Good evening.
We lost another child to this blasted monster!! Kenny died on Sunday. He put up a good fight. Please remember his mother, Teresa, in your prayers. Kenny was her only child. Thank you.

We lost another child to this blasted monster!! Kenny died on Sunday. He put up a good fight. Please remember his mother, Teresa, in your prayers. Kenny was her only child. Thank you.

Here is a question for you. Think about it~~What would happen if a gunman went into a school today and shot 46 kids? What if seven of them died? It would be all over the news, every channel. But because it's cancer instead of a crazy shooter, you don't hear much about it.
As I posted on Facebook today; Lucy is, as we speak, in the hospital. Her doctor decided to induce her today. They are doing the induction very slowly. Jeremy said that the doctor said the baby will probably be born tomorrow, early evening. Then we will have birthdays on Jan. 6th, Jan. 16th. and Jan. 26th!! Kinda funny! We can't wait until the baby is born!! Jeremy will be calling us and telling us when the baby is born (and if it is a boy or a girl), then tell us when we can come see them. It won't be soon enough for us!! Please pray for a safe delivery of a healthy baby. Thank you.
Thanks for visiting. Sorry for the short post, my emotions are all over the place. Kenny's death makes me soooo sad and sick; I have the joy of the impending birth of my first grandchild; and we have the fear of David's upcoming scans! Please pray for all of us!! Have a wonderful evening, and a good day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
The cause of most childhood cancers are unknown and at present, cannot be prevented. (Most adult cancers result from lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, occupation, and other exposure to cancer-causing agents).
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