**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


September is here
Good evening.

September is a disease awareness month, which you probably recognized by the gold ribbons displayed on all the corporate advertising on TV and in magazines and the special media reports.

What's that? You haven't seen any? That's because, for some reason, this class of diseases attracts hardly any public attention.

If I said “pink ribbon,” you would have immediately thought of breast cancer. “Red ribbon” might be a little trickier, but eventually you would have come up with heart disease.

But the gold ribbon is nearly invisible.

It represents childhood cancers.

Today, as you read this, the equivalent of a classroom full of children will be diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., more than 12,400 a year. About 4,000 child cancer victims will die this year, making cancer the number one disease-related killer of children under 14.

While 75 percent of childhood cancer cases are curable, for some forms, a cure remains illusive.

Only one new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric use over the past two decades. For some of the rarest, but most deadly, childhood cancers, no new treatments have been introduced in more than three decades.

For every one child diagnosed with pediatric AIDS, 15 children are diagnosed with cancer, yet available funding dollars designated for research are vastly disproportionate: $595,000 for each AIDS victim and only $20,000 for each pediatric cancer victim.

Federal funding for breast cancer research is more than double that for all 12 major groups of pediatric cancer combined.

Even the American Cancer Society -- the outfit that professes to represent all cancers and provide support for everyone affected by the disease -- the organization for which we all come together and raise funds by holding a Relay each year -- has chosen not to recognize Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Go to www.cancer.org and what do you see? The banner at the top of the page is pink and touts the ACS' commitment to fighting breast cancer.

What if the focus that remains on breast cancer was turned to pediatric cancer?

I know millions of women are affected by breast cancer. But almost all of them are effectively treated.

Only thousands of kids are affected by cancer. But many -- perhaps most -- of them die.

If you are reading this, you know. You have traveled this tragic journey with us and you are aware of the impact of pediatric cancer on families.

Will you spread the word to someone who doesn't know today? Send an e-mail. Copy this to your blog, your facebook, your twitter. Write a letter to a corporation or a legislator. Or to an editor. Whatever it takes. Our children are our future. We need to help give them a chance to live. We need a lot more funding going to childhood cancer research. Please help.

That is it for today. Enough said. Thanks for visiting. God bless you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Good evening.

We had some exciting visitors last night and this morning. We finally met Tim and Jill Reamer from our support group website. They are from Minnesota and they were in CA visiting their daughter and decided to take the northern route home. So, they stopped by our house last night after they got into Carson City. Then they stopped my again this morning because we forgot to take pictures!! It was so wonderful to put a face to a name. They lost their son, Nick, to this monster called Osteosarcoma almost 18 months ago. It was so good to meet them, even though it felt like we were already old friends!!! We are members of the same family, a family none of us wants to be members of. They are great people, and we are glad we finally got to meet them.

I forgot to mention one thing about the fly fishing event. It is something that just wasn't right. Something that just broke my heart. As we were sitting at the table eating lunch, there were 2 little girls across from us. Adorable little girls. One was 7, and the other looked to be about 6. Anyway, as we were eating, the little girls were talking, and their conversation should NEVER have come out of little children's mouths. The seven-year-old had pretty long hair, and the other one had VERY short hair. Well, the one with the short hair asked the other one how long it took her hair to grow back. Then they were asking each other about chemo treatments, broviacs and ports, names of chemos, how long ago was their cancer, how old they were when they got cancer, and comparing scars. What the heck is that all about!?!?! Little children should know NOTHING about any of this!! It just wasn't right.

We only have a few days left of August, then we go on to September. I will be posting things I posted last year about what September is. A sneak preview, if you don't know, is that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. I will be posting things about what that means. Just so you know.

That is about it for now. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I hope you have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Good evening.

I am so sorry I haven't updated lately, we have been so busy.

Jennifer is completely out of her old apartment. And it is all cleaned. She just needs to turn in her keys! Now she is working on getting her new place set up. It is difficult going from a two-bedroom apartment down to one. She had to put some of her stuff in storage along with our stuff! But that is ok. She had to find a place with cheaper rent. She misses having that extra bedroom (David loved going over there to spend the night), but it is fine.

School started on Monday, and it is strange for me. For the first time in 24 years we don't have a child starting school! It is bittersweet for me. I just feel 'left out' of all the back-to-school hoopla. That is why it is bittersweet.

David is doing well. He is driving when he can, and he is a very good beginner driver. He really enjoys it. He even drove on the highway for quite a while on Saturday.

Saturday we went to the 'Reel Kids. Real Living' again this year. It is the fly fishing event we went to last year. David had a great time. He even caught a HUGE fish!! I will post pictures of it when I get them from Lizzie. He was the only child who caught a fish that whole morning!! His first fish got away, but he did land the huge one!! Woo-Hoo! It was great! It is catch and release, so we didn't get to eat the fish, but it was still fun. We didn't fish after lunch, David needed to go home. But he did drive home, and he did great! So he is doing great with his driving.

My beautiful granddaughter will be 7 months old tomorrow! I can't believe it! Where did the time go?!?! I am having so much fun with her.

Well, the summer is pretty much over. We are looking forward to fall and the start of the holiday season. We are a family that doesn't really like summer; but we have had a very mild summer. We can tell our tree is ready for fall, at least a third of the leaves are yellow!! And the grass is covered with leaves. It is beautiful. I just am not looking forward to the allergies!!

That is about all that is happening around here. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.'~~~Alexander Graham Bell

Monday, August 22, 2011

A good article on nutrition and how it relates to cancer

The Benefits of Healthy Eating To Help Fight Cancer

For cancer patients who are looking to improve the quality of life during cancer treatments, nutrition can play a vital role in helping control this deadly disease. According to Cancer.gov, patients that are dealing with cancer should be concerned with minimizing the amounts of alcohol and sugar in the diet while eating healthy and increasing time that is spent exercising. These minor improvements in their diets can increase the body's natural healing abilities and may help fight cancer or help in the treatment process.

Alcohol plays a dangerous role in its association to many cancers such as
breast cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancers, and mesothelioma. In addition, reducing the amount of alcohol that is consumed after treatment can help increase the chances of remission and the ability for treatment to be successful. If you must drink alcohol, it is suggested that patients limit the amount of alcohol consumed to one drink per day.

Patients that are dealing with terminal cancer can also help their body prolong this disease. Diets that are very high in sugar can reduce one’s
life expectancy by helping aid the production of cancerous cells. Cancer cells are able to replicate faster when there are high amounts of sugar in the bloodstream. By limiting the amount of sugar that is ingested, the body is able to reduce the chances of redeveloping cancer after treatment. Diets of people are found to have minimal risks of cancer include lean meats, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits have a blood sugar level that is healthy at a level of between 50 and 90 mg/dL. Patients that consistently intake more sugar than average have an increased risk of developing cancer. Yes, it is a small increased risk, but that is still scary.

Exercise can also help protect the body from cancer by allowing the body to be in peak physical condition. Running, cycling, or swimming can all help strengthen the body's immune system, which may lead to a speedy recovery from treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Aerobic exercise that lasts up to one hour may help significantly increase the chances for a full recovery from cancer. For cancer patients that are still weakened by treatment, working out slowly and gradually increasing intensity is often the best way to incorporate an exercise program into your life. Furthermore, a healthy diet that includes greens, fresh fruits, and lean meats will only further enhance the ability for the body to recuperate when dealing with cancer. Give your body the best chance it has at defeating this deadly disease.

By: David Haas

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Good evening.

Sorry I didn't update last night with the news. David passed his permit test. In fact, he didn't even have to finish the test. In Nevada (and maybe other states, I don't know) if you get to the point in the test where you have answered enough questions correctly that it is impossible to fail, you are done! Even if there are still questions left. So, he didn't even have to finish the test! He was really excited. Up until a few weeks ago he just wasn't interested in driving, and now he is excited. Bryon took him driving today, and he said he really likes it! Bryon said he did a great job! I can't believe my baby is driving!! I am so glad we waited until he was ready, it is making for a much more positive experience for him. He can't wait to drive tomorrow. Please pray that he stays safe as he is behind the wheel. Thanks.

Today has been such a busy day, we are exhausted! After Bryon took David driving we borrowed Jeremy's truck and spent the afternoon moving Jennifer's stuff from her old place to her new place. We will be doing the same thing tomorrow. I hate moving. We hope to get the rest of her 'big' stuff moved tomorrow. Her place and our house are full of boxes!! But it will all be over soon!!

I just wanted you to know that David passed his test and he is now driving! Thank you so very much for your prayers. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'The world is full of suffering but it is also full of people overcoming it.'~~~Helen Keller

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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Good evening.

Thank you for your prayers, David's leg feels much better. He thinks he just pulled the little muscle he has left in that upper thigh. He has no lower quad muscle, as you all know, he just has a bit of upper quad, and he thinks he pulled it. After being on crutches for a few days, his leg feels better. Thank you again for praying. Also, his knee looks great! That area is pretty much healed up. Yay!

We had a very busy weekend. We had a garage sale on Saturday morning~~~it went ok. Not great, but not too bad. We were able to get rid of some stuff. Other stuff we donated. Rachel sold some stuff and made $56!! So she did very well. We had to get up at 5:30 so we could get the stuff out there early; garage sale shoppers sure come early!! We closed up around 1:30 (I think) because we had to drive down to Gardnerville so David could walk the survivor lap for Relay for Life. He was so tired, and hot, that he wasn't feeling well. But he sucked it up and did it, like he always does. It wasn't that hot, but anything over 80 and he melts! Poor kid. Chemo really messed with his thermostat!! So we spent a bit of time at the Relay, then we came home. Then we had church on Sunday, and grocery shopping; since we couldn't do it on Saturday. Then Bryon and I went with some friends to get some frozen yogurt (yumm-o) early Sunday evening. We were so exhausted by Sunday night!! We will be having another garage sale, just don't know when. There are closets we haven't gone through yet. Hopefully it won't be such an exhausting weekend next time.

Please pray for David. He will be taking his driving permit test tomorrow. He has just NOT been interested in driving until recently. We didn't believe in pushing him; he is nervous because it is his right leg that has issues!! Please pray that he passes the test, then we can get him out learning to drive. Thanks for the prayers.

We got an EOB (Estimate of Benefits) from our insurance company on a claim they denied. They said they need more information on the 'accident' that caused this claim. Are they kidding me?!?!? Really? Cancer is an accident? Well, I guess it isn't an 'on purpose,' is it? Anyway, this claim was for $123,976.75!! This was for David's surgery in June. We are awaiting the phone call that asks the questions they want answered. This is not the first time they have pulled a stunt like this. Back when David was in treatment they denied a claim because David's hospital stay exceeded his pre-authorized limit. That is because they pre-approved a four day stay for a 5 day chemo infusion!! 5 day infusion means at LEAST 6 days in the hospital~~~what with all the hydration and all. *sigh* We know they will pay the bill, they just want to add stress to our lives!!

Well, that is about it for now. Please continue to keep the Koury family in your prayers. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Detecting childhood cancers at an early stage, when the disease would react more favorably to treatment, is extremely difficult.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Please pray!
Good evening.

I have a prayer request for David. He is back on crutches, again. His leg hurts, and he is not sure why, or exactly where. His upper thigh hurts, he just isn't sure if it is his muscle or where the implant joins his femur. He has been doing a bit of physical therapy and he thinks it's possible he overdid it. Please pray that it feels better soon. He has had so much problem with that leg ever since his last surgery! I just don't know what to think! As if the chronic pain he is in isn't enough!! I am really sick of this! It is so frustrating. Poor kid. I am so sick and tired of seeing my son in pain!! Please pray that whatever is causing the pain is nothing major. Thanks.

As far as the incision and the infection goes, it looks so much better. The incision is 'open' where the blood and infection kept coming out, but I know that will heal up soon. Thank you so much for your prayers on that!

Linda, I know the economy is hard on us all. It just sucks, that's all. Wylene, you will always know what my address is. You are such a sweetheart to always think of David. You are such an encourager. He loves getting mail from you! You and Shayne always remember him, and he looks forward to the word searches!! So don't worry, you will always know.

Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Thank you in advance for your prayers. I am just so tired of being concerned about that leg!! It's times like these when we wish we just would have amputated!! *sigh* Thanks again. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.'~~~Joseph Campbell