Good evening.
Thank you for your prayers for Elaine~~~her MRI came out clear! Yay! I was so happy to read that!
We REALLY need your prayers. Bryon talked to a lawyer today about our special request; which many of you have probably figured out is our house. David's cancer diagnosis has devastated and destroyed us financially. We have one more 'last ditch effort' in hopes of saving it. If that falls through, we will be walking away from it~~~and it kills me to have to write that!! Part of why it kills me is I know that some people are happy about this happening to us. Some of those people live here, some out of state. And that is hard for me to believe, and accept. But it is true. Therefore, part of the reason I want to keep my house is pride, and I willingly admit that. We have put soooo much into this house (our home) and it is going to be soooo hard to lose it. The emotional aspect of losing our home is almost more than I can bear. Like I said many months ago; my son has lost so much, and now he is losing his home. This sucks SOOOO bad! All I can say is, pray for us! We are trying that one last thing........who knows. Maybe it will work out for us. I wish I knew an investor who would come in and buy my house and then sell it back to me for a reasonable mortgage payment (not the $3000+ we are paying now); but I don't know any such person. Please, please pray for us. I want to save my house, but I want my will to align with God's will; not the other way around. I know that God knows what is best for us, but sometimes I just don't get it! Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Sorry this is a short post, I am just not 'good company' tonight. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'So long as children are allowed to suffer, there is no true love in this world.'~~~Isodore Duncan
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Good evening, everyone. I hope you all had a good day today.
David's orthodontist appointment yesterday went very well. David's teeth are fine. His retainers fit great, and his teeth are nice and straight. Again, I am just unhappy with the color of them. Another reminder of his cancer journey. Maybe when he is older he can get them bleached. But he has a beautiful smile, and I am happy about that. Our orthodontist really cares about David, and our family, and he always asks how David is doing. When I told him that David does have a spot in each lung that they are watching, he instantly teared up! He hugged me and said he will be praying for us. He is a great guy. So David's appointment went well. He doesn't want to see David for 6 more months!
David had a pretty good day today. He got to go to Bible Study tonight, and that made his day great! He loves going, and the social time with his peers is very important. Peers that don't judge him, or make fun of him, just accept him. As far as school goes, he is 'back in the groove' of it! He is looking forward to the unit in History where he will be learning about World War II. He has a few books about WWII, and he is VERY excited to get to that unit. He still struggles a bit, he gets tired so easily. The fatigue really gets to him. But he still just plugs along. Plus he is gone for 1 1/2 hours 3 days a week with PT. And that wears him out! Tomorrow he has PT in the pool. He works amazingly hard in the pool. The pool seems like it would be easier, but not really. He can only bend his knee to 90* in the pool; but he can get to 105* in the office! Weird, huh? So tomorrow morning will be busy.
Please continue to pray for us. Things are getting worse all the time. The state of Nevada is in the 'red' by a lot; so that is why Bryon has to have a furlough day a month. Now the talk (out of Vegas) is that they are looking at a 20-30% pay cut for state employees. Well, if that happens, we will lose our house. The way to balance our state budget is easy; but nobody has the guts to do it. This country is being bled dry by the illegal aliens who get things for free that we can't have. We are paying for them. I am not stupid, I know how it works. I have a friend who used to work at the local urgent care, and she said that 90% of the patients came in with a Nevada check-up card and a Mexico I.D. card. So how much was their bill? You guessed it~~~a big, fat $0!! So guess who pays for that?!?! If we would stop giving them everything, the state (and the country) could have a balanced budget. It isn't rocket science, people. We saw a LOT of this kind of stuff when we were in Oakland. Our insurance company has paid Oakland Children's Hospital over $1,000,000; yet they sent us to collections for $3,000. I am an American citizen, yet I have to pay for the ones who are here illegally. Anyway, we don't know how this is all going to play out, but we see absolutely NO way we can save our house if Bryon's pay is cut another 20-30%. I have just prayed that if for some reason it is God's will that we lose our home, that God will let me be okay with it. Right now I am NOT okay with it! But my family comes first, and I don't want to be 'married' to my house. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Could you please pray for Elaine tomorrow? She is a brain cancer warrior, and she has an MRI tomorrow to make sure she is still cancer free. Thank you for your prayers for her. Thank you for your prayers for us, too. Have a good evening, and a good day tomorow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.'~~~H. Jackson Brown Jr.
David's orthodontist appointment yesterday went very well. David's teeth are fine. His retainers fit great, and his teeth are nice and straight. Again, I am just unhappy with the color of them. Another reminder of his cancer journey. Maybe when he is older he can get them bleached. But he has a beautiful smile, and I am happy about that. Our orthodontist really cares about David, and our family, and he always asks how David is doing. When I told him that David does have a spot in each lung that they are watching, he instantly teared up! He hugged me and said he will be praying for us. He is a great guy. So David's appointment went well. He doesn't want to see David for 6 more months!
David had a pretty good day today. He got to go to Bible Study tonight, and that made his day great! He loves going, and the social time with his peers is very important. Peers that don't judge him, or make fun of him, just accept him. As far as school goes, he is 'back in the groove' of it! He is looking forward to the unit in History where he will be learning about World War II. He has a few books about WWII, and he is VERY excited to get to that unit. He still struggles a bit, he gets tired so easily. The fatigue really gets to him. But he still just plugs along. Plus he is gone for 1 1/2 hours 3 days a week with PT. And that wears him out! Tomorrow he has PT in the pool. He works amazingly hard in the pool. The pool seems like it would be easier, but not really. He can only bend his knee to 90* in the pool; but he can get to 105* in the office! Weird, huh? So tomorrow morning will be busy.
Please continue to pray for us. Things are getting worse all the time. The state of Nevada is in the 'red' by a lot; so that is why Bryon has to have a furlough day a month. Now the talk (out of Vegas) is that they are looking at a 20-30% pay cut for state employees. Well, if that happens, we will lose our house. The way to balance our state budget is easy; but nobody has the guts to do it. This country is being bled dry by the illegal aliens who get things for free that we can't have. We are paying for them. I am not stupid, I know how it works. I have a friend who used to work at the local urgent care, and she said that 90% of the patients came in with a Nevada check-up card and a Mexico I.D. card. So how much was their bill? You guessed it~~~a big, fat $0!! So guess who pays for that?!?! If we would stop giving them everything, the state (and the country) could have a balanced budget. It isn't rocket science, people. We saw a LOT of this kind of stuff when we were in Oakland. Our insurance company has paid Oakland Children's Hospital over $1,000,000; yet they sent us to collections for $3,000. I am an American citizen, yet I have to pay for the ones who are here illegally. Anyway, we don't know how this is all going to play out, but we see absolutely NO way we can save our house if Bryon's pay is cut another 20-30%. I have just prayed that if for some reason it is God's will that we lose our home, that God will let me be okay with it. Right now I am NOT okay with it! But my family comes first, and I don't want to be 'married' to my house. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Could you please pray for Elaine tomorrow? She is a brain cancer warrior, and she has an MRI tomorrow to make sure she is still cancer free. Thank you for your prayers for her. Thank you for your prayers for us, too. Have a good evening, and a good day tomorow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.'~~~H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Good evening. Our weather was very strange today. We had snow, rain, hail, but no sun. It was cold and beautiful.
We had a great weekend. It went by way too fast, tho. We had a fantastic hotel room; sorta like a suite.
We had a great weekend. It went by way too fast, tho. We had a fantastic hotel room; sorta like a suite.

We got to use our restaurant gift card (and there is still money left on it), and we got to go to the movies on our free movie passes! The movies we saw were 'Extraordinary Measures,' and 'The Book of Eli.' Both fantastic movies! We weren't sure if we would be able to handle 'Extraordinary Measures,' but we loved it! Yes, it was a tear-jerker, but a fantastic movie. 'The Book of Eli' was a bit graphic, but another fantastic movie. We don't usually go to the movies; we just wait until they come out on video! So it was nice to be able to do that. We took a drive out to Pyramid Lake; I had never been there before. And we just walked around Legends and went to Scheels. It was raining on Sunday, so we didn't want to be outside too much, and the Legends is an outside mall~~~I guess it is a mall. Anyway, we had a great weekend, it just went by way too fast!
David did good in PT today. He is trying hard to get strong. He works really hard. Emilee had fun watching him and 'talking' to everyone there. She sat in the stroller and was such an angel! She is so much fun. We have fun with her. She enjoyed watching David do his exercises, and he kept talking to her and making faces at her (and she would make them back). So David had a pretty good PT session. He is doing better. He is limping more now; he is rather sore. But he is doing good.
Tomorrow David has an orthodontist appointment. It is just another maintenance appointment for him. It is just to check his retainers. His teeth are so nice and straight; we just wish they weren't so discolored from chemo! *sigh*
Well, that is about all for now. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you. We love you!
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'The way I see it; if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.'~~~~Dolly Parton
David did good in PT today. He is trying hard to get strong. He works really hard. Emilee had fun watching him and 'talking' to everyone there. She sat in the stroller and was such an angel! She is so much fun. We have fun with her. She enjoyed watching David do his exercises, and he kept talking to her and making faces at her (and she would make them back). So David had a pretty good PT session. He is doing better. He is limping more now; he is rather sore. But he is doing good.
Tomorrow David has an orthodontist appointment. It is just another maintenance appointment for him. It is just to check his retainers. His teeth are so nice and straight; we just wish they weren't so discolored from chemo! *sigh*
Well, that is about all for now. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good night. God bless you. We love you!
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'The way I see it; if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.'~~~~Dolly Parton
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Good morning. I have a few minutes to update before we get ready to leave (while Emilee is sleeping).
We have several inches of snow outside!! It is a beautiful winter wonderland!! It is sunny (and cold~~34*{but feels like 24*}) and the snow will be around for awhile!! YAY!! We are having a fantastic winter this year. So much better than last year.
David is doing ok in PT. He added the elliptical to his routine today. Linda noticed he isn't limping as bad, so that is good. She also noticed he isn't as tight. Right after surgery his straight still had an 8* bend; now he is down to 3.4*! So he is getting straighter. His extension is still pretty bad, tho. But, like I said before, without those lower quad muscles he just doesn't have the strength. You never know what muscles you use until you no longer have them. Nor do you know which muscles do what! He will never be the way he was, but he will be the best that he is! (I hope that makes sense) He is trying hard. Please continue to pray that he gets stronger. Thanks.
Emilee is getting used to being here. She is still rather clingy to me (but that is fine with me!) but she is doing better. She came with us to PT and she just sat in the stroller and watched all the activity going on around her. She is such a sweetie.
Well, I gotta run. Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. And thank you, Christine and Emery, for the thoughtful gift. We are very thankful for this time to get away; we need it VERY badly! You all have a great weekend. We will NOT be bringing our laptops, so I won't be updating until we get home. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who would want to live in an institution?'~~Henry Louis Mencken
We have several inches of snow outside!! It is a beautiful winter wonderland!! It is sunny (and cold~~34*{but feels like 24*}) and the snow will be around for awhile!! YAY!! We are having a fantastic winter this year. So much better than last year.
David is doing ok in PT. He added the elliptical to his routine today. Linda noticed he isn't limping as bad, so that is good. She also noticed he isn't as tight. Right after surgery his straight still had an 8* bend; now he is down to 3.4*! So he is getting straighter. His extension is still pretty bad, tho. But, like I said before, without those lower quad muscles he just doesn't have the strength. You never know what muscles you use until you no longer have them. Nor do you know which muscles do what! He will never be the way he was, but he will be the best that he is! (I hope that makes sense) He is trying hard. Please continue to pray that he gets stronger. Thanks.
Emilee is getting used to being here. She is still rather clingy to me (but that is fine with me!) but she is doing better. She came with us to PT and she just sat in the stroller and watched all the activity going on around her. She is such a sweetie.
Well, I gotta run. Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. And thank you, Christine and Emery, for the thoughtful gift. We are very thankful for this time to get away; we need it VERY badly! You all have a great weekend. We will NOT be bringing our laptops, so I won't be updating until we get home. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who would want to live in an institution?'~~Henry Louis Mencken
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Good evening.
Today went pretty good. David did ok in the pool. He also started second semester of school. I am praying he does better this semester than he did last one! He didn't do too bad; I should be getting his grades by next week. I think his only 'bad' grade will be in English. But I know he is trying his best. This semester he is starting on time; so that is good. Please pray that he does well this semester. Thank you.
It went good with Emilee today. She is such a sweet baby. While David was in the pool, Emilee and I just walked around the perimeter of the pool. She just wanted to keep walking around and around and around. But I didn't mind. It was not a bad day. This isn't a super long term job, just while Emilee's daddy is deployed. Actually, it is for 3 weeks initially, then starting sometime in March it will be for 7 months. But it will still be a help, and I will LOVE taking care of that precious baby. She is really adorable, and David loves her, too. Please continue to pray that it goes well, and her mommy has an easier time leaving her (I don't blame her for struggling with leaving her daughter). Thanks for your prayers.
Our weather is very cold, and more storms are on the way!! YAY! Loving the snow!
This weekend the forecast is to be clear; no storms. Sunday is my and Bryon's 29th wedding anniversary~~~so we are going away for the weekend. Not really far away, just about 30 miles away. We have a free night at a Marriott, and our daughter, Jennifer, wants to pay for the second night for an anniversary gift to us. Plus, we have some gift cards for restaurants, so this weekend won't cost us much! I am looking forward to it. So we will be leaving Friday evening, and coming home on Sunday. We really need to get away together and reconnect. This past 2+ years has been VERY hard on our marriage, and this is something we need to do. So I am thankful that Jennifer wants to pay for a night for us to be away (thank you, sweetie!). Please pray for our safety, and safety for the kids while we are gone. Thank you so much.
That is about all that is happening in the Koury Cancer Ward. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.'~~~Rita Rudner
Today went pretty good. David did ok in the pool. He also started second semester of school. I am praying he does better this semester than he did last one! He didn't do too bad; I should be getting his grades by next week. I think his only 'bad' grade will be in English. But I know he is trying his best. This semester he is starting on time; so that is good. Please pray that he does well this semester. Thank you.
It went good with Emilee today. She is such a sweet baby. While David was in the pool, Emilee and I just walked around the perimeter of the pool. She just wanted to keep walking around and around and around. But I didn't mind. It was not a bad day. This isn't a super long term job, just while Emilee's daddy is deployed. Actually, it is for 3 weeks initially, then starting sometime in March it will be for 7 months. But it will still be a help, and I will LOVE taking care of that precious baby. She is really adorable, and David loves her, too. Please continue to pray that it goes well, and her mommy has an easier time leaving her (I don't blame her for struggling with leaving her daughter). Thanks for your prayers.
Our weather is very cold, and more storms are on the way!! YAY! Loving the snow!
This weekend the forecast is to be clear; no storms. Sunday is my and Bryon's 29th wedding anniversary~~~so we are going away for the weekend. Not really far away, just about 30 miles away. We have a free night at a Marriott, and our daughter, Jennifer, wants to pay for the second night for an anniversary gift to us. Plus, we have some gift cards for restaurants, so this weekend won't cost us much! I am looking forward to it. So we will be leaving Friday evening, and coming home on Sunday. We really need to get away together and reconnect. This past 2+ years has been VERY hard on our marriage, and this is something we need to do. So I am thankful that Jennifer wants to pay for a night for us to be away (thank you, sweetie!). Please pray for our safety, and safety for the kids while we are gone. Thank you so much.
That is about all that is happening in the Koury Cancer Ward. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.'~~~Rita Rudner
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Good evening.
First things first~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEREMY!! Today is my oldest child's birthday.
Sorry I haven't updated lately~~~just haven't.
David has been doing quite well lately. He had a great time at Bible Study Wednesday night. We went to our support group meeting and had a good time, too. David was very happy to be back at Bible Study; they have been off for the holidays, and then David had scans last week. Anyway, he was very happy to be back.
David did good in the pool on Thursday. He also did quite well in PT on Friday. He has been walking, and doing well. His knee still hurts in the cold, but he just keeps on walking. Tonight we went over Jeremy and Lucy's for dessert, and Rachel, David, and I walked over there. They live a mile from us, so it was a good walk for David. He and Rachel walked earlier (before church) for 40 minutes. Connie will be proud of all the walking he is doing. He is trying to build up his stamina. It is VERY slow going; he still gets very tired and fatigued easily. But hopefully he will start to feel better soon.
I have had an answer to prayer. On Tuesday I will be starting to take care of a baby. I am so excited about that. I have really missed having a baby in the house. And it is going to help us out financially. We still need prayer for our 'special request,' though. Please continue to pray for that. Thank you for all your prayers.
Thank you, Wylene, for your very generous gift to us. We appreciate it more than you know. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
If you lose money, you lose much; if you lose friends, you lose more; if you lose faith, you lose all. ~~Eleanor Roosevelt
First things first~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEREMY!! Today is my oldest child's birthday.
Sorry I haven't updated lately~~~just haven't.
David has been doing quite well lately. He had a great time at Bible Study Wednesday night. We went to our support group meeting and had a good time, too. David was very happy to be back at Bible Study; they have been off for the holidays, and then David had scans last week. Anyway, he was very happy to be back.
David did good in the pool on Thursday. He also did quite well in PT on Friday. He has been walking, and doing well. His knee still hurts in the cold, but he just keeps on walking. Tonight we went over Jeremy and Lucy's for dessert, and Rachel, David, and I walked over there. They live a mile from us, so it was a good walk for David. He and Rachel walked earlier (before church) for 40 minutes. Connie will be proud of all the walking he is doing. He is trying to build up his stamina. It is VERY slow going; he still gets very tired and fatigued easily. But hopefully he will start to feel better soon.
I have had an answer to prayer. On Tuesday I will be starting to take care of a baby. I am so excited about that. I have really missed having a baby in the house. And it is going to help us out financially. We still need prayer for our 'special request,' though. Please continue to pray for that. Thank you for all your prayers.
Thank you, Wylene, for your very generous gift to us. We appreciate it more than you know. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
If you lose money, you lose much; if you lose friends, you lose more; if you lose faith, you lose all. ~~Eleanor Roosevelt
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Good evening.
It has been a rather busy last couple of days. David had PT on Monday, and it was a difficult day for him. Linda said he was much tighter, and he was in more pain trying to get his leg straight. She also noticed that he was limping more. Don't really know what that is all about. He is doing his extra walking that Connie ordered, so maybe that is factoring into it. The other night we went for a walk, and David took his dog, I took the tiny dog, and Bryon took the German Shepherd. It was fun, and comical! The 3-pound chihuahua I had was walking so fast to keep up with all of us that David said his legs were just a blur! It was pretty funny. But it was a nice, cold walk. So David is doing extra work, so that could be why he is more tired and having a harder time at PT. But, as usual, he just does what he is told. I am so proud of him.
His eating is still going good. The 1/2 dose of Megace is still working, but I can tell it doesn't work as well as a full dose! But he is still eating good. Please continue to pray that he does continue to eat. Thanks!
Bryon and I went over the CDs of David's CT scans, and we discovered the nodule appeared in the July scans. We know they didn't say anything right away because it could have been anything; infection, a lung met, scar tissue, etc. So they needed to 'watch it' and see what it does. Well, it is bone, but it is stable. But, the flip-side of that is, that means that David had a recurrence. So that is one of the reasons we are totally praising God that the nodules are stable. But, like I said from the beginning, I am not going to put God in a box. The greater the odds of David not surviving, the bigger the miracle!!! And since he is a walking miracle right now, we are praising God!! We were told that a recurrence within the first 5 years is not survivable~~~but we know of a few kids who are surviving. Man is into the 'numbers,' God isn't!! So stay tuned!
Thank you for checking in on David. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death. ~~~Harold Wilson
It has been a rather busy last couple of days. David had PT on Monday, and it was a difficult day for him. Linda said he was much tighter, and he was in more pain trying to get his leg straight. She also noticed that he was limping more. Don't really know what that is all about. He is doing his extra walking that Connie ordered, so maybe that is factoring into it. The other night we went for a walk, and David took his dog, I took the tiny dog, and Bryon took the German Shepherd. It was fun, and comical! The 3-pound chihuahua I had was walking so fast to keep up with all of us that David said his legs were just a blur! It was pretty funny. But it was a nice, cold walk. So David is doing extra work, so that could be why he is more tired and having a harder time at PT. But, as usual, he just does what he is told. I am so proud of him.
His eating is still going good. The 1/2 dose of Megace is still working, but I can tell it doesn't work as well as a full dose! But he is still eating good. Please continue to pray that he does continue to eat. Thanks!
Bryon and I went over the CDs of David's CT scans, and we discovered the nodule appeared in the July scans. We know they didn't say anything right away because it could have been anything; infection, a lung met, scar tissue, etc. So they needed to 'watch it' and see what it does. Well, it is bone, but it is stable. But, the flip-side of that is, that means that David had a recurrence. So that is one of the reasons we are totally praising God that the nodules are stable. But, like I said from the beginning, I am not going to put God in a box. The greater the odds of David not surviving, the bigger the miracle!!! And since he is a walking miracle right now, we are praising God!! We were told that a recurrence within the first 5 years is not survivable~~~but we know of a few kids who are surviving. Man is into the 'numbers,' God isn't!! So stay tuned!
Thank you for checking in on David. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death. ~~~Harold Wilson
Friday, January 8, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Good evening.
I got a call from Connie~~~bone scan is clear! Praise God! We were so happy to hear that! Connie said that David will continue to have scans every 3 months (12 weeks) for the rest of this year. Then next year we will start having scans every 4 months. We are praying that David's scans stay 'stable' and clear. But we will just take it one day at a time, and not worry about the next scans~~that is until it gets close to them again! (Smile) We are trusting God to take are of David. And right now we are praising God for stable disease and clear bone scan!!!! Thank you so very much for your prayers; they mean more to us than we can say.

This is David getting his bone scan
I got a call from Connie~~~bone scan is clear! Praise God! We were so happy to hear that! Connie said that David will continue to have scans every 3 months (12 weeks) for the rest of this year. Then next year we will start having scans every 4 months. We are praying that David's scans stay 'stable' and clear. But we will just take it one day at a time, and not worry about the next scans~~that is until it gets close to them again! (Smile) We are trusting God to take are of David. And right now we are praising God for stable disease and clear bone scan!!!! Thank you so very much for your prayers; they mean more to us than we can say.
This is David getting his bone scan

This is the bone scan image
This is David's CT Scan. Notice the little white dot just to the left of center. This is one of the lung mets (cancer) they are watching. So far it is stable - not growing or multiplying
David had an ok day. He did good in PT, he just gets very tired. He also tends to, at times, cop a 'tude when he just wants to go home. He doesn't like to do the exercises, he gets really tired, he works really hard, and he knows it is going to take time. He 'stuffs' a lot of his feelings; just like ME!! He wants his life back, and he misses being able to do the things he used to be able to do. He misses being a normal 15-year-old kid. He was robbed of his childhood at the tender age of 13. This has taken an emotional toll on him; and some days are not as bad as other days. I can tell when he is having a bad day, though. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you.
I just wanted to post the fantastic news about the bone scan. Thank you, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for checking in, and for your love, prayers, and emotional support. Have a great evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Sometimes life is just hard; for no reason at all.
David had an ok day. He did good in PT, he just gets very tired. He also tends to, at times, cop a 'tude when he just wants to go home. He doesn't like to do the exercises, he gets really tired, he works really hard, and he knows it is going to take time. He 'stuffs' a lot of his feelings; just like ME!! He wants his life back, and he misses being able to do the things he used to be able to do. He misses being a normal 15-year-old kid. He was robbed of his childhood at the tender age of 13. This has taken an emotional toll on him; and some days are not as bad as other days. I can tell when he is having a bad day, though. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you.
I just wanted to post the fantastic news about the bone scan. Thank you, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for checking in, and for your love, prayers, and emotional support. Have a great evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Sometimes life is just hard; for no reason at all.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Good evening.
Ok. I called Connie today, and she finally called me back. The results of the bone scan are not back yet. She said that is odd, usually they are back sooner. So she will be calling me tomorrow with those results. The results of the CT scan are a mixed bag. The good news is 'stable disease' and no new nodules. The bad news is 'stable disease' meaning there is disease. The couple nodules they are watching are unchanged~~which is fantastic news! Trust me, I know how wonderful that news is. We just wanted him to be NED (No Evidence of Disease), and he clearly is not as long as there is disease. I have to remember what I learned from our online support group; and that is 'Don't bleed until you are shot,' and we have not been shot, yet. We are not hemorrhaging, we have not been shot, we have just been grazed. If these nodules stay in his lungs and never change, that would be fantastic! Connie said they are nothing to worry about at this point. So we won't worry. Besides, God is in control. That can be a very difficult pill to swallow sometimes. It is so hard for us to watch our precious son go through what he has gone through the past 2+ years. But we know God has a plan for him; and us! There are lessons we are supposed to learn through all this. I just wish I knew that everything was going to be fine. I guess it is, one way or another. Like I said before, David is in a win-win situation. If he dies, he wins because he will be in heaven. If he lives, he wins because he is alive!! So he wins either way! So that is the result of the CT scan. We are breathing somewhat easier. We can 'relax' for another 3 months. Well, 2 1/2 months anyway. Lol.
David did pretty good in PT today. I forgot to tell you that Connie wants David to build up his stamina by walking. She said on the days he has PT he is to walk for 20 minutes. On the days he doesn't have PT he is to walk for 45 minutes. So tonight we went for a walk before dinner. He only made 17 minutes, but he did great. It is freezing, so his knee was causing him a bit of pain. But he walked anyway. I told him 17 minutes was ok. So tomorrow we will walk another (hopefully) 20 minutes. Connie also said that on days where it is too windy, rainy, icy, snowy, etc. he can use the treadmill for 20 minutes. But she would rather him be outside. I agreed 100% with her. Please continue to pray for him. Thanks.
I will post tomorrow after I get the results of the bone scan. We are praying that scan comes out totally clear! Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Please continue to pray for him, and us. And to the people who have deposited to David's account, thank you. You know who you are. We appreciate it more than you know. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Be who you are and say what you feel; because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
Ok. I called Connie today, and she finally called me back. The results of the bone scan are not back yet. She said that is odd, usually they are back sooner. So she will be calling me tomorrow with those results. The results of the CT scan are a mixed bag. The good news is 'stable disease' and no new nodules. The bad news is 'stable disease' meaning there is disease. The couple nodules they are watching are unchanged~~which is fantastic news! Trust me, I know how wonderful that news is. We just wanted him to be NED (No Evidence of Disease), and he clearly is not as long as there is disease. I have to remember what I learned from our online support group; and that is 'Don't bleed until you are shot,' and we have not been shot, yet. We are not hemorrhaging, we have not been shot, we have just been grazed. If these nodules stay in his lungs and never change, that would be fantastic! Connie said they are nothing to worry about at this point. So we won't worry. Besides, God is in control. That can be a very difficult pill to swallow sometimes. It is so hard for us to watch our precious son go through what he has gone through the past 2+ years. But we know God has a plan for him; and us! There are lessons we are supposed to learn through all this. I just wish I knew that everything was going to be fine. I guess it is, one way or another. Like I said before, David is in a win-win situation. If he dies, he wins because he will be in heaven. If he lives, he wins because he is alive!! So he wins either way! So that is the result of the CT scan. We are breathing somewhat easier. We can 'relax' for another 3 months. Well, 2 1/2 months anyway. Lol.
David did pretty good in PT today. I forgot to tell you that Connie wants David to build up his stamina by walking. She said on the days he has PT he is to walk for 20 minutes. On the days he doesn't have PT he is to walk for 45 minutes. So tonight we went for a walk before dinner. He only made 17 minutes, but he did great. It is freezing, so his knee was causing him a bit of pain. But he walked anyway. I told him 17 minutes was ok. So tomorrow we will walk another (hopefully) 20 minutes. Connie also said that on days where it is too windy, rainy, icy, snowy, etc. he can use the treadmill for 20 minutes. But she would rather him be outside. I agreed 100% with her. Please continue to pray for him. Thanks.
I will post tomorrow after I get the results of the bone scan. We are praying that scan comes out totally clear! Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Please continue to pray for him, and us. And to the people who have deposited to David's account, thank you. You know who you are. We appreciate it more than you know. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Be who you are and say what you feel; because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Good evening.
We made it home~~~earlier than expected! We think with 13% unemployment in California, there are just fewer cars on the road. We were glad to make it home sooner than we were expecting to.
Ok, here was our day. We left the house sometime between 6 and 6:30am. We did make one potty stop, and we got to Children's around 10. Yup, we made pretty good time. We got a handicapped parking place in the front of the hospital; so we didn't have to pay for parking~praise God!! We checked into radiology about 10:15ish. Then Bryant was able to give David the injection for the bone scan around 10:30. Then we got into the CT almost right away; and the CT was done by 10:45ish. And it was NOT with contrast! David was happy about that! He said the contrast makes him feel really hot inside. Oh, just before the CT the nurse drew David's labs, and then took out the IV. Then we went to the cafeteria. We had a great surprise~~~we got to see Teagan!! We haven't seen her for quite some time, and it was fantastic to see her. She looks great! Then Teagan went to have her CT and bone scan, and we had lunch! And we got to see a bunch of doctors that we have missed! Like Dr. Hoppe, Dr. Styles, and Dr. Singer. We didn't make it upstairs because David couldn't go upstairs~~~swine flu and all. Anyway, David's bone scan was at 1pm. Then we went across the street to the clinic to see Connie. Ok, the results of the scans are~~~~~are you ready? Are you sitting down? Drum roll please.......NO NEWS!! Connie didn't have the report yet! So I have to call her tomorrow. Rather frustrating. So, scanxiety is still reining at our house! Please continue to pray!!
David's weight is great! Connie said that David is exactly on target for height and weight! She said his height was always steady in the 52%; but his weight was around 30%! So now his height and weight are exactly the same, and she is thrilled! She told David she is really proud of him. So we are going to wean him off the Megace. We will be doing a 1/2 dose for a week, then stop it. If he continues to eat he can stay off it. If he loses his appetite, then he is back on it. Also, she is going to be sending me the 504 documentation for his school. And his phosphorus levels are perfect! So he doesn't have to go back on the supplements! YAY! So, other than not knowing what the results of the scans are, it was a pretty good day. Bryon would have rather spent his birthday not going to Oakland, but it is what it is! We will 'celebrate' his birthday on Sunday with all 5 kids. He can't decide if he wants me to make enchiladas or beef stroganoff. Fickle man, lol! (smile)
So that was our day. I hope to be able to post tomorrow what the results of the scans are. We were really hoping to know the results today; but it wasn't to be. That is the story of our life! So we would continue to covet your prayers as we await the results. Thanks.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.'~~Helen Keller
We made it home~~~earlier than expected! We think with 13% unemployment in California, there are just fewer cars on the road. We were glad to make it home sooner than we were expecting to.
Ok, here was our day. We left the house sometime between 6 and 6:30am. We did make one potty stop, and we got to Children's around 10. Yup, we made pretty good time. We got a handicapped parking place in the front of the hospital; so we didn't have to pay for parking~praise God!! We checked into radiology about 10:15ish. Then Bryant was able to give David the injection for the bone scan around 10:30. Then we got into the CT almost right away; and the CT was done by 10:45ish. And it was NOT with contrast! David was happy about that! He said the contrast makes him feel really hot inside. Oh, just before the CT the nurse drew David's labs, and then took out the IV. Then we went to the cafeteria. We had a great surprise~~~we got to see Teagan!! We haven't seen her for quite some time, and it was fantastic to see her. She looks great! Then Teagan went to have her CT and bone scan, and we had lunch! And we got to see a bunch of doctors that we have missed! Like Dr. Hoppe, Dr. Styles, and Dr. Singer. We didn't make it upstairs because David couldn't go upstairs~~~swine flu and all. Anyway, David's bone scan was at 1pm. Then we went across the street to the clinic to see Connie. Ok, the results of the scans are~~~~~are you ready? Are you sitting down? Drum roll please.......NO NEWS!! Connie didn't have the report yet! So I have to call her tomorrow. Rather frustrating. So, scanxiety is still reining at our house! Please continue to pray!!
David's weight is great! Connie said that David is exactly on target for height and weight! She said his height was always steady in the 52%; but his weight was around 30%! So now his height and weight are exactly the same, and she is thrilled! She told David she is really proud of him. So we are going to wean him off the Megace. We will be doing a 1/2 dose for a week, then stop it. If he continues to eat he can stay off it. If he loses his appetite, then he is back on it. Also, she is going to be sending me the 504 documentation for his school. And his phosphorus levels are perfect! So he doesn't have to go back on the supplements! YAY! So, other than not knowing what the results of the scans are, it was a pretty good day. Bryon would have rather spent his birthday not going to Oakland, but it is what it is! We will 'celebrate' his birthday on Sunday with all 5 kids. He can't decide if he wants me to make enchiladas or beef stroganoff. Fickle man, lol! (smile)
So that was our day. I hope to be able to post tomorrow what the results of the scans are. We were really hoping to know the results today; but it wasn't to be. That is the story of our life! So we would continue to covet your prayers as we await the results. Thanks.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.'~~Helen Keller
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Good evening.
First, I want to say 'thank you' to all of you who wrote and encouraged me. That is why I love you all, I know you are there for me. I can say how I feel, you don't judge me, and you do what you can to encourage me. Thank you. I really appreciate you all.
Well, tomorrow is the day. David is not nervous at all. I told him that is ok, I am nervous enough for both of us! He doesn't need to be nervous, I'll take care of that for him. Aren't I just the best mom? LOL!!! Please pray that his scans come back clear! Thank you for your prayers.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. We will leave at 6am. We have to check in at 10:30. Oakland Children's Hospital called and said David will have the injection for the bone scan (and labs drawn) at 11am. He can't eat until after the CT scan. Then he will have the CT scan at 12pm. Then we all get to eat!! Then he has the bone scan at 2pm. Then we will go across the street to the clinic and have his monthly oncology appointment; and hopefully get the results of his scans and labs. By the time we get done with everything and are ready to go home, it will be rush hour traffic! Like I have said before, I don't know why it is called 'rush hour' when no one is rushing anywhere! The good thing is we will be able to use the carpool lane!! So Bryon predicts we will be home around 10pm. See? Long day! And it is Bryon's birthday! Poor guy. What a way to spend his birthday. Bryon told David that the best birthday gift he could give him would be clear scans. Poor kid, he has no control over that! But He told Bryon he will do his best! I am not looking forward to such a long day. And David still gets so stiff in the car, even though he has the whole backseat to himself. Four hours is a long time for him to be sitting in the car~~we will have to have a potty stop or something to let him stretch his legs. He said he wants to sleep for most of the time; maybe watch a movie, too. Please pray for safety for us as we drive to Oakland. Thanks.
We are so glad that some things just never change. I have mentioned this before, but for the newcomers I will mention it again. The whole winter we were traveling to Oakland for chemo and surgeries when David was first diagnosed the weather was harsh. Storm after storm after storm. When we were home the weather would clear up, then a storm would come in as we were preparing to leave. Well, there is 'bad' weather coming in tomorrow night. There is a small storm coming in; so we will be coming home to the storm, not leaving in one. So it is just nice to know that some things never change!! For awhile we were wondering if my car would know how to get to Oakland on dry roads! We thanked God many, many times for my Honda Pilot!! Let me tell you, it is THE BEST vehicle in the snow!!
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers; we need them!! I will try to post tomorrow when we get home; depending on when we get home, and how tired I am. Again, thank you for being there for me/us. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.
First, I want to say 'thank you' to all of you who wrote and encouraged me. That is why I love you all, I know you are there for me. I can say how I feel, you don't judge me, and you do what you can to encourage me. Thank you. I really appreciate you all.
Well, tomorrow is the day. David is not nervous at all. I told him that is ok, I am nervous enough for both of us! He doesn't need to be nervous, I'll take care of that for him. Aren't I just the best mom? LOL!!! Please pray that his scans come back clear! Thank you for your prayers.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. We will leave at 6am. We have to check in at 10:30. Oakland Children's Hospital called and said David will have the injection for the bone scan (and labs drawn) at 11am. He can't eat until after the CT scan. Then he will have the CT scan at 12pm. Then we all get to eat!! Then he has the bone scan at 2pm. Then we will go across the street to the clinic and have his monthly oncology appointment; and hopefully get the results of his scans and labs. By the time we get done with everything and are ready to go home, it will be rush hour traffic! Like I have said before, I don't know why it is called 'rush hour' when no one is rushing anywhere! The good thing is we will be able to use the carpool lane!! So Bryon predicts we will be home around 10pm. See? Long day! And it is Bryon's birthday! Poor guy. What a way to spend his birthday. Bryon told David that the best birthday gift he could give him would be clear scans. Poor kid, he has no control over that! But He told Bryon he will do his best! I am not looking forward to such a long day. And David still gets so stiff in the car, even though he has the whole backseat to himself. Four hours is a long time for him to be sitting in the car~~we will have to have a potty stop or something to let him stretch his legs. He said he wants to sleep for most of the time; maybe watch a movie, too. Please pray for safety for us as we drive to Oakland. Thanks.
We are so glad that some things just never change. I have mentioned this before, but for the newcomers I will mention it again. The whole winter we were traveling to Oakland for chemo and surgeries when David was first diagnosed the weather was harsh. Storm after storm after storm. When we were home the weather would clear up, then a storm would come in as we were preparing to leave. Well, there is 'bad' weather coming in tomorrow night. There is a small storm coming in; so we will be coming home to the storm, not leaving in one. So it is just nice to know that some things never change!! For awhile we were wondering if my car would know how to get to Oakland on dry roads! We thanked God many, many times for my Honda Pilot!! Let me tell you, it is THE BEST vehicle in the snow!!
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers; we need them!! I will try to post tomorrow when we get home; depending on when we get home, and how tired I am. Again, thank you for being there for me/us. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Good evening.
Today was a busy day for David. He had PT this morning, and he had a tough time! His calf is very sore, so just walking is difficult for him. The exercises were very difficult; but he did them anyway! He is such a fantastic kid, and a trooper. I could tell he was in a lot of pain; almost to the point of tears! We aren't sure why his calf is so sore, it has been sore since yesterday. He woke up with it sore, so maybe he had a charlie-horse or something in his sleep~~~~who knows?!?! So he struggled through PT. But he still did what he needed to do. Then he had school. He is struggling a bit in that area, too. It is hard to get back in the groove after 2 weeks off! He will only have school 4 days this week; he won't be able to have school on Wednesday. David's eating today was pretty fantastic! Breakfast was eggs with cheese and toast. Lunch was a Chicken Bake (we got them at Costco). After lunch, right after lunch, he wanted some chips and salsa. Bryon made salsa last night, so David had some with/after lunch. Then he had 2 Reese's peanut butter cups. Around 3 he had some crackers and chicken salad. Then for dinner he had 2 bar-b-qued hamburgers; then he wanted some more chips and salsa; then more Reese's peanut butter cups!! He ate great today! We are so happy to see him eat!
We got some more wood today, THANKS ALAN!! It is quite cold, so the wood is very much appreciated!!
I was talking to someone today, and he said he understands why I am feeling some frustration and perhaps anger at God. He did say that we have a big God, He can handle it. I was feeling it because it just seems like everything is just spinning out of control!! Today someone came to shut off our power. Each month I have to 'rob Peter to pay Paul,' and it is catching up with me! I was able to stop the shut-off, thank God. I just was asking God what He wants from us! We are trying to save our house, pay the bills, feed the family, etc. with money that we don't have! BIG *sigh*! I am glad God can handle my frustrations and stress!! We would really continue to covet your prayers. Thank you.
I was chatting with my friend today, and she asked me if it gets easier when scan time comes around the farther out we are. I told her NO!! Actually, it gets worse. The farther out we are, the more chance of 'something' showing up in the scans. Those rogue cells can rear their ugly heads! Right after chemo it can happen, too, but in our minds it is less likely to happen right away because the effects of the chemo are still in David's body. But now that he is out of treatment~~~it is scary. She was saying so this is something we will have scanxiety about for the rest of our lives (or David's); and I said YES!! She is finally getting closer to 'getting it!' She asked if it had been 6 months already since his last scans; and I told her that since David is classified as 'high risk' for recurrence he has to have scans every 3 months~~~still! His last chemo was 15 months ago, today!! We were told the protocol calls for scans every 3 months for a year, then every six months. Like I said, David is still every 3 months. Even though my friend is here, watching David go through what he is going through, she admits she still can't imagine what he is going through. It is still hard for her to understand all the ramifications of how his life has changed, forever. And how ours has changed. But I don't expect her to understand, at least she is there for me. That is a lot more than I can say for some people~~the ones I really thought would be there. But I am just trying to move forward; with God's help! I am trying not to 'bleed until I am shot,' it is just hard sometimes. Please pray for clear scans for David. Thank you.
I want you all to know that David's website. www.davidpaulkoury, will be expiring Jan. 18. That site will no longer be available. We couldn't afford to keep it up. But Bryon has opened another one, a free one, and the link is: It will coincide with this one. The link is also under the 'Resources' at the top of the page. Thanks for your understanding.
Thank you for checking in. Thank you soooo very much for your prayers; we REALLY need them. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be."
Today was a busy day for David. He had PT this morning, and he had a tough time! His calf is very sore, so just walking is difficult for him. The exercises were very difficult; but he did them anyway! He is such a fantastic kid, and a trooper. I could tell he was in a lot of pain; almost to the point of tears! We aren't sure why his calf is so sore, it has been sore since yesterday. He woke up with it sore, so maybe he had a charlie-horse or something in his sleep~~~~who knows?!?! So he struggled through PT. But he still did what he needed to do. Then he had school. He is struggling a bit in that area, too. It is hard to get back in the groove after 2 weeks off! He will only have school 4 days this week; he won't be able to have school on Wednesday. David's eating today was pretty fantastic! Breakfast was eggs with cheese and toast. Lunch was a Chicken Bake (we got them at Costco). After lunch, right after lunch, he wanted some chips and salsa. Bryon made salsa last night, so David had some with/after lunch. Then he had 2 Reese's peanut butter cups. Around 3 he had some crackers and chicken salad. Then for dinner he had 2 bar-b-qued hamburgers; then he wanted some more chips and salsa; then more Reese's peanut butter cups!! He ate great today! We are so happy to see him eat!
We got some more wood today, THANKS ALAN!! It is quite cold, so the wood is very much appreciated!!
I was talking to someone today, and he said he understands why I am feeling some frustration and perhaps anger at God. He did say that we have a big God, He can handle it. I was feeling it because it just seems like everything is just spinning out of control!! Today someone came to shut off our power. Each month I have to 'rob Peter to pay Paul,' and it is catching up with me! I was able to stop the shut-off, thank God. I just was asking God what He wants from us! We are trying to save our house, pay the bills, feed the family, etc. with money that we don't have! BIG *sigh*! I am glad God can handle my frustrations and stress!! We would really continue to covet your prayers. Thank you.
I was chatting with my friend today, and she asked me if it gets easier when scan time comes around the farther out we are. I told her NO!! Actually, it gets worse. The farther out we are, the more chance of 'something' showing up in the scans. Those rogue cells can rear their ugly heads! Right after chemo it can happen, too, but in our minds it is less likely to happen right away because the effects of the chemo are still in David's body. But now that he is out of treatment~~~it is scary. She was saying so this is something we will have scanxiety about for the rest of our lives (or David's); and I said YES!! She is finally getting closer to 'getting it!' She asked if it had been 6 months already since his last scans; and I told her that since David is classified as 'high risk' for recurrence he has to have scans every 3 months~~~still! His last chemo was 15 months ago, today!! We were told the protocol calls for scans every 3 months for a year, then every six months. Like I said, David is still every 3 months. Even though my friend is here, watching David go through what he is going through, she admits she still can't imagine what he is going through. It is still hard for her to understand all the ramifications of how his life has changed, forever. And how ours has changed. But I don't expect her to understand, at least she is there for me. That is a lot more than I can say for some people~~the ones I really thought would be there. But I am just trying to move forward; with God's help! I am trying not to 'bleed until I am shot,' it is just hard sometimes. Please pray for clear scans for David. Thank you.
I want you all to know that David's website. www.davidpaulkoury, will be expiring Jan. 18. That site will no longer be available. We couldn't afford to keep it up. But Bryon has opened another one, a free one, and the link is: It will coincide with this one. The link is also under the 'Resources' at the top of the page. Thanks for your understanding.
Thank you for checking in. Thank you soooo very much for your prayers; we REALLY need them. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be."
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Good evening.
I hope you all had a great New Year's. Ours was quiet. We just stayed home and stayed up past midnight. Then we went to bed. New Year's day was busy. We spent the day cleaning and re-arranging. Then today Bryon took the Christmas lights off the house. It has been a somewhat busy, but enjoyable weekend.
We are praying for David's scans on Wednesday. It just never gets any easier when the time comes for scans. David will be having his blood drawn to find out how his counts are, and if he can stay off the phosphorus pills. I won't be giving David his Megace that day. The reason is because his CT is with contrast this time, and he can't eat before the CT scan. Poor kid, the CT scan isn't until 12:00, so he will eat afterwards. Fortunately, the CT scans doesn't take long. David gets the injection for the bone scan at 11; then the CT at 12; then the bone scan at 2. Christine always wants David to drink and eat before the bone scan, so that will work out perfect! But I know he will be hungry. Actually, we all will be. We never eat when David can't; that just wouldn't be nice. So we all go hungry together. Bryon and I can afford it, David can't!! But he will make up for it at lunch, hopefully. He doesn't much care for the cafeteria food~~~but that just can't be helped. We will get him to eat something. Anyway, please pray that it is an easy day for David, and that the scans come back clear. Thanks.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself."~~Dr. Burton Grebin
I hope you all had a great New Year's. Ours was quiet. We just stayed home and stayed up past midnight. Then we went to bed. New Year's day was busy. We spent the day cleaning and re-arranging. Then today Bryon took the Christmas lights off the house. It has been a somewhat busy, but enjoyable weekend.
We are praying for David's scans on Wednesday. It just never gets any easier when the time comes for scans. David will be having his blood drawn to find out how his counts are, and if he can stay off the phosphorus pills. I won't be giving David his Megace that day. The reason is because his CT is with contrast this time, and he can't eat before the CT scan. Poor kid, the CT scan isn't until 12:00, so he will eat afterwards. Fortunately, the CT scans doesn't take long. David gets the injection for the bone scan at 11; then the CT at 12; then the bone scan at 2. Christine always wants David to drink and eat before the bone scan, so that will work out perfect! But I know he will be hungry. Actually, we all will be. We never eat when David can't; that just wouldn't be nice. So we all go hungry together. Bryon and I can afford it, David can't!! But he will make up for it at lunch, hopefully. He doesn't much care for the cafeteria food~~~but that just can't be helped. We will get him to eat something. Anyway, please pray that it is an easy day for David, and that the scans come back clear. Thanks.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
"To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself."~~Dr. Burton Grebin
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