**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Good afternoon. 

Both of my granddaughters are in bed, so I have a few precious minutes to update! 

There has been soooo much happening around here that our heads are spinning!! First of all, David's job will be permanent; just not sure exactly when! He will be working for the State of Nevada in File Management for Public Safety doing data entry. Yay! Thank you for all the prayers concerning that! Next, both girls interviewed for a job with Public Safety, too. Now the prayers are that they get a different job. They HAVE to get out of where they are now. It is a horrible work environment for them both. They don't technically work together (just the same department in the state), so the environment is different for them both, but still horrible none the less. Especially for Jennifer; totally a hostile work environment. They are totally 'picking on her' for different reasons (they are trying to run her out, long story). So, please pray that they get the job God has for them; and for them to be able to be patient to wait for God's best for them. Thank you! 

Now for the 'excitement' we have had. Ok, last December Bryon started having chest pains. They started when we were up at Heavenly Valley and it was at night, temps in the teens, and he just thought it was altitude and the cold. Well, they kept coming and going, so he went to the doctor. The doctor ran many tests over the past few months; including MRI, chest CT, chest xray, sleep study (for sleep apnea), chemical stress test, and I can't remember what else! Finally, after the sleep study, the pulmonologist sent him to a cardiologist for an angiogram, still not sure what the problem was because all the tests came back normal. So on August 14 he went in for the angiogram. Found out he had 95% blockage in all 4 arteries!! The cardiologist put stents in 3 of the arteries, but ran out of time to do the fourth. The chemical that they use to see everything has a time limit before it damages kidneys, so the cardiologist had to stop at the 3 stents, and said he will schedule Bryon for the 4th artery in a couple/few weeks. Well, Bryon started having MORE chest pains after the 3 stents were put in! So, at my insistence, he called the cardiologist. They said to go to the hospital emergency room, he needed to be evaluated. Well, they admitted him on Wednesday, the 20th, and did the fourth artery on Thursday the 21st. They had to put 2 stents in the fourth artery; it has 2 branches that were 90% and 95% blocked. Scary times! We found out that this is hereditary; his paternal grandfather died is his 40's of a massive heart attack, his father had congestive heart failure, his older brother died a few years ago (in his 60's) of a massive heart attack. So we are praising God that Bryon did not have a heart attack! The cardiologist said the chest pains were a warning that a heart attack is imminent! Thankfully, that never happened! It was just weird. Bryon is young, healthy, and he didn't have a lot of control over this! Can't fight genetics!! Cardiologist said he needs to follow a cardiac diet. I asked what that is, and it is pretty much how we eat anyway! We rarely have red meat, we don't use salt much at all, we eat only whole grains, we eat a lot of veggies, and I only use olive oil or coconut oil. The only thing we don't do, that we should, is eat a lot of fish. We both love fish, just can't afford it! Now we really won't be able to with all the medical bills hanging over our heads, again!! I really think the Koury family could use a break!! I am really tired of keeping big pharm and the medical profession in business. I feel like we are doing it single-handedly!! Bryon is on all kinds of meds now. But, again, I just praise God that we caught this before something happened. I would much rather pay for meds and medical bills than a funeral!! I do have the proper perspective, but it still gets frustrating. Please pray that these stents work like they are supposed to. When the cardiologist was doing Bryon's angiogram he almost took Bryon in for open heart surgery right there and then. After the second procedure (to put the remaining 2 stents in) we were told by 2 different cardiologists that they are hoping to avoid open heart by putting the stents in, but there is no guarantee that they have avoided it. So, open heart surgery is still on the table for the future. We are just praying that that will NOT be necessary!! Please pray for the Koury family!! 

So, that is what has been going on around here. Stressful times! Please continue to pray for David and his job. Also, please pray for my daughters; they are struggling right now. And please pray for Bryon. I guess just pray for the whole family, we need it!!  :) 

Thank you for checking on us, and reading this long post! We really do covet your prayers. Thank you for being there for us. We love you! God bless you all. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there.  ~Author Unknown 

Saturday, August 9, 2014


update on Olivia

I am sorry it has taken me so long to update; we have been very busy. Here is what is happening with Olivia (this is a quote from Lucy): "Dr. Yang says Olivia physically looks good. She's growing and healthy, and other than the one kidney infection she's not concerned. There could be a couple different causes for the kidney dilation, none of which could be accurately diagnosed at Livy's young age, so we're going to wait until December to have another ultrasound done. At that time we'll see if she still has dilation (80% of these cases clear up on their own by the time the child is 2). The results of that ultrasound will dictate whether we need to do an ultrasound with dye in her bladder to see how the urine is flowing up into her kidney. If Olivia gets another kidney infection we may do the dye test sooner. All in all the end result of the appointment is that we're not sure exactly what is causing the dilation, but because Livy's healthy we shouldn't worry." In talking to Lucy and Jeremy after the appointment, the very worst case scenario (depending on the results of the ultrasound in December) is the removal of Livy's left kidney. But before they did that they would put a stent in the area of the ureter leaving the kidney to open the ureter and stop the backing up of urine into the kidney. So, the Koury family is (once again) playing the waiting game! We are becoming pros at that!! *sigh*  Lucy said it's vague news with positive undertones, so we'll take it! 

Again, sorry it took me so long to update. Thanks for the prayers for the whole Koury family, we really need them!! God bless you all! We love you. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Quick update on Granddaughter Olivia

My son and daughter-in-love are on their way, as I write this, to UC Davis to see the pediatric urologist for Olivia. Please pray for safety for the three of them (I have Elena), and also that we can get some answers about her kidney. It would be great to have a 'game plan' on what to do. It is a 2 1/2-3 hour drive to Sacramento from here. I love living in a small town; but I hate that we have no pediatric specialties here! We have to travel to California for everything! Sigh. Anyway, I would covet your prayers for Jeremy, Lucy, and Olivia as they travel. I will let you know what we find out. Thank you so much. 

God bless you all, 
Kristi and the Koury Klan 

Thursday, June 12, 2014


A Praise, and Prayers needed

I'm sorry I have taken so long to post this, it's been crazy busy around here. 

We went to San Francisco last Tuesday to find out the result of David's MRI. The results are fluid on the knee (fake knee) and fribrosis of the tendon. No tumor!! Praise God for that! Such a relief! He also had his 6-month oncology appointment, and Connie will be ordering his echo and send a request for his labs. She said we can do the echo in Carson!! Woohoo! Don't have to make that trip to Oakland Children's Hospital! Sooooo happy for that! So, everything looks stable as far as David goes. Whew. 

Now on to the prayer request. My baby granddaughter, Olivia, has been really sick. They took her to the doctor and she has a urinary tract infection, so they did the ultrasound on her kidneys (she's 6 months old now) and discovered that the one kidney is still swollen. Therefore, they have been referred to a pediatric urologist. {For those of you who may not know, when Lucy was pregnant with Olivia it was discovered that Olivia's umbilical cord only had 2 vessels instead of the normal 3. 2-vessel cords can cause heart and/or kidney problems. The only 'problem' with her heart is a heart murmur.} The closest pediatric urologist is in Sacramento at UC Davis. That is about 2-2 1/2 hours away. We just have no pediatric specialties in northern Nevada!! Anyway, my son and daughter-in-love are waiting on a call from them to schedule the appointment to see Olivia. Please pray that they can get in very soon. The waiting is the worst part! Also. we leave on June 26th to go to Texas, and we would like that appointment over with before then. Please pray that we get some answers about Olivia's kidney; and, if necessary, a treatment plan. 

Thank you so much for your prayers, I really appreciate them. We feel like there is this little black cloud hanging over the Koury Klan. The clouds opened a wee bit with the good news of David's results, but there is other stuff going on. Please pray for everything to work out. God knows what the issues are, I don't want to burden you with details, or bother you with my problems. If I am not able to post again before we leave for Texas, please pray for our safety; we are driving there. Quick trip; leave Thursday morning get there Friday evening; leave Sunday morning get home Monday evening. So 4 days in the car with a 3-year-old and a 7-month-old (Olivia turns 7 months old the day we leave). It will be interesting, and we will make memories! Actually, they are both good in the car........ 

Thank you again for all your prayers. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you! 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

Three out of every five children diagnosed with cancer suffer from long-term or late onset side effects. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014

Update on granddaughter Olivia

Olivia has had some further tests done. She saw a pediatric cardiologist and it was discovered that she has a heart murmur. It is a 'stills' murmur. The doctor is not worried about it, so basically her heart is fine. She also saw a pediatric kidney specialist and they discovered that one of her kidneys is swollen. They will do another ultrasound on her kidneys in a few months. Again, doctor isn't too worried, just making sure everything is OK. Other than that, she is a very sweet baby. I love being able to take care of my granddaughters every day! Thanks for checking in.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2014

Update of David~~been busy!

First off, I hope you all had a blessed Easter.

I am sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I have been taking care of both my granddaughters full-time, and they keep me busy (and tired)! My older granddaughter turned 3 in January; and my younger one is now almost 5 months old. So, I am pretty wiped by the end of the day. But I wouldn't trade it for the world! I have so much fun with them!

David turned 20 on April 12th. Every birthday that he has now is a milestone; and a miracle. They told us he wouldn't live much past his 15th birthday; but God is clearly not done with David yet! We thank God every day for another day with David. The day of his birthday was a bit chaotic. Rachel was maid of honor in a wedding for a girl at our church, so we kinda had to go to that. David didn't want to go, so he stayed with Jeremy and Lucy (and Elena and Olivia). I figured it's his birthday, he didn't have to go! So we ended up celebrating his birthday on Sunday. He wanted me to make steak fajitas, so that's what I made. And he didn't want a birthday cake, he wanted cupcakes! So, overall, he had a good birthday. Bryon and I gave him his birthday present on his birthday, because we wanted him to have it for Sunday. He wanted, and we gave him, a David Jeremiah study bible! He loves it! I adore David Jeremiah! He is an amazing man. Great Godly man!! So, that was David's birthday.

David finally had his MRI on Friday in San Francisco. It was a long day! We left the house around 7:15 or so; and got there at 11:30-ish. We were supposed to get there at 12:30 for a 1:00 appointment; but we never know what the traffic is going to be like, so we always have to leave ourselves a cushion of time. Since we were there early they took him in early. They came and got him at 12:15 (so it wasn't too bad of a wait). They told us it would be a one hour MRI. David was stressing out in the waiting room about being in the machine that long. He said, "It's just knowing it's not going to be just a quick X-ray." We were praying for him to be calm; he does get claustrophobic. He has almost had to be sedated for MRIs in the past. Anyway, they took him and Bryon and I sat and waited. After an hour we expected to see him anytime. Well, finally at 2:15 he came back! It was a long MRI. We don't have any results yet, I will post when we know something. For now we play the waiting game. I am really tired of playing that game!! So that is the haps with the MRI.

Things are busy, as usual, around here. Please continue to pray for the Koury Klan. There are some issues that we need prayer for. Thank you.

Well, that is about it for now. Thank you for stopping by and reading. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again. 

Monday, January 13, 2014


Sorry for the silence

Good evening. 

It was called to my attention that I haven't updated for awhile; sorry about that!

Things are very busy around here. We have not heard from UCSF about the MRI yet. I need to call them, but I hesitate to do that because all I see are dollar signs when we are talking about a specialized procedure. I know David's health is of #1 priority, but I would be more concerned if the surgeon had been concerned. So......I guess just stay tuned

Well, our new granddaughter was born, as scheduled, on November 26th. She came in at 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Her name is Olivia Grace, and she is a beauty! They did ultrasounds of her heart and kidneys, and she is perfect! Lucy came through the surgery fine. I can't believe Olivia will be 7 weeks old tomorrow! Lucy went back to work last Wednesday, so I have both my granddaughters every day. I love taking care of them! Elena loves her baby sister, She is always saying, "baby sister is so cute!" She loves to rub her head and kiss her. She says baby sister is so soft. She is going to be a great big sister, So far Olivia is a better eater and a better sleeper than Elena! Elena still doesn't take naps much. I still lay her down, but she plays. And she doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive! I don't know how she is growing! She is a skinny little thing! I can't believe she will be 3 on January 26th!! They grow up too fast.

David is working a temp job again. This one has a good possibility of becoming permanent. He is doing data entry for the state in the file management section of the general services division of public safety. He wishes he didn't have to work (I do, too), but he does. He really likes the money. It is nice to have him doing something any normal 19-year-old would do! He still spends every weekend at the girls' house. He's a great kid/young adult.

Well, that is about it. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.