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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good evening. It was another beautiful day here today. It was dark, cloudy, and rainy today. Oh, and cold. Like I said, beautiful. David loves the rain.

Today was a great day for David. He did very well in the pool. Then we came home, and he changed, and off to the orthodontist. The orthodontist appointment went GREAT!! He got his braces off!!! Actually, we knew a week ago he would get them off today, but he wanted to surprise everybody. And they were surprised! He looks so great! I will be taking a picture of him and posting it soon. He has a beautiful smile. The only downside is the chemo has discolored his teeth, pretty bad. They are discolored and have white spots all over them. We might be looking into having them bleached for him~~~we will see. He is so happy to have them off. We met Jennifer at Kim Lee's and she was shocked! She was very surprised. It was great! So it was a great appointment for him. He doesn't go back again until June to have his retainer checked. This is the first time in 12 years that we have not had a child in active orthodontics. Jennifer got her braces on 12 years ago, and we have had one child after another with braces and palatal expanders ever since. Wow. It feels strange, and wonderful! We figure we have spent over $25,000 in our four children's mouths!!! But the end result is soooo worth it! They all have beautiful smiles. So that was his morning.

I didn't give him his medicine until after PT and that was a mistake. He was complaining of pain from his ulcer acting up. I have to give him his Prilosec every day at the correct time (9:00am), or his ulcer acts up. So that was the bummer of the day.

He ate very well at lunch. Of course, he loves sushi, and he was hungry, so he ate great. I love to see him eat. So overall, David had a very good day.

He has PT tomorrow morning, and he is NOT looking forward to it. I am going to try it without Zofran again~~~hopefully it will be ok. Please pray that he does well and does not get nauseous. Thank you.

Thank you for checking in on David. Thank you for all your prayers. Have a good night. God bless you. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

"God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be."

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