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Saturday, September 3, 2011


Good evening.

Before I post some facts about Childhood Cancer, I have a prayer request. Please pray for my precious granddaughter. She is having some problems, and they were at the hospital with her today. Please pray that the tests they ran come back negative. Thank you.

Here are some very interesting facts concerning Childhood Cancer. I think it is high time that it gets some attention. IT IS ABSOLUTELY A PLAGUE IN THE US: DID YOU KNOW? * In the U.S. almost 3000 children die from cancer each year, more than from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies, and pediatric AIDS combined. * Cancer is the number one disease killer of children between ages of 1-20 *1 in 330 will be diagnosed with cancer by age 20. *The incidence of childhood cancer has increased EVERY year for the last 25 years! * In the past 25 years ONLY ONE new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric use. Since children can handle much more chemo than adults, most treatments are little more than mega doses of adult cancer chemotherapy treatments. The result of these high doses of chemo on children is a higher rate of secondary cancers. For reasons not fully known, teenagers experience the highest rate of secondary cancers as a result of the high dose chemotherapy treatments. *At the time of diagnosis in children, the cancer has already spread in 80% of the cases. That is compared to the 20% in adults *As a nation, we spend $14 BILLION per year on the space program, but only $35 MILLION on childhood cancer research per year. * The National Cancer Institutes federal budget is about $5 Billion. Less than 3% of the budget goes towards all pediatric cancers combined. The rest goes toward adult cancers. Breast cancer alone receives 12%. Prostate cancer receives 7%. *The government recently cut the budget for Childhood Cancer.
You can make a difference. Write to your representative and congressmen telling them you are outraged by these facts.

Thank you for visiting. Have a good evening. God bless you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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