**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Monday, July 4, 2011

MONDAY, JULY 4, 2011


Today is the day we celebrate our freedom!! We need to celebrate it while we still have it! I hope you all had a wonderful day. I am thankful to all who sacrificed all to give us our freedoms; and to the ones who are still sacrificing all to help us keep it.

We have had a good weekend. We got to keep Elena all weekend; Jeremy and Lucy painted her bedroom! It is so cute and girlie!! I have actually only seen a picture of it, I can't wait to see it in person. They did a great job, and tonight Elena will be sleeping in a brand new room, decorated just for her!! So we had a great weekend with her.

David is hobbling along. He is using his cane less and less. Of course, he scares the bajeebees out of me all the time. His leg is very weak, so his leg buckles on him a lot! And it scares me when that happens! He just smiles at me and says, "what?" all innocently. He is a goof ball. He just can't wait to get those blasted stables out! Two more days!! I am tired of wrapping that leg every night. One night He went to bed after I did, and I forgot to wrap it~~~he didn't sleep well that night. I have NOT forgotten since! He is a little worried about the staple removal, it does hurt some. And the more embedded they are (and some are pretty embedded, let me tell you) the more painful the removal is. Please continue to pray for him.

We leave around 9am Wednesday morning. We hope to be home around 7pm~~~but we will see. We will probably hit Sacramento rush hour. And it always seems to take forever to get out of San Francisco!! *sigh* We are just sooooo glad that the surgery is behind us! Once the staples are out, it will really feel like it is over! Can't wait!

Bryon and David are in Sparks (next to Reno) watching fireworks. It is a tradition for Bryon to take the kids. This year it is just David. David's favorite part is the traditional Slurpee on the way home! I am sure they are having a great time. I am home washing diapers (I have Elena in cloth diapers, so I'm washing them) while the boys are gone.

I have a prayer request that I can't really go into at this time. Please pray for us as we make some decisions. Also, Rachel, in specific, needs prayer about some decisions she is making. She has some fantastic opportunities, and she wants to be in God's will as she makes these decisions. Actually, that is what we all want. Please pray that God will direct us to make the right decisions. Thank you so much. We just need all the prayers we can get!

Well, that's about it. Thanks for checking in. Have a wonderful evening, and a good day tomorrow. Thanks for the prayers. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}

Kristi and the Koury Klan

In almost all cases, childhood cancers arise from non-inherited mutations (or changes) in the genes of growing cells. As these errors occur randomly and unpredictably, there is currently no effective way to predict or prevent them

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