**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good evening. It is beautiful here. VERY windy and cool. Back in the 50's. Possible rain tomorrow; maybe snow in the mountains.

David did good in PT today. The therapy pool room wasn't as warm today. Usually the whole room is very warm; not today. But it was nice. He did really good.

I forgot to tell you what he did on Sunday. I tell you this because he is such a goofy kid. For school he had to read 'The Hiding Place.' If you don't know, it is about Corrie Ten Boom, holocaust survivor. Fantastic book. Well, David wanted the movie for his birthday. Rachel got it for him; but had to order it. Not easy to find; it is an old movie!! Anyway, he wanted to watch it on Sunday, so we did. He enjoyed it soooo much. He likes History~~~~didn't get that from me!! So I just wanted you to know that.

When I think about what David is going through; and sometimes wonder 'where is God,' I just remember that there is a reason for everything. I mean; Corrie went through what she went through and God didn't prevent it. What makes me think that God is going to prevent bad things to happen in our life?!?! It would just be nice if being a Christian meant no bad things would happen to you. *sigh* But as long as there is sin in this world, there will be cancer. We live in a fallen world, and illness and sickness and death is all a part of that. I hope I am making sense; sometimes I have such a hard time putting down on 'paper' what I am trying to say. I just want God to get the glory in David's life.

I talked to David today about his life, and I asked him if he ever thinks about the fact that he has/had cancer~~~and he said no. He said it is because he just doesn't like to think about it. He said it is because he knows this could kill him, and he just blocks it out. No child should have to carry that burden!! It sucks! His life has been changed forever and he knows it. He just chooses to block some aspects of his life out. Poor kid. But, on the other hand, he is just living life for the here and now. In some ways that is bad; he needs to have a bigger outlook on life. But I certainly can't blame him for how he is.

He has PT again tomorrow at the office. As soon as he is done with that I am going to try to give blood again. I have tried twice in the last month~~~I get deferred because my iron is too low. Hopefully my iron will be high enough tomorrow. Pray that it is. Thanks.

Thank you for visiting. Thank you for your prayers and love. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

The cause of most childhood cancers are unknown and at present, cannot be prevented. (Most adult cancers result from lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, occupation, and other exposure to cancer-causing agents).

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