Good evening.
Before I forget, again, I need to say a big THANK YOU to those of you who sent David Subway gift cards. We received some gas cards and with the Subway gift cards our trip yesterday only cost us $8!! And that was for the toll bridge~~~~$4 each way. Gas was taken care of, and lunch and dinner were on the gift cards. I just want you to know what a HUGE blessing that was. Thank you so much.
David is feeling better today. I forgot to mention that he got quite carsick yesterday. He got sick going to S.F. and he got sick on the way home. He had his window down for part of the trip; and it was freezing!!! Luckily, I always have my Winnie the Pooh blanket in the car with me! I love Winnie the Pooh (smile). So I just covered up with my blanket and I was ok. Plus, my car has heated leather seats. But it was still pretty cold in the car~~~~~we gotta do what we gotta do! At least it made David feel better. I am really tired of him getting sick all the time, still. My friend said his ulcer could be acting up. That wouldn't surprise me; he is pretty stressed out about another surgery. And a huge surgery at that! Poor kid.
Right now David is at his Bible Study. He opted to put his brace back on his leg to protect his knee. I kinda don't see the point; the knee is already broken. But he says it makes him feel more secure, so that is fine!!! Because the leg is unstable, and 'loose,' he feels better with it imobilized. That is perfectly fine with us.
Thank you for all the words of encouragement; both here and to me via email. Also for the encouragement on Facebook. I really appreciate all you guys! Thank you so much. I know we will get through this, we are just very tired and emotionally drained. It just seems like we can't catch a break! The last 2 years (almost) have been the roller coaster ride that everyone warned us about; and I just want to get off! It is so much worse than we could ever imagine. We look at pictures of David when he was first admitted to Children's, and I can't help but think, 'we had no idea what was in store for our precious son; and the rest of the family.' Our family has been forever changed by this uninvited monster. We can NEVER go back to the way it was. This isn't like a broken leg, the flu, or an earache. David won't just 'get over' this and go back to life as usual. NOTHING is the same. It will NEVER be the same again. Yes, we have grown as a family. Yes, we have learned from this whole experience. But, all things being equal, I would have rather learned these things some other way!!! Or just not learned them at all! I just feel so bad for my poor son. This just sucks sooooo bad. *sigh* He has lost so much through all this. Like I said before, he has lost his innocence, his childhood, his natural femur and knee, his ability to walk normally, his 'unscarred' body, some friends, and even some lung tissue! But he continues to be a trooper, and he trusts us; his parents; to do what is best for him. He is such a fantastic child. I am so glad he is mine!!!
Well, I need to get his medicine ready; he will be home soon. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all the love, prayers, and support. We still need prayer for our 'special request.' Thank you for being there. God bless you. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
P.S.~~~I forgot to tell you that finally one thing is working in our favor! Yay! Our insurance for the next fiscal year kicks in November 1st. David will most likely have surgery October 26, so we won't have to come up with the deductibles......yet! With the tens of thousands of $$$$ in medical bills we already have, this helps! Can we all say a collective 'yay' together? I know it is just putting off the inevitable, but still.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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