**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Good evening.

Today was a busy day for David. He had PT this morning, and he had a tough time! His calf is very sore, so just walking is difficult for him. The exercises were very difficult; but he did them anyway! He is such a fantastic kid, and a trooper. I could tell he was in a lot of pain; almost to the point of tears! We aren't sure why his calf is so sore, it has been sore since yesterday. He woke up with it sore, so maybe he had a charlie-horse or something in his sleep~~~~who knows?!?! So he struggled through PT. But he still did what he needed to do. Then he had school. He is struggling a bit in that area, too. It is hard to get back in the groove after 2 weeks off! He will only have school 4 days this week; he won't be able to have school on Wednesday. David's eating today was pretty fantastic! Breakfast was eggs with cheese and toast. Lunch was a Chicken Bake (we got them at Costco). After lunch, right after lunch, he wanted some chips and salsa. Bryon made salsa last night, so David had some with/after lunch. Then he had 2 Reese's peanut butter cups. Around 3 he had some crackers and chicken salad. Then for dinner he had 2 bar-b-qued hamburgers; then he wanted some more chips and salsa; then more Reese's peanut butter cups!! He ate great today! We are so happy to see him eat!

We got some more wood today, THANKS ALAN!! It is quite cold, so the wood is very much appreciated!!

I was talking to someone today, and he said he understands why I am feeling some frustration and perhaps anger at God. He did say that we have a big God, He can handle it. I was feeling it because it just seems like everything is just spinning out of control!! Today someone came to shut off our power. Each month I have to 'rob Peter to pay Paul,' and it is catching up with me! I was able to stop the shut-off, thank God. I just was asking God what He wants from us! We are trying to save our house, pay the bills, feed the family, etc. with money that we don't have! BIG *sigh*! I am glad God can handle my frustrations and stress!! We would really continue to covet your prayers. Thank you.

I was chatting with my friend today, and she asked me if it gets easier when scan time comes around the farther out we are. I told her NO!! Actually, it gets worse. The farther out we are, the more chance of 'something' showing up in the scans. Those rogue cells can rear their ugly heads! Right after chemo it can happen, too, but in our minds it is less likely to happen right away because the effects of the chemo are still in David's body. But now that he is out of treatment~~~it is scary. She was saying so this is something we will have scanxiety about for the rest of our lives (or David's); and I said YES!! She is finally getting closer to 'getting it!' She asked if it had been 6 months already since his last scans; and I told her that since David is classified as 'high risk' for recurrence he has to have scans every 3 months~~~still! His last chemo was 15 months ago, today!! We were told the protocol calls for scans every 3 months for a year, then every six months. Like I said, David is still every 3 months. Even though my friend is here, watching David go through what he is going through, she admits she still can't imagine what he is going through. It is still hard for her to understand all the ramifications of how his life has changed, forever. And how ours has changed. But I don't expect her to understand, at least she is there for me. That is a lot more than I can say for some people~~the ones I really thought would be there. But I am just trying to move forward; with God's help! I am trying not to 'bleed until I am shot,' it is just hard sometimes. Please pray for clear scans for David. Thank you.

I want you all to know that David's website. www.davidpaulkoury, will be expiring Jan. 18. That site will no longer be available. We couldn't afford to keep it up. But Bryon has opened another one, a free one, and the link is: http://davidkoury.blogspot.com/ It will coincide with this one. The link is also under the 'Resources' at the top of the page. Thanks for your understanding.

Thank you for checking in. Thank you soooo very much for your prayers; we REALLY need them. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

"God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be."

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