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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Good evening.

Today was, hopefully, the last day of Summer! It was hot today. It was almost 98* today! The humidity was a whopping 10%!! We are pretty tired of the hot weather. This is going to sound strange, so bear with me. I am tired of being cold. Yes, the house is cold in the Summer, and toasty warm in the Winter. I am tired of the cooler being on; the noise; and the being cold. I wear a zip up sweatshirt (hoodie) every day in the Summer in my house! Our hardwood floors are cold. It is totally backwards, I know. In the Summer the house is cold, but we, especially David, can't handle the heat, so we have to use the cooler. And the cooler is old, we got it for free, and it only has one speed~~~~high! So this weekend will be great! We will be camping, but it is predicted to be very cool. Like 65* on Sunday! So we will have the cooler off this weekend. And next week will be not quite so hot, so maybe we will be able to deal with just fans on some days. We are so ready for Fall!! It is my favorite season, but Winter is very close behind!! David's favorite season is Winter, so he is anxiously waiting for Winter and snow!!

I haven't heard from Connie on David's blood work yet, so I will call her tomorrow. David is not eating that much. Today for breakfast he had 2 mini cinnamon rolls; lunch was a half a sandwich; dinner was one meatball sub (homemade). He has, in the past, eaten as many as 5 meatball subs. Usually, on a 'normal' day he would eat 3. So, as you can see, he really isn't eating much at all. He is taking his medicine like he is supposed to. I am telling you, his cancer is the gift that just keeps on giving!! Stamina~~~yeah, still not there. I will keep you posted on what I find out tomorrow.

David is sad to see his Summer vacation coming to an end. I mean, this is the first Summer vacation he has had in 3 years, and it has gone by sooo fast!!! Poor kid. Oh well.

I have a prayer request for my daughter, Rachel. She has the opportunity to go to Israel in a couple of months. There is a gentleman that takes a group, and they go to the actual sites and walk the streets Jesus walked. In the past the sites were not historically accurate. They have done a lot of digging and researching and have the actual sites. Anyway, she really wants to go; and needs prayer to get the money. We would all like to go, but it is out of the question for us. She has been working a bit of overtime, and hopes to have the money to go. It will be for 2 weeks, and I am jealous! She is going with nobody she knows, but that won't stop her! So I would like prayer for her to be able to get enough money together, that she has a great time, and that someone will take her under their wing and take care of her. Sorry, I will always be her mom, and I will always worry about her. But I want her to have a great time! She is quite independent, and I am not surprised she will go that far from home 'alone.' We will miss her, but I am happy for her. Please pray that she is able to save the money. Thanks!

Thanks for checking in on David and the Koury Klan. Thank you for the emotional support you give us. Thanks for caring enough to keep checking in on us. God bless you all. We love you. {{hugs}}

Kristi and the Koury Klan

A hospital should also have a recovery room adjoining the cashier's office. - Francis O'Walsh

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