**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Good evening.

Again, thank you all so much for your love and support. You are all right, family isn't always about blood. In this case, it is by choice; my choice. Thank you for understanding. And thank you for being my family.

Well, we went fly fishing. And we had a blast!! David had SOOO much fun! He was able to use the rod that Bob Saintey (David's Sunday School teacher when David was 6) gave him, and he was so excited about that. The woman who was his teacher, Judy, said she has three rules~~~#1-have fun. #2-relax and don't stress. #3-don't have better equipment than the teacher. Then she said he failed rule #3. She was great!

They all were great. David said he had a lot more fun than he thought he would. We couldn't stay the whole time, we left after lunch (about 1:45); David was just too worn out. We hiked quite a ways to the spot where we fished, and David was very exhausted. His very first cast he caught a fish!!

It wasn't one of the bigger ones, but he still caught a fish! It is a 'catch and release' private reserve, so he didn't keep the fish. But he was pretty excited to have caught a fish on his first cast. I have posted pictures of the day. The place we went to was absolutely gorgeous! And it was a perfect day. The weather was beautiful! God blessed us with a wonderful day.

We are so glad that David had so much fun, we were just sad that he couldn't finish the day. He was just way too tired. I am so sick and tired of him still suffering the physical effects of this stupid cancer!! But, the trooper that he is, he just did his best and lasted as long as he could. I knew he was tired long before he admitted it. He really wanted to stay, he was having so much fun. *sigh*

Thanks for visiting. I so appreciate all of the support from you guys. Thank you for being there for me/us. I love you all! God bless you. Have a good rest of the weekend.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Survival rates for children with localized osteosarcoma are at about 70 percent, compared to 15 percent in the early 1960s. Survival rates for children with metastatic disease are about 30 percent.

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