**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good evening.

It was another gorgeous day today. It was only 66* and very windy (I bet you figured that part out, huh?). Right now it is cloudy, windy, 58*, and beautiful!! God has really blessed us with a fantastic spring, so far. I even had a fire in the fireplace today, it was that cold in my house!

David is enjoying his summer vacation, so far. He just came downstairs with some bad news, though. Apparently his PS3 is toast! I am thinking he got a 'lemon' one. We have already sent this one back to Sony to have it fixed, and now there is a system failure. He was given this system for Christmas when he was first diagnosed. One bad thing about it (besides the obvious) is that there is a game in it!! I guess we will try to talk to Sony tomorrow and see if there is a way we can get the game out of it. Poor kid. It seems like he is just jinxed! Please pray that maybe Sony can help us fix it or something. We can't afford to buy him a new one. Thanks.

We went to the Aces game again on Monday; and had a great time!! And they won! Woo-hoo! It was a great game. We really enjoy going to the games.

There is one reason I wish for summer to get here. Our dogs are shedding so badly! I have to sweep/vacuu​m the floor at least 3 times a day! It is mostly our German Shephard; the Chihuahua doesn't shed much. We are down one dog, but the one we are down was a chihuahua, so he didn't shed that much anyway. I think once summer finally arrives, Berlynn will stop shedding so much; she will be done!! That will be a blessing. As much as I really don't like summer, that will be one good thing about it!

We haven't heard any news about our house. I assume they got the paper work, it was faxed a week ago. I still have a feeling we will be losing it, though. I hope and pray I am wrong.........​I will keep you posted.

Plea​se pray for Joey tomorrow, he has scans. Please pray they come back clear. Thanks.

2 1/2 weeks until David's surgery, and 3 weeks until we go camping!! We cannot wait until the much awaited for camping trip. David is getting really excited about it! He is not looking forward to surgery, who can blame him. But he know that just a few days (4) after surgery we are going camping. It will be nice and relaxing for him. The Percocet works great for him, but hopefully he won't be needing too much by that time. He is a trooper, and puts up with quite a bit of pain to avoid taking pills......​he hates taking pills!! So he just deals with pain, way more than he should have to!!!

I just wanted to let you know we are still here, and things are just moving along. Thank you for checking in on the Koury Klan. Thank you for all your prayers. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}

Kri​sti and the Koury Klan <><

'The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post.'~~L. Thomas Holdcroft

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