**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Friday, December 31, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Good evening.

Tomorrow is Jennifer's birthday! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Tomorrow is the passing of another year in her life. Please pray that she has a great day. She is not working this week, neither is Bryon, because she (and Bryon) are on vacation~~~~'use it or lose it' vacation. She had to use this week before the end of the year or lose the paid vacation! So she doesn't have to work on her birthday. She is coming over for dinner, and we are going to bar-b-que the steaks I have in the freezer. Jeremy and Lucy will be here, and we will be all together as a family again! I am sure it will be a good day. David has been spending the days (and nights) at her place. So it will be great to have all the kids here for dinner tomorrow night.

That is all that is going on here. Thanks for visiting and checking in. Have a good night, and a great day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Childhood cancer is devastating and creates unique pressures on the whole family.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good evening.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Ours was very nice. We had a very enjoyable day, the last time just the 7 of us. Jeremy is still a wee bit sick, David is on the mend, and David gave it to me; so the biggest sound heard around here was all of us coughing and sneezing! David is sleeping with a humidifier in his room, as are Bryon and I! This sore throat just wants to linger on, as does the cough. We are passing it around, but I guess that is just what families do! We had a very small Christmas, in the gift category, but it was very nice. Lucy even spoke for all of us when she said the small ones are nice~~~not so overwhelming. Rachel bought us all quite wonderful gifts while she was in Israel. And Jeremy and Lucy gave Bryon and I an ornament each; his says 'Grandpa' and mine says 'Grandma' on them. They are cute snowmen ornaments. Overall, we had a wonderful Christmas. It was a beautiful day celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. It wasn't technically a white Christmas; but we still did have residual leftover snow......does that count? It was a nice day. We just can't believe the day is over! Bryon, David, and I stayed home from church today because we weren't feeling well. But, like I said, we are on the mend. Thank you for your prayers.

It is unbelievable that 2011 is just 6 days away! Where has this year gone?!?! David has an appointment on January 21st with the surgical oncologist. But we don't have to go to San Francisco for the appointment. He holds clinic visits in Pleasanton, and that is closer that S.F.! Yay! And then David will have scans sometime in February; not sure when, yet. And the beginning of 2011 will bring a new member to our family!! We are so excited about that! Can't wait.

Thank you for checking in. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. Please keep the Koury family in your prayers. Thank you. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome.'~~~~Rush Limbaugh

Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Good evening.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and words of encouragement. They are working!!! David is feeling much better today. His fever is down to 99.5, and he said he isn't as achy as he was yesterday. His throat is still sore, but even that is some better. He is coughing a bit, which, of course, panics us when we know he has those lung mets! But we know right now that this is just his 'cold' settling in his chest, and we are trying not to worry needlessly. He did have a flu shot in the fall, so if this is the flu we know it would be a LOT worse than it is now. It just seems like he has been through enough, he shouldn't ever have to get sick again! I know that is unrealistic, but all the other cancer moms (and dads) out there know how I feel!! Oh, Jeremy is doing better, too. Neither of my boys are 100%, but they are on the mend. Thank you again, so much, for your prayers.

Our weather is COLD! We still have snow, from last night, and the roads are rather icy in spots. The weather forcasters are not calling for much more snow between now and Christmas, so it is possible we will not have a white Christmas~~~sadness. We really want a white Christmas; we will see. God could still give us one!

Please continue to keep our Osteo family members in your prayers. Todd is doing better, but his prognosis really hasn't changed. But for now he is celebrating doing better. Please pray for Rachel (not my Rachel, an Osteo family member). She has a tumor in her chest that is causing her a lot of pain. Her mom took her to the hospital today to get some more pain medication. I will add her Care Pages site at the end of this post. She has been through sooooo much! She is a beautiful young lady, she is just a couple months younger than David. Also, please continue to keep Kenny in your prayers, his mom is really fighting the hospital! They seem to be very incompetent. We parents have to be our children's advocate, and we have to be so on top of things! I understand a lot of the nurses are overworked, but still. We parents are already SOOO stressed, and scared, and we just want our children to be safe, taken care of, and to get better! Anyway, please keep Kenny and his mom, Teresa, in your prayers, too. Thanks.

David is enjoying being off school. He spent most of today in bed, but that is just fine. He was able to play video games in bed, so he had a good day. He didn't eat much, but this is when I don't worry about that. He sorta made up for it at dinner~~he ate 5 tacos! Considering he hasn't eaten much for the last 2 days, 5 tacos is a lot! He is just really enjoying having this break from school! I miss him when he is on break, he spends all his time upstairs! *sigh*

Well, that is about all that is happening around here. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I hope you are all staying warm and dry. We sure are~~just love our wood-burning stove!! God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Whether their children are in remission, NED (No Evidence of Disease), cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good evening.

Please pray for David~~~he is sick. He woke up yesterday with a sore throat. He sucked on some throat drops all day, and we were hoping he would feel better today. Well, not so much. He feels worse today. He has a sore throat, is achy all over, and is running a fever. His fever is up to 101.5, and we are not sure if we should call the doctor or not. We are in uncharted waters. We knew what to do when he was in treatment; we would have called the doctor (oncologist) by now!! But now that he is no longer in treatment, we aren't sure what the 'protocol' is. Please pray that he feels better soon. It sucks that just as his Christmas vacation is starting he gets sick!! We really don't want him to be sick for Christmas, of course. Thanks. Actually, my other son needs prayers, too. Jeremy is also sick! And he just started his new job, so he really can't call in sick! Please pray for my family. Thank you so much.

Otherwise, things are going ok around here. We had 9 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday. Then, in typical northern Nevada style, it rained all day today and melted most of the snow! Then tonight it started to snow again! So, we have a white ground again. We were soooooo loving the 9 inches of snow!! We are praying that we have the same thing on Christmas Eve, and a white Christmas. That would be so cool. But, we will see.

We can't believe Christmas is 6 days away. It is totally empty under our tree, but that is ok. Christmas isn't about the presents, anyway. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And that is what we will do. And we are just so thankful that David is not in the hospital this year. Christmas of 2007 we spent in the hospital with David receiving chemo!! This will be a better year that way, that's for sure! It just seems so strange that this year is almost over. Less than 2 weeks left of 2010!! I mean, where has this year gone? It sure has screamed by!!

Again, please pray for David and Jeremy. Please pray that they both feel better soon. Please pray that David's fever goes away. Please pray that Lucy doesn't get sick! Thank you so much. Thank you for checking in. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have, than to have things I am not able to appreciate.'~~~Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good evening.

We went to the Christmas party last night; and we had a lot of fun. The food was kid-friendly and yummy! The had a wonderful homemade mac and cheese! It was really good. David didn't eat much, go figure. All he had was about 2 1/2 chicken fingers. But he did come home and have ice cream. He got his picture taken with Mrs. Clause, and he got a Walmart gift card. It was fun. It just sucks that the whole room, of a lot of people, are there because they have been touched by childhood cancer. It was good to see the kids we know looking so good. We know how deceiving 'looking good' can be, however. David looked good when that blasted cancer was growing in his young body. Nevertheless, it is still good to see them looking good. It was a really nice party, and we had a good time.

David is doing so well with school. He had to write 2 essays for his Government class, one due today and one due on Friday. Well, they are both done! He is really trying hard to stay caught up. He has some really long days, but he is able to stay caught up. I am so very proud of him. He wants to make sure he stays caught up because this is his last week of school before Christmas vacation~~and he wants the full 2 weeks off!! Thank you so very much for all your prayers. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. I can't say thank you enough. All your prayers are what is getting us through this horrible nightmare that is our life.

David is looking forward to tomorrow night; Bible study night!! It will be the last one before they take the time off for the Holidays. He hates when they don't meet, he loves it so much. I am so glad he does. So we will be making another trip to Garderville tomorrow evening!! It is a bit of a drive (about 30 minutes), but well worth it.

I would like to ask prayer for two of our Osteo warriors; Todd and Kenny. They both got some very bad news this week, and aren't expected to live much longer. Please pray for their families. I will post their websites at the end of this post. Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for all the members of the Koury family, God knows what the needs are. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan


Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Good evening. I hope you are having a wonderful evening.

Saturday was a VERY busy day! Bryon had to work, and the girls and I went to Lucy's baby shower! I had to get gas in my car before we left for the shower. We had so much fun at the shower. The 4 of us all drove together~~no sense taking more than one car down to Gardnerville! Besides, with the third seat down in my Pilot there was room for all the gifts! It was a very nice shower. When we got home I needed to make some Biscotti. Well, I didn't HAVE to, but a woman from church wanted my recipe, so I thought I would make a batch to send with the recipe. Bryon was still at work, and wasn't sure when he was going to get home, but hoping it was before the Bighorns game! Well, he wanted me to just pick him up to save time (he works between home and Reno). I had just enough time to make the Biscotti; I literally pulled it out of the oven, put it on a cooling rack, and we left to pick up Bryon!! Then we went to the game. We had a great time at the Bighorns game! They lost, 122-126, but we still had fun. They throw things to the spectators; like clapping things (hard to explain) and Bighorn T-shirts. They threw a T-shirt right to Bryon, so now David has a Bighorn T-shirt!! They do that at the Aces games, too. They throw shirts and baseballs. Anyway, we had a lot of fun. Then, because we were in Reno, we had to stop at WinCo to pick up some Tillamook Mudslide ice cream for David. I wish they sold that ice cream in Carson City; but, alas, they don't! So now he has enough for a few weeks, hopefully! We didn't get home until about 11pm, so David had to get ready for bed soon after we got home because we had church on Sunday morning.

Then I had to get up early Sunday morning because I had to make my dish for our potluck! I made Mexacali Spaghetti Bake. Then I got ready for church while it baked, and then put it in the crock pot to take to church. Bryon got called into work, problems he had to fix, so I was just going to go to church without him. But, he got home just in time to leave to go to church! Then we went to church, had a wonderful potluck, then came home. Then I went shopping with my girls for a couple hours. Then they went to Reno to meet up with some friends for dinner. It was a very busy day!! Actually, it was a very busy weekend!! The only problem with busy weekends, is they go by soooo fast!! *sigh*

Tomorrow is our annual Christmas Party put on by the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation. It is being hosted and catered by the El Dorado Hotel/Casino again this year. It was fun last year with great food! It used to be held at Renown; but it was just too small. I am glad the El Dorado hosts it now. So we will have a busy night tomorrow, too. The party is from 6-8pm. The kids all get a present, the teenagers usually get a gift card. David really likes that part! This will be our fourth year going. The first year we were pretty new to the cancer world, and David was in a wheelchair, unable to walk. Three years later he is doing so much better! It is just amazing to me how fast the time has flown.

David is doing quite well in school, thank you for the prayers. His German teacher is very impressed with how well he does in pronouncing the difficult words! I read the comments to David, and they are always so positive and encouraging. My son is trying so hard, and I am so proud of him. He is really applying himself, and so far getting great grades. After all he has been through...............I am just so proud. Please continue to pray for him, that he is able to keep it up. Thanks.

Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Your support means so much to us. Please continue to keep the Koury Klan in your prayers. Thank you so much for everything. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.'~~~Henry Ward Beecher

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Good evening.

I want to say a great big 'Thank you' to all of you who gave me some suggestions to help David. Some of them we have tried, others we haven't. Sabrina, it was great to hear from you, I follow Becca's CB site! So glad to hear she is doing as well as she is, considering. Anyway, thank you for all the suggestions, and the encouragement!

David had a great time at Bible study last night, though he didn't eat, as usual. He said it is because he doesn't really like fried chicken that much, but also because I had made 6 dozen chicken enchiladas and he said he wanted them instead. So, the three of us ate dinner after we got home from Gardnerville. And then he ate 5 enchiladas. So that was great! He ate 5 more for dinner tonight (we had leftovers for dinner). Otherwise he hasn't eaten that great, but it could be worse. Thank you for your prayers.

Today I had to order David's class ring and his graduation package; you know, announcements, tassel, cap and gown, etc. Of course it had to be ordered at Christmas time, today was the deadline. Luckily I could put the ring on a payment plan (4 payments), but the other stuff I had to pay for up front. So, that is about $400 we can't really afford right now, but if we waited everything would have cost more! *sigh* At least everything is ordered and I can send out announcements to announce the proud accomplishment my son has achieved~~a year ahead of his age! He will turn 17 less than two months before he graduates. I am so proud of him.

I am so proud of all my children. I know I brag a lot, so I guess you will just have to deal with it, lol. I am just so proud of the people my children have become. The three older ones have become responsible, respectful, mature, moral adults. David is well on his way to being the same. They are children who love each other, and enjoy being together. Sure they argue, but they are always there for each other, no matter what. I saw a picture of a young woman on Facebook, and the picture she took of herself was of her 'flipping off' the camera. It made me sad. I thought to myself, "her mother must be so proud (sarcasm)." I am so proud of my children, and I love them so much. They are the best!!

Tomorrow is a baby shower for Lucy at church, I hope there is a good turnout. I am sure it will be fun. Then tomorrow night we are going to another basketball game! The Reno Bighorns. We had a good time last time, so I am sure we will have a good time this time, too. I really appreciate the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation, and the Bighorns, for giving us these tickets. The game starts at 7pm. It will be a busy, but fun, day.

Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good weekend. Please continue to keep us and our other Osteosarcoma family members in your prayers. Todd isn't doing so well right now, please say extra prayers for him. Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.'~~~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Good evening.

First things first~~~HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JEREMY AND LUCY!! Today is my son and daughter-in-love's anniversary. I am so happy for the choice Jeremy made in a wife, she is THE BEST!! We praise God for bringing Lucy into our lives, we couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-love. I hope they had a wonderful day. This is their last anniversary without children!

I am so sorry I haven't updated lately. Things are just going same-o, same-o. Things are pretty much just status-quo around here.

David is doing ok with school. He is trying very hard to stay caught up, and he is doing a good job, so far. He has some pretty long days, but that is partly because he has to spend so much time re-reading things. I have heard that sometimes the memory loss gets better with time, I am hoping that David will be one of the lucky ones! So far that hasn't happened, but he is only 2 years out of treatment. Maybe it takes a few more years. Anyway, he is doing well in school.

His eating is still hit and miss. Lately, we are seeing a huge improvement in some of his meals. For example, yesterday for lunch he ate 2 homemade BBQ'd burgers!! And tonight for dinner he had some ham, corn, and 2 1/2 helpings of my homemade scalloped potatoes! So we are happy with those 2 great meals! Otherwise, he isn't doing that great. But, he is eating, so I am happy! He still drinks 2 huge glasses of milk every day, so I know that is good protein and calcium for him. And I am trying to get him to drink more water. Overall, he is doing ok.

Now that winter is here David's skin on his hands is pretty bad. He has eczema, and it is flaring up big time. The area that is the worst is his hands. He really hates lotion, and I found some special lotion that works great, so I now have to nag him to use it. His hands crack and bleed; he gets it from my dad. Please pray that he can tolerate using the lotion better. The older he gets the more he hates to use it. I hate to see his hands looking so bad. Thanks for the prayers.

We can't believe Christmas is only 19 days away! It will be a VERY small Christmas this year. I am the most fortunate parent there is. I have a family that is not materialistic, and they know times are really tight for us, so they don't expect much from us. They know we wish we could do something for them, but we can't. Maybe someday we will be better off financially; who knows. I really appreciate my children, more than I can say. I am so proud of each and every one of them. I love you, kids, all 5 of you!!

Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all the prayers, we sure do need them!! Please continue to pray for David's appetite to improve, and for him to stay caught up with school. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'You won't be happy with more until you're happy with what you've got.'~~~Angel Blessing