**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Good evening. It was a pretty hot day today. Again, I am thankful for our swamp cooler!!

We drove out to Lake Davis~~~Bryon gets cell service out there!! Woo-Hoo!! Thank you for your prayers. So we will be going camping! David is so happy about that. It was so beautiful there today. The smell of the pines was strong, and the weather was perfect. So we are very ready to go camping.

Tonight we went to our church for a function for David. He will be attending a Teen Community Bible Study; and tonight they had a BBQ and a get together for the kids. David had a great time. Bryon and I so enjoyed watching David play just like a normal kid. They had water balloon fights, relay-type races (no running for David), and just some good teen fun. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to watch him with other teenagers having a good time. It was wonderful.

Tomorrow he is going fly fishing with his old Sunday School teacher; the teacher he had when he was 6. He is really looking forward to it. He was supposed to go last year, but chemo got in the way. Thank you, Bob, for taking him. He is very excited.

I am going to close with a quote I read in today's paper. It is from the 'Annie's Mailbox' section of the paper. It is so very true. There have been a number of people who have abandoned us during this time. There are people who expect ME to do all the calling. When I read this today, it just really hit home. I am not the one battling cancer, but I still feel the same as the person who wrote this letter. Thank you for your understanding.

"Dear Annie: I have been battling cancer for several months. The support of friends and family is a key element in keeping morale up, but I feel more alone than ever. I hardly hear from my friends. When I pick up the phone to say hello, they say they haven’t called because they don’t want to disturb me. Or they say they are keeping track of me through “Mary,” but Mary isn’t calling here, either. The burden of keeping in touch falls on me.
It is hard to call people when you are at your lowest. You have no news to share other than your illness. I beg your readers to please phone their friends and family members who are suffering. Just knowing you care enough to make them part of your life is worth a mil­lion pills. When people find out you are ill, so many ask, “What can I do?” THIS is what they can do. — Ill and Lonely Dear Lonely: We hope anyone who has an ailing relative or friend will pick up the phone after reading this column and call to say hello, and continue to keep in touch. Many don’t understand how much it means. "

Thank you for visiting. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. Have a good evening. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

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