Sorry I haven't updated sooner; it's just been rather busy.
David is doing ok. He is suffering pretty badly with allergies; as are Bryon and I. We are all allergic to the rabbit brush that grows quite prolific around here! I think some people let it grow in their yards (like down the street from us) because they think they are pretty yellow flowers on a bush. We just need a good freeze for a few nights, and the rabbit brush will die. We have been close, like 34 degrees, but just not close enough! The allergies are the only thing I hate about Fall. Well, they start in late Summer, and go into Fall. We can't wait until it freezes!!
School is going ok for David. He is spending a lot of time studying, and we are so proud of his effort. Like I said in the past; it is difficult for us to watch him struggle with school, when school used to come pretty easy for him. But he will make it, he is such a trooper!
David is really enjoying Bible Study. They serve dinner before Bible Study starts, but he doesn't eat~~~surprise, surprise!! One of the leaders even commented that he doesn't eat; and we said, "Yep, that's a problem we are working on!" But he usually does eat something when we get home. So far I have been able to go with Bryon down to Gardnerville to take David to Bible Study. We have to stay there the whole 2+ hours; we can't afford to go home and then come back again. So we just walk around Walgreen's or Rite-Aid, or whatever to kill time. I am so glad that David enjoys going to Bible Study. It is good for him. He loves the fellowship with the other kids.
September is almost over~~~have you heard anything about Childhood Cancer Awareness? The only commercial I have seen is from Hyundai. All the stores are already putting all the pink breast cancer stuff out!! Yup, they crowd out the children!! Very frustrating. Take a good look at the pie chart I put on this site. I hope you are all spreading the word about Childhood Cancer Awareness. I pray for a cure!

Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Every Child's Smile is Beautiful; The Smile of a Child With Cancer is Inspirational.
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