really understand that, but I guess anything can happen. He does NOT want any more treatment, so they are just sitting there. He had his right arm amputated due to osteo, has had at least one thoracotomy, and all the nasty chemo that all our children have had. He is done, and wants no more. Even though he was a minor when he made the decision to have no more active treatment, his parents allowed him to make that decision. I am not sure I would have allowed that. I want my son to fight this blasted cancer until he just can't fight it anymore. I guess we all just make that decision when we get to it, we have no idea what we would do ahead of time. Trust me, I am not criticizing his parents, I respect them for being able to let their son make a decision like that! And he is doing well, at this point. So, I know just how fanstastic it is that the nodules in David's lungs are unchanged!! I will take that news!
I didn't hear from Connie today about the bone scan. Like I said yesterday, we are NOT anticipating any surprises; it is just nice when you get the 'official' news!! Hopefully tomorrow.
Please continue to keep Sam in your prayers. He is on hospice, but he still has breakthrough pain. It is sooooo hard to watch your child be in pain; and the pain that this cancer causes is indescribable. Please pray that the family can make some wonderful memories, and that he can be pain free and peaceful. Thanks.
Thanks for checking in. Have a great evening. Thanks for all the prayers, we appreciate it. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Nothing is permanent in this wicked world--not even our troubles.'~~Charlie Chaplin
We are really ready for Fall!! We are tired of the hot weather. It has been in the low 90's with around 11% humidity. We pretty much stay in the house where it is cool, David just doesn't handle the heat well. We are ready to have the windows open and let the cool, fresh air in. We know Fall will be here soon, we just can't wait!
I neglected to tell you all something. I am VERY happy that the nodules in David's lungs are stable. But what I forgot to tell you, is just how good of news that is. We were told of a young man (19 years old now) who has 6 or 7 lung mets. They are 100% osteo (they have been biopsied), and they are VERY visible on the bone scan. We saw the bone scan, and we saw the mets. There is one that is quite large. The thing is, they have been there for 5 years; unchanged. We don't really understand that, but I guess anything can happen. He does NOT want any more treatment, so they are just sitting there. He had his right arm amputated due to osteo, has had at least one thoracotomy, and all the nasty chemo that all our children have had. He is done, and wants no more. Even though he was a minor when he made the decision to have no more active treatment, his parents allowed him to make that decision. I am not sure I would have allowed that. I want my son to fight this blasted cancer until he just can't fight it anymore. I guess we all just make that decision when we get to it, we have no idea what we would do ahead of time. Trust me, I am not criticizing his parents, I respect them for being able to let their son make a decision like that! And he is doing well, at this point. So, I know just how fanstastic it is that the nodules in David's lungs are unchanged!! I will take that news!
I didn't hear from Connie today about the bone scan. Like I said yesterday, we are NOT anticipating any surprises; it is just nice when you get the 'official' news!! Hopefully tomorrow.
Please continue to keep Sam in your prayers. He is on hospice, but he still has breakthrough pain. It is sooooo hard to watch your child be in pain; and the pain that this cancer causes is indescribable. Please pray that the family can make some wonderful memories, and that he can be pain free and peaceful. Thanks.
Thanks for checking in. Have a great evening. Thanks for all the prayers, we appreciate it. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Nothing is permanent in this wicked world--not even our troubles.'~~Charlie Chaplin
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Good evening. They say no news is good news~~how about 1/2 news? I talked to Connie today; she said that the chest CT shows 'no change.' So those nodules are still there, but they are stable. That is good news. As far as the bone scan; she said the report isn't up yet, and she will notify me as soon as she gets the report. We don't anticipate a problem, but it will be nice to hear the official word. I will keep you posted. Thank you for your prayers so far. Please keep the prayers coming!!
We had some not so exciting excitement today. We found out my debit card has been used fraudulently. Somebody in the UK used it to buy shoes from a company in Canada~~~to the tune of almost $800!! Our bank froze my debit card (unusual usage from out of the country), and now I need a new one. Bryon talked to the shoe company, and they had already shipped 2 of the orders, but they were able to cancel the third. This person did rather 'small' charges, but did them so close together that two orders were shipped before we knew about it. Our account will be credited back the money, but that just means we have no money until it does!! And who knows how long that will take? Oh well, such is life. Like I said a couple weeks back, if it wasn't for 'bad luck' we would have no luck at all!! *sigh*
David is feeling ok. I think he might be coming down with something; he says his head hurts, and his eyeballs hurt. I don't know if there is anything going around or not. But he is just 'laying low' for now. I have to get him back into PT, just haven't done it yet. Please pray that he will feel better soon. Thanks.
Well, gotta run, it is late. Have a good evening. Thanks for stopping by. Please keep praying for the bone scan to come back clear. Thank you for everything. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.
We had some not so exciting excitement today. We found out my debit card has been used fraudulently. Somebody in the UK used it to buy shoes from a company in Canada~~~to the tune of almost $800!! Our bank froze my debit card (unusual usage from out of the country), and now I need a new one. Bryon talked to the shoe company, and they had already shipped 2 of the orders, but they were able to cancel the third. This person did rather 'small' charges, but did them so close together that two orders were shipped before we knew about it. Our account will be credited back the money, but that just means we have no money until it does!! And who knows how long that will take? Oh well, such is life. Like I said a couple weeks back, if it wasn't for 'bad luck' we would have no luck at all!! *sigh*
David is feeling ok. I think he might be coming down with something; he says his head hurts, and his eyeballs hurt. I don't know if there is anything going around or not. But he is just 'laying low' for now. I have to get him back into PT, just haven't done it yet. Please pray that he will feel better soon. Thanks.
Well, gotta run, it is late. Have a good evening. Thanks for stopping by. Please keep praying for the bone scan to come back clear. Thank you for everything. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Good evening.
We are home!! Woo-Hoo!! We left rather late. We talked to McKenna's dad and step mom, and had a great time with them. Then we waited for Connie. She wasn't supposed to be in Oakland today, so it was great that we ran into her. Our appointment in Reno is on August 9th. She is going to call me tomorrow with the results from David's scans. So I will post tomorrow what we find out. The appointment in Reno is for a check up. We will be discussing David's overall health. We don't think the zinc is working, so she is going to look into how to get his levels back up if an oral supplement doesn't work. She is going to find out if David's bowel resection is the cause of the zinc deficiency. She told me I gave her a lot of work to do! I will keep you posted on what we find out.
The weather in Oakland was my kind of summer weather! It was cold and windy. Cold being 62*! I loved it! It was wonderful. Then we got home to nice weather, 74*. It rained and hailed here today; and we missed it!! We always seem to miss the best weather here. When David was in treatment we always missed all the snow. Well, not all the snow, it was still here when we came home, but still. It just seems like we miss the best storms when we have to go to the Bay Area. Oh well. The weather is nice here now, not too hot. But I don't know what it is going to be like the rest of the summer. I am already sooo done with hot!! 90's is just too hot for me!
That is about all that is happening here. Please continue to keep Sam and McKenna in your prayers; along with all our other Osteo family members. I will let you know tomorrow what I find out about David's scans. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
I borrowed this from a friend...It is great... "To me, "Hope" is small. Sometimes it has two legs, sometimes not. Sometimes it has hair and sometimes it is bald. It can laugh and cry in the same breath. It doesn't have to talk. Its very presence is enough to change the course of your life. It has a name. It is called a child fighting cancer."~~~Dr. Burton Grebin "to lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself."
We are home!! Woo-Hoo!! We left rather late. We talked to McKenna's dad and step mom, and had a great time with them. Then we waited for Connie. She wasn't supposed to be in Oakland today, so it was great that we ran into her. Our appointment in Reno is on August 9th. She is going to call me tomorrow with the results from David's scans. So I will post tomorrow what we find out. The appointment in Reno is for a check up. We will be discussing David's overall health. We don't think the zinc is working, so she is going to look into how to get his levels back up if an oral supplement doesn't work. She is going to find out if David's bowel resection is the cause of the zinc deficiency. She told me I gave her a lot of work to do! I will keep you posted on what we find out.
The weather in Oakland was my kind of summer weather! It was cold and windy. Cold being 62*! I loved it! It was wonderful. Then we got home to nice weather, 74*. It rained and hailed here today; and we missed it!! We always seem to miss the best weather here. When David was in treatment we always missed all the snow. Well, not all the snow, it was still here when we came home, but still. It just seems like we miss the best storms when we have to go to the Bay Area. Oh well. The weather is nice here now, not too hot. But I don't know what it is going to be like the rest of the summer. I am already sooo done with hot!! 90's is just too hot for me!
That is about all that is happening here. Please continue to keep Sam and McKenna in your prayers; along with all our other Osteo family members. I will let you know tomorrow what I find out about David's scans. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
I borrowed this from a friend...It is great... "To me, "Hope" is small. Sometimes it has two legs, sometimes not. Sometimes it has hair and sometimes it is bald. It can laugh and cry in the same breath. It doesn't have to talk. Its very presence is enough to change the course of your life. It has a name. It is called a child fighting cancer."~~~Dr. Burton Grebin "to lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Good evening.
Well, we made it to Emeryville. We went to church, then we had lunch, then we were on our way. We got to see a great light show as we left. There was a lot of lightning! And thunder. And rain. And a cloudburst with HUGE raindrops!! It was very nice. Then the sun came out (bummer) and it was a rather hot ride. We had the air on, but Bryon and I were sitting in the sun. We were driving west, so the sun was coming in the windshield. Then as we got closer, the weather changed. When we got here, around 5:15, it was only 63 degrees!! It is absolutely gorgeous here; weather wise. I could definitely summer here in the Bay Area; weather wise! After we got here we walked across the street and had dinner at Fuddrucker's. It is a place David will eat! He likes the buffalo burgers. Then we walked back, and here we are. We are settled in for the night. We have to be at the hospital at 9:30am for check-in. We are being held hostage by 'scanxiety' right now. We are praying the spots in David's lungs are stable and have not grown, or multiplied. Please join us in that prayer. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Have a great evening, and a good day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends.'~~~Ralph Emerson (trust me, I know this to be true.)
Well, we made it to Emeryville. We went to church, then we had lunch, then we were on our way. We got to see a great light show as we left. There was a lot of lightning! And thunder. And rain. And a cloudburst with HUGE raindrops!! It was very nice. Then the sun came out (bummer) and it was a rather hot ride. We had the air on, but Bryon and I were sitting in the sun. We were driving west, so the sun was coming in the windshield. Then as we got closer, the weather changed. When we got here, around 5:15, it was only 63 degrees!! It is absolutely gorgeous here; weather wise. I could definitely summer here in the Bay Area; weather wise! After we got here we walked across the street and had dinner at Fuddrucker's. It is a place David will eat! He likes the buffalo burgers. Then we walked back, and here we are. We are settled in for the night. We have to be at the hospital at 9:30am for check-in. We are being held hostage by 'scanxiety' right now. We are praying the spots in David's lungs are stable and have not grown, or multiplied. Please join us in that prayer. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Have a great evening, and a good day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends.'~~~Ralph Emerson (trust me, I know this to be true.)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Good evening.
Today was a VERY busy day. We spent the better part of the day in Gardnerville at the Relay For Life. David had the honor of being the youth survivor carrying part of the banner. He was extremely tired about halfway around the lap, but he sucked it up, as usual.
Today was a VERY busy day. We spent the better part of the day in Gardnerville at the Relay For Life. David had the honor of being the youth survivor carrying part of the banner. He was extremely tired about halfway around the lap, but he sucked it up, as usual.
It was pretty hot earlier in the day, then a thunderstorm came in and cooled it off quite nicely. It didn't rain too hard, but it was quite windy! It was a very nice day, just extremely busy. David had a headache, the heat gets to him, but he had a great day overall. He didn't eat anything to speak of, but that is nothing new. We had a really great day. The leaders for the Bible study he goes to were so sweet to him. Thank you Dana, Meredith, and Sandy. You guys are the best. A mom just loves to see other people love her kids; and I love to see them love David. Thanks!
We leave tomorrow for Oakland. David wants to go to church, so we will be leaving immediately after church. Then we have to report to the hospital at 9:30am on Monday. David has the injection for the bone scan at 10am; CT scan at 11am; and bone scan at 1pm. It will be another long day in Oakland Children's Hospital.
I have a couple of prayer requests for you. One; we are losing another of our precious Osteo family members. Sam, who is only 9 years old, is on hospice. His cancer has spread throughout his body. Please pray for this family. Thanks. Two; there is a girl from our area who was just diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma~~~a cousin to Osteosarcoma. Ewing's is the other primary bone cancer. She will be admitted on Monday to Oakland Children's Hospital. Her stepmom works with my son, Jeremy. We hope to meet up with them on Monday at Children's. Her name is McKenna. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Thank you.
Well, I am tired, it has been a very long day. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Please keep us in your prayers as we drive to Oakland tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
For every six research dollars per patient with AIDS and every one research dollar per patient with breast cancer, a child with cancer receives only 3 cents.
We leave tomorrow for Oakland. David wants to go to church, so we will be leaving immediately after church. Then we have to report to the hospital at 9:30am on Monday. David has the injection for the bone scan at 10am; CT scan at 11am; and bone scan at 1pm. It will be another long day in Oakland Children's Hospital.
I have a couple of prayer requests for you. One; we are losing another of our precious Osteo family members. Sam, who is only 9 years old, is on hospice. His cancer has spread throughout his body. Please pray for this family. Thanks. Two; there is a girl from our area who was just diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma~~~a cousin to Osteosarcoma. Ewing's is the other primary bone cancer. She will be admitted on Monday to Oakland Children's Hospital. Her stepmom works with my son, Jeremy. We hope to meet up with them on Monday at Children's. Her name is McKenna. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Thank you.
Well, I am tired, it has been a very long day. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Please keep us in your prayers as we drive to Oakland tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
For every six research dollars per patient with AIDS and every one research dollar per patient with breast cancer, a child with cancer receives only 3 cents.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Good evening.
We are home from S.F.! YAY! The trip yesterday was uneventful. The day was long. We stayed in Berkley, and didn't get there until around 10:00 or so. We just kinda vegged a bit before we went to bed. I didn't sleep well at all. Actually, David didn't either. We had breakfast in the hotel, and then went to UCSF. We got there in time, but David had to go get an xray of his leg before his appointment. So, we were technically 15 minutes late to his appointment. But we got in there pretty quickly, and Dr. O'Donnell took out the staples. He noticed that David has quite a rash on his leg. He was wondering what caused that, and I told him that it is from the tape we used to keep the dressing on. David is allergic to ALL adhesives!! So, now the rash will go away because we don't have to have a dressing on it! Anyway, the staple removal went ok. David said a few of them hurt, but it was quick; there were only 8 staples. Then Dr. O looked at the xray and said that everything looks good. And, the best news, we don't have to go back to see him for 6 months!!! (unless this prosthesis fails or something) David hasn't had a 6 month break from doctors in almost 3 years!! So we don't have to go back until after New Years!! That seems so far away. Anyway, then we got a disc of his xray and then were were on our way home!! Well, because we go through Sacramento, Bryon wanted to stop at Fry's electronics. David and I relented, and let him stop. So we spent a bit of time there. Then we ate lunch (quite late). David did NOT eat much all day. We didn't get home until almost 5:30. So then we had dinner, and here I am. It was a busy day, as it always is when we have to make these trips. We are SO happy that everything looks good with David's leg. We will leave it the way it is until we decide to install the adult/permanent implant. We got a new prescription for PT; so now I have to start taking him back to PT again. My life just got a bit busier, but that is okay. I will do what I have to do for my son.
Thank you for your prayers for our safety; but we aren't done yet. We have to leave again on Sunday for scans on Monday. Grrrr. But that is the way it is in the life of the Koury family. If it isn't one thing, it is something else! Please don't stop praying yet!! Please pray for our safety, and please pray for clear scans. Thank you for being there for us.
David is so happy to be able to take a 'real' shower, and scrub that leg! He can't wait to get all the dried blood, dead skin, and junk off the incision. The doctor was very pleased that David is not in any pain (just itchy from the rash). His legs are almost the same length. The reason they aren't is because of the flexion contracture in the right knee. Dr. O said that if his leg was straight, they would be the same length. So that is why the PT. Please pray that when he starts PT again it will go well for him. He is not looking forward to going, but he is a trooper, and he will just suck it up and go. I am so proud of him; and extremely proud to be his mom.
Thank you for visiting and praying. Please continue to pray for the Koury family. Thank you for being there for us. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“There has been a significant lack of progress during the last two decades in treating osteosarcoma,” said Ian Lewis, Professor of Cancer Studies at St. James University Hospital in Leeds, England
We are home from S.F.! YAY! The trip yesterday was uneventful. The day was long. We stayed in Berkley, and didn't get there until around 10:00 or so. We just kinda vegged a bit before we went to bed. I didn't sleep well at all. Actually, David didn't either. We had breakfast in the hotel, and then went to UCSF. We got there in time, but David had to go get an xray of his leg before his appointment. So, we were technically 15 minutes late to his appointment. But we got in there pretty quickly, and Dr. O'Donnell took out the staples. He noticed that David has quite a rash on his leg. He was wondering what caused that, and I told him that it is from the tape we used to keep the dressing on. David is allergic to ALL adhesives!! So, now the rash will go away because we don't have to have a dressing on it! Anyway, the staple removal went ok. David said a few of them hurt, but it was quick; there were only 8 staples. Then Dr. O looked at the xray and said that everything looks good. And, the best news, we don't have to go back to see him for 6 months!!! (unless this prosthesis fails or something) David hasn't had a 6 month break from doctors in almost 3 years!! So we don't have to go back until after New Years!! That seems so far away. Anyway, then we got a disc of his xray and then were were on our way home!! Well, because we go through Sacramento, Bryon wanted to stop at Fry's electronics. David and I relented, and let him stop. So we spent a bit of time there. Then we ate lunch (quite late). David did NOT eat much all day. We didn't get home until almost 5:30. So then we had dinner, and here I am. It was a busy day, as it always is when we have to make these trips. We are SO happy that everything looks good with David's leg. We will leave it the way it is until we decide to install the adult/permanent implant. We got a new prescription for PT; so now I have to start taking him back to PT again. My life just got a bit busier, but that is okay. I will do what I have to do for my son.
Thank you for your prayers for our safety; but we aren't done yet. We have to leave again on Sunday for scans on Monday. Grrrr. But that is the way it is in the life of the Koury family. If it isn't one thing, it is something else! Please don't stop praying yet!! Please pray for our safety, and please pray for clear scans. Thank you for being there for us.
David is so happy to be able to take a 'real' shower, and scrub that leg! He can't wait to get all the dried blood, dead skin, and junk off the incision. The doctor was very pleased that David is not in any pain (just itchy from the rash). His legs are almost the same length. The reason they aren't is because of the flexion contracture in the right knee. Dr. O said that if his leg was straight, they would be the same length. So that is why the PT. Please pray that when he starts PT again it will go well for him. He is not looking forward to going, but he is a trooper, and he will just suck it up and go. I am so proud of him; and extremely proud to be his mom.
Thank you for visiting and praying. Please continue to pray for the Koury family. Thank you for being there for us. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“There has been a significant lack of progress during the last two decades in treating osteosarcoma,” said Ian Lewis, Professor of Cancer Studies at St. James University Hospital in Leeds, England
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Good morning.
Quick update before I need to make lunch for sweet Emilee. We will be leaving for San Francisco tonight when Bryon gets home from work. We have discovered that we can't do the leaving at 5am to get there on time; so we need to go the night before. Anyway, please pray for us to have a safe trip. I will be driving the first part of the trip; David wants his dad to sit in the back with him and watch a movie. Crazy kid. Then Bryon will be driving the rest of the trip. David's appointment is at 10am tomorrow morning. Please pray that the staple removal goes easy for David. He is pretty nervous about that. Also, please pray that we are able to get in on time, so we can get home. We are looking forward to getting those blasted staples out, but not looking forward to the trip. We are REALLY tired of making trips to the Bay Area; and we will be making them for many years to come. *sigh* We will do whatever we have to do for our son, though. Thank you.
Thanks for your prayers. I will update tomorrow evening and let you know how the whole thing went. Have a good day. God bless you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause that will some day lose.'~~~Woodrow Wilson
Quick update before I need to make lunch for sweet Emilee. We will be leaving for San Francisco tonight when Bryon gets home from work. We have discovered that we can't do the leaving at 5am to get there on time; so we need to go the night before. Anyway, please pray for us to have a safe trip. I will be driving the first part of the trip; David wants his dad to sit in the back with him and watch a movie. Crazy kid. Then Bryon will be driving the rest of the trip. David's appointment is at 10am tomorrow morning. Please pray that the staple removal goes easy for David. He is pretty nervous about that. Also, please pray that we are able to get in on time, so we can get home. We are looking forward to getting those blasted staples out, but not looking forward to the trip. We are REALLY tired of making trips to the Bay Area; and we will be making them for many years to come. *sigh* We will do whatever we have to do for our son, though. Thank you.
Thanks for your prayers. I will update tomorrow evening and let you know how the whole thing went. Have a good day. God bless you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause that will some day lose.'~~~Woodrow Wilson
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Good evening.
Sorry I haven't updated for a few days~~~VERY busy. I will try to catch you up on what's happening.
Jeremy and Lucy went to the doctor on Friday; and they got to hear the baby's heartbeat! They are so excited! I remember those days, it is very neat to hear your child's heart beating. So they are pretty jazzed.
Friday night David and Rachel went to Jennifer's place to watch a movie. Bryon and I were alone, so went to Starbucks for an iced coffee. Then we decided to do something really fun~~~~we cleaned the fish tank!!! Oh, joy. It was soooo dirty! The fish are doing fine, but cleaning the tank was no fun. The water still looked on to Saturday.
We took some water to Petco to have it tested. They said the water is fine; just VERY soft (go figure, we have a water softener). So we got some sort of drops that should clear the water; it is made for soft water. Then we had to go grocery shopping; I haven't done any since before we went camping! So we had to do some shopping. We didn't have that much to get, we only have to get to Friday (payday). We had a few other errands to run, then we had to come home and make potato salad for church today. We were up pretty late making the salad.
Then today we went to church, and after church there was a BBQ potluck. It was fun, and yummy. We had BBQ'd burgers and hot dogs. And a LOT of yummy sides. They we had to go back to Walmart because I forgot to get David's multivitamins yesterday. Then we finally got home around 2:30. I was so glad to finally be home! I had a lot of cleaning to do, and I am really tired.
Thursday is the day David FINALLY gets the staples out of his knee. We can't wait. For some reason we have to keep the wound covered this time. So it is very time-consuming to be forever changing the dressing and re-wrapping his knee. I can't wait for the staples to be out!! Please pray for our trip on Thursday. Thanks.
I want to say a HUGE "Thank You" to the person who gave us all the gift cards. We appreciate them more than you know!!! Your thoughtfulness and generosity means a lot to us. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Thank you for your prayers. Have a great night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.'~~~Mother Teresa
Sorry I haven't updated for a few days~~~VERY busy. I will try to catch you up on what's happening.
Jeremy and Lucy went to the doctor on Friday; and they got to hear the baby's heartbeat! They are so excited! I remember those days, it is very neat to hear your child's heart beating. So they are pretty jazzed.
Friday night David and Rachel went to Jennifer's place to watch a movie. Bryon and I were alone, so went to Starbucks for an iced coffee. Then we decided to do something really fun~~~~we cleaned the fish tank!!! Oh, joy. It was soooo dirty! The fish are doing fine, but cleaning the tank was no fun. The water still looked on to Saturday.
We took some water to Petco to have it tested. They said the water is fine; just VERY soft (go figure, we have a water softener). So we got some sort of drops that should clear the water; it is made for soft water. Then we had to go grocery shopping; I haven't done any since before we went camping! So we had to do some shopping. We didn't have that much to get, we only have to get to Friday (payday). We had a few other errands to run, then we had to come home and make potato salad for church today. We were up pretty late making the salad.
Then today we went to church, and after church there was a BBQ potluck. It was fun, and yummy. We had BBQ'd burgers and hot dogs. And a LOT of yummy sides. They we had to go back to Walmart because I forgot to get David's multivitamins yesterday. Then we finally got home around 2:30. I was so glad to finally be home! I had a lot of cleaning to do, and I am really tired.
Thursday is the day David FINALLY gets the staples out of his knee. We can't wait. For some reason we have to keep the wound covered this time. So it is very time-consuming to be forever changing the dressing and re-wrapping his knee. I can't wait for the staples to be out!! Please pray for our trip on Thursday. Thanks.
I want to say a HUGE "Thank You" to the person who gave us all the gift cards. We appreciate them more than you know!!! Your thoughtfulness and generosity means a lot to us. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Thank you for your prayers. Have a great night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.'~~~Mother Teresa
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Good evening.
We are back from our camping trip. We had a great time. All 5 of us were there July 2-5; the girls went home on Monday, the 5th. They had to go to work on Tuesday. Then Bryon went home on Tuesday. Actually, he went home Sunday night around midnight because he got called into work. then he came back Tuesday for the day. Fortunately, Lake Davis is only 1 1/2 hours away!

We are back from our camping trip. We had a great time. All 5 of us were there July 2-5; the girls went home on Monday, the 5th. They had to go to work on Tuesday. Then Bryon went home on Tuesday. Actually, he went home Sunday night around midnight because he got called into work. then he came back Tuesday for the day. Fortunately, Lake Davis is only 1 1/2 hours away!
Then Bryon left on Tuesday afternoon, and it was just me and David. We had so much fun. The weather was perfect! Thunderstorms rolled in on Thursday and Friday. It wasn't real hot, and we had a great time. Our trailer has an outside shower, and Bryon made a shower stall thing with PVC pipe. Then we bought 3 shower curtains and Rachel sewed them together. The shower worked perfect! David took showers! He says that showering isn't camping, but he took some anyway. He said it was cool to take a shower and look up and see pine trees!! Then on Thursday night we had another 'visitor' to our campsite. No, not a bear this year. We think it was either a deer or a raccoon. The critter was trying to get into the dog food and treats. David was pretty scared, but we got through that excitement! Nothing like that EVER happens when Bryon is there!! It is always when David and I are alone!! But we still had a lot of fun. Then Bryon and the girls came back Friday evening after work.
The one tragic thing that happened was that about a mile or so from camp, Jennifer hit a deer. Bryon was following the girls and saw the deer jump from a ditch right in front of Jennifer's car. She never had a chance to brake! She saw the deer as it was already in the air, and she hit it! Praise God both my girls were not hurt; can't say the same for the deer, or Jennifer's car!! She was pretty shaken up, and a bit distraught about the possibility of having killed a deer. Bryon was pretty freaked out; knowing it could have been a LOT worse~~~he could have watched his daughters killed right in front of him! Again, praise God they are safe. I feel bad for Jennifer; it is going to cost her some money to get her car fixed.
She cannot open her front passenger door more than about 3 inches. Please pray for her; she has furloughs, too. Just as her furloughs start, this happens! That is the way life is in the Koury Family! We sometimes feel that if it wasn't for 'bad luck' we wouldn't have any luck at all!! Of course I don't believe in 'luck,' that is just an expression! I am thankful that my daughters are safe, and we had a great time camping.
We got home Sunday afternoon, and had dinner with Jeremy and Lucy. It was bittersweet to be home. David and I absolutely LOVE camping! I am trying to make as many memories with him as I can; one never knows. We played a lot of Scrabble, Yahtzee, and Boggle; listened to music on my ipod; and watched the deer walk past our campsite. We took the dogs on two walks a day (David needed to walk and loosen up that leg). So that is how our camping trip went.
David's leg is feeling ok. He still feels the staples pull, but he is doing his best to walk and get that leg straight. When he gets it lengthened, it does cause a bit of a flexion contracture and he has to work to get it straight again. He really hates the staples! Can't say that I blame him. I mean, between the 5 surgeries he has had on his leg, he has had close to 200 staples!! Oh, he has 8 this time. I would be pretty tired of staples, too!! But he has absolutely NO pain (unless the staples pull) right now. So, yay for that! Thank you for your prayers, that is what is getting us through this.
David's leg is feeling ok. He still feels the staples pull, but he is doing his best to walk and get that leg straight. When he gets it lengthened, it does cause a bit of a flexion contracture and he has to work to get it straight again. He really hates the staples! Can't say that I blame him. I mean, between the 5 surgeries he has had on his leg, he has had close to 200 staples!! Oh, he has 8 this time. I would be pretty tired of staples, too!! But he has absolutely NO pain (unless the staples pull) right now. So, yay for that! Thank you for your prayers, that is what is getting us through this.
Well, Lucy is 12 weeks pregnant today. She goes to the doctor on Friday. Please continue to pray that everything continues to go smoothly for her. She is due the day after Jeremy was due (he was a week early); she is due on my and Bryon's anniversary! Wouldn't that be cool if the baby came on due date? I have been waiting for this for so long, so I hope she isn't late!! All 4 of my babies were early, so it would be great if she were early, too. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. After having one baby die, they are almost too scared to be excited. But having got to 12 weeks; past the first trimester; has helped them relax. But they still need your prayers. Thank you so much.
David's next scans are July 26. We have to make an extra trip to the Bay Area, though. David's post-op is July 22 in San Francisco; so that is trip one. Then the scans are at Oakland Children's Hospital; so that is trip two. We were hoping to have the scans the same day, or the day after the post-op~~~but it doesn't always work out in our favor. So, we are looking at the extra expense of an extra trip to the Bay Area. *sigh* Oh well. God will provide.
Well, that is about all that is happening in our lives right now. Scanxiety is kicking in for us. Please pray for clear scans. Thank you for visiting and checking in on us. Thank you for all your prayers, you have no idea how much we appreciate them. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift--there is nothing small about it.'~~~~Florence Nightingale
David's next scans are July 26. We have to make an extra trip to the Bay Area, though. David's post-op is July 22 in San Francisco; so that is trip one. Then the scans are at Oakland Children's Hospital; so that is trip two. We were hoping to have the scans the same day, or the day after the post-op~~~but it doesn't always work out in our favor. So, we are looking at the extra expense of an extra trip to the Bay Area. *sigh* Oh well. God will provide.
Well, that is about all that is happening in our lives right now. Scanxiety is kicking in for us. Please pray for clear scans. Thank you for visiting and checking in on us. Thank you for all your prayers, you have no idea how much we appreciate them. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift--there is nothing small about it.'~~~~Florence Nightingale
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Good evening.
Well, tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for all year!! We are going camping! YAY!! Today was a very busy day. I did most of the laundry, and Bryon and I did the shopping after he got home from work. Then Rachel and I baked cookies. I have the bins almost totally packed with the food we will be bringing. The cold stuff has to be packed tomorrow in the ice chest. I am so ready to go camping and be in the beautiful woods that God created. And, if I remember correctly, we can see the lake from our campsite! The kids are ready and excited to go, too.
Today while Bryon and I were shopping, David called me to tell me that my cat, Princess, gave birth behind his bed! His bed is at an angle from two walls, and she went in the far corner to have her babies. So I had to crawl under his bed (he can't do it) and get the kittens out and put them in a box. Now they are in the spare room, in a box. They will be safe there from the dogs and the other cats! Princess is a beautiful light gray and white, very fluffy cat. Her babies are: black boy, almost totally black girl, tortoiseshell girl, and orange boy! They are soooo cute! The orange boy is already spoken for! Yay. Bryon was NOT happy when he found out she was pregnant! Usually we lock the doggie door at night, but clearly we forgot to a couple of months ago. David was excited, tho. He loves baby kittens. So we will just keep them in the spare room until they are ready to go to their new homes. That room just has the box they are in, a dog bed, a litter box, food and water, and a cat tower in it. So it is perfect for them! So, if anyone wants a cute kitten, just let me know!
David is doing better today. I told him that he will feel better every day. He has not had even one pain pill today! Not that he hasn't had any pain, it is just that he has been able to bear it. So that is good. He is sometimes walking with just one crutch, but he really isn't that stable yet. He is putting a minimum of 50% weight on that leg, so he is doing well, all things considered. Thank you, again, so much for your prayers!
Well, I probably won't be posting for awhile. I am not sure if we get internet at the campsite. We will see. Please pray that we have a safe trip, and a safe week, and a fun time. I know we will have fun, but I want us to be safe, too. Please pray that it isn't too hot; I don't want David to be sick because it is too hot. Thanks.
It is late, and we are tired. Thanks for visiting. Have a good night, and a great 4th, and a wonderful week. Take care and be safe if you do fireworks. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Teenagers and young adults aged 15-22 have the lowest cancer survival rate of any age group.
Well, tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for all year!! We are going camping! YAY!! Today was a very busy day. I did most of the laundry, and Bryon and I did the shopping after he got home from work. Then Rachel and I baked cookies. I have the bins almost totally packed with the food we will be bringing. The cold stuff has to be packed tomorrow in the ice chest. I am so ready to go camping and be in the beautiful woods that God created. And, if I remember correctly, we can see the lake from our campsite! The kids are ready and excited to go, too.
Today while Bryon and I were shopping, David called me to tell me that my cat, Princess, gave birth behind his bed! His bed is at an angle from two walls, and she went in the far corner to have her babies. So I had to crawl under his bed (he can't do it) and get the kittens out and put them in a box. Now they are in the spare room, in a box. They will be safe there from the dogs and the other cats! Princess is a beautiful light gray and white, very fluffy cat. Her babies are: black boy, almost totally black girl, tortoiseshell girl, and orange boy! They are soooo cute! The orange boy is already spoken for! Yay. Bryon was NOT happy when he found out she was pregnant! Usually we lock the doggie door at night, but clearly we forgot to a couple of months ago. David was excited, tho. He loves baby kittens. So we will just keep them in the spare room until they are ready to go to their new homes. That room just has the box they are in, a dog bed, a litter box, food and water, and a cat tower in it. So it is perfect for them! So, if anyone wants a cute kitten, just let me know!
David is doing better today. I told him that he will feel better every day. He has not had even one pain pill today! Not that he hasn't had any pain, it is just that he has been able to bear it. So that is good. He is sometimes walking with just one crutch, but he really isn't that stable yet. He is putting a minimum of 50% weight on that leg, so he is doing well, all things considered. Thank you, again, so much for your prayers!
Well, I probably won't be posting for awhile. I am not sure if we get internet at the campsite. We will see. Please pray that we have a safe trip, and a safe week, and a fun time. I know we will have fun, but I want us to be safe, too. Please pray that it isn't too hot; I don't want David to be sick because it is too hot. Thanks.
It is late, and we are tired. Thanks for visiting. Have a good night, and a great 4th, and a wonderful week. Take care and be safe if you do fireworks. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Teenagers and young adults aged 15-22 have the lowest cancer survival rate of any age group.
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