**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009 4:30 PM

Good afternoon. Here we are, January is well on it's way! I can't believe it is almost half over already!

We just got home from Renown. The result of the xray is that David's foot is normal. Well, normal for the circumstances. They are attributing it to the extra weight bearing on that foot~~~same as the knee. So, we can breathe easier for the next 3 months. Whew. David is still NED! Yay!! They don't really know why he is still nauseous every day, but they said it is not unusual. Not common, just not unusual. So I will just keep giving him the zofran. *sigh*

David has his 3-month checkup with Dr. O'Donnell on April 2nd, so we are hoping to have his scans April 3rd. We talked to Connie about having that set up that way. We already have the appointment with Dr. O, so Connie said she will try to get David set up for his scans the next day. The Family House is opened (yay) so we will be able to stay there the night of the 2nd. David's birthday is April 12, so hopefully he will have a cancer free 15th birthday!! He will be home for his birthday this year. We should know the results of the scans by his birthday. The scans will be a little 'late,' Connie said they are supposed to be in March, but she likes to save us a trip to the Bay Area when she can. I suppose we could up the appointment with Dr. O................nah, we will leave it the way it is. I don't think a week will make that much difference......at least I hope it won't!! Oh well. It is all in God's hands.

PT went ok today. David had to be there at 8:00~~~~way too early for him. He was tired, but he did everything Linda asked him to do. He is such a trooper! He is getting stronger, and the knee is starting to get straighter. He can't put full weight on it yet, but he is getting there. Please continue to pray that it gets straighter and stronger. Thank you for your prayers.

Remember I asked for prayers a while ago for Teagan? Well, she is doing great so far. But she has scans on Jan. 20th. Would you please say a prayer for her and her family? Please pray for clear scans for her. She leaves in 3 weeks for her 'Make-A-Wish' trip to Florida and Disney World, and it would be great for her to go cancer free!! We grew to love that little girl so much! (and her family, too). She is such a sweetie.

The results of Mattie's CT scan was that the lesions are stable. Stable disease is still disease, but it is not progressing; and that is fantastic! There are no new lesions! Praise God!! Also, Mattie did it without sedation!!! That is such a miracle! I want to say a great big THANK YOU for your prayers for Mattie.

We 'cancer moms' form such bond across the miles. A victory for one of us is a victory for all of us! Anybody not in the situation has no idea what it is like. I am thankful for the friends I have met through this horrible time in our lives: Nita and Wendy personally; and all the cyber friends I share this special, awful bond with. Thank you for being there for me and my family. You are the ones who have been there when others have abandoned us and deserted us. I just can't say thank you enough.

Well, I need to get going. Thank you for checking up on David. Have a great rest of the day. God bless you. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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