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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

HAPPY EASTER!! Happy Birthday, David!!

Today is a beautiful day! It is clear and sunny with bright blue skies!! And we are home! David is not in the PICU this year recovering from a thoracotomy! Woo-hoo! And it is the day we celebrate Jesus' victory over death!! Friday was the day we celebrated Jesus' death on the cross; He died to forgive us of all our sins. He took ALL our sin on Himself so we could be forgiven. And today we celebrate His victory over death when He rose from the dead! Praise God! Now all we have to do is acknowledge our sin (that we are sinners), ask God to forgive those sins (past, present, and future), believe that He died and rose for us, and ask Him to come into our hearts and be our Lord and Savior, and then we get to go to Heaven and spend eternity with Him! Yep, it is as easy as that. John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-10. I am so glad I am His child and all my sins are forgiven. And I am glad that Jesus conquered death, so I don't have to be afraid of death. I know I am going to spend eternity in Heaven with my husband and children, so I don't need to be afraid. Yay! Praise Jesus!

We went to church Friday night, and it was a powerful service. There was music, preaching, and a drama presentation. All I can say is it was a very powerful service.

Last night the kids that Jennifer goes to Bible study with came over for a fellowship time, and they watched 'The Passion' after dinner. I think they had a good time. They had pizza, chip-n-dip, cheesecake, and a casserole that one of the girls brought. Bryon, David, and I were upstairs while she had her 'party' downstairs. Afer they left, my kids colored eggs. Yes, my children still like to do that. I am glad. It is just a fun thing for them to do, and I will let them do it as long as they want to! David even wants to have an Easter egg hunt! Yes, he is 15! I will make him pick them up like Linda wants him to, so we will incorporate PT into his fun.

I will take some pictures of him today and post them as soon as I can. I made his cake this morning, so I will take pictures of him holding it and post them, too.

You all have a wonderful Easter! Thank you for checking in. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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