**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good evening.

I am sorry I didn't update sooner. At the hotel I was unable to connect to the internet, so I couldn't update before David went into surgery. I did post on Facebook what was going on, however.

We left around 3 on Sunday afternoon, and got to Emeryville at 6:30. Yup, Bryon sped. It was beautiful in the Bay Area, 68 degrees! Of course, it was 102 in Sacramento when we went through! It was soooo hot! I am so glad we didn't have to get out of the car. I can't even tell you how many broken down cars and tow trucks we saw on the trip! But it was really nice in San Francisco. David had a good dinner of an Elk burger at Fuddrucker's across the street from the hotel. Then before midnight he ate Triscuit crackers with pepperoni and an apple. We brought those from home so he could eat up until midnight. I actually brought the apple for me, but I gladly relinquished it to him!! Then we went to bed. I didn't sleep so well; too much stress! But then when we got up we got ready, checked out of the hotel, and went to UCSF. We didn't eat, we don't eat if David can't eat. We feel it would be rude to eat in front of him, or just have him know we are eating, when he can't eat. So we just talked and tried not to think about being hungry. They called him back about 2:00. They did all the pre-op stuff~~~vitals, questions, undressing, yada yada yada. They said surgery would start at 3:15 and he would be done by 3:45 and Dr. O would be out to talk to us at 4. David was feeling pretty nauseous before surgery; partly from nerves, partly from hunger. They took him back at 3. I am here to tell you; it NEVER gets any easier watching my baby be wheeled into surgery!! I am so very sick of it! I am tired of seeing the fear in his eyes, and he tries so hard to be strong. Anyway, we went to the waiting room to wait for Dr. O to come talk to us. 4:00 came and went. Then at 4:15 they told us the surgery was over; and Dr. O came to talk to us about 4:30. We don't know why it took longer than expected, but sometimes that happens. We got to go see him at 5. He was awake and itchy!! The dilaudid makes him itch. So we were able to talk him into a half dose of Benadryl. It took the edge off the itchiness, but it did make him pretty drowsy. But the itch is better than pain, and the fentanyl just doesn't work well enough. Anyway, we finally left San Francisco at 7:17! Late night. We got home around 11:15 or so. It was a very long, emotional day. Thank you for all your prayers.

Today David is doing so-so. He is in pain, even with the pain meds we can't get the pain lower than a 3 (on a scale of 1-10), but he says that it is tolerable. That's because he is a tough kid!! He is also achy all over. He thinks it is because he didn't sleep well last night, and couldn't get comfortable. I am SO glad this is the last lengthening! The revision won't be for a year, so we don't have to 'worry' about surgery on his leg for a whole year! He hasn't had a year break from surgery since this whole journey started! Please pray that he feels better soon. We are leaving on Friday to go camping, and I want him to feel good. Thanks for your prayers.

I have another prayer request. Isn't it interesting how some people take no initiative to find out what is happening in your life; then think that they should be told everything? I mean, the phone works both ways, the USPS delivers mail both ways, etc. Since I don't have the energy, or time, to do all the corresponding, it would be nice if others would show some concern. Well, they don't. But they expect to be able to be 'in the loop' about all the happenings, and get plenty upset if they aren't. Yet, they don't care enough to pick up a stupid phone, or write a stupid letter. I have done it ALL, and I am not doing it anymore. Please pray that I can just let go of all that, and focus on my family. There is a LOT of stress, change, and hardship happening here, and I just don't have the energy, or the time, to always be the one making all the phone calls. Anyway, thank you for your prayers, I really appreciate it.

Please continue to pray for David's recovery. I hate seeing my baby in pain. I just want him to feel better, and get better, and move on. I can't wait to see him walking with even legs again! Dr. O says he is pretty much even; at the most a millimeter off. Again, we can 'make up the difference' in the permanent implant if need be. I know David will still limp, but his legs will be even! YAY! Can't wait to see that!

Well, I have chatted your ears off enough for tonight! Thank you for visiting and checking in on David. Thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you for your love and support, and for being there for us. Have a good night. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'Character can not be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.'~~~~Helen Keller

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