**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good evening.

Well, it looks like maybe spring will come this week......wonder for how long. It was a beautiful day today. The snow is all gone from our yard; bummer. David does enjoy spring, and it will be nice to take the babies outside. I just don't want summer.....David can NOT handle the heat anymore, and he gets nauseous. So the only thing bad about spring is it means that summer is right around the corner. Oh well. One day at a time.

David's English teacher has been very sweet. She wrote and told us she is also excusing David from the lesson #10 Elluminate session. They will be discussing the writing of the eulogies; and she is also telling the kids that they can write on a different subject if they prefer. She is really helping David get through this unit without having to think about his death. We will be telling her how much we appreciate all she is doing. Thank you for your prayers.

Last Friday, the 25th, we had another birthday. My daughter, Rachel, turned another year older. How is it that my children keep getting older, but I don't? Hee-hee. Please pray for her, she has some decisions to make regarding her future. God knows what they are. Thank you.

Please pray for my daughter, Jennifer. Now she is sick. Please pray that my beautiful granddaughter does not get this cold! She goes to the doctor tomorrow morning, so I am anxious to see how big she is getting. She is still a tiny thing to me. She is definitely getting longer, but she is a petite slender thing!! I can't believe how much fun she is! We are enjoying her so much. And I love getting to see Jeremy and Lucy every day!! It's a win-win situation for me!!

David is still doing well in school. He is getting all his work done, and doing well. I (we) are so proud of him. He works so hard, and it is paying off. Thank you for your prayers for him.

That is about all that's happening in the Koury Klan. Please remember to keep us all in your prayers. Please continue to pray for Rachel and Sara. Thank you so much. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you. Kristi and the Koury Klan

'The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.'~~Doug Larson

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yup, still winter here. So far we have 3 inches of global warming on the ground, and it is still snowing!! I love it!!

We heard from David's teacher. Here is what she said:

Mr. and Mrs. Koury,

I first want to apologize on behalf of myself, and the Blackboard Lesson designers who wrote this lesson. I imagine they felt that high school students are so far away from the age in which most people die, that it would not have mental repercussions. Also most students have the easiest time writing about themselves. In this day and age it was very insensitive of them to use this lesson and it was insensitive of me to not change the format of the lesson as well. As a new mother myself, I can not even begin to imagine what you two have been going through and how hard it must be. Please accept my sincere apologies.

I just want to say that my intention was to never make David feel bad or uncomfortable with this assignment. The purpose of the assignment is to have students compose a speech and perform the speech in recorded form. Of course David is excused from the assignment. Maybe you could help me think of something he could write a speech about? Maybe something to help other kids who are going through the same things he has gone through or whatever you think is approrpriate for him.

Discuss it with David, and let me know what you come up with.

Monica Harris

Thank you for your prayers, they worked! We really didn't think she would have a problem with David not doing the assignment, but it was a nice note from her. We also knew it wasn't meant to hurt David, too many people are just so unaware of Childhood Cancer! So now we will talk to David and see what he wants to do instead. One of my Facebook friends, and fellow cancer mom, suggested a bio for a book jacket, and that sounds great. Thanks, Suzanna, for the suggestion.

Something was brought up in a discussion I had on Facebook about our cancer kids. We cancer moms and dads just wish people understood our situation more. We understand they don't, but we wish they wouldn't assume things that just aren't true. One of my fellow Osteo family moms and I were discussing this; how people just don't get it. We are so tired of hearing people say how our children "look so good!" Well, David looked great when he had this monster growing in his body. Other than a sore knee, he looked and felt great! He had no breathing problems, so we had NO idea it was in his lungs, too. Nobody would have known he had this aggressive monster growing in his young body! So when we hear, "He looks so good" we just smile and say, "yes, he does" but inside we want to scream!!! People, how he looks means NOTHING!!! He has 3 nodules in his lungs as I write this! Sure, they are stable, but for how long? I know people mean well, it is just frustrating.

Please pray that David feels better. I forgot to mention that he has a cold. He is almost over it, it is just in the coughing stage, and it hurts his chest to cough. Yup, that makes this cancer mom pretty nervous. I don't know if chest/lung congestion will activate those mets; I sure pray not!! Please remember to keep his health in your prayers. Thanks.

Wylene, thank you sooooo much for the quilt pieces! I will take them to church and ask Jackie to help me design something with them! I can't wait! Thank you, again!

Please keep Rachel and Sara in your prayers. Sara is on hospice, and the nurse said there are signs of disease progression; but Sara is amazing! Her attitude is very positive. She knows she is exactly where God has put her. She doesn't understand, and it isn't what she wants, but she is just trusting that God knows best. She is just amazing!!

Thanks for visiting. I wanted to let you know how David's English situation turned out. Thank you for the prayers. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'A child's hand in yours~~what tenderness and power it arouses. You are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength.'~~~Marjorie Holmes

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Spring! Well, it is still winter here, but happy spring anyway!

There never seems to be a dull moment around here. There is another hiccup with school, sorta. Yesterday David was given an assignment in English that he is, with our permission and blessing, refusing to do. The teacher wants him to write his eulogy. (David really misses his old English teacher) We have contacted his teacher and let her know that he will not be doing this assignment. He doesn't even want to think about being dead. In case you are thinking this assignment is to write how the kids want to be remembered, it is not. The assignment will be graded on how it is written, she doesn't care what is written. To ask a child who has cheated death more than once; who knows this cancer might kill him; who needs to focus on living to write his eulogy is, in our opinion, irresponsible. Please pray that the teacher will understand our refusal to allow David to do this assignment. We are still in shock that this assignment was given. The unit they are studying is on life and death (why?), so why can't they write a paper on life? We just can't believe this. David said he really misses attending Fernley Christian School~~~so do I! We just couldn't afford private school anymore. I will (and have on facebook) confessed that I just might be a bit over sensitive about this, but I offer no apologies. The emotional ramifications of asking a child who stares death in the face every day to write his own eulogy are astronomical! Sorry for rambling on, I am just appalled about this. Please pray that everything works out. Thank you.

Otherwise, David is doing very well in school. He is getting 5 A's (counting PE), and 2 B's. As of the last progress report. He is so amazing! After all he has gone through, to still graduate a year ahead of his age. And guess what? We are so proud of him! He got a note from the school saying his cap and gown are in!! They will be in the mail to us by the end of this week; so we should be getting them next week! The announcements aren't in yet, though. Having the cap and gown in makes it so real. My baby is graduating from High School! Pretty amazing for someone who wasn't supposed to be alive right now!!! We will be celebrating on June 11th!! Then David has surgery June 13th! *sigh* We cannot wait to watch our son walk down the aisle and graduate. Please pray that he continues to keep his grades up. Thanks.

Please continue to pray for Sara and Rachel. This cancer is just so brutal! Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child.'~~~Waiter Rant

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Spring! Well, it is still winter here, but happy spring anyway!

There never seems to be a dull moment around here. There is another hiccup with school, sorta. Yesterday David was given an assignment in English that he is, with our permission and blessing, refusing to do. The teacher wants him to write his eulogy. (David really misses his old English teacher) We have contacted his teacher and let her know that he will not be doing this assignment. He doesn't even want to think about being dead. In case you are thinking this assignment is to write how the kids want to be remembered, it is not. The assignment will be graded on how it is written, she doesn't care what is written. To ask a child who has cheated death more than once; who knows this cancer might kill him; who needs to focus on living to write his eulogy is, in our opinion, irresponsible. Please pray that the teacher will understand our refusal to allow David to do this assignment. We are still in shock that this assignment was given. The unit they are studying is on life and death (why?), so why can't they write a paper on life? We just can't believe this. David said he really misses attending Fernley Christian School~~~so do I! We just couldn't afford private school anymore. I will (and have on facebook) confessed that I just might be a bit over sensitive about this, but I offer no apologies. The emotional ramifications of asking a child who stares death in the face every day to write his own eulogy are astronomical! Sorry for rambling on, I am just appalled about this. Please pray that everything works out. Thank you.

Otherwise, David is doing very well in school. He is getting 5 A's (counting PE), and 2 B's. As of the last progress report. He is so amazing! After all he has gone through, to still graduate a year ahead of his age. And guess what? We are so proud of him! He got a note from the school saying his cap and gown are in!! They will be in the mail to us by the end of this week; so we should be getting them next week! The announcements aren't in yet, though. Having the cap and gown in makes it so real. My baby is graduating from High School! Pretty amazing for someone who wasn't supposed to be alive right now!!! We will be celebrating on June 11th!! Then David has surgery June 13th! *sigh* We cannot wait to watch our son walk down the aisle and graduate. Please pray that he continues to keep his grades up. Thanks.

Please continue to pray for Sara and Rachel. This cancer is just so brutal! Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child.'~~~Waiter Rant

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good evening. It is a beautiful, rainy evening. It has been 'gloomy' all day today. David and I don't think it is gloomy; we love it! The rain is gorgeous.

Yesterday David took the test to testout of PE. Today we heard from his principal that he got a 91%!! So he got an A on that test, and now that credit is not standing in his way of graduating!! Thank you for your prayers for him. He spent all morning studying for the test; he wanted to make sure he passed it. He, in essence, took a crash course before the test! We are so glad he passed it, and with an A!! Good job, son! Whew. Glad that's over!!

David is doing very well in all his other subjects, too. The comments his teachers give him on his assignments are wonderful. His teachers are very impressed with him, and his work. We are so proud of him, as usual. Please continue to pray that he continues to do well. Thank you so much.

I told David yesterday that I really miss his dog. You have to understand that I didn't really like his dog. You see, I just don't like chihuahuas. I don't like yappy, nervous dogs that are always under foot and in danger of being stepped on!! But our house just isn't the same without Oreo. I miss the love and devotion that she gave to my son. He told me that now, after a week, he can look at pictures of her. It still makes him extremely sad, but at least it is getting a LITTLE bit easier. Please continue to pray for him. We hate what he is going through. We can't help but wonder how much this child is supposed to take. He is moving on without his beloved dog, but his eyes are sad. We know he will get through this, it will just take time. He is an extremely sensitive child, and this is a very difficult time for him. Thank you for your prayers.

I am loving taking care of my beautiful granddaughter. Lucy went back to work last Wednesday, and now I have Elena full time. I am absolutely loving it!!! I am such a lucky grandma. I know what an honor and a privilege it is for me to take care of her. I do NOT take it for granted, believe me. She is such a bright spot in the Koury family. Our lives have been pretty horrible since October of 2007! Having Elena join our family was the best thing that has happened since October of 2007!! I just can't tell you how much I am loving being able to take care of her every day. And, I get to see Jeremy and Lucy every day! They drop Elena off, and they both come here on their lunch hour. I have the most wonderful granddaughter in the whole world!! She is such a joy.

Thursday is St. Baldrick's, again. That is where people shave their heads to raise money for Childhood Cancer Awareness and Research. Last year both my daughters and I shaved our heads; Jennifer is doing it again this year. She is a member of 'Team David' again. Actually, she is team captain. There are 5 people shaving on Team David. It is so fantastic to see that many people bonding to do something to help raise money in honor of my son. Jennifer, David, Elena and I are leaving at 1:00 to head to Reno; Bryon and Rachel will meet us there after work. Then we get to keep Elena overnight! That will be good because Jeremy has a test on Friday, and he will get a good night's sleep Thursday night. Please pray that he does well on the test. Poor guy, he is such a great kid (ok, I know he's an adult, but he is my kid, lol). He is working full-time, going to school, and has a brand new baby!! He is so dedicated to bettering himself, and we are so proud of him, too!! Actually, we are VERY proud of all of our children; Jeremy, Jennifer, Rachel, and David; and our daughter-in-love Lucy! We have THE best children! Thank you, God, for blessing us with these children; and now our gorgeous granddaughter.

Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for Sara and Rachel. And please remember to keep Todd's family in your prayers. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Whether their children are in remission, cured, or still in treatment, parents of kids with cancer never really relax. Your mind tells you if it happened once, it could happen again.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good evening.

I hope you all remembered to put your clocks ahead one hour. We did, and I hated it! I just wish they would decide to keep the time one way or the other. It is just stupid to change it like we do. When it was six months either way, it was different. But now being 8 months one way, and 4 months the other; just leave it one way or the other!! I hate losing my hour!

David is doing ok after the loss of his dog. He is pretty depressed some days, and other days he is ok. We still have the other chihuahua and our german shepherd; but they aren't his dog. He really misses her a lot. We can't believe tomorrow will be a week since she died. It was just so sudden, and he tries to be strong, but he still cries sometimes. Please continue to pray for him. Thank you.

I have asked you to pray for Todd in the past. Well, he died Tuesday morning. Please pray for his wife, Karen, and both of their families. He fought so hard for so long, and I guess he just couldn't fight anymore. As I have said before; it is extremely difficult every time someone dies of the same cancer that is laying dormant in my son. We are always on 'high alert' waiting for those stable lung mets to decide to act up!!! Even if they never do, we still will never relax as long as they are there!! It always hits us so hard when this blasted monster takes another life. Please pray for Todd's family. Thank you.

Our weather has been beautiful. As we speak it is raining, and we love the rain! The mountains are still full of snow; and they said we won't have a drought problem this year! Yay!

Jennifer and I had a lot of fun yesterday at our quilt class. Jackie was really proud of the wall hanging that Jennifer made (and so was I)! She did a great job! Maybe a sewing machine is in order for her for Christmas?!?! We will see. She does enjoy sewing, as do I. We had a great time! I have fun doing things with my children. We have another class next month.........can't wait!!

Well, that is about all that is going on here. Thanks for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers, please keep them coming. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

For the patients' parents, a cancer diagnosis can launch a balancing act between the toughness needed to hold together the family and demand the best medical care, and the gentleness needed to stay collected and positive with the child. The ordeal of treatments creates a bond among families who go through the experience.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good evening, everyone.

I can't believe it has been so long since I updated. Things are busy around here. I have had the wonderful privilege of taking care of my beautiful granddaughter a few times. Yesterday was one of those days. After church we had a potluck and a meeting with a group we belong to. Jeremy didn't go to church, but Lucy and Elena did; and Lucy asked if I wanted to keep Elena for the day~~~yeah, she really had to twist my arm: NOT! So we kept her until about 7:30pm and it was wonderful! It was good for Jeremy and Lucy to have some time together. We all love our 'baby time' that is for sure! And yesterday Jennifer sewed her wall-hanging quilt top; and she did great! This coming Saturday is our next quilt meeting, and Jackie will help Jennifer get her back and bindings on her wall-hanging. It will be fun. We have just been really busy lately.

On to sucky news. Please keep David in your prayers. This afternoon his dog acted really strange, and was breathing 'rattly.' Bryon and David rushed her to the vet (Emilee was asleep, so I stayed home), and they said she possibly had a heart attack; but she definitely had a LOT of fluid around her heart (congestive heart failure). There were some things they could try (for several hundred dollars), but the end result would be that she would still need to be put down. So.......David was able to be with his dog as she fell asleep (aka died). He is heartbroken. This emergency trip to the vet was not one we could afford; but we didn't know what to do with the way she was acting. I won't go into it; we just knew something was wrong. He got that dog for his 10th birthday (she was born 2 days before his birthday). He loved her so much, and she loved him. She was a 'one man' dog, that's for sure. She drove my girls crazy when we were gone for the better part of that year when David was in treatment. Anyway, please pray for comfort for him. Also, please pray for him physically. The nurse told Bryon that in cases of extreme grief, things could happen that we don't want to happen. The vet is very well aware of David's situation. They let the dogs stay there free of charge when David had his first limb-salvage surgery; and that ended up being for 2 weeks!! Anyway, we clearly don't want David's grief to cause any adverse physical problems. He is forcing himself to eat, again!! We hate to see him in pain. We can't help but wonder how much we have to watch our child suffer! We watched him suffer physically, now we have to watch him suffer emotionally. We know that pets die, and he will get through it, but still. Please just pray for his emotional and physical health. Thank you.

Tomorrow Lucy has her 6-week post-partum checkup; and I get to watch Elena!! I can't wait. It will be a good diversion for David, too. He loves that little baby girl sooooo much. So we will have some fantastic baby time! Lucy hopes to go back to work the end of this week; to kinda ease into it. For sure she goes back to work next week, and that is when I start having Elena full time. My days will be very busy, but fun and filled with love. David loves babies, so he will love having Emilee and Elena here all day! I am looking forward to it.

Thanks for visiting and checking up on David and the Koury Klan. Please keep David in your prayers, as I know you do. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}

Kristi and the Koury Klan

The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.