**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Good evening.

Things are going about the same here. We are anxiously waiting for Fall~~~it is gorgeous here! The leaves on the tree in our front yard are about 66% yellow, and the whole yard is covered with the leaves that fell off already! It is funny, because the tree was VERY late to blossom this year; and it is early to turn and lose it's leaves! We are really hoping for an early, long Fall. David is ready for Winter and snow, but I am not quite there, yet. I am ready for all the colors and smells of Fall.

We hope to hear this week about the results of David's blood work. The results are supposed to be faxed to Oakland Children's Hospital, so I assume we will find out this week. David still has the rash on his knee, but it is getting better. I am putting the cream on it every night; but David said it is still itchy. He said it actually feels good when I rub the cream on it because that kind of scratches it. He is not healing real well, and that is a sign of zinc deficiency. Please continue to pray that we can get his meds tweaked to the correct dosage. Thanks.

Please continue to pray for Sam. He is in the active phase of dying. Hospice told them it could be any time. He is on oxygen and morphine; having trouble breathing; not eating or drinking; mostly spending his time sleeping. Please pray for his parents and 2 sisters. I can't imagine the pain and agony they are going through watching their child die. There has got to be no greater pain than that. I watched my dad die, and that was bad enough!! I can't imagine watching my child die, someone who should outlive me!! Also, please continue to pray for the families of Matt and Nicki. Thank you so much for your prayers. I know the families appreciate it.

Thanks for visiting and checking in on the Koury Klan. Thanks for being there for us. Thank you for the love, prayers, and emotional support. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

'Be yourself. No one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong.'~~~James Leo Herlihy

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