**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good evening. It was a beautiful day today. We had a little bit of a rain shower today~~~David loved it!! Beautiful day for the last day of June! Can you believe the year is half over? Wow.

David was actually walking part of today without his crutches!! Amazing child!! He limps a little bit; but he said it is because when his knee is straight it 'pulls' on the staples. What do I know. Because he also says that bending the knee pulls on the staples. Basically, he wants to get rid of the staples!! Can't say that I blame him. I can't even imagine what that must feel like! But he looks great walking without those blasted crutches! I can't wait to retire all the 'aids' he uses (crutches, walker, wheelchair) FOREVER!! That will be a great day. I don't know when that will happen......but I am sure it will someday.

Please pray that David does well in PT tomorrow. Linda is going to stop going so 'easy' on him starting tomorrow. But then he won't have PT again until Monday~~they are closed on Friday in honor of July 4th. So we will have to make sure he does some home exercises in that time. He is doing so well; we are so proud of him.

Thank you for checking in on the Koury Family. Thank you for your prayers, love, and emotional support. Please continue to remember Sammie in your prayers.....it could be any day now. Please pray for her family. Thank you. Have a good night. God bless you. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Several childhood cancers continue to have a very poor prognosis, including: brain stem tumors, metastatic sarcomas (that is what David has), relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and relapsed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

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