**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good evening.

First, I want to say 'thank you' to all of you who wrote and encouraged me. That is why I love you all, I know you are there for me. I can say how I feel, you don't judge me, and you do what you can to encourage me. Thank you. I really appreciate you all.

Well, tomorrow is the day. David is not nervous at all. I told him that is ok, I am nervous enough for both of us! He doesn't need to be nervous, I'll take care of that for him. Aren't I just the best mom? LOL!!! Please pray that his scans come back clear! Thank you for your prayers.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. We will leave at 6am. We have to check in at 10:30. Oakland Children's Hospital called and said David will have the injection for the bone scan (and labs drawn) at 11am. He can't eat until after the CT scan. Then he will have the CT scan at 12pm. Then we all get to eat!! Then he has the bone scan at 2pm. Then we will go across the street to the clinic and have his monthly oncology appointment; and hopefully get the results of his scans and labs. By the time we get done with everything and are ready to go home, it will be rush hour traffic! Like I have said before, I don't know why it is called 'rush hour' when no one is rushing anywhere! The good thing is we will be able to use the carpool lane!! So Bryon predicts we will be home around 10pm. See? Long day! And it is Bryon's birthday! Poor guy. What a way to spend his birthday. Bryon told David that the best birthday gift he could give him would be clear scans. Poor kid, he has no control over that! But He told Bryon he will do his best! I am not looking forward to such a long day. And David still gets so stiff in the car, even though he has the whole backseat to himself. Four hours is a long time for him to be sitting in the car~~we will have to have a potty stop or something to let him stretch his legs. He said he wants to sleep for most of the time; maybe watch a movie, too. Please pray for safety for us as we drive to Oakland. Thanks.

We are so glad that some things just never change. I have mentioned this before, but for the newcomers I will mention it again. The whole winter we were traveling to Oakland for chemo and surgeries when David was first diagnosed the weather was harsh. Storm after storm after storm. When we were home the weather would clear up, then a storm would come in as we were preparing to leave. Well, there is 'bad' weather coming in tomorrow night. There is a small storm coming in; so we will be coming home to the storm, not leaving in one. So it is just nice to know that some things never change!! For awhile we were wondering if my car would know how to get to Oakland on dry roads! We thanked God many, many times for my Honda Pilot!! Let me tell you, it is THE BEST vehicle in the snow!!

Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers; we need them!! I will try to post tomorrow when we get home; depending on when we get home, and how tired I am. Again, thank you for being there for me/us. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

The only thing worse than being diagnosed with cancer is watching your child go through it.

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