**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Friday, August 10, 2012


Good morning! 

I just wanted to let you know that David and Jennifer both passed the riding part of the motorcycle class. YAY!! Monday I took David to the DMV to get the endorsement on his license. He will get the actual license in the mail. He is so excited!! He went out riding yesterday, and had a blast! Jennifer was able to go yesterday on her lunch break to get her endorsement. So she will be waiting to get her actual license, too. She is really excited. She was able to ride her bike (motorcycle) to work today. She said she did fine. They are both really excited to have their licenses. For David, it is something else on his list of 'living life to the fullest!' We don't know how long we have with him, so we want him to experience all he can in life!! Thank you for your prayers!! They both did great at the class, and on the test! You are allowed to miss 20 points, David only missed 1; and Jennifer only missed 6! They did fantastic! Since we don't have an 'extra' car for David to drive, he can ride his motorcycle! So when he gets a job (won't be easy with NV being one of the hardest hit state in this economy; highest unemployment) he can take his motorcycle to work!! I have Elena, I can't be without a car!! Anyway, I just wanted to say "Thank you" for your prayers. Now just keep an ongoing prayer going for their safety! 

Sonya is having her biopsy today, I will keep you posted on what the results are. Please pray it is NOT osteo! Thank you. 

Thanks for visiting! Have a good day. God bless you all. We love you. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

"Things have a way of working out. Never underestimate the power of prayer, faith, and love & above all NEVER underestimate the power of God to see you through!" 

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Good evening. 

Things are going about the same around here. David is back on his Prevacid, so feeling a bit better. At least he's not in pain from his ulcer!! Now we wait for the appointment to get his treatment plan started for the bacteria!! 

Please pray for him and Jennifer. They are taking a motorcycle safety class to get their motorcycle licenses. Jennifer already has a motorcycle, and David can ride Bryon's 'old' one. Anyway, the class was Friday night, all day today, and tomorrow. Today they took the written test, and passed it!! Tomorrow they take the driving (riding) test. Please pray they pass it. I really don't think it will be a problem, but I would still covet your prayers for them. They are doing really good on the bikes!! Jennifer wants her license so she can ride her motorcycle to work and save on gas!!! We just wanted David to take the class so he can have another 'normal' thing for him to do. He had a dirt bike BC (before cancer), but we had to sell it because it was a kick start and he cannot do that with his right leg. So now he can ride Bryon's old dual sport bike! Please pray they pass the test. Thanks!! 

One exciting thing that has happened to us is we got a hot tub. We were talking to some friends of our about the barter system and how we love it! We told them a good example of that was our hot tub. Some other friends of ours moved to Arizona, and didn't want to take the hot tub. We told them we have a brand new generator that we don't want (we already have one, and that new one was free); so we said we would trade the hot tub for the generator. I know that doesn't seem like a fair trade, but the hot tub is really old, and that's the point of the barter system. You have something I want, I have something you want, let's trade. As long as everyone is happy, it works!! So now we have a hot tub. Can't wait until winter when we can go in it when it's cold outside. Even thought it's summer, it is still nice to sit and relax in it. David is loving it, he is in it most nights, as am I!!! 

He had a good time at the camping trip with his bible study group. And now he is counting the days until we go again! We will be camping 3 weeks from today!! I can't wait. There has been a tiny change in plans, however. It won't be just me and David. Rachel will be joining us for a few of the days. But that is ok with me!! I love spending time with my children. Pretty soon she, too, will be moving out. So I like to spend all the time with her that I can while I can. We can't wait to go camping. 

That is about all the news for now. Oh, please pray for another member of our Osteo family, Sonya. She found a lump around her original tumor site, this time in the soft tissue. They are afraid it is a recurrence of her osteosarcoma. Please pray that it is NOT osteo, but something else. Thank you. Thank you for all your prayers and support. God bless you all. We love you. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

"The most memorable people in your life will be the ones who loved you when you weren't very lovable." 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Good afternoon. 

I couldn't wait to post this. We got news today about David's hydrogen breath test. First off, the test went fine, Elena did great! She watched 'Finding Nemo' and colored. She is such a good girl! 

So, David drank the sweet, syrupy liquid and then we waited. Then the nurses came in every 15 minutes for him to blow into a breathalyzer thingy. The test was to take up to 4 hours; we were there for 90 minutes. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing that it didn't last as long as scheduled. Well, I guess it meant that the 90 minutes was long enough for them to get answers. The result is ABNORMAL!! Remember this test was to determine if the bacteria that is supposed to be in the large intestine is getting into the small intestine; because David is missing the valve that keeps it out. And that is the answer we were hoping for. All the other tests we had done on David came up normal, so we were hoping this one would give us some answers. We weren't sure where we would go from here if this test came up normal too!! All the while we were waiting for this test David was in pain and having issues with his health. Thank you for your prayers!! David has a follow-up appointment to discuss treatment. We already know that the treatment for this is a course of very strong antibiotics to kill the bacteria, then a course of probiotics to put the 'good' bacteria back in the large intestine. We were told this is a cycle that will be repeated yearly, but that is ok!! At least we know what we are up against! Finally!! 4 1/2 years after his intussusception and resulting bowel resection we have answers! Whew. It is such a relief. 

I wanted to post this as soon as I found out. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your prayers. God bless you all. We love you. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

"Spend your time on those that love you unconditionally...Don't waste it on those that only love you when the conditions are right for them!!!"