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Monday, July 11, 2011

MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011

Good evening.

Well, things have been weird around here. David is healing quite nicely. The scar is rather big and fat with a LOT of staple scars running up and down both sides. It looks like railroad tracks!! But he has his leg. Sometimes we think it would have been a LOT easier to have had his leg amputated, but we can't go back. We just move forward. David is struggling with some strange pain in his knee. He says it feels like it is pinching when he straightens his leg too fast; therefore, he is not walking normal, even normal for him. He know he just needs to 'walk it out' but that is difficult for him. He does try, however.

The 'weird' thing happened a few days ago. About 10:00pm Rachel told us that there was a fire truck and LOTS of police cars in front of the house next door. So Bryon and I went outside to see what was up. Well, the guy two doors up the street from us hung himself. That was a family that was ALWAYS fighting! We heard that the wife was/is bipolar. She told the police officer that she and her husband had been fighting for 4 days (more like 4+ years) and it was her fault he's dead. It was really sad. Bryon had just talked to the daughters of the guy (Steve) a couple of days before. Their dog was stuck in our other neighbors yard, and Bryon asked them to come get the dog. The girls were not home when their dad killed himself, fortunately. I struggle with suicide so much. I do understand depression (been there, done that), and I do know that people who commit suicide aren't in there 'right mind,' but still. It is such a selfish act! And we parents of children with cancer fight every day to keep our children alive! When someone throws their life away, I get very offended and angry. How dare they take such a precious gift and throw it away like that; when my son fights to live!!! Please pray for those teenage daughters. And maybe pray for me to have a little compassion...... :)

Another thing I am struggling with is people who don't follow through with what they say they are going to do. Please, if you tell someone you are going to do something for them, or be there for them, or even pray for them, please do it. We have had so many people promise us things and then never do it. People have made so many promises to us (and to David) you wouldn't believe it. I don't expect anything from anyone, even when they say they are going to do something. All I ask is that we can all be men/women of our word. If you really aren't going to do anything, don't say you are. That is one of the reasons I don't trust easily, or at all.

Please continue to pray for Rachel and the rest of our family. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a wonderful evening and a great day tomorrow. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'The best way to keep one's word is not to give it.'~~~Napoleon Bonaparte

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