Good evening.
Well, we leave tomorrow for Oakland. Scanxiety has hit us! For a few days we were able to just put it on the back burner; with the new baby and all. But now that the time is here to leave......yikes! We have to be at the hospital at 8:30am. Then David has the injection for the bone scan at 9am, then chest CT scan at 10am, then oncology appointment at 10:30am, then bone scan at 12pm. I don't know when we will get the results, usually we have his oncology appointment after all the scans, and we get the results then. We will probably have to wait to hear the results. *sigh* Please pray that the scans go well, and there are no surprises! We don't like the surprises!! Thanks for your prayers.
David is feeling much better. He is still a little congested in his head, but not coughing hardly at all, and his throat feels better. Thank you so much for your prayers for his healing.
My precious granddaughter is adjusting to her life outside the womb. She is taking a while to adjust, but she is doing better and better each day (according to Jeremy). We spent quite a few hours at their house on Saturday getting some 'baby time' in. We will stop by to see them before we leave tomorrow. Jeremy has the next week off, which is wonderful. And then when he goes back to work, Lucy knows that I am only a mile away, and I will be there for her. Then, when it is time for her to go back to work, I get the pleasure of babysitting my precious granddaughter!! Please pray for little Elena. Please pray that she can get into 'the swing' of eating, sleeping, and adjusting to life. She is just so wonderful! Wylene, we had to think of what I want Elena to call me. She will call Bryon Poppa, and I will be Nana. But of course, that won't be for quite some time!!
Well, it is late, and I am tired. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Please pray for a safe trip tomorrow for us. I hope to be able to let you know how things go. Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one bothered to ask.'~~~Billy Graham
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Good evening.
Lucy had her baby!! She had her at 4:32 this afternoon, via c-section. Her name is Elena Renee, and she was 19" long and came in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. (one ounce bigger than her father). She is such a sweet baby. We got to get some 'baby time' this evening. Jeremy and Lucy are exhausted, but otherwise ok. Please pray that they are able to get some rest; I know, I know. But still.....Thank you for your prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. She is just precious!
David was unable to go to the hospital tonight, he still has a cold. He knew he could go and just wear a mask, but he didn't want to risk getting the baby sick. After all he's been through, he knows how important it is to stay healthy and not spread germs unnecessairly. So he will see Elena when she comes home. Please pray that he is able to kick this cough/cold before Tuesday. Thanks.
We are so over-the-moon excited to have this granddaughter! My other children are so excited to have a precious niece. This baby means so much to us. She will never lack for love, that is for sure!
Please continue to pray for Teresa (Kenny's mom) and the other kids still fighting this battle. Please pray that David's scans come out with no surprises!! We would LOVE to have the nodules gone, but we will settle for stable. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'A baby is God's opinion that life should go on.'~~Carl Sandburg
Lucy had her baby!! She had her at 4:32 this afternoon, via c-section. Her name is Elena Renee, and she was 19" long and came in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. (one ounce bigger than her father). She is such a sweet baby. We got to get some 'baby time' this evening. Jeremy and Lucy are exhausted, but otherwise ok. Please pray that they are able to get some rest; I know, I know. But still.....Thank you for your prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. She is just precious!
David was unable to go to the hospital tonight, he still has a cold. He knew he could go and just wear a mask, but he didn't want to risk getting the baby sick. After all he's been through, he knows how important it is to stay healthy and not spread germs unnecessairly. So he will see Elena when she comes home. Please pray that he is able to kick this cough/cold before Tuesday. Thanks.
We are so over-the-moon excited to have this granddaughter! My other children are so excited to have a precious niece. This baby means so much to us. She will never lack for love, that is for sure!
Please continue to pray for Teresa (Kenny's mom) and the other kids still fighting this battle. Please pray that David's scans come out with no surprises!! We would LOVE to have the nodules gone, but we will settle for stable. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'A baby is God's opinion that life should go on.'~~Carl Sandburg
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Good evening.
We lost another child to this blasted monster!! Kenny died on Sunday. He put up a good fight. Please remember his mother, Teresa, in your prayers. Kenny was her only child. Thank you.

We lost another child to this blasted monster!! Kenny died on Sunday. He put up a good fight. Please remember his mother, Teresa, in your prayers. Kenny was her only child. Thank you.

Here is a question for you. Think about it~~What would happen if a gunman went into a school today and shot 46 kids? What if seven of them died? It would be all over the news, every channel. But because it's cancer instead of a crazy shooter, you don't hear much about it.
As I posted on Facebook today; Lucy is, as we speak, in the hospital. Her doctor decided to induce her today. They are doing the induction very slowly. Jeremy said that the doctor said the baby will probably be born tomorrow, early evening. Then we will have birthdays on Jan. 6th, Jan. 16th. and Jan. 26th!! Kinda funny! We can't wait until the baby is born!! Jeremy will be calling us and telling us when the baby is born (and if it is a boy or a girl), then tell us when we can come see them. It won't be soon enough for us!! Please pray for a safe delivery of a healthy baby. Thank you.
Thanks for visiting. Sorry for the short post, my emotions are all over the place. Kenny's death makes me soooo sad and sick; I have the joy of the impending birth of my first grandchild; and we have the fear of David's upcoming scans! Please pray for all of us!! Have a wonderful evening, and a good day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The cause of most childhood cancers are unknown and at present, cannot be prevented. (Most adult cancers result from lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, occupation, and other exposure to cancer-causing agents).
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Good evening.
First off, Happy 30th Anniversary to my husband, Bryon! I can't believe we have been married for 30 years! Where has the time gone? So, I just wanted to tell my husband Happy Anniversary.
Well, no baby yet! Lucy is due today, and no baby. She has a doctor appointment tomorrow, and they will get a 'game plan' together to decide when the baby will come. We can't wait! We are so excited!!
David has a cold, AGAIN!! Grrrr. He is running a fever tonight, and he is very congested. He is not feeling his best. He started his last semester of school today!! Bryon will be faxing the 'note' to the school tomorrow; we'll see what happens. I will let you know. Hopefully David will feel better by Tuesday! Scanxiety is hitting us big time! We just never know what these scans will reveal. We have NO idea what is happening in our son's young body. So scary. Please pray that the nodules in his lungs are still stable; or better yet, gone! Thank you. I will let you know how it goes. We will be spending this week preparing to be gone overnite again. I have to make sure I have snacks for David that he will eat, make sure laundry is done, make sure that everything is ready for Rachel to hold down the fort!! And hope the money is there!!
Please continue to pray for Sara, Todd, and Rachel. They are struggling big time! This monster called Osteosarcoma is relentless!! It gets it grip on someone and doesn't want to let go until it takes their life from them!! Please, please, pray for these three. Thank you.
Thanks for checking in on David and the rest of the Koury Klan. Please pray that David feels better soon. Thank you for being there for us. Please pray for the safe delivery of Lucy's baby. Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
We are continuing to see late deaths of children presumed “cured” due to late relapses, toxicity and secondary malignancy.
First off, Happy 30th Anniversary to my husband, Bryon! I can't believe we have been married for 30 years! Where has the time gone? So, I just wanted to tell my husband Happy Anniversary.
Well, no baby yet! Lucy is due today, and no baby. She has a doctor appointment tomorrow, and they will get a 'game plan' together to decide when the baby will come. We can't wait! We are so excited!!
David has a cold, AGAIN!! Grrrr. He is running a fever tonight, and he is very congested. He is not feeling his best. He started his last semester of school today!! Bryon will be faxing the 'note' to the school tomorrow; we'll see what happens. I will let you know. Hopefully David will feel better by Tuesday! Scanxiety is hitting us big time! We just never know what these scans will reveal. We have NO idea what is happening in our son's young body. So scary. Please pray that the nodules in his lungs are still stable; or better yet, gone! Thank you. I will let you know how it goes. We will be spending this week preparing to be gone overnite again. I have to make sure I have snacks for David that he will eat, make sure laundry is done, make sure that everything is ready for Rachel to hold down the fort!! And hope the money is there!!
Please continue to pray for Sara, Todd, and Rachel. They are struggling big time! This monster called Osteosarcoma is relentless!! It gets it grip on someone and doesn't want to let go until it takes their life from them!! Please, please, pray for these three. Thank you.
Thanks for checking in on David and the rest of the Koury Klan. Please pray that David feels better soon. Thank you for being there for us. Please pray for the safe delivery of Lucy's baby. Thank you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
We are continuing to see late deaths of children presumed “cured” due to late relapses, toxicity and secondary malignancy.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Good evening.
Well, we are home. It was a very busy day. We left a little after 6am and arrived there at 9:40. But then we had to get xrays before David's appointment. It was kind of a fiasco, we aren't used to Pleasanton. We know all the ropes in SF, so we know where to go to get the xrays. Well, after all the usual 'red tape,' we were waiting for xrays at 10:30 (David's appointment was for 10:00!), and they told us they were having a problem and wouldn't be able to get to David for about 1/2 and hour! So Bryon went back to Dr. O'Donnell's office and told them, so they just rescheduled David's appointment for 11:00. We got in there before 11:00, which was great. Then Dr. O'Donnell came in and checked David out. He said things look good, and the xrays show no sign of local recurrence! Woo-Hoo!! He did write a 'note' saying David is medically exempt from PE since October 2007. Let's see if that makes a difference with his school; prayerfully it will. He said David walks very well, even with the slight limp, and that with his long pants you wouldn't know he had this huge scar on his leg! He is the best! We love Dr. O!! He also said David's knee hurts because of the knee cap. He said it is to move along a groove, and it isn't the grove God made so it isn't perfect. Instead of cartilage on cartilage, it is cartilage on metal. So that is just something David has to 'deal with' for the rest of his life. There is nothing they can do about it. Anyway, David's revision surgery is scheduled for June 13th. Hopefully this will be his LAST surgery! It will be his 12th surgery in 3 1/2 years!! David graduates from High School on June 11th, then surgery! But we need to have the surgery before July 1st because of insurance. It really sucks that we have to have money decide when to put our son through another surgery! I mean, we could put this surgery off for awhile, but we can't afford to wait! We have already met all the deductibles for this fiscal year, so we need the surgery this fiscal year. Bryon's insurance is going to be pretty decimated come July 1st, so we need the surgery soon. Sorry for the rabbit trail. Anyway, then we went to Brentwood to visit some very dear, long-time friends. Rachel and Bethany have been friends for about 20 years!! Yep, most of their lives! So we figured we would stop and see them while we were so close. They came to SF and Oakland a few times when David was there. They were there when David was dying from the intussesception; they were there for us when David had the endoscopy. It was great to see them. We had lunch with them, they fed us yummy sub sandwiches. Then we came home. We got home around 6. It was a long day. Pleasanton was very nice. Thank you to all of you who wrote to tell us what to expect, we appreciate all the advice and encouragement we can get!
David's next scans are scheduled. They will be February 1st. We will have to leave on Jan. 31st and stay in Emeryville. We have to check in to Oakland Children's Hospital at 8:30am; and we just can't leave at 4:30 in the morning. We need to be safe, and it is just too long a day to leave that early. So we will leave Monday late morning to make sure we get there in time to relax and get a good night's sleep. It is always such a long day, and we have to make sure David gets enough rest. Please pray that the nodules in his lungs are stable; or better yet, GONE!! That would be sooooo wonderful! So, we will be making another trip to the bay area in a little over a week! *sigh*
Please pray for David's friend, Chris. We met him at Oakland Children's; he had Osteo in his left leg. Well, he is having some pain in his leg when he puts weight on it. He had an xray, and I have not heard what the results are, yet. Please pray that his prosthesis is ok, and he won't have to have it replaced. These children just go through way too much, ALL of them! Thanks for your prayers for him. Also, please continue to pray for Sara. She has 'good' days and bad days. Hospice came and met with them, and they hope hospice will be able to help. Thank you for your prayers.
Still no baby, yet. Lucy said the doctor said the baby is around 8.5 pounds; and she is due on Monday. We are praying that bundle of joy is born on Tuesday! I will keep you posted!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Even with insurance coverage, a family will have out-of pocket expenses of about $40,000 per year, not including travel.
Well, we are home. It was a very busy day. We left a little after 6am and arrived there at 9:40. But then we had to get xrays before David's appointment. It was kind of a fiasco, we aren't used to Pleasanton. We know all the ropes in SF, so we know where to go to get the xrays. Well, after all the usual 'red tape,' we were waiting for xrays at 10:30 (David's appointment was for 10:00!), and they told us they were having a problem and wouldn't be able to get to David for about 1/2 and hour! So Bryon went back to Dr. O'Donnell's office and told them, so they just rescheduled David's appointment for 11:00. We got in there before 11:00, which was great. Then Dr. O'Donnell came in and checked David out. He said things look good, and the xrays show no sign of local recurrence! Woo-Hoo!! He did write a 'note' saying David is medically exempt from PE since October 2007. Let's see if that makes a difference with his school; prayerfully it will. He said David walks very well, even with the slight limp, and that with his long pants you wouldn't know he had this huge scar on his leg! He is the best! We love Dr. O!! He also said David's knee hurts because of the knee cap. He said it is to move along a groove, and it isn't the grove God made so it isn't perfect. Instead of cartilage on cartilage, it is cartilage on metal. So that is just something David has to 'deal with' for the rest of his life. There is nothing they can do about it. Anyway, David's revision surgery is scheduled for June 13th. Hopefully this will be his LAST surgery! It will be his 12th surgery in 3 1/2 years!! David graduates from High School on June 11th, then surgery! But we need to have the surgery before July 1st because of insurance. It really sucks that we have to have money decide when to put our son through another surgery! I mean, we could put this surgery off for awhile, but we can't afford to wait! We have already met all the deductibles for this fiscal year, so we need the surgery this fiscal year. Bryon's insurance is going to be pretty decimated come July 1st, so we need the surgery soon. Sorry for the rabbit trail. Anyway, then we went to Brentwood to visit some very dear, long-time friends. Rachel and Bethany have been friends for about 20 years!! Yep, most of their lives! So we figured we would stop and see them while we were so close. They came to SF and Oakland a few times when David was there. They were there when David was dying from the intussesception; they were there for us when David had the endoscopy. It was great to see them. We had lunch with them, they fed us yummy sub sandwiches. Then we came home. We got home around 6. It was a long day. Pleasanton was very nice. Thank you to all of you who wrote to tell us what to expect, we appreciate all the advice and encouragement we can get!
David's next scans are scheduled. They will be February 1st. We will have to leave on Jan. 31st and stay in Emeryville. We have to check in to Oakland Children's Hospital at 8:30am; and we just can't leave at 4:30 in the morning. We need to be safe, and it is just too long a day to leave that early. So we will leave Monday late morning to make sure we get there in time to relax and get a good night's sleep. It is always such a long day, and we have to make sure David gets enough rest. Please pray that the nodules in his lungs are stable; or better yet, GONE!! That would be sooooo wonderful! So, we will be making another trip to the bay area in a little over a week! *sigh*
Please pray for David's friend, Chris. We met him at Oakland Children's; he had Osteo in his left leg. Well, he is having some pain in his leg when he puts weight on it. He had an xray, and I have not heard what the results are, yet. Please pray that his prosthesis is ok, and he won't have to have it replaced. These children just go through way too much, ALL of them! Thanks for your prayers for him. Also, please continue to pray for Sara. She has 'good' days and bad days. Hospice came and met with them, and they hope hospice will be able to help. Thank you for your prayers.
Still no baby, yet. Lucy said the doctor said the baby is around 8.5 pounds; and she is due on Monday. We are praying that bundle of joy is born on Tuesday! I will keep you posted!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Even with insurance coverage, a family will have out-of pocket expenses of about $40,000 per year, not including travel.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Good evening.
Things have been rather busy around here. Sunday was Jeremy's birthday. I can't believe I have a 29-year-old child! YIKES! When did that happen? Jeremy and Lucy came over for lunch on Sunday after church. Jeremy wanted barbecued bacon wrapped flank steak to eat. So we had that, baked potatoes, green beans, and salad for lunch/dinner. By the time we ate, it was a late lunch, early dinner. And it was yummy. Then he wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for his birthday cake. And he wanted the Tillamook Mudslide ice cream; both my boys love that ice cream. Good thing Bryon and I ran to Reno to go to WinCo to get some more ice cream on Saturday! David was out, so I bought all WinCo had~~~4 containers! It was a good day. Then yesterday everyone had the day off, so Bryon, Jennifer, and I went for a drive. We went to Squaw Valley. I was having a bit of 'cabin fever' and just wanted to get out! It was a beautiful day for a drive! So it was a rather busy weekend.
David is in a bit of pain right now. He and Rachel went for a walk yesterday, and I think he overdid it. His knee was very painful last night, he thinks he stepped wrong or something. Please pray that his knee feels better soon. He is not looking forward to our 'trip' on Friday. We are not going to San Francisco, but Pleasanton instead. Dr. O'Donnell has a clinic there on Fridays, and it is closer than S.F. And it saves us from having to drive in and to San Francisco! I don't know what the parking is like in Pleasanton; hopefully it will be cheaper than S.F.!! A couple of times we have been able to park on the street by UCSF, but usually we have to pay $20 to park! And, of course, the gas prices are skyrocketing again! So I hope it won't be too expensive to park on Friday! This appointment will be a full appointment! Besides the normal check-up, we will be getting that note from the Dr. about PE, and we will be scheduling David's 12th (and hopefully last) surgery. We need to have the revision done in June (after graduation) before the stupid insurance deductibles start again. We can't afford to wait until after July 1st. So, we will be scheduling his next surgery. Here is a prayer request way in advance. Please pray that we get the same room we had last time at the Family House in San Francisco; and please pray that David gets a room on 7Long! The last room we had, if you were around then, was on the 6th floor, and it was HORRIBLE!! He is supposed to be on 7Long, but sometimes there isn't a room. That's where he was for 2 weeks for his limb-salvage and emergency bowel resection, and that's where we want him to be for his next surgery. Thank you so much for your prayers.
This is the last week of the semester for David. He has one semester left of High School. I am trying not to 'freak out' about the PE credit, it is in God's very capable hands. I am sure it will work out. Thank you for your prayers for David.
Please continue to pray for Sara. I don't know how she is doing. Please pray for her family. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Hope is ours for the taking every single minute. It's the assurance that things will make sense when there's no sense to make of things.'
~Luci Swindoll
Things have been rather busy around here. Sunday was Jeremy's birthday. I can't believe I have a 29-year-old child! YIKES! When did that happen? Jeremy and Lucy came over for lunch on Sunday after church. Jeremy wanted barbecued bacon wrapped flank steak to eat. So we had that, baked potatoes, green beans, and salad for lunch/dinner. By the time we ate, it was a late lunch, early dinner. And it was yummy. Then he wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for his birthday cake. And he wanted the Tillamook Mudslide ice cream; both my boys love that ice cream. Good thing Bryon and I ran to Reno to go to WinCo to get some more ice cream on Saturday! David was out, so I bought all WinCo had~~~4 containers! It was a good day. Then yesterday everyone had the day off, so Bryon, Jennifer, and I went for a drive. We went to Squaw Valley. I was having a bit of 'cabin fever' and just wanted to get out! It was a beautiful day for a drive! So it was a rather busy weekend.
David is in a bit of pain right now. He and Rachel went for a walk yesterday, and I think he overdid it. His knee was very painful last night, he thinks he stepped wrong or something. Please pray that his knee feels better soon. He is not looking forward to our 'trip' on Friday. We are not going to San Francisco, but Pleasanton instead. Dr. O'Donnell has a clinic there on Fridays, and it is closer than S.F. And it saves us from having to drive in and to San Francisco! I don't know what the parking is like in Pleasanton; hopefully it will be cheaper than S.F.!! A couple of times we have been able to park on the street by UCSF, but usually we have to pay $20 to park! And, of course, the gas prices are skyrocketing again! So I hope it won't be too expensive to park on Friday! This appointment will be a full appointment! Besides the normal check-up, we will be getting that note from the Dr. about PE, and we will be scheduling David's 12th (and hopefully last) surgery. We need to have the revision done in June (after graduation) before the stupid insurance deductibles start again. We can't afford to wait until after July 1st. So, we will be scheduling his next surgery. Here is a prayer request way in advance. Please pray that we get the same room we had last time at the Family House in San Francisco; and please pray that David gets a room on 7Long! The last room we had, if you were around then, was on the 6th floor, and it was HORRIBLE!! He is supposed to be on 7Long, but sometimes there isn't a room. That's where he was for 2 weeks for his limb-salvage and emergency bowel resection, and that's where we want him to be for his next surgery. Thank you so much for your prayers.
This is the last week of the semester for David. He has one semester left of High School. I am trying not to 'freak out' about the PE credit, it is in God's very capable hands. I am sure it will work out. Thank you for your prayers for David.
Please continue to pray for Sara. I don't know how she is doing. Please pray for her family. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Hope is ours for the taking every single minute. It's the assurance that things will make sense when there's no sense to make of things.'
~Luci Swindoll
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Good evening.
Thank you for the prayers. We are feeling much better. Now we just have the sinus congestion and cough, but it is getting better. Thankfully, nobody else got sick! Now I just hope Emilee doesn't get sick; we could pass this back and forth all winter!!
I have a prayer request about David's graduation. There might be a little 'glitch' in his credit situation. He technically doesn't have enough PE credits to graduate. He needs 120 hours of PT to take the place of PE for one year; he only has 96. The woman I am talking to about this said we will figure something out, but it still frustrates me. I mean, it is PE for crying out loud! It's not like it's math, or english, or something else. And it is also something he has NO control over. It isn't like he didn't study enough and flunked out, he is disabled and is not allowed to do PE!! I think it is so ridiculous for them to tell me NOW about the problem, not sooner!! Please pray that we get this figured out and fixed. Amanda said they will make sure he graduates, we just have to figure out where to go and how to get the required credits. David has worked soooo hard to get to this point, it would break my heart to have to tell him he can't graduate just because he had/has cancer!! Thanks.
David is doing very well with school. His teachers say they are proud of him, as we are, too. Unless you are here watching him, you have NO idea just how hard he works to keep on track. Like I have said before; that is hard for us. He is a child who school came easy to BC (Before Cancer), it is hard to see him have to work so hard now. But that just makes us that much more proud of him. We know that he knows what he has to do, and he is doing it. That shows a lot of maturity! I know adults who aren't willing to 'do whatever it takes' to get where they need to be. I am so very proud of my son. Please keep up the prayers for him. Thank you.
I told you before about Sara......please continue to pray for her family. Here is what her mom said most recently:
We are home. Sara is sleeping most of the time, and Woody and I are trying to get our bearings. Thoughts swirl constantly in my head, but I can't think of anything to say. Somewhere in between total denial and total panic is a path where we can walk this journey with God's grace. I think I speak for our whole family as I say we are prayerfully seeking that path. God please show us how to do this.
Basically, Sara is dying. She was sent home from UCSF with an oral chemo (not sure if it will work or not), pain meds, and oxygen. I cannot tell you how awful it is to read about a child that is dying (or has died) of the same cancer that is in your child's body. And when you have met the child, it makes it that much more personal. Please continue to pray for Sara and her family. Thank you.
No baby, yet! We are anxiously waiting!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers, they mean a lot. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.
Thank you for the prayers. We are feeling much better. Now we just have the sinus congestion and cough, but it is getting better. Thankfully, nobody else got sick! Now I just hope Emilee doesn't get sick; we could pass this back and forth all winter!!
I have a prayer request about David's graduation. There might be a little 'glitch' in his credit situation. He technically doesn't have enough PE credits to graduate. He needs 120 hours of PT to take the place of PE for one year; he only has 96. The woman I am talking to about this said we will figure something out, but it still frustrates me. I mean, it is PE for crying out loud! It's not like it's math, or english, or something else. And it is also something he has NO control over. It isn't like he didn't study enough and flunked out, he is disabled and is not allowed to do PE!! I think it is so ridiculous for them to tell me NOW about the problem, not sooner!! Please pray that we get this figured out and fixed. Amanda said they will make sure he graduates, we just have to figure out where to go and how to get the required credits. David has worked soooo hard to get to this point, it would break my heart to have to tell him he can't graduate just because he had/has cancer!! Thanks.
David is doing very well with school. His teachers say they are proud of him, as we are, too. Unless you are here watching him, you have NO idea just how hard he works to keep on track. Like I have said before; that is hard for us. He is a child who school came easy to BC (Before Cancer), it is hard to see him have to work so hard now. But that just makes us that much more proud of him. We know that he knows what he has to do, and he is doing it. That shows a lot of maturity! I know adults who aren't willing to 'do whatever it takes' to get where they need to be. I am so very proud of my son. Please keep up the prayers for him. Thank you.
I told you before about Sara......please continue to pray for her family. Here is what her mom said most recently:
We are home. Sara is sleeping most of the time, and Woody and I are trying to get our bearings. Thoughts swirl constantly in my head, but I can't think of anything to say. Somewhere in between total denial and total panic is a path where we can walk this journey with God's grace. I think I speak for our whole family as I say we are prayerfully seeking that path. God please show us how to do this.
Basically, Sara is dying. She was sent home from UCSF with an oral chemo (not sure if it will work or not), pain meds, and oxygen. I cannot tell you how awful it is to read about a child that is dying (or has died) of the same cancer that is in your child's body. And when you have met the child, it makes it that much more personal. Please continue to pray for Sara and her family. Thank you.
No baby, yet! We are anxiously waiting!
Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers, they mean a lot. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Good evening.
I hope you all are having a good weekend. Unfortunately, David and I are sick, again. We were just sick on Christmas! Mine started with a sore throat, itchy nose, and sneezing on Friday: thought it was allergies. Not so much. Woke up Saturday with all the aches and congestion of a cold. Then David woke up yesterday with a sore throat and sneezing. Then today he has all the aches and congestion. So I am spraying my house with Lysol. Please pray that the rest of my family stays healthy; especially Lucy. She has that baby coming soon, we don't want her to get sick!
The weekend has been uneventful. Just a pretty normal weekend. Cleaning and shopping. I didn't really feel like shopping yesterday, but had to get some done. I am sure I forgot some things, but that is fine. I will just go shopping later in the week if I need to.
Lucy is due 2 weeks from tomorrow!! She says she doesn't feel like the baby will be early, bummer. Jeremy's birthday is next Sunday, the 16th, and Lucy doesn't think the baby will be here before that. Please pray that she stays healthy and that the baby stays healthy, too. Thanks.
Please pray for Sara. I have told you about her lots of times. She had some fluid drained from her lung, and now there is more. She was careflighted to UCSF today(she has the same surgeon as David, and had her treatment done at UCSF Children's Hospital) . Please pray for her. Thank you.
David is not ready for his weekend to be over. He hates being sick, but he hates it even more on the weekend. He says it is a waste of a weekend. Poor guy. Please pray that he is able to focus tomorrow. He is doing so well, so far, and we want to keep the momentum going. Being sick sucks, and it is hard to focus when you are coughing and sneezing all the time. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good week. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Cancer is not God's will. The death of a child is not God's will. Death from automobile accidents are not God's will. The only God worth believing in does not cause the tragedies but lovingly comes into the anguish with us.' ~ Madeline L'Engle
I hope you all are having a good weekend. Unfortunately, David and I are sick, again. We were just sick on Christmas! Mine started with a sore throat, itchy nose, and sneezing on Friday: thought it was allergies. Not so much. Woke up Saturday with all the aches and congestion of a cold. Then David woke up yesterday with a sore throat and sneezing. Then today he has all the aches and congestion. So I am spraying my house with Lysol. Please pray that the rest of my family stays healthy; especially Lucy. She has that baby coming soon, we don't want her to get sick!
The weekend has been uneventful. Just a pretty normal weekend. Cleaning and shopping. I didn't really feel like shopping yesterday, but had to get some done. I am sure I forgot some things, but that is fine. I will just go shopping later in the week if I need to.
Lucy is due 2 weeks from tomorrow!! She says she doesn't feel like the baby will be early, bummer. Jeremy's birthday is next Sunday, the 16th, and Lucy doesn't think the baby will be here before that. Please pray that she stays healthy and that the baby stays healthy, too. Thanks.
Please pray for Sara. I have told you about her lots of times. She had some fluid drained from her lung, and now there is more. She was careflighted to UCSF today(she has the same surgeon as David, and had her treatment done at UCSF Children's Hospital) . Please pray for her. Thank you.
David is not ready for his weekend to be over. He hates being sick, but he hates it even more on the weekend. He says it is a waste of a weekend. Poor guy. Please pray that he is able to focus tomorrow. He is doing so well, so far, and we want to keep the momentum going. Being sick sucks, and it is hard to focus when you are coughing and sneezing all the time. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good week. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Cancer is not God's will. The death of a child is not God's will. Death from automobile accidents are not God's will. The only God worth believing in does not cause the tragedies but lovingly comes into the anguish with us.' ~ Madeline L'Engle
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Good evening.
Well, this year is screaming by!! David is doing very well this year in school. Yesterday he had all the assignments that are due today done! And today he took one of his final exams, two weeks early! He is really trying so hard. We are just so proud of him. He is doing real well in school this new year. He is caught up, and his grades are great! I heard from the school, and the woman who sets up David's 504 plan said he is on track for graduating! He was happy to hear that. So was I, since I bought all his graduation needs! I would hate to think that the $600+ we spent was useless!! He received his Senior T-shirt and Senior sweatshirt a few days ago. Their 'logo' is "The Ones" because the graduation year is 2011!! He was excited to get those things, now he can't wait until he gets his ring!! So, overall, he is doing great with school right now.
Our weather is very cold. We aren't even getting above freezing! And our low's are single digits!! Our fire is roaring all day long. Today David said he was hot, and it was only 67 degrees in the house! Of course, he was wearing his sleeper he got for Christmas. I found a website that sells sleepers for adults. Anyway, he still gets hot when it isn't even hot!! Poor kid. But he had a pretty good day today.
Tomorrow is Bryon's birthday, and we will be spending it in Garderville! David has Bible Study tomorrow night, so Bryon's birthday will be us taking David down there. David cannot wait for tomorrow! He loves going to Bible Study, and he has missed it the last two weeks. So it will be nice for Bryon and I to be together, and we will 'celebrate' his birthday sometime this weekend.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Also, please forgive my delay, but I want to say 'thank you' to the person who made the generous donation to David's bank account. That will come in handy as we have to take David to his appointment on the 21st. With the price of gas going up, again......*sigh* So thank you, whoever you are. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. <><
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'It is better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not.'~~~Andre Gide
Well, this year is screaming by!! David is doing very well this year in school. Yesterday he had all the assignments that are due today done! And today he took one of his final exams, two weeks early! He is really trying so hard. We are just so proud of him. He is doing real well in school this new year. He is caught up, and his grades are great! I heard from the school, and the woman who sets up David's 504 plan said he is on track for graduating! He was happy to hear that. So was I, since I bought all his graduation needs! I would hate to think that the $600+ we spent was useless!! He received his Senior T-shirt and Senior sweatshirt a few days ago. Their 'logo' is "The Ones" because the graduation year is 2011!! He was excited to get those things, now he can't wait until he gets his ring!! So, overall, he is doing great with school right now.
Our weather is very cold. We aren't even getting above freezing! And our low's are single digits!! Our fire is roaring all day long. Today David said he was hot, and it was only 67 degrees in the house! Of course, he was wearing his sleeper he got for Christmas. I found a website that sells sleepers for adults. Anyway, he still gets hot when it isn't even hot!! Poor kid. But he had a pretty good day today.
Tomorrow is Bryon's birthday, and we will be spending it in Garderville! David has Bible Study tomorrow night, so Bryon's birthday will be us taking David down there. David cannot wait for tomorrow! He loves going to Bible Study, and he has missed it the last two weeks. So it will be nice for Bryon and I to be together, and we will 'celebrate' his birthday sometime this weekend.
Thank you for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Also, please forgive my delay, but I want to say 'thank you' to the person who made the generous donation to David's bank account. That will come in handy as we have to take David to his appointment on the 21st. With the price of gas going up, again......*sigh* So thank you, whoever you are. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. <><
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'It is better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not.'~~~Andre Gide
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Good evening.
Well, 2011 is here. We woke up to a wonderful surprise~~~it was snowing! I wasn't sure if it was snowing; foggy; or what. But when I looked outside, it was snowing! We ended up with 4 inches! And the high was only 27 degrees! It was a very cold day today. It is, at this minute, 15 degrees outside. Brrrr.
Today was a busy day. Rachel and I had to run to the store to pick up a few things. We have a ham bone in the freezer from Thanksgiving, and I am going to make split pea soup, so I had to go get some split peas!! Then David needed shampoo, toothpaste, facial cleanser, etc. So Rachel and I took a trip to Walmart; in the snow! I am so glad I have my Pilot! It drives sooooo nice in the snow! Rachel and I were saying how we love the sound of the snow crunching under the tires. Anyway, when we got home I cleaned out the refrigerator; what a chore! It has been needing it for quite some time, it has just been so busy around here. Then I cleaned out the 'Tupperware' cupboard. Boy, was THAT a chore and a half! I didn't realize how messy it was. Then I cleaned off the counters (all but one) and made dinner. It was a busy day. Bryon watched football, go figure, and David played games all day. I did watch most of the Rose Parade this morning. I really like the Rose Parade; I am the only one that does. So I came downstairs and watched it in my quiet house with the fire going and drinking my coffee. It was a good day.
David was feeling a bit off today for awhile. We aren't sure if he was just too hot, or what. He was in his room, so he opened his window for a little bit, and felt some better. He might just have needed the fresh (COLD) air. He just still gets nauseous sometimes. It is frustrating. He took his prevacid, so I know it wasn't his ulcer acting up. Sigh. Some day, maybe, he won't get nauseous for no reason. I pray for that day. He didn't eat that great today. And his knee hurts in this cold. Poor guy, he is like an old man that hurts in the cold! Oh well. Such is life. More of the long-term effects of the 'gift that keeps on giving,' aka Osteosarcoma!
We continue to pray for our Osteo family members who are struggling at this time. This year is very uncertain for them. The ones who have NED living at their homes, we pray NED stays there, forever! For us, we pray 'stable' stays at our house forever. Of course we would love for David's lung mets to disappear, but if not, we will be content with them remaining stable. Please remember to keep David and all the others fighting this battle in your prayers this year. David has his appointment with the surgeon on Jan. 21; and we have been advised to ask for a PET scan to check those lung mets. We were told that if David was this person's son, she would demand the PET scan. But Oakland Children's Hospital doesn't do them. BUT.....UCSF does! So we were advised to ask the surgeon to request it. I am sure he will, if we want it. So we will see.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. We do continue to covet your prayers. Thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.'~~~Robert Brault
Well, 2011 is here. We woke up to a wonderful surprise~~~it was snowing! I wasn't sure if it was snowing; foggy; or what. But when I looked outside, it was snowing! We ended up with 4 inches! And the high was only 27 degrees! It was a very cold day today. It is, at this minute, 15 degrees outside. Brrrr.
Today was a busy day. Rachel and I had to run to the store to pick up a few things. We have a ham bone in the freezer from Thanksgiving, and I am going to make split pea soup, so I had to go get some split peas!! Then David needed shampoo, toothpaste, facial cleanser, etc. So Rachel and I took a trip to Walmart; in the snow! I am so glad I have my Pilot! It drives sooooo nice in the snow! Rachel and I were saying how we love the sound of the snow crunching under the tires. Anyway, when we got home I cleaned out the refrigerator; what a chore! It has been needing it for quite some time, it has just been so busy around here. Then I cleaned out the 'Tupperware' cupboard. Boy, was THAT a chore and a half! I didn't realize how messy it was. Then I cleaned off the counters (all but one) and made dinner. It was a busy day. Bryon watched football, go figure, and David played games all day. I did watch most of the Rose Parade this morning. I really like the Rose Parade; I am the only one that does. So I came downstairs and watched it in my quiet house with the fire going and drinking my coffee. It was a good day.
David was feeling a bit off today for awhile. We aren't sure if he was just too hot, or what. He was in his room, so he opened his window for a little bit, and felt some better. He might just have needed the fresh (COLD) air. He just still gets nauseous sometimes. It is frustrating. He took his prevacid, so I know it wasn't his ulcer acting up. Sigh. Some day, maybe, he won't get nauseous for no reason. I pray for that day. He didn't eat that great today. And his knee hurts in this cold. Poor guy, he is like an old man that hurts in the cold! Oh well. Such is life. More of the long-term effects of the 'gift that keeps on giving,' aka Osteosarcoma!
We continue to pray for our Osteo family members who are struggling at this time. This year is very uncertain for them. The ones who have NED living at their homes, we pray NED stays there, forever! For us, we pray 'stable' stays at our house forever. Of course we would love for David's lung mets to disappear, but if not, we will be content with them remaining stable. Please remember to keep David and all the others fighting this battle in your prayers this year. David has his appointment with the surgeon on Jan. 21; and we have been advised to ask for a PET scan to check those lung mets. We were told that if David was this person's son, she would demand the PET scan. But Oakland Children's Hospital doesn't do them. BUT.....UCSF does! So we were advised to ask the surgeon to request it. I am sure he will, if we want it. So we will see.
Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. We do continue to covet your prayers. Thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
'Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.'~~~Robert Brault
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