I wrote an update last night, but then my computer had an update and I lost it all! Grrrr.
Happy Father's Day (late) to all the dads out there. Happy Father's Day to my husband and father of our 4 children. And Happy 1st Father's Day to my wonderful son, Jeremy!! I focus on my husband (and now my son) on Father's day because the day is difficult for me as I don't have a dad to honor that day. I wish my dad was still alive, I miss him every single day. I hope all you fathers out there had a wonderful day.
David is doing ok. He is still in some pain, but he is tolerating it. He refuses pain meds; one reason is he doesn't like the way they make him feel. But he is such a trooper, and he just deals with the pain. But, poor kid, besides the normal surgery pain, he is also dealing with the pain of a horrible rash he has from the paper tape holding his nerve block catheter to his thigh. Clearly he is allergic to ALL adhesives! But sometimes he has to have things taped to him; like IVs, epidural catheters, and this nerve block catheter he just had. *sigh* Poor kid can't catch a break for anything. He can't have even one surgery or procedure go smoothly without any adverse effects!! Hopefully he won't need another surgery before this implant needs to be replaced in 10 years; and by then maybe his skin will have had a long enough break to not react to adhesives!! Overall, he is doing as well as can be expected. Thank you for the prayers, keep them coming!
Janet, it was great to hear from you! How is Nicole? Did you get the picture of all of us (taken at CHO) from Christine? I have it where I see it every day! I love Nicole's smile in that picture! Nicole is still in our prayers.
Lindsay; thank you for your input. I was not offended, we will do almost anything for our child (but we live in Carson City, Nevada, David's treatments and surgeries were done in CA because there is no pediatric oncology in Northern Nevada). With that being said, I don't totally agree with everything you said. However, we did look into the synthetic version of marijuana, Marinol, when David was unable to gain weight and was diagnosed with 'failure to thrive' when he weighed 94 pounds (before we had to resort to the feeding tube). The biggest issue we had is that our insurance doesn't cover it, and it would cost us $400/month!! We only have so much money, (my husband's income has been cut) and we don't have enough for all our expenses as it is. But I do appreciate you taking the time to write and offer suggestions.
That is about all that is happening here. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. Please continue to pray for David as he is trying to heal from this surgery. Pray he eats; we keep telling him he needs to eat to heal, but it is like talking to a brick wall. We have the Megase, and we keep threatening him with that. I have made my homemade brownies for him, and he eats those, so that is good. Please pray for him, and us! Thank you. God bless you all. We love you.
Kristi and the Koury Klan
Despite the success of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, it has one of the lowest survival rates for pediatric cancer.
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