**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good evening.

I am sorry I haven't posted before now, I wanted to get the official word before posting.

Dav​id went to the oncologist today. She said the nodules are still there; and they are still stable. She said she is not 100% sure it's cancer, but she is not 100% sure it's NOT cancer. The only way to know for sure is to do surgery, and they don't want to do another thoracotomy on David just yet. She will keep a VERY close eye on his lungs. So she will keep David on the every three month scans until October, then we will go to every 4 months.

We talked to the Child Psychologis​t, and she is worried that David is suffering from depression; not that anyone can blame him. Please pray for him. Thank you. He did lose a couple of pounds, but he is still at an acceptable weight. We were also told that we will be starting David's vitamin B12 shots soon. I am not exactly sure when, but they are getting the plans together. They were originally going to wait until his levels dropped significant​ly, but decided there was no need to wait. They know the levels will drop, so they might as well get started. So he will NEVER be able to leave cancer totally behind him. I told him that his cancer is the gift that just keeps on giving!!! And it stinks!! I am not looking forward to my son having to go through these shots for the rest of his life!! *sigh*

The bone scan looks good. There is the normal 'uptake' in his left foot and at the top of the prosthesis. They think the uptake in his left foot is from overuse~~it still bears the brunt of his walking. He still limps, but I honestly think he always will. We were told that with the size of his tumor, and the amount of muscle they removed so they could get clear margins, he will never have a normal gait. But that is just something he will have to deal with. He is that strong trooper, and he will still live life to the fullest; for him. I am praising God that he is still alive! I will take him, disabled and all!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes! He had a good birthday. I made the sour cream chicken enchiladas, and he ate 5 of them. Wylene, thank you for the generous gift to him. Thank you, all of you, for thinking of him, and remembering him.

Thank you for visiting. Have a great night. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

More than 2/3’s of survivors will deal with one or more (sometimes life-long) “late effects” from treatment, which can occur in any organ or system of the body, & include such things as Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD – can occur from bone marrow transplants​), learning disorders, growth problems, sterility, hearing &/or vision loss, neuropathy/​pain, heart damage, amputations (& prosthetics​) & the possibiliti​es of recurrences &/or secondary cancers.

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