Finally an update
Good evening.
Sorry I haven't updated before now. Things have just been busy, and I really hate spending time on the computer! I get bored really fast! :)
Anyway, here is what happened at the doctor. He said David has 3 options: #1~~take a Rx probiotic for a month and see what happens, see if David gets any better; #2~~take an antibiotic for 2 weeks and then a probiotic for 2 weeks and see if David gets any better; #3~~do nothing. Clearly option #3 is NOT an option, and the doctor didn't recommend it, but had to offer it to him. David chose option #1. David said he wanted to do the least 'invasive' of the options first. He didn't like hearing about the side effects of the antibiotics, and said if just doing the probiotics doesn't work then we will explore option #2. The doctor gave us a month supply of the probiotics, yay! It has to be kept in the fridge because it is live freeze-dried probiotics. The doctor said it should kill the unhealthy bacteria in David's small intestine while not harming the healthy bacteria. If it does work, he will be on probiotics for the rest of his life, but that is no big deal! David said, "It's no biggie, just another pill to take twice a day!" Please pray this works!! He really doesn't want to do the antibiotic route. He has already taken 4 pills~~~not helping yet! He was just told to take it for a month and then give the doctor a call and let him know the results. The doctor said that the surgery removed part of his colon and the small intestine (including that valve), and that is part of David's issues. The other issue is the chemo that David had destroyed part of his intestine; it just doesn't work like it is supposed to. He kept saying that David has just been through so much; and we agree!! Too much!! Hopefully the unhealthy bacteria will be a thing of the past soon!! So that is the happs with the doctor appointment.
David completed his first week of work! He did great. He is nervous and excited for Monday. He will be learning new things on Monday, and that makes him rather nervous, and excited at the same time. We are so proud of him. I knew this day would come, when all my children would be working and gone all day, but I'm not sure I was ready for it! I miss having him home with me! He's my last one still at home! I am so glad he has beaten the odds and has lived long enough to get a job, it's just strange to have him gone all day. He is well-liked, no big surprise, and does a good job at work, so we are hoping that someday this will turn permanent. He rides his motorcycle to work now, but that will be changing once it gets cold! He will have to take my car, but that's ok. Please continue to pray for him; pray for his safety as he rides to and from work.
Well that is about all that is happening around here. Thank you for checking in on David. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Also, please pray for one of our Osteo family members. I have mentioned Sonya before; she starts chemo again in a couple of days for a relapse, and her dad died yesterday from lung cancer. Please pray for Sonya, and her mom and sister. Thank you so much. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.