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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009 8:56 AM

Thursday, January 1, 2009 8:56 AM


Well, it is 2009. So far, it doesn't seem to be starting out any better for us than 2008 did. It remains to be seen. David is still having pain in his knee. We are hoping he is walking on that leg again soon! Please pray that he is able to put his weight on it soon. He tries, but he says it hurts the knee to put weight on it. He is a tough kid, and he knows how to 'push through' the pain, but he has had sooooooo much pain in the past year that the little things get to him. I guess one of two things happens with these kids~~~they either get so used to pain that nothing phases them; or they have had so much pain that they become super sensitive to pain. David has been on both sides of that spectrum. And right now his pendulum has swung to the 'super sensitive' side again. Please continue to pray that his pain goes away. Thanks.

Vicki, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your support and your comments. I know we are in the same osteo boat together, and we are doing our best to make sure this boat doesn't sink! To the other osteo families who read and post here, thank you, too! Only you know what we are going through. We can share each other's pain, fear, triumphs, etc. To the rest of you, thank you for your prayers and support, they mean the world to us. This is a time in our lives when we need all the friends we can get! Some people have abandoned us now in our greatest time of need (the ones we thought would be there for us and David), but we still have you! Thank you.

I gotta say (AGAIN) that I do need you to be patient with me and what I say on this blog. I know some things I say aren't theologically correct; or 100% accurate; or what you might say; or whatever. But I am writing from my heart. And I have been criticized many times for what I have said. I have been criticized here, by 'snail' mail, and by email. Please, before you 'feel the need' to comment (criticize) what I have said, take a step back and think about what you would say if you were in my shoes. If you have been watching your child be in pain; watching others put poison into your child to (hopefully) save his life; watching others take your child into surgery time after time after time; watching your child dying and nobody knows why; etc. and know that there is nothing you can do!! You look into your child's eyes that are full of fear and pain; and you have to be strong for them; when all you want to do is crawl into a hole! You feel so helpless as a parent! The emotional aspect of this situation is overwhelming. It is so hard to put down into words what we feel. That is why a few days ago I said, "Only someone who has a child with cancer can totally understand what I mean." I don't always say exactly what I mean, or what I want to say, but I am just writing what is on my heart at the time. I have been told that a poem I wrote many months ago about 'cancer shoes' could be said about other things, too. Well, so? I read it as is, it applied to me, and I posted it! If you want it to apply to you for something else, go ahead! But why criticize me for putting it here?!?! This is my blog about what is happening to me and my family, so I post things I read that apply to us! I will admit that I have learned the hard way to sometimes not say anything at all; and unless you are in my shoes you have NO idea what we are going through; so be careful what you say. Please don't be like me and have to learn the hard way! I wouldn't want anyone to be in my shoes. Ok, enuff said about that!

I HATE CANCER! I hate childhood cancer. No child should have cancer. You know, childhood cancer is a very underfunded cancer. But think about it. No, or little, funding for childhood cancer means that children die. Well, if enough children die they won't need to worry about adult cancer because there won't be enough adults! They let them die as children! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out!! Please pray for more funding to be given to finding a cure for childhood cancer~~~especially the rare ones. It is hard to get FDA approval for drugs to be used on rare cancers because there isn't enough of a 'control group' because a rare cancer (like osteosarcoma) doesn't have enough kids that have it to make a 'control group'...............Grrrr!!
So, the end result for osteo, is that they are using the same drugs that have been used for 20 years!!! It is time for a change. Will we get one? Yeah, don't hold your breath!

Well, gotta go get David's medicine ready. Have a wonderful day. I pray we all have a good 2009. Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Please continue to pray for him; and thanks for your prayers. God bless you all. We love you. ((HUGS))

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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