**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Latest Journal Update


I am so sorry I haven't updated yet. I have been so busy with my granddaughters, and life, and I am exhausted by the end of the day. So, here is the news.

The biopsy went well. David's PTSD kicked in and he struggled a bit being there, but he did well. It was hard on all of us; the sights, smells, and everything. Lots of flashbacks! We did get to see one of his nurses that took care of him when he was in the PICU and when he was getting chemo. She was there with him for a little bit before his biopsy. Her name is Wendi and she remembered David. We also saw the doctor (Wendy Su) who did his thorocotomys. She said he looked totally different, and she was thrilled to see him doing well. Anyway, the surgery was about 35 minutes, and then he had to stay in recovery for about an hour and a half. Then we went home!! We stopped at Chick-Fil-A on the way home; the only 'fast food' David will eat. He was a bit nauseous on the way home, a result of the anesthetic, but he handled it well. He is such a trooper. They had to use dermabond (surgical super glue) on the incision because David is allergic to all adhesives. Then we waited.

Here is the result of the biopsy~~~drum roll please~~~it was a cyst! They said it was probably a lymph node that got inflamed and stayed inflamed for some reason. then it just became a mass of tissue; NO CANCER!!! Woohoo! Praise God. Now we are just waiting for the incision to heal. David is no longer in pain, so that is good. The incision site looks good, just still has some dermabond still stuck to it, they used a LOT. But we are so glad that is over. Thank you for your prayers.

Now we wait for the bill. We found out that the insurance got stupid and started David's own insurance sooner than we were told they would. So, this is on him. He will have to pay a HUGE deductible, which stinks. We told him we will help him as much as we can, we don't want his credit messed up because of medical bills. Poor kid. But we know it will all work out.

Tomorrow we will have an insurance adjuster out to our house. We had a HUGE storm last week, lots of wind and rain, and we lost shingles from our roof. Our neighbor said from his roof he could see that our roof is down to the plywood in the back of the house. So, I guess we will be getting a new roof. I'm not sure what our deductible is, but we HAVE to have shingles on the roof! Oh, the joys of home ownership! Please pray that the deductible isn't too high. Thanks.
Well, that is about all that's happening for now. Again, sorry it took me so long to update. Thank you for all the prayers. Thanks for checking in on David. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Three out of every five children diagnosed with cancer suffer from long-term or late onset side effects. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I am so sorry I haven't posted for so long. It has been crazy busy around here. 

This will be quick, I need to go to bed. We have to leave at 4am tomorrow to head to Oakland Children's Hospital. David has had a couple lumps on and around his head and neck. We have been watching them for a few months, and they haven't gone away,. The one on the back of his head was really big, and the size has changed over the past few months (gotten smaller, then bigger, then smaller), but they have not disappeared. His oncologist wants to do a biopsy on at least one of them to make sure it isn't a recurrence or a secondary cancer. So he has a biopsy scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00. Please pray that we have a safe trip and that everything goes well. Anxiety is rampant in me right now, and I am trying to keep it in check. I really covet your prayers for us tomorrow. 

I am also sad that I won't be home tomorrow because tomorrow is my granddaughter's 4th birthday. I hope we will be home in time to see her and give her birthday hugs and kisses! 

Thank you for your prayers. I will post more about what has been happening when we get home. God bless you all. We love you. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.