**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good evening.

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile; it has been extremely stressful around here. Here is an explanation.

You know my dishwasher and dryer died. Well, Bryon worked a bunch of overtime, so we decided to use that money for a dishwasher and a dryer. We have this great store in town, called Appliance Outlet, that has brand new appliances at discounted prices. So we bought the dishwasher and the dryer. Well, we had the dryer installed and it works great! It doesn't match my washer, but I really don't care. I couldn't afford a dryer with all the bells and whistles anyway. Oh, the reason we decided to buy instead of repair the dryer is because the dryer is 10 years old and we were told it would cost close to $200 to fix it; and then who knows how long it would be before something else went out. Plus, I needed a dryer that was as big as my washer, load size wise. So, we bought a new one. And it still works great! But......

The Koury Curse continues. We had the dishwasher installed, and it worked for one load, and then I got an error code that said there is a leakage error, and to call for service. So, the repairman came out and fixed it. He fixed it on Monday, and I used it Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Then this morning I noticed that I was getting the same error code. So, the repairman came out and fixed it again this afternoon. Now we will see if it continues to work. But wait, that's not all. I said the curse continues, and it does. Tuesday, after I had done 2 loads of laundry and was on my third, my washer had an error. It wouldn't drain, so it said to clean the pump filter, and it the error continues to call for service. Well, I cleaned the filter and it still wouldn't work. Bryon got home from work and basically tore the thing apart trying to make sure there was nothing blocking the hoses. Well, it still didn't work. So I had to call for service. The repairman came today, and the bottom line is, we need a new pump. I am so frustrated!! The repairman told me that these newfangled washers have these pumps that are energy efficient, but not very sturdy. Great! I prefer a stronger pump and heck with the stupid efficiency!! So, now we had to pay $55 for the service call; and however much it is going to be for the actual repair. But, it is cheaper than buying a new one!! So, as you can see, the Koury Curse is still on!! I am NOT even going to ask what's next! I don't want to know. I just wanted to cry. I called Bryon (when the dishwasher was blinking the error code this morning) and told him that I cry "Uncle!!" I'm soooo done! I am back on that fast track to a nervous breakdown!! Deep breaths.

Saturday is our local Childhood Cancer Awareness Day in Reno. There is a pancake breakfast, booths, speeches, and activities for the kids. We went last year, and we are going again this year. It is from 9-12. No sleeping in on Saturday, but that is ok. It will be a busy morning, but it should be fun. We had a good time last year.

Please remember that this is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Please get the word out there that we need a cure. Our children are our future, we need to make sure they have one. All us parents have so many hopes and dreams for our children, and usually just living isn't one of them; we all assume that they will. They when a doctor tells you that your child has cancer, and has less than a 20% chance of living, all your hopes and dreams for that child change. Our hope for David is just that he lives. Our dreams have changed. We have had to go through a grief process. Yes, David is alive, but the grief is because the child he was is no longer. We have 'lost' the David that we had BC (before cancer). I pray for a day when NO parent has to hear the words that their child has cancer; when NO parent has to grieve while their child is still alive; that NO parent has to watch their child fight this monster; that NO parent has to watch their child take his/her last breath; etc. Please pray for the funding for a cure. I personally can't give money towards a cure, but I did sacrifice my hair. Please watch 'Stand UP 2 Cancer' tomorrow night. It is on just about every station at 7pm central time. I don't think it is just about childhood cancer, but they are going to show 46 moms who shaved their heads for childhood cancer awareness and funding.

I guess I have bored you long enough. Thank you for checking in. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

“Each day that pediatric cancer research goes under-funded, the road to discovering new treatments and cures become longer, and more children are put at risk,” said Gregory Reaman, M.D., Chairman of the Children's Oncology Group

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