Good evening.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We did. We had a dinner provided to us by Century 21. YAY, and THANK YOU!! And we had some dear friends bring a bunch of gifts to us, thank you Claudia and Gerry! The kids woke us up around 6-ish. Then we went downstairs and got a fire going. Then we read the Christmas story from the Bible (Luke 2:1-20). Rachel read it this year. Then we proceeded to open gifts. It only took us about an hour for all 7 of us to open gifts. We do it one at a time so we can all ooohhh and aaahhh at each gift the others receive. Then I made the traditional breakfast burritos for breakfast. Then we had the turkey in the oven by 9-ish. Then it was a day of enjoying being all together; and enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner. Jeremy and Lucy left around 7-ish; and you will never guess what we did after they left! We took the tree down. I love putting the tree up early, and having time to enjoy it. But then as soon as Christmas is over, I am done with the tree. So Bryon and I took the tree down. Plus, Monday is Jennifer's birthday, so we need to be 'done' with Christmas and focus on her! We have always let her decide if she wants the tree down by her birthday; and sometimes she wants it down and sometimes she wants it up. This year she said she didn't care; so we took it down. It is nice to have my family room back. I have all the other decorations still up, just the tree is down. So we are ready for Jennifer's birthday, and the new year!
It is still very cold here. There is a storm coming in~~~more snow!! We still have the snow we got 3 weeks ago! That is so unusual for us; usually we get snow and then it melts, more snow and it melts, more snow and it melts, etc. But after it snowed 3 weeks ago, the temperatures dropped so low (-15) that the snow just froze very solid! So we did have a wonderful white Christmas!
We got some more wood today, thank you Alan!!! We were pretty much out, and so the delivery today was a huge blessing! We appreciate the wood so very much; more than we can say.
Please pray for the family of another Osteo family member. His name is Darren, and he was 17 years old. He died yesterday, Christmas Day. We have lost so many children this year that I have lost count. Please remember to pray for Darren's family, and all the other families who have lost children. Thank you.
We are praying for a good 2010. We haven't had a good year in quite a while. 2007 started out fantastic!! It had the potential to be a wonderful year. Then David was diagnosed with this monster we call Cancer. 2008 pretty much sucked! 2009 had the potential to be a good year Then David's prosthesis broke, and he had to have the revision; an unplanned major surgery. 2010 will start out with scans on Jan 6 (Bryon's birthday), so it has the potential to start out wonderful~~~with clear scans! I am praying for a good year this next year. David still might have a surgery or two to lengthen his leg (and of course the every 3 month scans), but we want nothing MAJOR to go wrong with him. Of course, the rest of our life could fall apart; but I am going to pray that it doesn't!!! We are so ready for a good year with all good news; clear scans all year; financial reversal (back to the way it was BC); maybe a grandbaby; etc. Please join me in my prayer requests. Thank you.
Well, I need to go make dinner (leftover Quilter's Soup). I pray you all have a wonderful night. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We did. We had a dinner provided to us by Century 21. YAY, and THANK YOU!! And we had some dear friends bring a bunch of gifts to us, thank you Claudia and Gerry! The kids woke us up around 6-ish. Then we went downstairs and got a fire going. Then we read the Christmas story from the Bible (Luke 2:1-20). Rachel read it this year. Then we proceeded to open gifts. It only took us about an hour for all 7 of us to open gifts. We do it one at a time so we can all ooohhh and aaahhh at each gift the others receive. Then I made the traditional breakfast burritos for breakfast. Then we had the turkey in the oven by 9-ish. Then it was a day of enjoying being all together; and enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner. Jeremy and Lucy left around 7-ish; and you will never guess what we did after they left! We took the tree down. I love putting the tree up early, and having time to enjoy it. But then as soon as Christmas is over, I am done with the tree. So Bryon and I took the tree down. Plus, Monday is Jennifer's birthday, so we need to be 'done' with Christmas and focus on her! We have always let her decide if she wants the tree down by her birthday; and sometimes she wants it down and sometimes she wants it up. This year she said she didn't care; so we took it down. It is nice to have my family room back. I have all the other decorations still up, just the tree is down. So we are ready for Jennifer's birthday, and the new year!
It is still very cold here. There is a storm coming in~~~more snow!! We still have the snow we got 3 weeks ago! That is so unusual for us; usually we get snow and then it melts, more snow and it melts, more snow and it melts, etc. But after it snowed 3 weeks ago, the temperatures dropped so low (-15) that the snow just froze very solid! So we did have a wonderful white Christmas!

We got some more wood today, thank you Alan!!! We were pretty much out, and so the delivery today was a huge blessing! We appreciate the wood so very much; more than we can say.
Please pray for the family of another Osteo family member. His name is Darren, and he was 17 years old. He died yesterday, Christmas Day. We have lost so many children this year that I have lost count. Please remember to pray for Darren's family, and all the other families who have lost children. Thank you.
We are praying for a good 2010. We haven't had a good year in quite a while. 2007 started out fantastic!! It had the potential to be a wonderful year. Then David was diagnosed with this monster we call Cancer. 2008 pretty much sucked! 2009 had the potential to be a good year Then David's prosthesis broke, and he had to have the revision; an unplanned major surgery. 2010 will start out with scans on Jan 6 (Bryon's birthday), so it has the potential to start out wonderful~~~with clear scans! I am praying for a good year this next year. David still might have a surgery or two to lengthen his leg (and of course the every 3 month scans), but we want nothing MAJOR to go wrong with him. Of course, the rest of our life could fall apart; but I am going to pray that it doesn't!!! We are so ready for a good year with all good news; clear scans all year; financial reversal (back to the way it was BC); maybe a grandbaby; etc. Please join me in my prayer requests. Thank you.
Well, I need to go make dinner (leftover Quilter's Soup). I pray you all have a wonderful night. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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