**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Good evening.

We had some exciting visitors last night and this morning. We finally met Tim and Jill Reamer from our support group website. They are from Minnesota and they were in CA visiting their daughter and decided to take the northern route home. So, they stopped by our house last night after they got into Carson City. Then they stopped my again this morning because we forgot to take pictures!! It was so wonderful to put a face to a name. They lost their son, Nick, to this monster called Osteosarcoma almost 18 months ago. It was so good to meet them, even though it felt like we were already old friends!!! We are members of the same family, a family none of us wants to be members of. They are great people, and we are glad we finally got to meet them.

I forgot to mention one thing about the fly fishing event. It is something that just wasn't right. Something that just broke my heart. As we were sitting at the table eating lunch, there were 2 little girls across from us. Adorable little girls. One was 7, and the other looked to be about 6. Anyway, as we were eating, the little girls were talking, and their conversation should NEVER have come out of little children's mouths. The seven-year-old had pretty long hair, and the other one had VERY short hair. Well, the one with the short hair asked the other one how long it took her hair to grow back. Then they were asking each other about chemo treatments, broviacs and ports, names of chemos, how long ago was their cancer, how old they were when they got cancer, and comparing scars. What the heck is that all about!?!?! Little children should know NOTHING about any of this!! It just wasn't right.

We only have a few days left of August, then we go on to September. I will be posting things I posted last year about what September is. A sneak preview, if you don't know, is that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. I will be posting things about what that means. Just so you know.

That is about it for now. Thank you for visiting and checking in on David and the Koury Klan. I hope you have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Right now, this second, somewhere in America, there are 7 children fighting for their lives who won't live through the day.

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