**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Good afternoon.

S​orry I didn't update yesterday; my 'puter was sick. It didn't want to play anymore. But it is back!! Good thing my husband is a 'computer geek' and he fixed it for me!! YAY! Thanks, babe!

Yester​day was my younger daughter's birthday. Happy Birthday, Rachel! Sorry I couldn't post that yesterday. But I did post in on Facebook, and I told her in person, so this is just a day late here! Sorry, Baby Girl!! But I think she had a good day. We are going to celebrate it on Saturday when all 7 of us will be together!

Da​vid had PT in the pool yesterday, and in the office today. He is still sore, and his knee was really hurting today. One of the exercises he does was causing him quite a bit of pain, so he didn't do as many reps as usual. But, the trooper that he is, he still did the exercise. He is such a great kid. I know I say that all the time, but it is so true. He amazes us daily! He has been through more, as a child, than any adult I know, and he still smiles! He hasn't lost his sense of humor. He, as a child, has learned to live with some chronic pain, and he still enjoys life. He has NEVER had a 'pity party', he has NEVER thought 'why me?', he just embraces each day. He, like I said, amazes us daily!!!! I am so proud of him. I am sooo glad he is mine!! Yup, I am bragging again! Hee-hee!! Thank you for your continued prayers for him. I know that your prayers are helping him get through this with the attitude he has.

Thank you, Sharon, for the firewood. Thank you, Amy, for the deposit in David's account. Thank you, whoever you are, who deposit money in David's account. I don't know who you are (not sure who Amy is, even), but God does! I ask him to grant you all a special blessing for the speciall blessing you have given us!! I can't tell you how much we need and appreciate your generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! God bless you!

Thank you so much for all your prayers. We still haven't heard any news on the house lately. We did get a letter a week or so ago; but it had the tone of a temper tantrum. It is a long, convoluted story, but we feel they are just angry that we went 'over their heads' and went to our congressman​, Dean Heller, for help. So, if they help us, (after this letter) they can look like they were just so compassiona​te and gave us a deal that we don't deserve. *sigh* I guess time will tell. I am not holding my breath, and I will accept whatever the decision is. God knows best, and He is in control. It is just hard when I really want to keep my house. Please continue to pray about this situation. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for Keaton, Todd, and Rachel. Also, please continue to pray for Lindsey's family. She also has a twin sister, and I am sure this has got to be pretty tough on her. Thank you.

Well, I need to start dinner. Thank you for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'Courag​e is fear holding on a minute longer.'~~G​eorge S. Patton

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