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Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Good evening.

T.G.I.F.!! This has been a week, that's for sure. David is doing well is school, so far. He is right on track and is not behind! Yay! For the first time in 3 years! He actually started on time this year, and hopefully he will stay on schedule. He is not looking at any surgeries during this school year, for the first time in 3 years. Of course he will still have scans, oncology Dr. visits, and surgeon Dr. visits during the year, but no surgeries until next summer!! Woo-Hoo!! It feels great to say that. He has had multiple surgeries every year since he was diagnosed, and that helped contribute to him getting behind. I am so happy that his Senior year of High School will be surgery-free. Prayerfully, that is. We are going to plan for that, anyway.

So far my dishwasher is still working, and hopefully it will stay that way. My washing machine got fixed yesterday, so today I did laundry. I am so happy to be able to do laundry again. I sure didn't like the $145+ it took to be able to do laundry again, but that is life. At least all my appliances are working again. I hope I didn't 'jinx' anything by saying that, ha-ha.

Please continue to pray for my daughter, Rachel. She was able to get most of the money together (she still needs more for food and souvies); but now there is a hang-up with her passport. I had an official copy of her birth certificate from California that she used to apply for her passport. Well, she sent everything in over 2 months ago (she is leaving Oct. 31), and yesterday she received a notice in the mail that her birth certificate wasn't acceptable. So, to make a long story short, she is jumping through all the hoops now to get her passport. Please pray that it comes in time. Thanks.

We still have 3 kittens to get rid of~~~any takers? They are still in the spare room, and I want them gone so I can fix up the spare room! We had to spend the money to get the mama fixed, but it wasn't too bad. It was just over $160 for an office visit, the spaying, the medicine, all her shots, and the suture removal in 2 weeks. It was more money than we wanted to spend, but we just can't do the kitten thing again!! They are too hard to get rid of. We will just skimp somewhere else. It just stinks that we have had to put out so much money this week, money that we don't really have. But God has always provided for us; He has never let us starve!! We don't eat steak, but we do eat. God is good.

Our weather is definitely fall. The trees are looking so beautiful! The vibrant reds are just gorgeous. I grew up in Southern California where there weren't seasons. Kinda just green and brown. I absolutely love living where there are four distinct seasons. And fall is my favorite! I love all the colors, the crisp nights and pleasant days, etc. I am so glad that summer is over!

Jeremy and Lucy had another ultrasound, and everything looks good. Please continue to keep them, and their baby, in your prayers. Thank you.

That is about all that is happening around here. Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. I hope you all have a great evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Despite the success of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, it has one of the lowest survival rates for pediatric cancer.

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