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Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Good afternoon. 

Both of my granddaughters are in bed, so I have a few precious minutes to update! 

There has been soooo much happening around here that our heads are spinning!! First of all, David's job will be permanent; just not sure exactly when! He will be working for the State of Nevada in File Management for Public Safety doing data entry. Yay! Thank you for all the prayers concerning that! Next, both girls interviewed for a job with Public Safety, too. Now the prayers are that they get a different job. They HAVE to get out of where they are now. It is a horrible work environment for them both. They don't technically work together (just the same department in the state), so the environment is different for them both, but still horrible none the less. Especially for Jennifer; totally a hostile work environment. They are totally 'picking on her' for different reasons (they are trying to run her out, long story). So, please pray that they get the job God has for them; and for them to be able to be patient to wait for God's best for them. Thank you! 

Now for the 'excitement' we have had. Ok, last December Bryon started having chest pains. They started when we were up at Heavenly Valley and it was at night, temps in the teens, and he just thought it was altitude and the cold. Well, they kept coming and going, so he went to the doctor. The doctor ran many tests over the past few months; including MRI, chest CT, chest xray, sleep study (for sleep apnea), chemical stress test, and I can't remember what else! Finally, after the sleep study, the pulmonologist sent him to a cardiologist for an angiogram, still not sure what the problem was because all the tests came back normal. So on August 14 he went in for the angiogram. Found out he had 95% blockage in all 4 arteries!! The cardiologist put stents in 3 of the arteries, but ran out of time to do the fourth. The chemical that they use to see everything has a time limit before it damages kidneys, so the cardiologist had to stop at the 3 stents, and said he will schedule Bryon for the 4th artery in a couple/few weeks. Well, Bryon started having MORE chest pains after the 3 stents were put in! So, at my insistence, he called the cardiologist. They said to go to the hospital emergency room, he needed to be evaluated. Well, they admitted him on Wednesday, the 20th, and did the fourth artery on Thursday the 21st. They had to put 2 stents in the fourth artery; it has 2 branches that were 90% and 95% blocked. Scary times! We found out that this is hereditary; his paternal grandfather died is his 40's of a massive heart attack, his father had congestive heart failure, his older brother died a few years ago (in his 60's) of a massive heart attack. So we are praising God that Bryon did not have a heart attack! The cardiologist said the chest pains were a warning that a heart attack is imminent! Thankfully, that never happened! It was just weird. Bryon is young, healthy, and he didn't have a lot of control over this! Can't fight genetics!! Cardiologist said he needs to follow a cardiac diet. I asked what that is, and it is pretty much how we eat anyway! We rarely have red meat, we don't use salt much at all, we eat only whole grains, we eat a lot of veggies, and I only use olive oil or coconut oil. The only thing we don't do, that we should, is eat a lot of fish. We both love fish, just can't afford it! Now we really won't be able to with all the medical bills hanging over our heads, again!! I really think the Koury family could use a break!! I am really tired of keeping big pharm and the medical profession in business. I feel like we are doing it single-handedly!! Bryon is on all kinds of meds now. But, again, I just praise God that we caught this before something happened. I would much rather pay for meds and medical bills than a funeral!! I do have the proper perspective, but it still gets frustrating. Please pray that these stents work like they are supposed to. When the cardiologist was doing Bryon's angiogram he almost took Bryon in for open heart surgery right there and then. After the second procedure (to put the remaining 2 stents in) we were told by 2 different cardiologists that they are hoping to avoid open heart by putting the stents in, but there is no guarantee that they have avoided it. So, open heart surgery is still on the table for the future. We are just praying that that will NOT be necessary!! Please pray for the Koury family!! 

So, that is what has been going on around here. Stressful times! Please continue to pray for David and his job. Also, please pray for my daughters; they are struggling right now. And please pray for Bryon. I guess just pray for the whole family, we need it!!  :) 

Thank you for checking on us, and reading this long post! We really do covet your prayers. Thank you for being there for us. We love you! God bless you all. 

Kristi and the Koury Klan 

Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there.  ~Author Unknown 

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