I hope you all have a great 2010. I am praying that it is a better year for us. We will start out the year with scans on the 6th. I am definitely feeling the stress of the upcoming scans. I posted on my Facebook that I hope 2009 is better that 2010 was!! My dear friend, Olga, let me know I had it backwards!! Thanks, Olga. Yup, scanxiety is living at my house!! I am praying that we all have a better year. You are all in my prayers!
David just had a lazy day today. He just played video games all day. He has been complaining about the cold bothering his knee. Poor kid; 15 years old and he has 'old man' knees! Well, just the one knee. Little things that none of us even thought about before. When he was having the surgeries, all we were focusing on was getting rid of the cancer. I just never thought that he would be bothered by the cold! *sigh* Just one more thing he has to learn to deal with.
We are counting our blessings. We are all alive, we have a roof over our heads (for now), we are warm (thank you again for the wood, Alan), we have food in our bellies, and there is still snow on the ground!! Our biggest request right now is that David's scans come back clear. Please pray that they come back clear. Thank you in advance.
I hope and pray that you all have a great New Year as you celebrate it however you are celebrating it! We are just staying home. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your love, prayers, and encouragement to us. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood cancer is devastating and creates unique pressures on the whole family.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Good evening.
I forgot to tell you two things last night. One, it was snowing!!! Jennifer had a white birthday! So the roads were all white again this morning. Two, David ate 9 enchiladas!! Yep, you read that right~~~9!!! I could NOT believe he kept going back for more! He is doing great in the eating category~~for the most part.
David did pretty good in PT today. It was freezing when he got out, the therapy pool room is VERY warm! But the car warmed up fast. Then we went home and David showered. Then he wanted to spend his Christmas money at Game Stop, so I took him. He bought a game he really wanted! Drema, thank you so much for the money you sent him! After that I had to run to Costco to get some dog food. Then we came home and I made David lunch. He ate 12 Bagel Bites for lunch. See, he is eating pretty good. He didn't eat that great for dinner, but that is ok. Overall, he had a pretty good day. He is such a trooper.
Tomorrow he has PT again. Last week having PT three days in a row was very difficult for him. Please pray that he does well. Thank you.
This coming March is St. Baldrick's again. That is where people shave their heads to raise money for Childhood Cancer research. Last year Jennifer shaved her head and raised over $1,000, by herself!! This year Jennifer, Rachel, and I are all going to shave our heads. We are doing it in honor of David. We are called "Team David". It is money that will, hopefully, help find a cure for Osteosarcoma. Contrary to what some people believe; St. Jude's does not do ALL the research for Childhood Cancer. Other organizations need money, too. When the 'paperwork' is all done for having David be a featured child I will post a link to it. Rachel and I are scared to do this, but we want to do it in honor of David. We want to do something to help raise money for the best cause out there (in my opinion). Other cancers have fundraisers; and lots more money; and we believe that the children need the money. We need to find a cure for Childhood Cancers!! These children have just begun to live, and way too many of them are dying!! Be looking forward for the link!
That is about it for today. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. Thank you for your prayers, and love. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
I forgot to tell you two things last night. One, it was snowing!!! Jennifer had a white birthday! So the roads were all white again this morning. Two, David ate 9 enchiladas!! Yep, you read that right~~~9!!! I could NOT believe he kept going back for more! He is doing great in the eating category~~for the most part.
David did pretty good in PT today. It was freezing when he got out, the therapy pool room is VERY warm! But the car warmed up fast. Then we went home and David showered. Then he wanted to spend his Christmas money at Game Stop, so I took him. He bought a game he really wanted! Drema, thank you so much for the money you sent him! After that I had to run to Costco to get some dog food. Then we came home and I made David lunch. He ate 12 Bagel Bites for lunch. See, he is eating pretty good. He didn't eat that great for dinner, but that is ok. Overall, he had a pretty good day. He is such a trooper.
Tomorrow he has PT again. Last week having PT three days in a row was very difficult for him. Please pray that he does well. Thank you.
This coming March is St. Baldrick's again. That is where people shave their heads to raise money for Childhood Cancer research. Last year Jennifer shaved her head and raised over $1,000, by herself!! This year Jennifer, Rachel, and I are all going to shave our heads. We are doing it in honor of David. We are called "Team David". It is money that will, hopefully, help find a cure for Osteosarcoma. Contrary to what some people believe; St. Jude's does not do ALL the research for Childhood Cancer. Other organizations need money, too. When the 'paperwork' is all done for having David be a featured child I will post a link to it. Rachel and I are scared to do this, but we want to do it in honor of David. We want to do something to help raise money for the best cause out there (in my opinion). Other cancers have fundraisers; and lots more money; and we believe that the children need the money. We need to find a cure for Childhood Cancers!! These children have just begun to live, and way too many of them are dying!! Be looking forward for the link!
That is about it for today. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. Thank you for your prayers, and love. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Good evening.
First things first~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER!! Today is my older daughter's birthday.
First things first~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER!! Today is my older daughter's birthday.

David had PT this morning. He did ok, not great. Some of the exercises were causing him pain, and had to be modified. He has PT in the pool tomorrow, and then in the office again on Wednesday. He is walking better, but his knee still wants to buckle a lot on him. The quad muscles he has left are just not strong enough. I know it will just be a matter of time.
Jeremy and Lucy came over for dinner for Jennifer's birthday dinner. She wanted me to make Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas, so that is what I made. Then she had a Funfetti cake with strawberry frosting. It was good to have Jeremy and Lucy over for dinner.
Please pray for David tomorrow as he does PT. He is dealing with some pain with PT, but he knows he still has to do it.
Please remember to continue to pray for all our requests. We are getting a rather severe case of scanxiety with David's scans next week. Please pray that they come back clear! Thanks.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. ~Dan Rather
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Good evening.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We did. We had a dinner provided to us by Century 21. YAY, and THANK YOU!! And we had some dear friends bring a bunch of gifts to us, thank you Claudia and Gerry! The kids woke us up around 6-ish. Then we went downstairs and got a fire going. Then we read the Christmas story from the Bible (Luke 2:1-20). Rachel read it this year. Then we proceeded to open gifts. It only took us about an hour for all 7 of us to open gifts. We do it one at a time so we can all ooohhh and aaahhh at each gift the others receive. Then I made the traditional breakfast burritos for breakfast. Then we had the turkey in the oven by 9-ish. Then it was a day of enjoying being all together; and enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner. Jeremy and Lucy left around 7-ish; and you will never guess what we did after they left! We took the tree down. I love putting the tree up early, and having time to enjoy it. But then as soon as Christmas is over, I am done with the tree. So Bryon and I took the tree down. Plus, Monday is Jennifer's birthday, so we need to be 'done' with Christmas and focus on her! We have always let her decide if she wants the tree down by her birthday; and sometimes she wants it down and sometimes she wants it up. This year she said she didn't care; so we took it down. It is nice to have my family room back. I have all the other decorations still up, just the tree is down. So we are ready for Jennifer's birthday, and the new year!
It is still very cold here. There is a storm coming in~~~more snow!! We still have the snow we got 3 weeks ago! That is so unusual for us; usually we get snow and then it melts, more snow and it melts, more snow and it melts, etc. But after it snowed 3 weeks ago, the temperatures dropped so low (-15) that the snow just froze very solid! So we did have a wonderful white Christmas!
We got some more wood today, thank you Alan!!! We were pretty much out, and so the delivery today was a huge blessing! We appreciate the wood so very much; more than we can say.
Please pray for the family of another Osteo family member. His name is Darren, and he was 17 years old. He died yesterday, Christmas Day. We have lost so many children this year that I have lost count. Please remember to pray for Darren's family, and all the other families who have lost children. Thank you.
We are praying for a good 2010. We haven't had a good year in quite a while. 2007 started out fantastic!! It had the potential to be a wonderful year. Then David was diagnosed with this monster we call Cancer. 2008 pretty much sucked! 2009 had the potential to be a good year Then David's prosthesis broke, and he had to have the revision; an unplanned major surgery. 2010 will start out with scans on Jan 6 (Bryon's birthday), so it has the potential to start out wonderful~~~with clear scans! I am praying for a good year this next year. David still might have a surgery or two to lengthen his leg (and of course the every 3 month scans), but we want nothing MAJOR to go wrong with him. Of course, the rest of our life could fall apart; but I am going to pray that it doesn't!!! We are so ready for a good year with all good news; clear scans all year; financial reversal (back to the way it was BC); maybe a grandbaby; etc. Please join me in my prayer requests. Thank you.
Well, I need to go make dinner (leftover Quilter's Soup). I pray you all have a wonderful night. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We did. We had a dinner provided to us by Century 21. YAY, and THANK YOU!! And we had some dear friends bring a bunch of gifts to us, thank you Claudia and Gerry! The kids woke us up around 6-ish. Then we went downstairs and got a fire going. Then we read the Christmas story from the Bible (Luke 2:1-20). Rachel read it this year. Then we proceeded to open gifts. It only took us about an hour for all 7 of us to open gifts. We do it one at a time so we can all ooohhh and aaahhh at each gift the others receive. Then I made the traditional breakfast burritos for breakfast. Then we had the turkey in the oven by 9-ish. Then it was a day of enjoying being all together; and enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner. Jeremy and Lucy left around 7-ish; and you will never guess what we did after they left! We took the tree down. I love putting the tree up early, and having time to enjoy it. But then as soon as Christmas is over, I am done with the tree. So Bryon and I took the tree down. Plus, Monday is Jennifer's birthday, so we need to be 'done' with Christmas and focus on her! We have always let her decide if she wants the tree down by her birthday; and sometimes she wants it down and sometimes she wants it up. This year she said she didn't care; so we took it down. It is nice to have my family room back. I have all the other decorations still up, just the tree is down. So we are ready for Jennifer's birthday, and the new year!
It is still very cold here. There is a storm coming in~~~more snow!! We still have the snow we got 3 weeks ago! That is so unusual for us; usually we get snow and then it melts, more snow and it melts, more snow and it melts, etc. But after it snowed 3 weeks ago, the temperatures dropped so low (-15) that the snow just froze very solid! So we did have a wonderful white Christmas!

We got some more wood today, thank you Alan!!! We were pretty much out, and so the delivery today was a huge blessing! We appreciate the wood so very much; more than we can say.
Please pray for the family of another Osteo family member. His name is Darren, and he was 17 years old. He died yesterday, Christmas Day. We have lost so many children this year that I have lost count. Please remember to pray for Darren's family, and all the other families who have lost children. Thank you.
We are praying for a good 2010. We haven't had a good year in quite a while. 2007 started out fantastic!! It had the potential to be a wonderful year. Then David was diagnosed with this monster we call Cancer. 2008 pretty much sucked! 2009 had the potential to be a good year Then David's prosthesis broke, and he had to have the revision; an unplanned major surgery. 2010 will start out with scans on Jan 6 (Bryon's birthday), so it has the potential to start out wonderful~~~with clear scans! I am praying for a good year this next year. David still might have a surgery or two to lengthen his leg (and of course the every 3 month scans), but we want nothing MAJOR to go wrong with him. Of course, the rest of our life could fall apart; but I am going to pray that it doesn't!!! We are so ready for a good year with all good news; clear scans all year; financial reversal (back to the way it was BC); maybe a grandbaby; etc. Please join me in my prayer requests. Thank you.
Well, I need to go make dinner (leftover Quilter's Soup). I pray you all have a wonderful night. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I just want to say a quick Merry Christmas to all of you. Have a great day tomorrow.
Thank you, Century 21, for the Christmas dinner you provided for us. It is a blessing.
God bless all of you. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
I just want to say a quick Merry Christmas to all of you. Have a great day tomorrow.
Thank you, Century 21, for the Christmas dinner you provided for us. It is a blessing.
God bless all of you. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Good evening.
Today was a busy day.....again. I got to continue benefiting from the birthday present from my daughters; my nail appointment was this morning. Then as soon as I got home I had to take David to PT. He had a rather rough morning at PT. I am thinking that 3 days in a row is just too much for him. He was very tired and exhausted trying to do all his exercises today. When we got home he was still pretty tired. He came home and took a shower and put his jammies back on. Then I did some more baking. Oh, the PT office loved all the goodies we brought. They were all pretty excited about David's biscotti. And they loved Rachel's fudge! Anyway, I did some more baking today. And the usual many loads of laundry. And the dishes. And keeping the fire going. And the taking care of David, which is my favorite part!! I couldn't make all the cranberry bread I want to make because I ran out of eggs. We will get some tomorrow and I will finish up the baking. Good thing I love to bake!
We heard from Oakland Children's Hospital today, David's scans are set for January 6, 2010; which happens to be Bryon's birthday. He told David that the best birthday present he could get from David would be clear scans. Please be in prayer for David to have clear scans! The scanxiety has set in!! We have to be in Oakland at 10:30 to check in; then David has the injection for the bone scan at 11am, the CT scan at 12pm, then the bone scan at 2pm. Connie wants us to come in for a check-up, too. Hopefully we will have some preliminary information about the scans that same day. It will be a long day, but at least we won't have to spend the night. Thank you in advance for the prayers!!
I want to thank everyone who took the time to write and encourage me! And I am taking it to heart, and I agree with you all. I need to just let it go, and let God take care of it. Those people are not worth my time and energy. Just sometimes I get so discouraged and depressed; and I just get overwhelmed with everything. Having a child with a life-threatening illness is just so taxing on a parent! I just wanted you all to know I appreciate and love you all. Thank you for getting me 'back on track' with what I need to be focusing on. Keep up the good work!
I am so thankful that we are able to enjoy our Christmas this year, home! We have the right priorities and the proper perspective. I have admitted before that I sooo took my children's health for granted. I don't anymore. I don't even take the ability to walk for granted anymore. My poor son has to think about every step he takes. He can't just walk 'mindlessly' like we do; he has to concentrate on every step. For those of you with children~~~give then an extra big hug tonight. Please cherish every day you have, you never know when it might be the last.
Well, that is about it for tonight. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
He who fears something gives it power over him. ~Moorish Proverb
Today was a busy day.....again. I got to continue benefiting from the birthday present from my daughters; my nail appointment was this morning. Then as soon as I got home I had to take David to PT. He had a rather rough morning at PT. I am thinking that 3 days in a row is just too much for him. He was very tired and exhausted trying to do all his exercises today. When we got home he was still pretty tired. He came home and took a shower and put his jammies back on. Then I did some more baking. Oh, the PT office loved all the goodies we brought. They were all pretty excited about David's biscotti. And they loved Rachel's fudge! Anyway, I did some more baking today. And the usual many loads of laundry. And the dishes. And keeping the fire going. And the taking care of David, which is my favorite part!! I couldn't make all the cranberry bread I want to make because I ran out of eggs. We will get some tomorrow and I will finish up the baking. Good thing I love to bake!
We heard from Oakland Children's Hospital today, David's scans are set for January 6, 2010; which happens to be Bryon's birthday. He told David that the best birthday present he could get from David would be clear scans. Please be in prayer for David to have clear scans! The scanxiety has set in!! We have to be in Oakland at 10:30 to check in; then David has the injection for the bone scan at 11am, the CT scan at 12pm, then the bone scan at 2pm. Connie wants us to come in for a check-up, too. Hopefully we will have some preliminary information about the scans that same day. It will be a long day, but at least we won't have to spend the night. Thank you in advance for the prayers!!
I want to thank everyone who took the time to write and encourage me! And I am taking it to heart, and I agree with you all. I need to just let it go, and let God take care of it. Those people are not worth my time and energy. Just sometimes I get so discouraged and depressed; and I just get overwhelmed with everything. Having a child with a life-threatening illness is just so taxing on a parent! I just wanted you all to know I appreciate and love you all. Thank you for getting me 'back on track' with what I need to be focusing on. Keep up the good work!
I am so thankful that we are able to enjoy our Christmas this year, home! We have the right priorities and the proper perspective. I have admitted before that I sooo took my children's health for granted. I don't anymore. I don't even take the ability to walk for granted anymore. My poor son has to think about every step he takes. He can't just walk 'mindlessly' like we do; he has to concentrate on every step. For those of you with children~~~give then an extra big hug tonight. Please cherish every day you have, you never know when it might be the last.
Well, that is about it for tonight. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
He who fears something gives it power over him. ~Moorish Proverb
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Good evening. I hope everyone is doing good this evening.
It is beautiful and very cold. It snowed last night, and some today. We are still hoping for a white Christmas. The snow is still hanging around here, so it is possible that it will still be here on Christmas. Especially because the highs are only going to be in the low 30's all week. And single-digit lows!! YAY! We are happy about that.
David has had a busy week so far. He went to PT on Monday, and did good. Then he had PT in the pool today, and, again, did good. Then tomorrow he has PT in the office again. Then he has a 4 day break from PT. He is happy about that. He just finished making some biscotti for the PT office. We will be bringing them some goodies tomorrow. Rachel and I have made a bunch of cookies, and tonight Rachel made fudge. So we are pretty set for giving goodies out for Christmas. We will just have to make more if we actually want to have any, ha-ha!
Sara is home, thank you for your prayers. She is still in pain, but she is healing. Please continue to pray for her pain to diminish; thanks.
Not a lot is happening around here. We still REALLY need your prayers. Our 'special request' is not getting better; in fact, it is getting worse. Please, please, we covet your prayers. We want to be in God's will, we just aren't sure what that is right now. I can't go into details at this point; but we are at risk of losing everything. Please pray for us. Thank you.
I would appreciate prayer for me, specifically, too. I am dealing with a lot of issues. Stuff that was said to me a LONG time ago keeps rearing its ugly head. I was told I was wrong to ask for financial help (by putting David's account number on this website). I was told he is my son to raise, God gave him to me to take care of and it is not up to others to help me pay for his expenses. But this person has NO idea what it cost to have a critically ill child. Sure, he is out of active treatment now (except for continued surgeries), but his expenses are still on-going! All you 'cancer parents' know exactly what I am talking about. The medication, doctor visits, trips to Oakland, etc. And there is no end in sight! I will do whatever I have to do to keep David alive, but our family is on a very slippery slope right now. All that to say, please pray for me/us. Thank you so much.
Thank you all for being here. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. And I don't say that lightly! I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what I would do without all of you guys. Like I have said before, we have lost so many people in our lives over this journey. But they were people that I don't need, or want, in my life anyway. People have shown their true colors; and some are 'punishing' David for the way they feel about me. How sad is that? But we know that David is better off without those people anyway. I just want all you faithful readers to know how much I appreciate you! Some (most) of you I don't even know! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Well, you all have a great night. Again, thank you for being there for us. Thank you for your encouragement, and your love. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime
It is beautiful and very cold. It snowed last night, and some today. We are still hoping for a white Christmas. The snow is still hanging around here, so it is possible that it will still be here on Christmas. Especially because the highs are only going to be in the low 30's all week. And single-digit lows!! YAY! We are happy about that.
David has had a busy week so far. He went to PT on Monday, and did good. Then he had PT in the pool today, and, again, did good. Then tomorrow he has PT in the office again. Then he has a 4 day break from PT. He is happy about that. He just finished making some biscotti for the PT office. We will be bringing them some goodies tomorrow. Rachel and I have made a bunch of cookies, and tonight Rachel made fudge. So we are pretty set for giving goodies out for Christmas. We will just have to make more if we actually want to have any, ha-ha!
Sara is home, thank you for your prayers. She is still in pain, but she is healing. Please continue to pray for her pain to diminish; thanks.
Not a lot is happening around here. We still REALLY need your prayers. Our 'special request' is not getting better; in fact, it is getting worse. Please, please, we covet your prayers. We want to be in God's will, we just aren't sure what that is right now. I can't go into details at this point; but we are at risk of losing everything. Please pray for us. Thank you.
I would appreciate prayer for me, specifically, too. I am dealing with a lot of issues. Stuff that was said to me a LONG time ago keeps rearing its ugly head. I was told I was wrong to ask for financial help (by putting David's account number on this website). I was told he is my son to raise, God gave him to me to take care of and it is not up to others to help me pay for his expenses. But this person has NO idea what it cost to have a critically ill child. Sure, he is out of active treatment now (except for continued surgeries), but his expenses are still on-going! All you 'cancer parents' know exactly what I am talking about. The medication, doctor visits, trips to Oakland, etc. And there is no end in sight! I will do whatever I have to do to keep David alive, but our family is on a very slippery slope right now. All that to say, please pray for me/us. Thank you so much.
Thank you all for being here. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. And I don't say that lightly! I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what I would do without all of you guys. Like I have said before, we have lost so many people in our lives over this journey. But they were people that I don't need, or want, in my life anyway. People have shown their true colors; and some are 'punishing' David for the way they feel about me. How sad is that? But we know that David is better off without those people anyway. I just want all you faithful readers to know how much I appreciate you! Some (most) of you I don't even know! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Well, you all have a great night. Again, thank you for being there for us. Thank you for your encouragement, and your love. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Good evening.
It was a busy day today, as usual. David pretty much had a lazy day. He played games for most of the day. We did go to church tonight~~it was very good. David ate ok, not great, but ok. Yesterday he ate great! Well, for lunch anyway. He had 8 tacos! Yes, you read that right, 8. He told me he wanted 3 (they were leftovers from dinner the other night), so I gave him 4. Then he wanted 2 more; then he wanted 2 more!!!! I couldn't believe he ate so much. Then he went to PT, and got a stomach ache. PT in the afternoon is hard for him. But he still did his best, which is all we ask of him. Then on the way home I stopped at Dutch Bros. for him and got him an iced Milky Way coffee (I keep a container of change in my car for just such an occasion!). So it was a special treat for him after working so hard at PT.
Today was busy for me and Rachel. We baked today! We made the dough for one batch of cookies that have to chill for 3-4 days. Then I made banana bread. Then the two of us made Snowball Cookies (yes, they are the same as Mexican Wedding Cakes and Russian Tea Cakes), Cherry Snowball Cookies, Sugar Cookies (Rachel had fun with the cookie cutters), and jam-filled Thumbprint Cookies. We still have quite a bit of baking left to do, but that is all we did for today. Whew. Busy day; but I had fun with my daughter. So we will be doing some more baking tomorrow; and every night after work.
Sara had all her tubes removed, and was hoping to go home today. I haven't heard, so I don't know if she is at home or not. Please pray for her pain to go away. This is a very painful surgery; I remember David's thoracotomies! Thank you for your prayers.
Please remember all our Osteo family members who are 'celebrating' this Christmas without their precious children this year. Thank you.
I am so thankful that we are not in the hospital for Christmas this year, like we were in 2007;
It was a busy day today, as usual. David pretty much had a lazy day. He played games for most of the day. We did go to church tonight~~it was very good. David ate ok, not great, but ok. Yesterday he ate great! Well, for lunch anyway. He had 8 tacos! Yes, you read that right, 8. He told me he wanted 3 (they were leftovers from dinner the other night), so I gave him 4. Then he wanted 2 more; then he wanted 2 more!!!! I couldn't believe he ate so much. Then he went to PT, and got a stomach ache. PT in the afternoon is hard for him. But he still did his best, which is all we ask of him. Then on the way home I stopped at Dutch Bros. for him and got him an iced Milky Way coffee (I keep a container of change in my car for just such an occasion!). So it was a special treat for him after working so hard at PT.
Today was busy for me and Rachel. We baked today! We made the dough for one batch of cookies that have to chill for 3-4 days. Then I made banana bread. Then the two of us made Snowball Cookies (yes, they are the same as Mexican Wedding Cakes and Russian Tea Cakes), Cherry Snowball Cookies, Sugar Cookies (Rachel had fun with the cookie cutters), and jam-filled Thumbprint Cookies. We still have quite a bit of baking left to do, but that is all we did for today. Whew. Busy day; but I had fun with my daughter. So we will be doing some more baking tomorrow; and every night after work.
Sara had all her tubes removed, and was hoping to go home today. I haven't heard, so I don't know if she is at home or not. Please pray for her pain to go away. This is a very painful surgery; I remember David's thoracotomies! Thank you for your prayers.
Please remember all our Osteo family members who are 'celebrating' this Christmas without their precious children this year. Thank you.
I am so thankful that we are not in the hospital for Christmas this year, like we were in 2007;

and I am thankful that we are not looking at another surgery a few days after Christmas, like last year. This year we just get to celebrate Christmas with the 7 of us enjoying being together. Relaxing and no looming surgery hanging over our heads. Of course, David's scans are sometime in January, but we don't know when, yet. I will keep you posted!
Thank you for all your prayers. Please keep praying for our finances and our 'special request.' We appreciate it so much.
Another answer to prayer, we got some firewood on Friday! Thank you Alan! Our house is warmer than it has been in a week! We appreciate the wood!!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
If you're going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill
Thank you for all your prayers. Please keep praying for our finances and our 'special request.' We appreciate it so much.
Another answer to prayer, we got some firewood on Friday! Thank you Alan! Our house is warmer than it has been in a week! We appreciate the wood!!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
If you're going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Good evening.
It has definitely warmed up here, our highs are in the high 30's-40ish.
David is doing ok. He still gets tired pretty easily. His stamina is just not there, still. He is eating pretty good~~~still forcing himself. He still has some better days eating wise, and some not so good days. I think because he gained the weight he is slowing down some. He just did what he did to avoid the feeding tube, and now he is not eating quite as much. But at least he is still eating, so we are happy. He is trying so hard to get caught up with school~~he could still really use your prayers in that area! He just gets so overwhelmed sometimes. He is such a smart kid, and he has always done so well in school before. *sigh* It is just so frustrating for him. He is trying so hard. He might have to do work over Christmas break! Poor guy. He just can't catch a break. If he didn't have to spend time with surgeries, scans, doctors appointments, PT, and just plain fatigue, he would be doing GREAT!! I guess in time.
Please continue to pray for our 'special request,' we haven't heard any news lately. I will let you know when we find something out.
Please pray for Sara, she is recovering from her thoracotomy; she had the surgery on Monday. Please pray that she can have the chest tube removed soon, and that she can go home soon. Thank you. Also, please remember to keep Holly in your prayers as she goes through her treatment for her recurred lymphoma. Thank you so much.
David did pretty good in PT yesterday, and he has PT again tomorrow. No pool this week, it is a long story. So he has PT tomorrow afternoon; not when he is at his best! He is tired by afternoon. Oh well. It is what it is.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for the love, prayers, and support. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
At a time when breakthroughs can be made in treating all childhood cancer and the quality of life for children with cancer improved, the continued decline in government funding will endanger the development of new clinical trials and threaten progress in curing childhood cancer.
It has definitely warmed up here, our highs are in the high 30's-40ish.
David is doing ok. He still gets tired pretty easily. His stamina is just not there, still. He is eating pretty good~~~still forcing himself. He still has some better days eating wise, and some not so good days. I think because he gained the weight he is slowing down some. He just did what he did to avoid the feeding tube, and now he is not eating quite as much. But at least he is still eating, so we are happy. He is trying so hard to get caught up with school~~he could still really use your prayers in that area! He just gets so overwhelmed sometimes. He is such a smart kid, and he has always done so well in school before. *sigh* It is just so frustrating for him. He is trying so hard. He might have to do work over Christmas break! Poor guy. He just can't catch a break. If he didn't have to spend time with surgeries, scans, doctors appointments, PT, and just plain fatigue, he would be doing GREAT!! I guess in time.
Please continue to pray for our 'special request,' we haven't heard any news lately. I will let you know when we find something out.
Please pray for Sara, she is recovering from her thoracotomy; she had the surgery on Monday. Please pray that she can have the chest tube removed soon, and that she can go home soon. Thank you. Also, please remember to keep Holly in your prayers as she goes through her treatment for her recurred lymphoma. Thank you so much.
David did pretty good in PT yesterday, and he has PT again tomorrow. No pool this week, it is a long story. So he has PT tomorrow afternoon; not when he is at his best! He is tired by afternoon. Oh well. It is what it is.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for the love, prayers, and support. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
At a time when breakthroughs can be made in treating all childhood cancer and the quality of life for children with cancer improved, the continued decline in government funding will endanger the development of new clinical trials and threaten progress in curing childhood cancer.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Good evening.
The weather has warmed up some. I am glad that the nights are warmer, but I will miss the snow if it all melts before Christmas!! I pray it doesn't all melt before Christmas. We really want a white Christmas! But with us running out of wood, it is nice that the days are somewhat warmer.
David has had a busy couple of days. Saturdays always seem to be so busy. We had to do some shopping, some running around, and then we went to church. Oh, and it snowed most of the day, too. Then after church we came home and had dinner. It just was a very busy day. Church was good.
All my plans fell threw today for lunch. I was planning on making chili, but there was one ingredient I forgot to buy. By the time I showered and got ready, it was too late to make the chili for lunch. So we figured we would go to a local store and get some pre-made fajita mix. Well, I had to go to Walmart to get a couple things, and when we went to the market for the fajita mix, they didn't have any. So I ended up making tacos for lunch. So I had to do plan C for lunch, but it was still good. I still made the chili, and it will be leftovers this week. So today was a rather disappointing day (lunch wise). We all really wanted fajitas!! *sigh*
Tomorrow is David's appointment with Connie to check on his weight. He has been eating a LOT more than before, and I think he has gained about 5 pounds! We will get the official word tomorrow. Connie did say that David still might need some therapy to figure out all the 'why's' of David's not wanting to eat without the Megace. I still have a theory~~~for the past 2 years his life has been so out of his control, and the only thing he has control over is his eating. That is the one area where no one can force him to do something he doesn't want to do. I put 2 and 2 together because he is alot like me. I went the other way he went, and I ate and got overweight. I had the control. We will probably be talking about getting him some therapy. I sure hope insurance will pay for it! Things are already pretty dire around here, we sure don't need something else we can't afford! Of course, David is important, and we will do whatever we have to do to get him healthy; in EVERY way. I told Connie I am worried about him being dependant on the Megace to eat, and Connie said that, #1 we will wean him off it; and #2 she is more worried about his health and heart by him not eating. Please pray we can get all this mess figured out and fixed. Thanks.
Well, thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night, and a good day tomorrow. I will post and let you know how David's appointment went. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“Life is a promise; fulfill it.” — MOTHER THERESA
The weather has warmed up some. I am glad that the nights are warmer, but I will miss the snow if it all melts before Christmas!! I pray it doesn't all melt before Christmas. We really want a white Christmas! But with us running out of wood, it is nice that the days are somewhat warmer.
David has had a busy couple of days. Saturdays always seem to be so busy. We had to do some shopping, some running around, and then we went to church. Oh, and it snowed most of the day, too. Then after church we came home and had dinner. It just was a very busy day. Church was good.
All my plans fell threw today for lunch. I was planning on making chili, but there was one ingredient I forgot to buy. By the time I showered and got ready, it was too late to make the chili for lunch. So we figured we would go to a local store and get some pre-made fajita mix. Well, I had to go to Walmart to get a couple things, and when we went to the market for the fajita mix, they didn't have any. So I ended up making tacos for lunch. So I had to do plan C for lunch, but it was still good. I still made the chili, and it will be leftovers this week. So today was a rather disappointing day (lunch wise). We all really wanted fajitas!! *sigh*
Tomorrow is David's appointment with Connie to check on his weight. He has been eating a LOT more than before, and I think he has gained about 5 pounds! We will get the official word tomorrow. Connie did say that David still might need some therapy to figure out all the 'why's' of David's not wanting to eat without the Megace. I still have a theory~~~for the past 2 years his life has been so out of his control, and the only thing he has control over is his eating. That is the one area where no one can force him to do something he doesn't want to do. I put 2 and 2 together because he is alot like me. I went the other way he went, and I ate and got overweight. I had the control. We will probably be talking about getting him some therapy. I sure hope insurance will pay for it! Things are already pretty dire around here, we sure don't need something else we can't afford! Of course, David is important, and we will do whatever we have to do to get him healthy; in EVERY way. I told Connie I am worried about him being dependant on the Megace to eat, and Connie said that, #1 we will wean him off it; and #2 she is more worried about his health and heart by him not eating. Please pray we can get all this mess figured out and fixed. Thanks.
Well, thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night, and a good day tomorrow. I will post and let you know how David's appointment went. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
“Life is a promise; fulfill it.” — MOTHER THERESA
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Good evening.
We had a lot of fun at the Christmas party last night. Partly because we knew more people. Going to our support group meetings has helped us get to know people at this annual party. It was really good food, too. The party was at the El Dorado and they have a great buffet. The food was rather 'kid friendly,' with mac and cheese, chicken strips, french fries, salad, rolls and butter, ravioli, ice cream sundae bar, punch, and I can't remember what else. I ate the salad and mac and cheese, and it was GREAT! David only ate 2 chicken strips. But we stopped at A&W on the way home for him. The Megace is working! But he is a picky eater, so it is a bit frustrating when he wants to eat, but doesn't know what! Right now Bryon, David, and I are just sitting drinking hot cocoa. He just finished snacking on some chips and dip. Sorry, I got off the subject. We all had a good time last night.
David had PT in the pool this morning. He did real well. He is stiff and sore now, but he did good. He is glad to be back in the pool. He hates the work, of course, but likes being in the pool. Last summer we spent a lot of time in the pool at home. So he was glad to be back in the pool. Then he came home and did school.
Our weather is warming up. Today our high was 19 degrees (yesterday was 15). Our low was only -5, yesterday morning it was -15!!!! We still have a LOT of snow, and we are expecting more tomorrow and Saturday. The roads are dry in spots, pretty darn icy is others. Our neighborhood is still pretty buried in snow! But our driveway is nice and dry! We have some beautiful icicles hanging from our house. I am praying for a white Christmas.
Bryon had to light the furnace tonight, just in case. The wood is almost gone. I am just praying we don't need to turn on the furnace, we can't afford to use the heat. Trying to heat a 2-story, 2550 sq.ft. house is not easy. If we want it to be warm downstairs, it is going to be hot upstairs! That will just not work. Hopefully we can get some wood, or God will just multiply the wood we have! Hey, it could happen!
Well, that is about it. Thank you for checking in on us. Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support. Please don't give up on us!! Have a good evening. Sleep good tonight. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Confucius said it best "The smallest gesture is better than the grandest intention"
We had a lot of fun at the Christmas party last night. Partly because we knew more people. Going to our support group meetings has helped us get to know people at this annual party. It was really good food, too. The party was at the El Dorado and they have a great buffet. The food was rather 'kid friendly,' with mac and cheese, chicken strips, french fries, salad, rolls and butter, ravioli, ice cream sundae bar, punch, and I can't remember what else. I ate the salad and mac and cheese, and it was GREAT! David only ate 2 chicken strips. But we stopped at A&W on the way home for him. The Megace is working! But he is a picky eater, so it is a bit frustrating when he wants to eat, but doesn't know what! Right now Bryon, David, and I are just sitting drinking hot cocoa. He just finished snacking on some chips and dip. Sorry, I got off the subject. We all had a good time last night.
David had PT in the pool this morning. He did real well. He is stiff and sore now, but he did good. He is glad to be back in the pool. He hates the work, of course, but likes being in the pool. Last summer we spent a lot of time in the pool at home. So he was glad to be back in the pool. Then he came home and did school.
Our weather is warming up. Today our high was 19 degrees (yesterday was 15). Our low was only -5, yesterday morning it was -15!!!! We still have a LOT of snow, and we are expecting more tomorrow and Saturday. The roads are dry in spots, pretty darn icy is others. Our neighborhood is still pretty buried in snow! But our driveway is nice and dry! We have some beautiful icicles hanging from our house. I am praying for a white Christmas.
Bryon had to light the furnace tonight, just in case. The wood is almost gone. I am just praying we don't need to turn on the furnace, we can't afford to use the heat. Trying to heat a 2-story, 2550 sq.ft. house is not easy. If we want it to be warm downstairs, it is going to be hot upstairs! That will just not work. Hopefully we can get some wood, or God will just multiply the wood we have! Hey, it could happen!
Well, that is about it. Thank you for checking in on us. Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support. Please don't give up on us!! Have a good evening. Sleep good tonight. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Confucius said it best "The smallest gesture is better than the grandest intention"
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Good evening.
As I begin this entry it is 2 degrees outside! It got to -9 this morning. Brrrr. I love the cold. Not being out in it, but the cold. Then the sun came out~~~but it didn't get much warmer. I think the high today was around 14. But when the sun came out I went out and shoveled the driveway. I wanted to shovel the remaining snow (Bryon shoveled it twice yesterday), and break up the ice so it would melt in the sun. The gentleman across the street was shoveling his driveway, too, and he said we are lucky that our driveway faces South. I told him I agree; I am very happy our house faces South. He said his driveway will never melt. And I said awww, it will melt; sometime in the middle of Summer!! LOL. I came in from shoveling and I said I was hot (I was wearing long underwear, a sweatshirt, jeans, my heavy coat, and gloves) and David said, "It is 1 degree outside, how can you be hot?" He is such a goofball!! But it has been warm and cozy in the house today.
David had a good day. He is still very hoarse, but he feels ok. I will be surprised if he keeps his voice! The mornings are the worst for his voice. He ate ok. He is doing somewhat better at eating. Again, he is trying so hard. Then he had a full day of school. He stuck his head outside at one point today and said it is so cold it hurts to breathe. So he stayed inside, of course. We can't have him walking around outside any more than he needs to. We can't have him falling! That's for sure!
Tomorrow is our Christmas Party with the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation; formerly Angel Kiss and Keaton Raphael Memorial. It should be fun. This year it will just be the 3 of us, instead of the 7 of us. The other kids just can't get off work in time~~~the party starts at 5:30, and it is in Reno. Bryon worked late tonight so he can get off early tomorrow so we can get there in time. It is only from 5:30-7:30.
I forgot to tell you something funny David said yesterday. Remember, the forecast called for only 4-6 inches of snow. So the 16+" was quite a surprise, and the roads were pretty much a mess. At least they weren't icy. Anyway, as we were on our way home from PT there was a snow plow going north; I was driving south. David said, "Well, now there are the snow plows, but they are on the wrong side of the road!" He cracks me up sometimes. I suppose NDOT was scrambling to get the plows out as soon as they could. Bryon said today that the freeway is in really good shape. Our neighborhood is still pretty bad, but at least it is getting packed down. I do so love the snow. I was telling my children that I am so glad they grew up where there are 4 seasons; and snow. I was raised in Southern California where there are NOT 4 seasons. And I didn't live in the mountains and snow, like my children do. They learned how to drive in the snow when they learned how to drive! So they are good drivers in the snow. I am just thankful they get to experience living where there are 4 seasons.
Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. Pray for my family's safety as they are driving in this wonderful weather. Please pray for our wood situation. Bryon thinks we only have about 2-3 days left. Pray for our finances. And please continue to remember those families who have recently lost their children, and have to face this first Christmas without them. Thank you so much for you love, prayers, and support. We appreciate you all. God bless you all. We love you. Have a good night. {{HUGS}} By the way, it is now 1 degree!!
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"Kids aren't suppose to have cancer, they're suppose to have a future." - Jeff Foxworthy
As I begin this entry it is 2 degrees outside! It got to -9 this morning. Brrrr. I love the cold. Not being out in it, but the cold. Then the sun came out~~~but it didn't get much warmer. I think the high today was around 14. But when the sun came out I went out and shoveled the driveway. I wanted to shovel the remaining snow (Bryon shoveled it twice yesterday), and break up the ice so it would melt in the sun. The gentleman across the street was shoveling his driveway, too, and he said we are lucky that our driveway faces South. I told him I agree; I am very happy our house faces South. He said his driveway will never melt. And I said awww, it will melt; sometime in the middle of Summer!! LOL. I came in from shoveling and I said I was hot (I was wearing long underwear, a sweatshirt, jeans, my heavy coat, and gloves) and David said, "It is 1 degree outside, how can you be hot?" He is such a goofball!! But it has been warm and cozy in the house today.
David had a good day. He is still very hoarse, but he feels ok. I will be surprised if he keeps his voice! The mornings are the worst for his voice. He ate ok. He is doing somewhat better at eating. Again, he is trying so hard. Then he had a full day of school. He stuck his head outside at one point today and said it is so cold it hurts to breathe. So he stayed inside, of course. We can't have him walking around outside any more than he needs to. We can't have him falling! That's for sure!
Tomorrow is our Christmas Party with the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation; formerly Angel Kiss and Keaton Raphael Memorial. It should be fun. This year it will just be the 3 of us, instead of the 7 of us. The other kids just can't get off work in time~~~the party starts at 5:30, and it is in Reno. Bryon worked late tonight so he can get off early tomorrow so we can get there in time. It is only from 5:30-7:30.
I forgot to tell you something funny David said yesterday. Remember, the forecast called for only 4-6 inches of snow. So the 16+" was quite a surprise, and the roads were pretty much a mess. At least they weren't icy. Anyway, as we were on our way home from PT there was a snow plow going north; I was driving south. David said, "Well, now there are the snow plows, but they are on the wrong side of the road!" He cracks me up sometimes. I suppose NDOT was scrambling to get the plows out as soon as they could. Bryon said today that the freeway is in really good shape. Our neighborhood is still pretty bad, but at least it is getting packed down. I do so love the snow. I was telling my children that I am so glad they grew up where there are 4 seasons; and snow. I was raised in Southern California where there are NOT 4 seasons. And I didn't live in the mountains and snow, like my children do. They learned how to drive in the snow when they learned how to drive! So they are good drivers in the snow. I am just thankful they get to experience living where there are 4 seasons.
Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. Pray for my family's safety as they are driving in this wonderful weather. Please pray for our wood situation. Bryon thinks we only have about 2-3 days left. Pray for our finances. And please continue to remember those families who have recently lost their children, and have to face this first Christmas without them. Thank you so much for you love, prayers, and support. We appreciate you all. God bless you all. We love you. Have a good night. {{HUGS}} By the way, it is now 1 degree!!
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"Kids aren't suppose to have cancer, they're suppose to have a future." - Jeff Foxworthy
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Good evening.
Well, the weather forecast for us was 4"-6" of snow by this morning. They were WRONG! Very wrong! We woke up to 16", and it snowed pretty much all day. The snow all day was light, but steady. We are living in a beautiful winter wonderland!! Bryon, Jennifer, and Rachel all got sent home from work. All the schools were closed. I took David to PT; and my Honda Pilot did GREAT!! I have newish tires (about 7 months old); and they are beefy tires. I didn't slip or skid once! My tires got great traction. I just locked it into 4-wheel-drive, and drove slow and steady. It was such a beautiful day! I posted some pictures of our house this morning. Our low for tonight is predicted to be 0*!! Just a bit chilly, wouldn't you say? Please pray that our wood lasts. We are running really low, and Alan is not here to deliver some more. Please, please pray that we don't run out. Thanks.
David did pretty well in PT today. He didn't want to go, but he went and did his best. Linda was very surprised at how well he did on the balance board. His bend is 105*, so we are very happy with that. We aren't going to worry about getting it better at this point. Dr. O said he would be happy with 90*, so David is fine where he is at. Linda said that 105* is good for riding a bike, which David did. He got very tired, but he did good.
David also ate pretty good today, too. For breakfast he had a piece of toast. For lunch he had some nachos with guacamole. For dinner he had some turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. He actually had a 2nd helping of turkey!! He said today was a perfect day for chili, but I said 'sorry, I am making a turkey breast' and he was happy with that! So he did pretty good today. Thank you for your continued prayers in that category.
He said his leg is a bit stiff, more so than usual. I know it is because of the PT, but he will get used to it again. He has PT in the pool on Thursday. It is good to get him back in the groove of PT again. It is amazing how fast the muscles atrophy! His knee buckles on him quite a bit again. We can't wait until that stops; when his quads are stronger.
Well, that is about it for today. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please remember to pray for our firewood situation. Please pray for all the families who have lost their children this year. As we all prepare for Christmas, these families have to prepare for a Christmas without their precious children. I am sure this is going to be a very difficult time. Thank you. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime
Well, the weather forecast for us was 4"-6" of snow by this morning. They were WRONG! Very wrong! We woke up to 16", and it snowed pretty much all day. The snow all day was light, but steady. We are living in a beautiful winter wonderland!! Bryon, Jennifer, and Rachel all got sent home from work. All the schools were closed. I took David to PT; and my Honda Pilot did GREAT!! I have newish tires (about 7 months old); and they are beefy tires. I didn't slip or skid once! My tires got great traction. I just locked it into 4-wheel-drive, and drove slow and steady. It was such a beautiful day! I posted some pictures of our house this morning. Our low for tonight is predicted to be 0*!! Just a bit chilly, wouldn't you say? Please pray that our wood lasts. We are running really low, and Alan is not here to deliver some more. Please, please pray that we don't run out. Thanks.
David did pretty well in PT today. He didn't want to go, but he went and did his best. Linda was very surprised at how well he did on the balance board. His bend is 105*, so we are very happy with that. We aren't going to worry about getting it better at this point. Dr. O said he would be happy with 90*, so David is fine where he is at. Linda said that 105* is good for riding a bike, which David did. He got very tired, but he did good.
David also ate pretty good today, too. For breakfast he had a piece of toast. For lunch he had some nachos with guacamole. For dinner he had some turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. He actually had a 2nd helping of turkey!! He said today was a perfect day for chili, but I said 'sorry, I am making a turkey breast' and he was happy with that! So he did pretty good today. Thank you for your continued prayers in that category.
He said his leg is a bit stiff, more so than usual. I know it is because of the PT, but he will get used to it again. He has PT in the pool on Thursday. It is good to get him back in the groove of PT again. It is amazing how fast the muscles atrophy! His knee buckles on him quite a bit again. We can't wait until that stops; when his quads are stronger.
Well, that is about it for today. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please remember to pray for our firewood situation. Please pray for all the families who have lost their children this year. As we all prepare for Christmas, these families have to prepare for a Christmas without their precious children. I am sure this is going to be a very difficult time. Thank you. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
First and foremost~~~Happy Anniversary Jeremy and Lucy. Today is my son
and daughter-in-love's 6th anniversary.
Good evening. IT IS SNOWING!!! It is so beautiful. We woke up to a cold,
mostly cloudy, windy day. In church we could here the wind picking up and
howling (we were sitting close to a window). We could see the storm coming
over the mountains on the way home. Then, when we were almost home, it
started snowing. Lightly, at first. It was so windy that the snow was
pretty much blowing sideways. Then we went to a place called Red's for
lunch; compliments of David's PT office. They gave David a gift card for
that place. It was very yummy!! David ate a little over 1/2 of his
hamburger; so we were happy about that. It has pretty much been snowing
ever since. It is accumulating on the ground; woo-hoo!! And it is COLD!
But, again, we have a nice warm fire going.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. The kids went to sushi for lunch. The
girls said that David ate pretty good. I can tell he is forcing himself to
eat. But we figure that if he forces himself and eats more, maybe he will
feel better and want to eat more, then he will feel better and want to eat
more, etc. We sooooo hope to avoid the feeding tube! When they got home
from sushi we went and got a little (2 feet high) real tree for the living
room. David says he misses having a real tree, with the smell and all, so
we said we would get a small one for the living room. It is on a table, so
it looks really cute in there. We spend most of our time in the family
room; where the fake tree is; but the living room is kinda my 'retreat'
room. I like to go in there when I just want to be alone and have some
peace and quiet. It is a very peaceful room. Anyway, after we got home
from that we went to church. The church is all decorated and looks great!
I am looking forward to each Saturday night service this month. They have
a different Christmas 'theme' each week. Saturday night was 'Youth' night;
more contemporary music and the younger children were in the service for
the singing part. Next week will be a 'Country' Christmas theme. Then the
following week will be a 'Classic' Christmas theme. I will let you know
how those go. The message was about 'Following the Star.' It was good.
Then we came home and David had 3 leftover enchiladas! I am happy to see
him eat. He really likes my pork enchiladas. And that was Saturday.
Church this morning was good. David doesn't always feel like going, but he
went today. He probably shouldn't have gone, though. He is feeling ok, but
loosing his voice. He has a cold, and now he is getting hoarse. But I am
glad we went. The sermon was about something Bryon and I have talked
about, many times. It was about God's omnipotence. We know God CAN do
anything; it just doesn't mean He will. That can be such a struggle for
us, sometimes. Pretty much God does what He wants. I know that what He
does He has a reason for, but that is just really hard to swallow
sometimes. It was a really good sermon. Then for dinner David ate 10
chicken nuggets. He didn't really know what he wanted to eat, and I found
some frozen chicken nuggets in the freezer outside, and he ate 10. So that
was good. It is very obvious to me that he is trying really hard. Clearly
he wants to avoid the feeding tube, too! Can't say as I blame him!! It is
so hard to sit and watch your child suffer with having a feeding tube
shoved down their nose into their stomach. It is so hard for him to drink,
to help the tube down, while he is gagging! Please continue to pray that
we can avoid the tube!! Thank you.
Well, that about takes care of the weekend. Tomorrow David has PT at
8:45am. I am glad I have a four-wheel-drive vehicle!! Please pray that he
doesn't have too difficult of a time at PT tomorrow. He is NOT looking
forward to it. And please continue to pray for his schooling. Pray he
isn't too tired after PT tomorrow; it usually pretty much wipes him
out~~~with his lack of energy and all. And please continue to pray that he
can eat the protein that he needs, and his heart will heal itself. Thank
you sooooo much.
I have another prayer request for you. The gentleman who gives us our
wood, Alan, is in Southern California because his brother is dying of
cancer. Please pray for Alan and Ron. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a
good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood Cancers are cancers that primarily affect children, teens, and
young adults. When cancer strikes children and young adults it affects
them differently than it would an adult.
and daughter-in-love's 6th anniversary.
Good evening. IT IS SNOWING!!! It is so beautiful. We woke up to a cold,
mostly cloudy, windy day. In church we could here the wind picking up and
howling (we were sitting close to a window). We could see the storm coming
over the mountains on the way home. Then, when we were almost home, it
started snowing. Lightly, at first. It was so windy that the snow was
pretty much blowing sideways. Then we went to a place called Red's for
lunch; compliments of David's PT office. They gave David a gift card for
that place. It was very yummy!! David ate a little over 1/2 of his
hamburger; so we were happy about that. It has pretty much been snowing
ever since. It is accumulating on the ground; woo-hoo!! And it is COLD!
But, again, we have a nice warm fire going.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. The kids went to sushi for lunch. The
girls said that David ate pretty good. I can tell he is forcing himself to
eat. But we figure that if he forces himself and eats more, maybe he will
feel better and want to eat more, then he will feel better and want to eat
more, etc. We sooooo hope to avoid the feeding tube! When they got home
from sushi we went and got a little (2 feet high) real tree for the living
room. David says he misses having a real tree, with the smell and all, so
we said we would get a small one for the living room. It is on a table, so
it looks really cute in there. We spend most of our time in the family
room; where the fake tree is; but the living room is kinda my 'retreat'
room. I like to go in there when I just want to be alone and have some
peace and quiet. It is a very peaceful room. Anyway, after we got home
from that we went to church. The church is all decorated and looks great!
I am looking forward to each Saturday night service this month. They have
a different Christmas 'theme' each week. Saturday night was 'Youth' night;
more contemporary music and the younger children were in the service for
the singing part. Next week will be a 'Country' Christmas theme. Then the
following week will be a 'Classic' Christmas theme. I will let you know
how those go. The message was about 'Following the Star.' It was good.
Then we came home and David had 3 leftover enchiladas! I am happy to see
him eat. He really likes my pork enchiladas. And that was Saturday.
Church this morning was good. David doesn't always feel like going, but he
went today. He probably shouldn't have gone, though. He is feeling ok, but
loosing his voice. He has a cold, and now he is getting hoarse. But I am
glad we went. The sermon was about something Bryon and I have talked
about, many times. It was about God's omnipotence. We know God CAN do
anything; it just doesn't mean He will. That can be such a struggle for
us, sometimes. Pretty much God does what He wants. I know that what He
does He has a reason for, but that is just really hard to swallow
sometimes. It was a really good sermon. Then for dinner David ate 10
chicken nuggets. He didn't really know what he wanted to eat, and I found
some frozen chicken nuggets in the freezer outside, and he ate 10. So that
was good. It is very obvious to me that he is trying really hard. Clearly
he wants to avoid the feeding tube, too! Can't say as I blame him!! It is
so hard to sit and watch your child suffer with having a feeding tube
shoved down their nose into their stomach. It is so hard for him to drink,
to help the tube down, while he is gagging! Please continue to pray that
we can avoid the tube!! Thank you.
Well, that about takes care of the weekend. Tomorrow David has PT at
8:45am. I am glad I have a four-wheel-drive vehicle!! Please pray that he
doesn't have too difficult of a time at PT tomorrow. He is NOT looking
forward to it. And please continue to pray for his schooling. Pray he
isn't too tired after PT tomorrow; it usually pretty much wipes him
out~~~with his lack of energy and all. And please continue to pray that he
can eat the protein that he needs, and his heart will heal itself. Thank
you sooooo much.
I have another prayer request for you. The gentleman who gives us our
wood, Alan, is in Southern California because his brother is dying of
cancer. Please pray for Alan and Ron. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a
good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood Cancers are cancers that primarily affect children, teens, and
young adults. When cancer strikes children and young adults it affects
them differently than it would an adult.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Good evening.
It has been a beautiful, cold day here today. Snow is in the forecast;
along with a low temp. of 7! Yep, you read that correctly, 7 degrees.
Thank you again, LifePoint, for all our firewood!! We are very cozy in the
house. David is so excited for the cold and snow.
David is doing ok with his eating. Not great, but ok. He ate most of his
breakfast, about 3/4 of lunch, and 3 leftover enchiladas for dinner. So
not too bad, for him. He is trying so hard, I feel so bad for him. The
more we remind him of how important it is that he eats, the more teary-
eyed and nauseous he gets! Just talking about food makes him nauseous. So
it is a real balancing act with him; saying enough without saying too
much. *sigh* Donna, David's Megace is a liquid. He says it tastes
horrible, and doesn't want to take it. So that is a semi battle we fight,
too. He knows he has to take it, but hates it. It is all such a mind game.
I am really tired of playing this game. This whole thing just really
sucks! I will play the game, I will fight tooth-and-nail to get my son
healthy. I will do whatever it takes. To say 'it's not fair' would be such
an understatement. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you.
We went to the Physical Therapy office today to set up David's new
schedule. He wants to get stronger, but really doesn't want to go to PT
again. But we are working on getting his leg stronger, we aren't worrying
so much about range of motion. We don't want to break another implant! So
we go bright and early Monday morning. The weeks are going to go by faster
now; with us being so busy! Christmas is going to seem to come so much
faster with us being busier. 3 days a week of PT; one of those days in the
pool! He really does like being in the pool. So that will be good.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all
the prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood cancer is devastating and creates unique pressures on the whole
It has been a beautiful, cold day here today. Snow is in the forecast;
along with a low temp. of 7! Yep, you read that correctly, 7 degrees.
Thank you again, LifePoint, for all our firewood!! We are very cozy in the
house. David is so excited for the cold and snow.
David is doing ok with his eating. Not great, but ok. He ate most of his
breakfast, about 3/4 of lunch, and 3 leftover enchiladas for dinner. So
not too bad, for him. He is trying so hard, I feel so bad for him. The
more we remind him of how important it is that he eats, the more teary-
eyed and nauseous he gets! Just talking about food makes him nauseous. So
it is a real balancing act with him; saying enough without saying too
much. *sigh* Donna, David's Megace is a liquid. He says it tastes
horrible, and doesn't want to take it. So that is a semi battle we fight,
too. He knows he has to take it, but hates it. It is all such a mind game.
I am really tired of playing this game. This whole thing just really
sucks! I will play the game, I will fight tooth-and-nail to get my son
healthy. I will do whatever it takes. To say 'it's not fair' would be such
an understatement. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you.
We went to the Physical Therapy office today to set up David's new
schedule. He wants to get stronger, but really doesn't want to go to PT
again. But we are working on getting his leg stronger, we aren't worrying
so much about range of motion. We don't want to break another implant! So
we go bright and early Monday morning. The weeks are going to go by faster
now; with us being so busy! Christmas is going to seem to come so much
faster with us being busier. 3 days a week of PT; one of those days in the
pool! He really does like being in the pool. So that will be good.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all
the prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Childhood cancer is devastating and creates unique pressures on the whole
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Good afternoon. Yep, winter has arrived here in Carson City, NV!! And I am
NOT complaining! It is supposed to be snowing here in a couple of days,
yay! We are nice and cozy in our house, so let the storms come!
David is hanging in there. Thank you to all of you who have had the
experience with the Megace. I hope it works for David as well as it did
for your children. So far, I don't see any change. He is trying harder,
tho. He forces breakfast down. Well, today it was only 1/2 a bagel. I
don't know how long it takes for the Megace to work, any ideas? The
leaflet that came with it said it could take several weeks; is that true?
I mean, that seems like a long time. Connie wants to see him in 2 weeks;
well just a week and a 1/2 now. He doesn't have several weeks for it to
work. Like I said, she is worried about his heart and his lack of protein.
And, to add insult to injury, he isn't feeling well. He asked me if a sore
throat is a side effect of the medicine. I told him it is not listed as
one (but increased appetite and weight gain are, go figure). He said he is
also kind of achy all over. Last night we used the humidifier in his room,
but he still has a sore throat. We live in a VERY dry climate, so it is
easy to get a sore throat. Then today he sneezed and said it really hurt
his sinuses. So I am thinking he is just getting a cold. But it seems that
not feeling well takes his appetite away, too. Poor kid can't catch a
break!!! If it isn't one thing, it is another. *sigh* Please pray that the
medicine works quickly, and that David doesn't get sick. Thanks.
Other that that, things are going ok around here. David had a lot of fun
at Bible Study last night. He took a video on his iPhone of the doctor
removing the staples from his leg, and he showed it to his Bible Study
leader. AJ thought it was pretty gross. David just laughs. He is such a
quirky kid!! But we love him. He is doing his best to get caught up with
school. He is trying to get caught up and do the 'current' work so he
doesn't fall even more behind. If he could just stop having surgeries,
scans, and doctor appointments he would be good!! I guess that won't
happen for a LONG time, tho. Oh well. He is a trooper! He didn't ask for
the cards he was dealt, but he is just playing them the best he can. We
are so proud of him.
Have a great rest of your day, and evening. Thank you for checking in on
David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them
coming. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Children with cancer are like candles in the wind who accept the
possibility that they are in danger of being extinguished by a gust of
wind from nowhere and yet, they flicker and dance to remain alive, their
brilliance challenges the darkness and dazzles those of us who watch their
NOT complaining! It is supposed to be snowing here in a couple of days,
yay! We are nice and cozy in our house, so let the storms come!
David is hanging in there. Thank you to all of you who have had the
experience with the Megace. I hope it works for David as well as it did
for your children. So far, I don't see any change. He is trying harder,
tho. He forces breakfast down. Well, today it was only 1/2 a bagel. I
don't know how long it takes for the Megace to work, any ideas? The
leaflet that came with it said it could take several weeks; is that true?
I mean, that seems like a long time. Connie wants to see him in 2 weeks;
well just a week and a 1/2 now. He doesn't have several weeks for it to
work. Like I said, she is worried about his heart and his lack of protein.
And, to add insult to injury, he isn't feeling well. He asked me if a sore
throat is a side effect of the medicine. I told him it is not listed as
one (but increased appetite and weight gain are, go figure). He said he is
also kind of achy all over. Last night we used the humidifier in his room,
but he still has a sore throat. We live in a VERY dry climate, so it is
easy to get a sore throat. Then today he sneezed and said it really hurt
his sinuses. So I am thinking he is just getting a cold. But it seems that
not feeling well takes his appetite away, too. Poor kid can't catch a
break!!! If it isn't one thing, it is another. *sigh* Please pray that the
medicine works quickly, and that David doesn't get sick. Thanks.
Other that that, things are going ok around here. David had a lot of fun
at Bible Study last night. He took a video on his iPhone of the doctor
removing the staples from his leg, and he showed it to his Bible Study
leader. AJ thought it was pretty gross. David just laughs. He is such a
quirky kid!! But we love him. He is doing his best to get caught up with
school. He is trying to get caught up and do the 'current' work so he
doesn't fall even more behind. If he could just stop having surgeries,
scans, and doctor appointments he would be good!! I guess that won't
happen for a LONG time, tho. Oh well. He is a trooper! He didn't ask for
the cards he was dealt, but he is just playing them the best he can. We
are so proud of him.
Have a great rest of your day, and evening. Thank you for checking in on
David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them
coming. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Children with cancer are like candles in the wind who accept the
possibility that they are in danger of being extinguished by a gust of
wind from nowhere and yet, they flicker and dance to remain alive, their
brilliance challenges the darkness and dazzles those of us who watch their
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Good evening. I don't know how low the temp was this morning; but when I
checked it at 8-ish it was 15 degrees!! I love the fire in the wood-
burning stove; wearing all my winter clothes; cuddling up under a blanket;
etc. So I am enjoying the cold. I can't wait for the snow to really fly!
Decorating our house in snowmen was an easy decision; I have been given so
many snowmen 'things' by people who know me well!
Ok, here is the haps on David's oncology appointment. My Facebook friends
already have a little 'heads up' on what is happening. Basically, David
did NOT gain any weight over the last two weeks. We talked about what to
do. Connie asked how opposed to an NG tube David was. He said he was
opposed to it. But as we were sitting there trying to figure out what to
do; just talking about getting him to eat made him nauseous. He sat there
with his head on my shoulder. She suggested Megace; an appetite stimulant.
We are going to give that a try. She said she wants to see him in 4 weeks
and see how he is doing. Then she said she would just give him a quick
check-up since we were there. Well, just walking from the chair to the
table (all of maybe 4 feet) raised his heart rate 20 bpm. When he told her
he has no energy; and I told her that he got so tired just coming
downstairs and picking up his laundry basket of clean clothes; she said
she wants to see him in two weeks, not four. She said she is concerned.
She said he is malnourished, and that is partly why he has no appetite. I
offer him food, he just won't eat. So we are going to try the Megace, and
if it doesn't work, then he gets the feeding tube. We are also talking
about some therapy for him. There could be some underlying reason why he
has this food aversion. The fact that Connie is concerned is what has us
very concerned. Therapy has been suggested to me in the past, and I was
really hoping to avoid it. David is a VERY quiet child, and I am not sure
he would open up to someone else. He was talking to a child psychologist,
named Christy, in the hospital; and it took a LONG time for him to even
make eye contact with her! So we are pretty much at a loss to know what to
do. We would covet your prayers for our precious son. He needs his protein
intake to be upped, substantially. He is eating, and I was surprised that
he hadn't gained at all. I feel like he is in the same position he was in
a year and a half ago when he got the feeding tube~~his body is unable to
gain the weight. Couple that with his not wanting to eat, and getting
nauseous just thinking about it; and you have a recipe for a malnourished
child!! *sigh* We soooooo hate seeing our child go through this. We do NOT
want to put him through the feeding tube again. But we will do whatever it
takes to get him healthy!! Thank you so much for your prayers, we need
them sooooo badly!
On a different note, David was cleared for PT again! Connie said we aren't
going to worry about range of motion; that is good. Dr. O is happy with 90
degree bend, David's is better than that. I don't know what his bend is,
but that is NOT what we are going to work on. We are going to focus on
muscle strengthening. His leg does still (again) buckle on him a lot, so
he does need to work on getting the muscles stronger. Of course, he needs
to eat more protein to help that area, too. He said he is looking forward
to working on those muscles, so that is good. He wants then to get
stronger, and he knows what he has to do to get there. So I will be giving
them a call tomorrow.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Thank you to whoever you
are who deposited money into David's account; we sure need it! I pray and
ask God to give you an extra special blessing for the blessing you have
given us. Thank you. Thank you for your prayers; please keep them
coming!!! Have a good night. Sleep tight, and stay warm. God bless you
all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Three out of every five children diagnosed with cancer suffer from long-
term or late onset side effects.
checked it at 8-ish it was 15 degrees!! I love the fire in the wood-
burning stove; wearing all my winter clothes; cuddling up under a blanket;
etc. So I am enjoying the cold. I can't wait for the snow to really fly!
Decorating our house in snowmen was an easy decision; I have been given so
many snowmen 'things' by people who know me well!
Ok, here is the haps on David's oncology appointment. My Facebook friends
already have a little 'heads up' on what is happening. Basically, David
did NOT gain any weight over the last two weeks. We talked about what to
do. Connie asked how opposed to an NG tube David was. He said he was
opposed to it. But as we were sitting there trying to figure out what to
do; just talking about getting him to eat made him nauseous. He sat there
with his head on my shoulder. She suggested Megace; an appetite stimulant.
We are going to give that a try. She said she wants to see him in 4 weeks
and see how he is doing. Then she said she would just give him a quick
check-up since we were there. Well, just walking from the chair to the
table (all of maybe 4 feet) raised his heart rate 20 bpm. When he told her
he has no energy; and I told her that he got so tired just coming
downstairs and picking up his laundry basket of clean clothes; she said
she wants to see him in two weeks, not four. She said she is concerned.
She said he is malnourished, and that is partly why he has no appetite. I
offer him food, he just won't eat. So we are going to try the Megace, and
if it doesn't work, then he gets the feeding tube. We are also talking
about some therapy for him. There could be some underlying reason why he
has this food aversion. The fact that Connie is concerned is what has us
very concerned. Therapy has been suggested to me in the past, and I was
really hoping to avoid it. David is a VERY quiet child, and I am not sure
he would open up to someone else. He was talking to a child psychologist,
named Christy, in the hospital; and it took a LONG time for him to even
make eye contact with her! So we are pretty much at a loss to know what to
do. We would covet your prayers for our precious son. He needs his protein
intake to be upped, substantially. He is eating, and I was surprised that
he hadn't gained at all. I feel like he is in the same position he was in
a year and a half ago when he got the feeding tube~~his body is unable to
gain the weight. Couple that with his not wanting to eat, and getting
nauseous just thinking about it; and you have a recipe for a malnourished
child!! *sigh* We soooooo hate seeing our child go through this. We do NOT
want to put him through the feeding tube again. But we will do whatever it
takes to get him healthy!! Thank you so much for your prayers, we need
them sooooo badly!
On a different note, David was cleared for PT again! Connie said we aren't
going to worry about range of motion; that is good. Dr. O is happy with 90
degree bend, David's is better than that. I don't know what his bend is,
but that is NOT what we are going to work on. We are going to focus on
muscle strengthening. His leg does still (again) buckle on him a lot, so
he does need to work on getting the muscles stronger. Of course, he needs
to eat more protein to help that area, too. He said he is looking forward
to working on those muscles, so that is good. He wants then to get
stronger, and he knows what he has to do to get there. So I will be giving
them a call tomorrow.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Thank you to whoever you
are who deposited money into David's account; we sure need it! I pray and
ask God to give you an extra special blessing for the blessing you have
given us. Thank you. Thank you for your prayers; please keep them
coming!!! Have a good night. Sleep tight, and stay warm. God bless you
all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Three out of every five children diagnosed with cancer suffer from long-
term or late onset side effects.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Good evening.
It is cooooold, and beautiful here. It was all of 12 degrees this
morning!!! But I LOVE it!
We finally got the outside of the house decorated. We haven't decorated
the house for over 2 years. So this is the year! We have decided on a
'snow' and 'snowman' theme. I guess that would come as no surprise to
anyone who knows me!!! We have a few snowmen inside as well as outside.
Yay! We are done decorating. Bryon and I are pretty tired. Yesterday we
cleaned out the flowerbed that is in front of the house. Bryon did most of
the work. Now it is just down to the bare dirt! Come Spring I will have my
daffodils and sweet peas again!! It is nice to see all the weeds and the
cheat grass gone!! I will take a picture of the house and put it on here
in the next day or so. Whew. Glad that is done.
David has his appointment tomorrow to check his weight. He has been eating
ok, just not great. Please pray that he has at least maintained his
weight. We are really praying for a weight gain!! I will let you know
tomorrow how he is doing. His walking is going great! He limps, but I
think that maybe he always will. He is 'even' at least; for the most part.
But his leg is still weak. We find out tomorrow when he can start PT
again. Hopefully it will be soon. It has been kinda nice not having to
take him 3 times a week; but at the same time I have missed it. Please
continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you so much.
Please continue to keep our finances in your prayers, as well as our
'special request.' Thank you. Thank you for checking in on David and the
Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to
us, we often find that it is those who . . . have chosen . . . to share
our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand.
Henri Nouwen
It is cooooold, and beautiful here. It was all of 12 degrees this
morning!!! But I LOVE it!
We finally got the outside of the house decorated. We haven't decorated
the house for over 2 years. So this is the year! We have decided on a
'snow' and 'snowman' theme. I guess that would come as no surprise to
anyone who knows me!!! We have a few snowmen inside as well as outside.
Yay! We are done decorating. Bryon and I are pretty tired. Yesterday we
cleaned out the flowerbed that is in front of the house. Bryon did most of
the work. Now it is just down to the bare dirt! Come Spring I will have my
daffodils and sweet peas again!! It is nice to see all the weeds and the
cheat grass gone!! I will take a picture of the house and put it on here
in the next day or so. Whew. Glad that is done.
David has his appointment tomorrow to check his weight. He has been eating
ok, just not great. Please pray that he has at least maintained his
weight. We are really praying for a weight gain!! I will let you know
tomorrow how he is doing. His walking is going great! He limps, but I
think that maybe he always will. He is 'even' at least; for the most part.
But his leg is still weak. We find out tomorrow when he can start PT
again. Hopefully it will be soon. It has been kinda nice not having to
take him 3 times a week; but at the same time I have missed it. Please
continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you so much.
Please continue to keep our finances in your prayers, as well as our
'special request.' Thank you. Thank you for checking in on David and the
Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to
us, we often find that it is those who . . . have chosen . . . to share
our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand.
Henri Nouwen
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Good evening. IT'S SNOWING!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet. It was just
the 7 of us enjoying our time together. We are so very thankful for the
blessings from God. #1 is that David is still alive, and able to celebrate
with us. Two years ago we were in the hospital with David having chemo on
Thanksgiving. We are so happy to be together this year with the other
children. We really missed going to my brother's house; it would have been
so much fun. But we did have a thankful Thanksgiving.
Rachel and I made 8 different kinds of cookies; Rachel made more fudge;
and David made biscotti. He did a GREAT job! He did 99% of it all by
himself. He wants to make some more! He really enjoys making it. And
Rachel and I had fun baking all those cookies. I sent a bunch home with
Jeremy and Lucy; and we still have plenty! One thing I don't need around
the house is a bunch of cookies!! Oh well. And Rachel is already talking
about the cookies we are going to be making for Christmas!! It will be
fun. I usually give away my baking as Christmas gifts to my friends, I
can't afford anything else. Plus, I am going to have David make some
biscotti for his Physical Therapy office. This month is going to go by
really fast!
Today Bryon put up the Christmas lights on the house, and I am putting
away the Fall decorations and getting out the Christmas ones. Our tree is
up, the kids just need to decorate it. There won't be presents under it,
but that is ok. We are going to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas
this year; and celebrate David being alive; and celebrate being together,
the 7 of us! We won't be in the hospital, and we won't be looking at David
having surgery in a few days! It will be a good Christmas.
Please continue to pray for our Osteo family members who are celebrating
their first holiday season without their children. Off-hand the ones I can
think of are Mattie, Sammie, Shane, Cullen, Amanda, and Emma. I know there
are many others, but I am tired and those are the names that come to mind
right now. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a
good evening. Sleep tight. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children; more than
genetic anomalies, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS combined.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet. It was just
the 7 of us enjoying our time together. We are so very thankful for the
blessings from God. #1 is that David is still alive, and able to celebrate
with us. Two years ago we were in the hospital with David having chemo on
Thanksgiving. We are so happy to be together this year with the other
children. We really missed going to my brother's house; it would have been
so much fun. But we did have a thankful Thanksgiving.
Rachel and I made 8 different kinds of cookies; Rachel made more fudge;
and David made biscotti. He did a GREAT job! He did 99% of it all by
himself. He wants to make some more! He really enjoys making it. And
Rachel and I had fun baking all those cookies. I sent a bunch home with
Jeremy and Lucy; and we still have plenty! One thing I don't need around
the house is a bunch of cookies!! Oh well. And Rachel is already talking
about the cookies we are going to be making for Christmas!! It will be
fun. I usually give away my baking as Christmas gifts to my friends, I
can't afford anything else. Plus, I am going to have David make some
biscotti for his Physical Therapy office. This month is going to go by
really fast!
Today Bryon put up the Christmas lights on the house, and I am putting
away the Fall decorations and getting out the Christmas ones. Our tree is
up, the kids just need to decorate it. There won't be presents under it,
but that is ok. We are going to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas
this year; and celebrate David being alive; and celebrate being together,
the 7 of us! We won't be in the hospital, and we won't be looking at David
having surgery in a few days! It will be a good Christmas.
Please continue to pray for our Osteo family members who are celebrating
their first holiday season without their children. Off-hand the ones I can
think of are Mattie, Sammie, Shane, Cullen, Amanda, and Emma. I know there
are many others, but I am tired and those are the names that come to mind
right now. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a
good evening. Sleep tight. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children; more than
genetic anomalies, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS combined.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Ok, since I was asked several times for Quilters Soup, here it is. I got
the recipe from my mother several years ago. Here goes:
6 strips crisp bacon
1 pound browned ground beef
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped onion
1 large can tomatoes (I use recipe ready)
1 can bullion soup (I use two cups water and beef base)
1 can cream of potato soup
1 pkg. frozen mixed vegetables
1 8oz. can tomato sauce
1/2 tsp. pepper
Combine all ingredients and cook 45 minutes or until heated through.
Can be put in a slow cooker and cook all day.
There, you all have it. It is very yummy. We had it with some crescent
rolls; and there was only a little bit leftover!! I am so ready for soups
for dinners. I love soup in the winter as much as I love salads in the
summer! Soup just makes me feel warm; inside and out!
Today I made 3 loaves of cranberry bread and some Church Window Candy.
Then Rachel and I made 2 different kinds of cookies. We made Nutmeg Sugar
Crisps, and Tender Sugar Cookies. Tomorrow David is going to make
biscotti~~~something he hasn't made in over 2 years! He started making
biscotti with me about 7 or 8 years ago. Now he does most of the 'work'
and really enjoys making it! And I enjoy spending the time with him in the
kitchen making the biscotti. So we will have some fun bonding time.
I want to say a big 'THANK YOU' to First Baptist Church,
Minden/Gardnerville. Thank you for providing our Thanksgiving dinner.
Also, THANK YOU to a long-time friend, Val, for the gift of the turkey.
You guys have NO idea how much all of this is appreciated. Thank you just
doesn't say it all, but I don't have the words. Thank you.
Well, that is about all that is going on in the Koury Cancer Ward. Thank
you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good
evening. Sleep good. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Today, up to 75% of the children with cancer can be cured, yet, some forms
of childhood cancers, like osteosarcoma, have proven so resistant to
treatment that, in spite of research, a cure is illusive.
Ok, since I was asked several times for Quilters Soup, here it is. I got
the recipe from my mother several years ago. Here goes:
6 strips crisp bacon
1 pound browned ground beef
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped onion
1 large can tomatoes (I use recipe ready)
1 can bullion soup (I use two cups water and beef base)
1 can cream of potato soup
1 pkg. frozen mixed vegetables
1 8oz. can tomato sauce
1/2 tsp. pepper
Combine all ingredients and cook 45 minutes or until heated through.
Can be put in a slow cooker and cook all day.
There, you all have it. It is very yummy. We had it with some crescent
rolls; and there was only a little bit leftover!! I am so ready for soups
for dinners. I love soup in the winter as much as I love salads in the
summer! Soup just makes me feel warm; inside and out!
Today I made 3 loaves of cranberry bread and some Church Window Candy.
Then Rachel and I made 2 different kinds of cookies. We made Nutmeg Sugar
Crisps, and Tender Sugar Cookies. Tomorrow David is going to make
biscotti~~~something he hasn't made in over 2 years! He started making
biscotti with me about 7 or 8 years ago. Now he does most of the 'work'
and really enjoys making it! And I enjoy spending the time with him in the
kitchen making the biscotti. So we will have some fun bonding time.
I want to say a big 'THANK YOU' to First Baptist Church,
Minden/Gardnerville. Thank you for providing our Thanksgiving dinner.
Also, THANK YOU to a long-time friend, Val, for the gift of the turkey.
You guys have NO idea how much all of this is appreciated. Thank you just
doesn't say it all, but I don't have the words. Thank you.
Well, that is about all that is going on in the Koury Cancer Ward. Thank
you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good
evening. Sleep good. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Today, up to 75% of the children with cancer can be cured, yet, some forms
of childhood cancers, like osteosarcoma, have proven so resistant to
treatment that, in spite of research, a cure is illusive.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Good evening.
Well, things are what they are. Saturday was such a busy day that Rachel
and I didn't do much baking. Actually, she made fudge, and that was about
it. By the time we got doing some errand running, and making fudge, it was
time for church. Then on Sunday Jeremy and Lucy came over. Rachel and I
did make one batch of snowball cookies last night. Then tonight we made a
batch of cherry snowball cookies, and some Mexican hot chocolate snowball
cookies. Do you see a theme here? We LOVE snowball cookies. Plus, they are
really easy! Tomorrow we will make a different kind. I will make some
cranberry bread and some other stuff while she is at work tomorrow.
The weather has been so beautiful these past few days. Today I make some
'Quilters Soup' for dinner. It has been perfect soup weather. And that is
a soup that everyone loves. David even ate almost a full bowl of it. Yum.
Today was busy. I had to do all the Thanksgiving food shopping. David just
plugged away with school while I went shopping. He knows I am only as far
away as my cell phone; but I still don't like leaving him alone. Like I
said before~~~normally leaving him alone is not a big deal. But under the
present circumstances.......I just don't like to. But he doesn't want to
go shopping with me; plus he has to do school; so I leave him. I really
don't mind shopping alone, that is no big deal. I just try to do it as
fast as I can so I can get home to him. But I am now prepared for
Thursday. Whew.
Please continue to pray for David and his schooling. He is doing his best.
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for our 'special
request.' Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury
Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children
fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.
Well, things are what they are. Saturday was such a busy day that Rachel
and I didn't do much baking. Actually, she made fudge, and that was about
it. By the time we got doing some errand running, and making fudge, it was
time for church. Then on Sunday Jeremy and Lucy came over. Rachel and I
did make one batch of snowball cookies last night. Then tonight we made a
batch of cherry snowball cookies, and some Mexican hot chocolate snowball
cookies. Do you see a theme here? We LOVE snowball cookies. Plus, they are
really easy! Tomorrow we will make a different kind. I will make some
cranberry bread and some other stuff while she is at work tomorrow.
The weather has been so beautiful these past few days. Today I make some
'Quilters Soup' for dinner. It has been perfect soup weather. And that is
a soup that everyone loves. David even ate almost a full bowl of it. Yum.
Today was busy. I had to do all the Thanksgiving food shopping. David just
plugged away with school while I went shopping. He knows I am only as far
away as my cell phone; but I still don't like leaving him alone. Like I
said before~~~normally leaving him alone is not a big deal. But under the
present circumstances.......I just don't like to. But he doesn't want to
go shopping with me; plus he has to do school; so I leave him. I really
don't mind shopping alone, that is no big deal. I just try to do it as
fast as I can so I can get home to him. But I am now prepared for
Thursday. Whew.
Please continue to pray for David and his schooling. He is doing his best.
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for our 'special
request.' Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury
Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children
fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Good evening.
Yesterday was a very long day. We left our house around 8:15am. We stopped
at Subway in Fairfield for lunch (thank you for the gift card, Noreen). We
arrived in San Francisco around 1:00pm, or so, I think. We checked in at
Dr. O's office around 1:20 for David's appointment; which was scheduled
for 1:40. Then we went and got his leg xrayed. Then we waited. We got
called into the room around 3:00. Then we waited some more. Then they came
around 4:00 and took out David's staples. Then we waited for Dr. O. He
finally came in and still laughs at the video of David doing his 'trick'
with his broken implant. So I emailed him the video, plus the pictures
that I have added here. He wants to see David back in 3 months; so we will
try to get his scans scheduled for the same time, well, the next day; so
we only have to make one trip to the Bay Area. Then we left there and went
over to the hospital to see Sara. I told you about Sara several months
ago. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June, and she is from Fallon,
NV. That is about an hour east of us. Anyway, I have been wanting to meet
her, we just never seem to be in SF at the same time. Well, we got to meet
her, her dad, and her sister. David couldn't go in the room because he is
only 15; and no one under 16 is allowed to visit because of Swine Flu. So
he had to wait by the elevators for us. It was just so fantastic to
finally see her. Please keep her in your prayers. She hopes to go home on
Monday. She has a thoracotomy scheduled for 12/14; please remember to pray
for her. Thanks. Then we left SF about 5:30, I think. We drove through
dinner, didn't even stop to eat, and we got home a little after 10:30pm!
It was a very long day. But it was a really good day. David got his
staples out, and we met Sara. I am just glad the day is over. Whew. Busy
day. So today has been a 'catch-up' day.
Today has been a gorgeous day! It was SUPER windy and COLD today!! Then,
it snowed! Yay! It didn't stick, unfortunately, but it was still a
beautiful day. It is now just wet and cold, but I love it. We have a nice
fire in the wood-burning stove (had a fire all day), I made the best chili
in the world for dinner, and we are all just toasty and comfy in the
house. So, that is the news of today.
Tomorrow Rachel and I are going to do some baking. Since we are going to
be home for Thanksgiving, I need to do some baking. David wants fudge, so
we will make him fudge! It is nice and fattening! Then we will make some
cranberry bread and some kind of cookies~~I hope Rachel has some ideas! I
think I have the ingredients on hand for some basic sugar
cookies.......we'll see.
Well, that is about it for now. Thank you for visiting and checking in on
David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love
Kristi and the Koury Klan
While the cancer death rate has dropped more dramatically for children
than for any other age group, 2,300 children and teenagers will die each
year from cancer.
Yesterday was a very long day. We left our house around 8:15am. We stopped
at Subway in Fairfield for lunch (thank you for the gift card, Noreen). We
arrived in San Francisco around 1:00pm, or so, I think. We checked in at
Dr. O's office around 1:20 for David's appointment; which was scheduled
for 1:40. Then we went and got his leg xrayed. Then we waited. We got
called into the room around 3:00. Then we waited some more. Then they came
around 4:00 and took out David's staples. Then we waited for Dr. O. He
finally came in and still laughs at the video of David doing his 'trick'
with his broken implant. So I emailed him the video, plus the pictures
that I have added here. He wants to see David back in 3 months; so we will
try to get his scans scheduled for the same time, well, the next day; so
we only have to make one trip to the Bay Area. Then we left there and went
over to the hospital to see Sara. I told you about Sara several months
ago. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June, and she is from Fallon,
NV. That is about an hour east of us. Anyway, I have been wanting to meet
her, we just never seem to be in SF at the same time. Well, we got to meet
her, her dad, and her sister. David couldn't go in the room because he is
only 15; and no one under 16 is allowed to visit because of Swine Flu. So
he had to wait by the elevators for us. It was just so fantastic to
finally see her. Please keep her in your prayers. She hopes to go home on
Monday. She has a thoracotomy scheduled for 12/14; please remember to pray
for her. Thanks. Then we left SF about 5:30, I think. We drove through
dinner, didn't even stop to eat, and we got home a little after 10:30pm!
It was a very long day. But it was a really good day. David got his
staples out, and we met Sara. I am just glad the day is over. Whew. Busy
day. So today has been a 'catch-up' day.
Today has been a gorgeous day! It was SUPER windy and COLD today!! Then,
it snowed! Yay! It didn't stick, unfortunately, but it was still a
beautiful day. It is now just wet and cold, but I love it. We have a nice
fire in the wood-burning stove (had a fire all day), I made the best chili
in the world for dinner, and we are all just toasty and comfy in the
house. So, that is the news of today.
Tomorrow Rachel and I are going to do some baking. Since we are going to
be home for Thanksgiving, I need to do some baking. David wants fudge, so
we will make him fudge! It is nice and fattening! Then we will make some
cranberry bread and some kind of cookies~~I hope Rachel has some ideas! I
think I have the ingredients on hand for some basic sugar
cookies.......we'll see.
Well, that is about it for now. Thank you for visiting and checking in on
David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love
Kristi and the Koury Klan
While the cancer death rate has dropped more dramatically for children
than for any other age group, 2,300 children and teenagers will die each
year from cancer.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Good evening.
I got the following from our website support group. They are a fantastic
bunch of people who are on the same journey we are on, their children have
the same cancer, and they have been there for us throughout this journey.
Some are farther along than us, some are not as far as us, but we are all
there for each other. Some of the children are still fighting, some have
lost their battle, and some are doing well. They are our family, and we
love them all!! Anyway, this so exactly describes our life, so I thought I
would share it with you. Here goes:
Parents of children with a terminal illness are often referred to or
viewed as having strength “like a rock.” Albeit flattering, it isn’t quite
true. It is more like the strength of an egg. An egg, you ask? Yes! If
you’ll think about it, you’ll see my point. An egg has a polished, smooth
outer appearance, with no cracks or weak spots visible. It seems almost
inconceivable that the inside might not be so smooth or solid. Most
children, at some point are shown the famous egg trick. An egg set at just
the right angle can withstand enormous amounts of pressure and cannot be
cracked or broken. Yet the same egg, tapped gently at an ever slightly
different angle, will break. The contents, once so neatly concealed, will
come spilling out. The no longer perfect shell will be crushed. It looks
so fragile that it seems inconceivable that it ever held any strength. A
rock, on the other hand, is solid all the way through. To break it is
almost impossible. If you succeed, you will find that there is nothing
inside but more rock. It takes a lot more than pure hardness to hold the
hand of hope. Parents of [medically fragile] children are not solid all
the way through. We hurt, we fear, we cry, we hope. It takes a very
careful balancing act to keep the shell from being shattered. “Balancing
an egg” while running a household, going for doctors’ visits and hospital
stays, keeping the family together, and holding on to the constantly
unraveling ties of your sanity can be very tricky indeed! Occasionally,
the angle will be off and the shell will break, shattering hope and all
the neatly secured appearances of a truly fragile existence. Unlike Humpty
Dumpty, though, parents of medically fragile kids will pick themselves up
and put themselves back together again.
David is doing about the same as yesterday; eating wise. He ate a piece of
sourdough toast for breakfast, some chips and dip, and about 1/3 cup of
leftover Sour Cream Chili Bake (minus the sour cream) for lunch. He eats
dinner at Bible Study tonight, so we will see how that goes. Nita had a
thought. She said Chris still can't eat breakfast~~~the association of
chemo in the morning and not being able to eat. Maybe that is part of
David's problem. I know that having cancer and all the ramifications of
the treatment go very deep; especially in a child. *sigh* We will get
through this, somehow or other. Thank you for your prayers, and
suggestions. I appreciate all the advice and suggestions I can get.
Well, tomorrow we go to San Francisco, again! David is happy. He doesn't
want to go to S.F., but he is ready to have those staples out!!!! He can't
wear long pants; and it is COLD!! He is freezing! So after tomorrow he can
wear long pants. Woo-Hoo!! We have to leave at 8am! It will be a long day.
At least the Bay Bridge is fixed! But it will still be a long day. I don't
know if I will update tomorrow; it depends on what time we get home. I
will let you know how it goes, eventually.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have
a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
I got the following from our website support group. They are a fantastic
bunch of people who are on the same journey we are on, their children have
the same cancer, and they have been there for us throughout this journey.
Some are farther along than us, some are not as far as us, but we are all
there for each other. Some of the children are still fighting, some have
lost their battle, and some are doing well. They are our family, and we
love them all!! Anyway, this so exactly describes our life, so I thought I
would share it with you. Here goes:
Parents of children with a terminal illness are often referred to or
viewed as having strength “like a rock.” Albeit flattering, it isn’t quite
true. It is more like the strength of an egg. An egg, you ask? Yes! If
you’ll think about it, you’ll see my point. An egg has a polished, smooth
outer appearance, with no cracks or weak spots visible. It seems almost
inconceivable that the inside might not be so smooth or solid. Most
children, at some point are shown the famous egg trick. An egg set at just
the right angle can withstand enormous amounts of pressure and cannot be
cracked or broken. Yet the same egg, tapped gently at an ever slightly
different angle, will break. The contents, once so neatly concealed, will
come spilling out. The no longer perfect shell will be crushed. It looks
so fragile that it seems inconceivable that it ever held any strength. A
rock, on the other hand, is solid all the way through. To break it is
almost impossible. If you succeed, you will find that there is nothing
inside but more rock. It takes a lot more than pure hardness to hold the
hand of hope. Parents of [medically fragile] children are not solid all
the way through. We hurt, we fear, we cry, we hope. It takes a very
careful balancing act to keep the shell from being shattered. “Balancing
an egg” while running a household, going for doctors’ visits and hospital
stays, keeping the family together, and holding on to the constantly
unraveling ties of your sanity can be very tricky indeed! Occasionally,
the angle will be off and the shell will break, shattering hope and all
the neatly secured appearances of a truly fragile existence. Unlike Humpty
Dumpty, though, parents of medically fragile kids will pick themselves up
and put themselves back together again.
David is doing about the same as yesterday; eating wise. He ate a piece of
sourdough toast for breakfast, some chips and dip, and about 1/3 cup of
leftover Sour Cream Chili Bake (minus the sour cream) for lunch. He eats
dinner at Bible Study tonight, so we will see how that goes. Nita had a
thought. She said Chris still can't eat breakfast~~~the association of
chemo in the morning and not being able to eat. Maybe that is part of
David's problem. I know that having cancer and all the ramifications of
the treatment go very deep; especially in a child. *sigh* We will get
through this, somehow or other. Thank you for your prayers, and
suggestions. I appreciate all the advice and suggestions I can get.
Well, tomorrow we go to San Francisco, again! David is happy. He doesn't
want to go to S.F., but he is ready to have those staples out!!!! He can't
wear long pants; and it is COLD!! He is freezing! So after tomorrow he can
wear long pants. Woo-Hoo!! We have to leave at 8am! It will be a long day.
At least the Bay Bridge is fixed! But it will still be a long day. I don't
know if I will update tomorrow; it depends on what time we get home. I
will let you know how it goes, eventually.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have
a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Good evening.
David had an ok day. I am not really sure the 'letting him take the lead'
in his eating is going to be such a good idea. For breakfast he ate a
piece of sourdough toast. Then mid morning he had some chips and dip. Then
he had nothing to eat until dinner. I made Sour Cream Chili Bake for him;
it is one of his favorite things I make. He ate a good helping of it, but
still. I guess we will see how it goes from now on. It is frustrating for
me. I am trying not to nag him, but I just want to scream when he won't
eat!! I have sorta figured something out, though. For the past 2 years
David's life has been out of his control. Things happened to him that he
had no control over. People did things (with our permission) to him that
were out of his control. Now his eating is 100% in his control. That is
the one area where nobody else can make him do something. I hope that
makes sense. I can't blame him for how he is acting; once I try to figure
him out! I just need to step back and let him take responsibility for this
situation. If he loses more weight; and ends up with a feeding tube again;
then that will be HIS choice, and he will have to take responsibility for
it. It is just hard. I want to put him in a bubble and let nothing more
bad happen to him. The feeding tube is not pleasant! I want to shield him
from that~~~but I can't!!! Please, please pray for me as I have to sit and
watch him not eat. Pray that I can do the right thing, and that he will
start eating!! Thank you for your prayers.
Please continue to pray for our 'special request' and for our finances. I
got the statement from David's last surgery~~~the hospital bill was
$58,000! David is rapidly running out of his lifetime cap of $2 million.
We are now in the new fiscal year, so we have to come up with lots of $$$
for David's care. You know, all the deductibles; which have gone up, by
the way. And gone up significantly!!! But what choice do we have? When it
comes to our child's life; there is NO choice!! So we would just really
covet your prayers. Thank you.
David is excited/nervous for Thursday. He gets his staples out on
Thursday. He can't wait for that, they are bugging him so much. He is
nervous because some are pretty healed and embedded in his leg. Please
pray for him as he anticipates Thursday. Thanks.
Mike~~please forgive us for not being able to make it down for
Thanksgiving! We really want to come down. We are so sorry. We love you
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night.
Thank you so very much for your prayers. We appreciate you all more than
you know. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Pediatric cancer is a punishing disease for children and their families.
And the often harsh treatments for cancer can impede youngsters'
development at a crucial time.
David had an ok day. I am not really sure the 'letting him take the lead'
in his eating is going to be such a good idea. For breakfast he ate a
piece of sourdough toast. Then mid morning he had some chips and dip. Then
he had nothing to eat until dinner. I made Sour Cream Chili Bake for him;
it is one of his favorite things I make. He ate a good helping of it, but
still. I guess we will see how it goes from now on. It is frustrating for
me. I am trying not to nag him, but I just want to scream when he won't
eat!! I have sorta figured something out, though. For the past 2 years
David's life has been out of his control. Things happened to him that he
had no control over. People did things (with our permission) to him that
were out of his control. Now his eating is 100% in his control. That is
the one area where nobody else can make him do something. I hope that
makes sense. I can't blame him for how he is acting; once I try to figure
him out! I just need to step back and let him take responsibility for this
situation. If he loses more weight; and ends up with a feeding tube again;
then that will be HIS choice, and he will have to take responsibility for
it. It is just hard. I want to put him in a bubble and let nothing more
bad happen to him. The feeding tube is not pleasant! I want to shield him
from that~~~but I can't!!! Please, please pray for me as I have to sit and
watch him not eat. Pray that I can do the right thing, and that he will
start eating!! Thank you for your prayers.
Please continue to pray for our 'special request' and for our finances. I
got the statement from David's last surgery~~~the hospital bill was
$58,000! David is rapidly running out of his lifetime cap of $2 million.
We are now in the new fiscal year, so we have to come up with lots of $$$
for David's care. You know, all the deductibles; which have gone up, by
the way. And gone up significantly!!! But what choice do we have? When it
comes to our child's life; there is NO choice!! So we would just really
covet your prayers. Thank you.
David is excited/nervous for Thursday. He gets his staples out on
Thursday. He can't wait for that, they are bugging him so much. He is
nervous because some are pretty healed and embedded in his leg. Please
pray for him as he anticipates Thursday. Thanks.
Mike~~please forgive us for not being able to make it down for
Thanksgiving! We really want to come down. We are so sorry. We love you
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night.
Thank you so very much for your prayers. We appreciate you all more than
you know. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Pediatric cancer is a punishing disease for children and their families.
And the often harsh treatments for cancer can impede youngsters'
development at a crucial time.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Good evening.
Ok, here is the news about David's oncology appointment. First, he has
lost a significant amount of weight. He now only weighs 119 pounds. Connie
looked at his chart and said that is a 13-14 pound loss. That is HUGE for
him. So, we are to just let him eat what he feels like eating; not overly
encourage him to eat anything else. She said that basically what we are
doing when we try to encourage him to eat is we are overwhelming him. Then
when all this food is verbally thrown at him, the thought of eating makes
him sick. So we are to take our cues from him and suggest things, but let
him take the 'lead' in his eating. She wants to see him in two weeks for a
weigh-in. She said she won't be upset if he doesn't gain, just as long as
he doesn't lose. He is back in the 'failure to thrive' category he was in
1 1/2 years ago. That is NOT good. We knew he was losing weight, we just
didn't know it was that bad. Please pray that he can stop losing the
weight, and that I can back-off. As his mom, I want to see him eat; and it
is hard for me to see him like this. She asked if he was like this before
he was diagnosed with cancer, and he said no. He knows he had a normal
appetite 'bc' (before cancer), and he was a lot more active; that is why
he was skinny then. But being skinny just because he won't eat is a whole
different situation from being skinny because you are eating and active.
Let me tell you~~~cancer sucks!!! It has 'damaged' my son in sooooo many
ways! I would really covet your prayers for all of us. Thank you.
Otherwise his appointment went well. Connie is going to get the info on
the phosphorous levels; so we are still in limbo about that. The other bad
part about the appointment is we were told NOT to take David anywhere for
Thanksgiving. We were invited to go to my brother's house (and we REALLY
want to go), but we were told not to. Connie said that 10 hours in the car
is too much for David this soon after surgery. If surgery had been a
couple months ago, that would have been different. We were told the 4
hours from S.F. was too much; but we had no choice about that one!! We
live 4 hours away, and we had to get home! Also, she said that there are
tons of germs out there that his body just can't fight. As evidenced by
his recent illness. She said those germs are nothing to you and me, but
could be deadly to David. I don't really understand that. He isn't having
chemo anymore, so I would think he would be ok. But apparently not. So we
are quite bummed about not being able to go to my brother's house. We have
been trying to get there for 2 years~~~yep, right when David was diagnosed
was when we were going to go. Ever since then we have been trying, but it
seems like there is one thing after another that keeps getting in the way!
*sigh* So sorry, Mike. It will happen, eventually. Please don't give up on
us! These things are just out of our hands. David's health is our #1
priority. I know my brother understands, it is just frustrating.
When David was laying on the table, Connie was very surprised to see that
David can almost get his leg straight! He is such a trooper. She said
after his appointment in 2 weeks we will start PT again. David is sooo
excited about that, NOT! He has enjoyed the break from PT. But his muscles
have atrophied sooo badly that he needs PT. But again, his appointment
went well, overall. He is still being the fantastic child that he is, and
still being the trooper that he always has been. We are so proud of him. I
am so glad he is my son.
Please continue to pray for his school situation. He is trying so hard.
Please pray that he is able to get the work done. Thank you for your
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank
you for the prayers; boy do we need them! Have a good evening. God bless
you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Detecting childhood cancers at an early stage, when the disease would
react more favorably to treatment, is extremely difficult.
Ok, here is the news about David's oncology appointment. First, he has
lost a significant amount of weight. He now only weighs 119 pounds. Connie
looked at his chart and said that is a 13-14 pound loss. That is HUGE for
him. So, we are to just let him eat what he feels like eating; not overly
encourage him to eat anything else. She said that basically what we are
doing when we try to encourage him to eat is we are overwhelming him. Then
when all this food is verbally thrown at him, the thought of eating makes
him sick. So we are to take our cues from him and suggest things, but let
him take the 'lead' in his eating. She wants to see him in two weeks for a
weigh-in. She said she won't be upset if he doesn't gain, just as long as
he doesn't lose. He is back in the 'failure to thrive' category he was in
1 1/2 years ago. That is NOT good. We knew he was losing weight, we just
didn't know it was that bad. Please pray that he can stop losing the
weight, and that I can back-off. As his mom, I want to see him eat; and it
is hard for me to see him like this. She asked if he was like this before
he was diagnosed with cancer, and he said no. He knows he had a normal
appetite 'bc' (before cancer), and he was a lot more active; that is why
he was skinny then. But being skinny just because he won't eat is a whole
different situation from being skinny because you are eating and active.
Let me tell you~~~cancer sucks!!! It has 'damaged' my son in sooooo many
ways! I would really covet your prayers for all of us. Thank you.
Otherwise his appointment went well. Connie is going to get the info on
the phosphorous levels; so we are still in limbo about that. The other bad
part about the appointment is we were told NOT to take David anywhere for
Thanksgiving. We were invited to go to my brother's house (and we REALLY
want to go), but we were told not to. Connie said that 10 hours in the car
is too much for David this soon after surgery. If surgery had been a
couple months ago, that would have been different. We were told the 4
hours from S.F. was too much; but we had no choice about that one!! We
live 4 hours away, and we had to get home! Also, she said that there are
tons of germs out there that his body just can't fight. As evidenced by
his recent illness. She said those germs are nothing to you and me, but
could be deadly to David. I don't really understand that. He isn't having
chemo anymore, so I would think he would be ok. But apparently not. So we
are quite bummed about not being able to go to my brother's house. We have
been trying to get there for 2 years~~~yep, right when David was diagnosed
was when we were going to go. Ever since then we have been trying, but it
seems like there is one thing after another that keeps getting in the way!
*sigh* So sorry, Mike. It will happen, eventually. Please don't give up on
us! These things are just out of our hands. David's health is our #1
priority. I know my brother understands, it is just frustrating.
When David was laying on the table, Connie was very surprised to see that
David can almost get his leg straight! He is such a trooper. She said
after his appointment in 2 weeks we will start PT again. David is sooo
excited about that, NOT! He has enjoyed the break from PT. But his muscles
have atrophied sooo badly that he needs PT. But again, his appointment
went well, overall. He is still being the fantastic child that he is, and
still being the trooper that he always has been. We are so proud of him. I
am so glad he is my son.
Please continue to pray for his school situation. He is trying so hard.
Please pray that he is able to get the work done. Thank you for your
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank
you for the prayers; boy do we need them! Have a good evening. God bless
you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Detecting childhood cancers at an early stage, when the disease would
react more favorably to treatment, is extremely difficult.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Good evening.
Today was an ok day. David is feeling much better. He is hooked on Ginger
Ale! Crazy kid! That is his drink of choice now. That is just fine with
me. It keeps his tummy settled. He has eaten much better today. His tummy
is still sore; inside and outside. I know that will take time to heal.
Back in 2/08 when he had the endoscopy that discovered the ulcer they said
that the trauma to his stomach does take time to heal, especially with an
ulcer!! Poor kid. But it will be fine. He did eat better, and I am happy
with that. The one thing that I am having NO problem getting him to eat is
chip and dip! We have this great dip from a mail order place (called
Singing Pig Food Co.) that David loves. I make it with lowfat sour cream
and mayo. The flavor he likes is Cheddar & Chives. So if he will eat it, I
will gladly make it for him. I only have 2 more pkgs. of that flavor
left........so I hope he doesn't eat it too fast, ha-ha. I bought it quite
some time ago, and put it in the pantry and sorta forgot about it. I am
glad I remembered it so I could make it for him. At least I found
something he will eat! Thank you for your prayers; he is feeling better. I
am continuing to soak my house in Lysol, and I bought David a new
toothbrush! So hopefully I can keep him well.
Please pray for my daughter-in-love, Lucy. She is not feeling well. It
isn't what David had, she is having sinus problems. She seems to have a
lot of sinus issues~~not sure what that is about. Jeremy came over today,
Lucy stayed home. She didn't need to spread her germs or be at risk of
getting David's germs. I sent Jeremy home with a can of Lysol to spray all
over his house!! Thank you for praying for her.
I talked to David's school about the 504 plan. She was very helpful and
sent us some forms to fill out. I wrote her back and told her that David
is having issues with the time constraints. He has always been
homeschooled, but since the cancer diagnosis school is just done on his
own time. As you know, that means that sometimes he finishes school in
late July; but he still finishes. Then I gave her the addresses to David's
websites, and this is what she wrote back to me, "Kristi,
Thanks for sharing his websites with me. I was wondering if you have
thought about sharing them with his teachers, too.
It is an understatement to say that David and your family has been through
a lot over the past couple of years. I'd like to get the 504 plan in
place for him as soon as possible.
Heather" So now I am thinking about giving David's websites to his
teachers so they can put a face to his name, and understand why he needs
the 504. But I thought that was a sweet note from Heather. I am not asking
for 'special treatment' for David; but with all the surgeries, trips to
Oakland Children's Hospital, trips to San Francisco, trips to Renown, PT,
etc. he just needs more time to complete the work. He tries so hard, poor
guy. Thank you for your prayers about that.
David has an oncology appointment tomorrow. We will find out some
information about his blood work, hopefully. We want to see if we can
discontinue the Phosphorous. We will also see if it would be advisable to
travel anywhere for Thanksgiving. We have been potentially advised against
it by the surgeon (it would be too hard on David to sit for a long time
just fresh from surgery), but we will see. Plus, with him being so
recently sick. . . . I just don't know. I know to a healthy child, once
they are over their sickness it is 'back to normal,' but that is just not
so with a child who has/had cancer. Like I have said many times, this is a
new normal that we are going to have to get used to! And some things just
seem to not make sense to us. But that is because we aren't used to this
life!! *sigh* As usual, we will just have to play it by ear!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank
you for your love, prayers, and support. We really appreciate you. Have a
good night. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime.
Today was an ok day. David is feeling much better. He is hooked on Ginger
Ale! Crazy kid! That is his drink of choice now. That is just fine with
me. It keeps his tummy settled. He has eaten much better today. His tummy
is still sore; inside and outside. I know that will take time to heal.
Back in 2/08 when he had the endoscopy that discovered the ulcer they said
that the trauma to his stomach does take time to heal, especially with an
ulcer!! Poor kid. But it will be fine. He did eat better, and I am happy
with that. The one thing that I am having NO problem getting him to eat is
chip and dip! We have this great dip from a mail order place (called
Singing Pig Food Co.) that David loves. I make it with lowfat sour cream
and mayo. The flavor he likes is Cheddar & Chives. So if he will eat it, I
will gladly make it for him. I only have 2 more pkgs. of that flavor
left........so I hope he doesn't eat it too fast, ha-ha. I bought it quite
some time ago, and put it in the pantry and sorta forgot about it. I am
glad I remembered it so I could make it for him. At least I found
something he will eat! Thank you for your prayers; he is feeling better. I
am continuing to soak my house in Lysol, and I bought David a new
toothbrush! So hopefully I can keep him well.
Please pray for my daughter-in-love, Lucy. She is not feeling well. It
isn't what David had, she is having sinus problems. She seems to have a
lot of sinus issues~~not sure what that is about. Jeremy came over today,
Lucy stayed home. She didn't need to spread her germs or be at risk of
getting David's germs. I sent Jeremy home with a can of Lysol to spray all
over his house!! Thank you for praying for her.
I talked to David's school about the 504 plan. She was very helpful and
sent us some forms to fill out. I wrote her back and told her that David
is having issues with the time constraints. He has always been
homeschooled, but since the cancer diagnosis school is just done on his
own time. As you know, that means that sometimes he finishes school in
late July; but he still finishes. Then I gave her the addresses to David's
websites, and this is what she wrote back to me, "Kristi,
Thanks for sharing his websites with me. I was wondering if you have
thought about sharing them with his teachers, too.
It is an understatement to say that David and your family has been through
a lot over the past couple of years. I'd like to get the 504 plan in
place for him as soon as possible.
Heather" So now I am thinking about giving David's websites to his
teachers so they can put a face to his name, and understand why he needs
the 504. But I thought that was a sweet note from Heather. I am not asking
for 'special treatment' for David; but with all the surgeries, trips to
Oakland Children's Hospital, trips to San Francisco, trips to Renown, PT,
etc. he just needs more time to complete the work. He tries so hard, poor
guy. Thank you for your prayers about that.
David has an oncology appointment tomorrow. We will find out some
information about his blood work, hopefully. We want to see if we can
discontinue the Phosphorous. We will also see if it would be advisable to
travel anywhere for Thanksgiving. We have been potentially advised against
it by the surgeon (it would be too hard on David to sit for a long time
just fresh from surgery), but we will see. Plus, with him being so
recently sick. . . . I just don't know. I know to a healthy child, once
they are over their sickness it is 'back to normal,' but that is just not
so with a child who has/had cancer. Like I have said many times, this is a
new normal that we are going to have to get used to! And some things just
seem to not make sense to us. But that is because we aren't used to this
life!! *sigh* As usual, we will just have to play it by ear!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank
you for your love, prayers, and support. We really appreciate you. Have a
good night. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Good evening.
Sorry I haven't updated sooner. It has been pretty busy.
David is feeling better. I gave him ginger ale, saltines, and 7up
yesterday. I also gave him some chewable anti-nausea medicine~~~he
promptly threw that up! He just nibbled on the saltines (he HATES
saltines), and sipped the ginger ale and 7up. He kept it all down, yay! He
also kept his Prevacid down, yay! He said today he feels better, but his
stomach hurts. The muscles hurt from all the retching, and his tummy is
still sore a bit on the inside. I am sure the inside is pretty raw from
all the vomiting and the dry heaves he was having. But at least now he is
feeling better. I know it was just a stomach virus that had to run it's
course; and I am so thankful that it is gone!! Thank you so much for your
prayers. David actually said he was hungry at dinner time, and ate fairly
well! I am thinking the lack of appetite was partly due to the fact that
he was getting sick; we just didn't know it! All the suggestions I was
given (via guestbook, facebook, and email) were greatly appreciated; thank
you. David will not be going to church tomorrow; I really don't think it
is a good idea. He really isn't 100% yet, so he will stay home. Especially
because it is soooo cold (I am NOT complaining, mind you), and he has an
oncology appointment on Monday. Whew. So that is the haps.
Thank you so much for all the prayers for David. Now the prayers are that
nobody else gets sick! I sprayed my whole house with Lysol, so hopefully
that stupid bug is dead!! Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury
Klan. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Treatments often involve lengthy hospital stays &/or outpatient treatments
which can extend over a period of months to multiple years. Children may
often need to be isolated from other people/activities (even certain
foods, at times) due to their heightened risk of infection. Families
experience multiple severe stressors from the financial, emotional,
physical, psychological, social & spiritual strains from it all. Parents
may lose or have to give up jobs; insurance issues may add to the stress;
siblings experience their own multitude of issues from it all.
Sorry I haven't updated sooner. It has been pretty busy.
David is feeling better. I gave him ginger ale, saltines, and 7up
yesterday. I also gave him some chewable anti-nausea medicine~~~he
promptly threw that up! He just nibbled on the saltines (he HATES
saltines), and sipped the ginger ale and 7up. He kept it all down, yay! He
also kept his Prevacid down, yay! He said today he feels better, but his
stomach hurts. The muscles hurt from all the retching, and his tummy is
still sore a bit on the inside. I am sure the inside is pretty raw from
all the vomiting and the dry heaves he was having. But at least now he is
feeling better. I know it was just a stomach virus that had to run it's
course; and I am so thankful that it is gone!! Thank you so much for your
prayers. David actually said he was hungry at dinner time, and ate fairly
well! I am thinking the lack of appetite was partly due to the fact that
he was getting sick; we just didn't know it! All the suggestions I was
given (via guestbook, facebook, and email) were greatly appreciated; thank
you. David will not be going to church tomorrow; I really don't think it
is a good idea. He really isn't 100% yet, so he will stay home. Especially
because it is soooo cold (I am NOT complaining, mind you), and he has an
oncology appointment on Monday. Whew. So that is the haps.
Thank you so much for all the prayers for David. Now the prayers are that
nobody else gets sick! I sprayed my whole house with Lysol, so hopefully
that stupid bug is dead!! Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury
Klan. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Treatments often involve lengthy hospital stays &/or outpatient treatments
which can extend over a period of months to multiple years. Children may
often need to be isolated from other people/activities (even certain
foods, at times) due to their heightened risk of infection. Families
experience multiple severe stressors from the financial, emotional,
physical, psychological, social & spiritual strains from it all. Parents
may lose or have to give up jobs; insurance issues may add to the stress;
siblings experience their own multitude of issues from it all.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Quick urgent update.
David is not feeling well. He (we) were up all night with him vomiting. He
started around 1am, and continued all night. He couldn't get comfortable,
his stomach hurt so bad. We ended up spending the night in our recliners
downstairs. He, right now, is taking small sips of water and fighting to
keep it down. He did take his Prevacid, and so far so good about keeping
that down. We gave him Pepto Bismol~~he threw it up. We gave him Ginger
Brew~~he threw it up. Please pray that he feels better soon. Please pray
that this bug leaves his body ASAP! Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
David is not feeling well. He (we) were up all night with him vomiting. He
started around 1am, and continued all night. He couldn't get comfortable,
his stomach hurt so bad. We ended up spending the night in our recliners
downstairs. He, right now, is taking small sips of water and fighting to
keep it down. He did take his Prevacid, and so far so good about keeping
that down. We gave him Pepto Bismol~~he threw it up. We gave him Ginger
Brew~~he threw it up. Please pray that he feels better soon. Please pray
that this bug leaves his body ASAP! Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Good evening.
Today has been a rather frustrating day. I slept horribly last night, and
have been awake since a little after 5am. Having my friend's son was fine.
I had to feed him breakfast, though. He said his mom didn't feed
him......maybe he was just still hungry. I took him to school, and then
came home and got David going. Then I had a dentist appointment to have my
teeth cleaned. Rachel had an appointment right after me, so I waited until
she got there so I could see her! Then I had to drive thru Jack in the Box
for David (more about that later). Then I got home and remembered I had an
errand to run. Then I got home and had to make dinner. I haven't done any
shopping, so I just threw some spaghetti and corn together. It just seems
like it was a busy day.
The frustrating part is~~~please pray for David and his eating. It is such
a challenge to get him to eat! He has absolutely NO desire to eat. I can't
seem to entice him with anything. He did want Jack in the Box tacos for
lunch. That is the only thing we like at JIB; we don't eat much fast food.
But he is at the point that whatever he wants, I will do my best to get
for him. Luckily the tacos are 2 for $1!! So his lunch (he wanted 4) cost
me $2.13. Then he doesn't even eat all of the tacos. The last time he
weighed himself at home he weighed (fully clothed) 125 pounds. That is
down several pounds!! I don't know what to do to stimulate his appetite.
Nothing sounds good to him (except JIB tacos today). He did eat ok of the
spaghetti and corn for dinner. He basically is just not back to himself
yet. He feels ok, just seems to be developing an aversion to food for some
reason. Please pray that we can get past this hurdle. I am going to make
him drink a milkshake tonight. He is 15; he should be eating me out of
house and home!!! Is this just another long-term side effect of cancer and
chemo? *sigh*
Thank you for your prayers, love, and support~~~please keep the prayers
coming. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I'm off to
make a milkshake (and I am going to sneak in some more calorie booster;
thanks Karen). Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Today has been a rather frustrating day. I slept horribly last night, and
have been awake since a little after 5am. Having my friend's son was fine.
I had to feed him breakfast, though. He said his mom didn't feed
him......maybe he was just still hungry. I took him to school, and then
came home and got David going. Then I had a dentist appointment to have my
teeth cleaned. Rachel had an appointment right after me, so I waited until
she got there so I could see her! Then I had to drive thru Jack in the Box
for David (more about that later). Then I got home and remembered I had an
errand to run. Then I got home and had to make dinner. I haven't done any
shopping, so I just threw some spaghetti and corn together. It just seems
like it was a busy day.
The frustrating part is~~~please pray for David and his eating. It is such
a challenge to get him to eat! He has absolutely NO desire to eat. I can't
seem to entice him with anything. He did want Jack in the Box tacos for
lunch. That is the only thing we like at JIB; we don't eat much fast food.
But he is at the point that whatever he wants, I will do my best to get
for him. Luckily the tacos are 2 for $1!! So his lunch (he wanted 4) cost
me $2.13. Then he doesn't even eat all of the tacos. The last time he
weighed himself at home he weighed (fully clothed) 125 pounds. That is
down several pounds!! I don't know what to do to stimulate his appetite.
Nothing sounds good to him (except JIB tacos today). He did eat ok of the
spaghetti and corn for dinner. He basically is just not back to himself
yet. He feels ok, just seems to be developing an aversion to food for some
reason. Please pray that we can get past this hurdle. I am going to make
him drink a milkshake tonight. He is 15; he should be eating me out of
house and home!!! Is this just another long-term side effect of cancer and
chemo? *sigh*
Thank you for your prayers, love, and support~~~please keep the prayers
coming. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I'm off to
make a milkshake (and I am going to sneak in some more calorie booster;
thanks Karen). Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Good evening.
First things first~~~Happy Veterans Day. Thank you to all our veterans and
their families. Thank you for your service to our country. That includes
Bryon, and my brother, Mike. Thank you!
It is so beautiful right now!! VERY windy, because a storm is blowing in!
Woo-Hoo!! It is supposed to snow sometime tonight and tomorrow. I am so
happy about that! It has been a beautiful day.
David is doing ok. The fever just keeps jumping around. Earlier it was
99.4. Then it goes down to 98.3. But I am not really worried about it too
much. I think part of it is the fact that he has an artificial part in his
leg. His body is adjusting to having that part there. But I would still
feel better if the fever would just go away and stay away!!! *sigh*
We had our support group meeting tonight. We missed you again, Roseanne.
We won't be having a meeting next month; there is a Christmas party in
place of the meeting. So that will be fun.
Well, it is late. I have to watch my friend's son tomorrow morning before
school. Then I will walk him to school. Then I have a dentist appointment
to get my teeth cleaned in the afternoon. It will be a busy day tomorrow.
I am tired, it has been a long day. Thank you for visiting and checking in
on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening, and a good day tomorrow.
God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Confucius said it best "The smallest gesture is better than the grandest
First things first~~~Happy Veterans Day. Thank you to all our veterans and
their families. Thank you for your service to our country. That includes
Bryon, and my brother, Mike. Thank you!
It is so beautiful right now!! VERY windy, because a storm is blowing in!
Woo-Hoo!! It is supposed to snow sometime tonight and tomorrow. I am so
happy about that! It has been a beautiful day.
David is doing ok. The fever just keeps jumping around. Earlier it was
99.4. Then it goes down to 98.3. But I am not really worried about it too
much. I think part of it is the fact that he has an artificial part in his
leg. His body is adjusting to having that part there. But I would still
feel better if the fever would just go away and stay away!!! *sigh*
We had our support group meeting tonight. We missed you again, Roseanne.
We won't be having a meeting next month; there is a Christmas party in
place of the meeting. So that will be fun.
Well, it is late. I have to watch my friend's son tomorrow morning before
school. Then I will walk him to school. Then I have a dentist appointment
to get my teeth cleaned in the afternoon. It will be a busy day tomorrow.
I am tired, it has been a long day. Thank you for visiting and checking in
on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening, and a good day tomorrow.
God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Confucius said it best "The smallest gesture is better than the grandest
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Good evening.
Today was an ok day. David did school, and he had a couple Elluminate
sessions. He is so funny. He says he misses Geometry because he really
doesn't like Algebra II! He makes me laugh. But he needs to work harder at
getting caught up. I need to call the online school and tell them they
were supposed to set up a 504 for him, and I don't think they did. I don't
think they know what that is! He already started late (their fault), and
he has had days of surgeries, recovery, and just plain illness that has
kept him a little bit behind. Please pray that he will be able to get
caught up soon! The end of the semester will be here soon, and he needs to
be caught up. Well, as far as he needs to be once the 504 is set up.
Please pray that I will not have any trouble getting that for him. I know
the poor child is just overwhelmed with everything he has been going
through! *sigh*
His leg is almost 100% pain-free!! It is still the staples that are giving
him trouble. The biggest problem is his clothes keep getting caught on the
staples; then they pull! Poor kid. He is working on getting the leg
straight, again. He is still on the antibiotic, I hope to d/c that in a
day or so. Yesterday his fever went up a little bit; to 100.3. Not too
bad. Today it was around 99.2, so I am keeping him on the Bactrim for
another day or so. We will see how things go.
Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your
love, prayers, and support. Please keep the prayers coming. God bless you
all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Several childhood cancers continue to have a very poor prognosis,
including: brain stem tumors, metastatic sarcomas (that is what David
has), relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and relapsed non-Hodgkin's
Today was an ok day. David did school, and he had a couple Elluminate
sessions. He is so funny. He says he misses Geometry because he really
doesn't like Algebra II! He makes me laugh. But he needs to work harder at
getting caught up. I need to call the online school and tell them they
were supposed to set up a 504 for him, and I don't think they did. I don't
think they know what that is! He already started late (their fault), and
he has had days of surgeries, recovery, and just plain illness that has
kept him a little bit behind. Please pray that he will be able to get
caught up soon! The end of the semester will be here soon, and he needs to
be caught up. Well, as far as he needs to be once the 504 is set up.
Please pray that I will not have any trouble getting that for him. I know
the poor child is just overwhelmed with everything he has been going
through! *sigh*
His leg is almost 100% pain-free!! It is still the staples that are giving
him trouble. The biggest problem is his clothes keep getting caught on the
staples; then they pull! Poor kid. He is working on getting the leg
straight, again. He is still on the antibiotic, I hope to d/c that in a
day or so. Yesterday his fever went up a little bit; to 100.3. Not too
bad. Today it was around 99.2, so I am keeping him on the Bactrim for
another day or so. We will see how things go.
Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your
love, prayers, and support. Please keep the prayers coming. God bless you
all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Several childhood cancers continue to have a very poor prognosis,
including: brain stem tumors, metastatic sarcomas (that is what David
has), relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and relapsed non-Hodgkin's
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Good evening.
We have had a busy couple of days. On Friday we went to the Physical
Therapy office to show off David's prosthesis. They couldn't believe how
heavy it was! They also told us that David can come in and 'work out'
because I know how to use everything; and they won't charge us. He can use
the bike, the elliptical, the shuttle, the leg press, things that he can
do by himself. So I am thinking about taking him in a couple times a week
so he can build up that leg again. His right calf has atrophied so bad it
isn't even funny! So, we will see.
We went to church tonight; it was very good. Today we went to Lowe's to
get some anti-freeze for the water lines in the trailer. We have to
winterize the trailer. We were really hoping to go camping again before
winter....didn't plan on David breaking his prosthesis! David got very
tired very quickly walking around Lowe's. Jennifer worked, so Rachel and I
wanted to look at all the Christmas stuff at Lowe's. But we had to cut it
short because David got too tired and worn out. Oh well. Poor kid.
His fever is pretty much gone! Yay! His knee is still very swollen. The
staples are bothering him, BIG TIME! I was advised to ask for dissolve-
able sutures; yeah, I forgot to ask for them! So David is suffering with
the staples. But he is a trooper. He just deals with it. They just pull
sometimes and they catch on his clothes. November 19th can't come fast
enough for him!!
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Thank
you for all your prayers. Thank you for being here for us. Have a good
evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
(Fight For Life
© Lorna Mahan)
"Fight For Life
Storms of life are strong enough
without cancer stepping in,
Came creeping through the back door
just counting on a win.
Engaging you in battle
we firmly stand our ground,
Armed with courage, faith and hope,
our child's life we surround..
This fight rages day and night
the will to survive is strong,
We will never surrender
In our lives you don't belong.
Prepare yourself to lose this time
our child's life you won't take,
This is a fight you will not win
Cancer, make no mistake!"
The above poem is my prayer. Please pray this with me! Thank you.
We have had a busy couple of days. On Friday we went to the Physical
Therapy office to show off David's prosthesis. They couldn't believe how
heavy it was! They also told us that David can come in and 'work out'
because I know how to use everything; and they won't charge us. He can use
the bike, the elliptical, the shuttle, the leg press, things that he can
do by himself. So I am thinking about taking him in a couple times a week
so he can build up that leg again. His right calf has atrophied so bad it
isn't even funny! So, we will see.
We went to church tonight; it was very good. Today we went to Lowe's to
get some anti-freeze for the water lines in the trailer. We have to
winterize the trailer. We were really hoping to go camping again before
winter....didn't plan on David breaking his prosthesis! David got very
tired very quickly walking around Lowe's. Jennifer worked, so Rachel and I
wanted to look at all the Christmas stuff at Lowe's. But we had to cut it
short because David got too tired and worn out. Oh well. Poor kid.
His fever is pretty much gone! Yay! His knee is still very swollen. The
staples are bothering him, BIG TIME! I was advised to ask for dissolve-
able sutures; yeah, I forgot to ask for them! So David is suffering with
the staples. But he is a trooper. He just deals with it. They just pull
sometimes and they catch on his clothes. November 19th can't come fast
enough for him!!
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Thank
you for all your prayers. Thank you for being here for us. Have a good
evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
(Fight For Life
© Lorna Mahan)
"Fight For Life
Storms of life are strong enough
without cancer stepping in,
Came creeping through the back door
just counting on a win.
Engaging you in battle
we firmly stand our ground,
Armed with courage, faith and hope,
our child's life we surround..
This fight rages day and night
the will to survive is strong,
We will never surrender
In our lives you don't belong.
Prepare yourself to lose this time
our child's life you won't take,
This is a fight you will not win
Cancer, make no mistake!"
The above poem is my prayer. Please pray this with me! Thank you.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Good evening.
David is feeling better every day, just like we told him he would. He is
still battling that fever, tho. Today it was between 99.7 and 100.4. We
wish he could just kick that fever to the curb; just like he did the
He had a great time at Bible Study last night. And tonight he is not
walking with the crutches anymore!! He is using his cane (walking stick)
to get around. He won't use the walker, but as long as the cane works,
then I am fine with it. His ankle is causing him pain, though. His right
leg has not been used in two months, so the ankle gets tired quickly. But
otherwise his leg is doing great!!
I talked to Nita tonight. Thank you for your prayers for Chris (David's
Osteo friend). The doctor said that the problems he is having is arthritis
in his knee. They were in Colorado for a week and Dr. O said that the cold
caused it to 'flare up.' He said that it is common, and in about 10 years
they will need to do surgery on his knee and remove his kneecap and
replace it with an artificial one. Dr. O told us that when he goes in and
replaces David's expandable rod with a non-expandable (fixed) implant they
will be replacing David's kneecap then. That will save David a surgery
later on. One less surgery~~~~sounds good to me!!! Nita and I were
laughing because when Carol found out that Chris was having trouble with
his knee she instantly put him on crutches. Dr. O was surprised to see
Chris on the crutches; but then said to Nita, "Carol probably panicked
because we just had to replace the prosthesis in another boy." Nita said,
"David." and Dr. O said, "Oh, yeah. I forgot you know them!" It was pretty
funny! So, thank you for your prayers for Chris. It is sad that a 17-
year-old child has arthritis.......*sigh*
Tomorrow we are going to go to David's Physical Therapy office to show
them his prosthesis. I am curious to see their reaction.
Thank you for all your prayers, love, and support. Thank you, again, for
whoever you are that has deposited money into David's account. I ask God
to continue to bless you for your generosity; you have no idea how much it
helps us! Like I said before, just because David is 'out of treatment'
doesn't mean that the medical expenses stop! They just continue!!! Thank
you. Thank you for being here for us, all of you. Have a good night. God
bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Even with insurance coverage, a family will have out-of pocket expenses of
about $40,000 per year, not including travel.
David is feeling better every day, just like we told him he would. He is
still battling that fever, tho. Today it was between 99.7 and 100.4. We
wish he could just kick that fever to the curb; just like he did the
He had a great time at Bible Study last night. And tonight he is not
walking with the crutches anymore!! He is using his cane (walking stick)
to get around. He won't use the walker, but as long as the cane works,
then I am fine with it. His ankle is causing him pain, though. His right
leg has not been used in two months, so the ankle gets tired quickly. But
otherwise his leg is doing great!!
I talked to Nita tonight. Thank you for your prayers for Chris (David's
Osteo friend). The doctor said that the problems he is having is arthritis
in his knee. They were in Colorado for a week and Dr. O said that the cold
caused it to 'flare up.' He said that it is common, and in about 10 years
they will need to do surgery on his knee and remove his kneecap and
replace it with an artificial one. Dr. O told us that when he goes in and
replaces David's expandable rod with a non-expandable (fixed) implant they
will be replacing David's kneecap then. That will save David a surgery
later on. One less surgery~~~~sounds good to me!!! Nita and I were
laughing because when Carol found out that Chris was having trouble with
his knee she instantly put him on crutches. Dr. O was surprised to see
Chris on the crutches; but then said to Nita, "Carol probably panicked
because we just had to replace the prosthesis in another boy." Nita said,
"David." and Dr. O said, "Oh, yeah. I forgot you know them!" It was pretty
funny! So, thank you for your prayers for Chris. It is sad that a 17-
year-old child has arthritis.......*sigh*
Tomorrow we are going to go to David's Physical Therapy office to show
them his prosthesis. I am curious to see their reaction.
Thank you for all your prayers, love, and support. Thank you, again, for
whoever you are that has deposited money into David's account. I ask God
to continue to bless you for your generosity; you have no idea how much it
helps us! Like I said before, just because David is 'out of treatment'
doesn't mean that the medical expenses stop! They just continue!!! Thank
you. Thank you for being here for us, all of you. Have a good night. God
bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Even with insurance coverage, a family will have out-of pocket expenses of
about $40,000 per year, not including travel.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Good evening.
David is doing better. He went to Bible Study tonight. He is still running
a low-grade fever; 99.4; but that is much better than the 102.8 that it
was!!! I am happier. I am still giving him the Bactrim (thanks, Karen), so
we will make sure nothing takes hold of him!! I am sure the fever will be
gone in a day or so. Please pray that it is. Thanks.
David took his prosthesis to Bible Study tonight for 'show and tell.' He
likes freaking people out with it. Well, some people are freaked out by it
(because it was in his leg), and others think it is really cool. So he had
fun showing it off; goofy kid!!
David is doing really well in school. He is getting caught up, slowly but
surely. Two of his classes are taking the whole week of Thanksgiving off,
so he will be able to get totally caught up in those classes that week. He
has to get caught up before the semester ends, of course. But I am sure he
will be able to do it. Please continue to pray for him. Thank you.
That is about it for tonight. Thank you so much for your prayers, love,
and support. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
David is doing better. He went to Bible Study tonight. He is still running
a low-grade fever; 99.4; but that is much better than the 102.8 that it
was!!! I am happier. I am still giving him the Bactrim (thanks, Karen), so
we will make sure nothing takes hold of him!! I am sure the fever will be
gone in a day or so. Please pray that it is. Thanks.
David took his prosthesis to Bible Study tonight for 'show and tell.' He
likes freaking people out with it. Well, some people are freaked out by it
(because it was in his leg), and others think it is really cool. So he had
fun showing it off; goofy kid!!
David is doing really well in school. He is getting caught up, slowly but
surely. Two of his classes are taking the whole week of Thanksgiving off,
so he will be able to get totally caught up in those classes that week. He
has to get caught up before the semester ends, of course. But I am sure he
will be able to do it. Please continue to pray for him. Thank you.
That is about it for tonight. Thank you so much for your prayers, love,
and support. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Good morning.
Praise God, David's pain is down to a 1-2!! Yay! His fever is still
hovering around 100, but he is feeling better. He is not suffering from
chills, aches, or anything like that anymore. Thank you for your prayers.
And the Prevacid is working much better than the Prilosec did! He is not
nauseous with the Prevacid. I am so happy about that! It is so hard to see
him nauseous all the time~~~that affects how he eats! He ate ok yesterday.
For lunch he had a grilled cheese sandwich and a very small bowl of tomato
soup. For dinner he ate all of his hamburger! He is doing better in the
eating category. Not as good as we want him to do; not as good as he was;
but still better. Thank you soooo much for your prayers.
Please pray for David's friend, Chris. He is having some problems with his
knee. Chris is David's Osteo friend he met in the hospital. His titanium
knee is giving his some trouble. He is going for an x-ray today and
meeting with the surgeon (same one as David's) on Thursday. Please pray
that there is nothing wrong with his implant! Thanks.
Well, David is finally getting ready for breakfast. He sleeps in, and gets
ready about this time. Have a great day. Thank you for checking in on
David. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless you and your day. We love
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Hope is ours for the taking every single minute. It's the assurance that
things will make sense when there's no sense to make of things.
~Luci Swindoll
Praise God, David's pain is down to a 1-2!! Yay! His fever is still
hovering around 100, but he is feeling better. He is not suffering from
chills, aches, or anything like that anymore. Thank you for your prayers.
And the Prevacid is working much better than the Prilosec did! He is not
nauseous with the Prevacid. I am so happy about that! It is so hard to see
him nauseous all the time~~~that affects how he eats! He ate ok yesterday.
For lunch he had a grilled cheese sandwich and a very small bowl of tomato
soup. For dinner he ate all of his hamburger! He is doing better in the
eating category. Not as good as we want him to do; not as good as he was;
but still better. Thank you soooo much for your prayers.
Please pray for David's friend, Chris. He is having some problems with his
knee. Chris is David's Osteo friend he met in the hospital. His titanium
knee is giving his some trouble. He is going for an x-ray today and
meeting with the surgeon (same one as David's) on Thursday. Please pray
that there is nothing wrong with his implant! Thanks.
Well, David is finally getting ready for breakfast. He sleeps in, and gets
ready about this time. Have a great day. Thank you for checking in on
David. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless you and your day. We love
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Hope is ours for the taking every single minute. It's the assurance that
things will make sense when there's no sense to make of things.
~Luci Swindoll
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Good evening.
I just took David's temperature and it is 100.7!! I wish his fever would
just break and go away, forever! We did not go to church today; well,
Bryon did. David was playing Monopoly with Rachel, so he is feeling
better. I just wish the fever would go away. His pain is stable at a 2-3,
so he won't take pain meds when his pain is manageable. He is so silly. He
doesn't want to get his pain to a 0; not enough to take the Percoset,
anyway. I don't blame him. We raised our children to not run to drugs with
every little pain and/or ache. We have a pretty healthy family (minus the
cancer, of course, lol), and that could be part of it. But I still wish
David's fever would just go away. I don't know what is causing it. *sigh*
I will just continue to give him the Bactrim.
Thank you to you who have offered meds to me. I really appreciate it.
Tomorrow David will go back to school. He has had a week off. He likes
most of his classes, so he is ok with going back. He really wants to be
better by Wednesday so he can go to Bible Study. Please pray that he is
better by then. Thanks.
He is working on getting his leg straight. Dr. O lengthened the rod when
he installed it in David's leg, so the muscles are tight again. So he is
trying to get it straight. He is also bending it some, but the staples
pull and it hurts. Please pray that he feels better soon, and his leg pain
goes away. Thank you so much.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your
love, prayers and support. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love
Kristi and the Koury Klan
I just took David's temperature and it is 100.7!! I wish his fever would
just break and go away, forever! We did not go to church today; well,
Bryon did. David was playing Monopoly with Rachel, so he is feeling
better. I just wish the fever would go away. His pain is stable at a 2-3,
so he won't take pain meds when his pain is manageable. He is so silly. He
doesn't want to get his pain to a 0; not enough to take the Percoset,
anyway. I don't blame him. We raised our children to not run to drugs with
every little pain and/or ache. We have a pretty healthy family (minus the
cancer, of course, lol), and that could be part of it. But I still wish
David's fever would just go away. I don't know what is causing it. *sigh*
I will just continue to give him the Bactrim.
Thank you to you who have offered meds to me. I really appreciate it.
Tomorrow David will go back to school. He has had a week off. He likes
most of his classes, so he is ok with going back. He really wants to be
better by Wednesday so he can go to Bible Study. Please pray that he is
better by then. Thanks.
He is working on getting his leg straight. Dr. O lengthened the rod when
he installed it in David's leg, so the muscles are tight again. So he is
trying to get it straight. He is also bending it some, but the staples
pull and it hurts. Please pray that he feels better soon, and his leg pain
goes away. Thank you so much.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your
love, prayers and support. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Good evening.
Today was a better day for David. His fever is hovering right around 100 degrees. I am still giving him the Bactrim. He said his pain isn't as bad, but the leg still really throbs sometimes. He is still on the Percoset, even though he really doesn't like taking meds! I hope this isn't TMI, but he finally had a BM today!! After what happened last time with his limb-salvage (the intussusception) we were pretty anxious for his bowels to function properly!! Praise God everything seems to be working!! He is on a pretty strong dose of Colace as long as he is on the Percoset. Of course, he hasn't really been eating, so I guess if nothing is going in, nothing can come out, right? Anyway, we were happy about that!
David ate a little bit better today. I made breakfast burritos for brunch today, and he ate about half of it. Then for dinner I made orange chicken, rice, green beans, and salad. He had a fair amount of rice, a spoonful of green beans, and about 5 bites of chicken. I was sooo happy to see him eat! Thank you for your prayers for him. We tell him that each day will be better than the day before; but it is still so hard to see him suffering. He is such a great kid!!! I feel like my 'job' as his mom is to protect him from all the crap (excuse my language) that has been happening him the past 2 years. I just hate so much what he has been through. And what is still in store for him in the future. That is why I can't worry about the future; just take one day at a time.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers; please keep them coming. We hope to go to church tomorrow, please pray that David is up to it (I will just drug him with lots of Percoset, lol). Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Today was a better day for David. His fever is hovering right around 100 degrees. I am still giving him the Bactrim. He said his pain isn't as bad, but the leg still really throbs sometimes. He is still on the Percoset, even though he really doesn't like taking meds! I hope this isn't TMI, but he finally had a BM today!! After what happened last time with his limb-salvage (the intussusception) we were pretty anxious for his bowels to function properly!! Praise God everything seems to be working!! He is on a pretty strong dose of Colace as long as he is on the Percoset. Of course, he hasn't really been eating, so I guess if nothing is going in, nothing can come out, right? Anyway, we were happy about that!
David ate a little bit better today. I made breakfast burritos for brunch today, and he ate about half of it. Then for dinner I made orange chicken, rice, green beans, and salad. He had a fair amount of rice, a spoonful of green beans, and about 5 bites of chicken. I was sooo happy to see him eat! Thank you for your prayers for him. We tell him that each day will be better than the day before; but it is still so hard to see him suffering. He is such a great kid!!! I feel like my 'job' as his mom is to protect him from all the crap (excuse my language) that has been happening him the past 2 years. I just hate so much what he has been through. And what is still in store for him in the future. That is why I can't worry about the future; just take one day at a time.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers; please keep them coming. We hope to go to church tomorrow, please pray that David is up to it (I will just drug him with lots of Percoset, lol). Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
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