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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 8:06 PM

Good evening. It is absolutely gorgeous here, but way too warm!!! Of course, the weather forecast is calling for possible rain tomorrow~~~go figure!! We have to go to San Francisco, so of course it might rain. *sigh* That was the story of our life all last year! We are used to it, so no problem.

David is doing well. He had PT today, and did great. Linda does things to his leg that causes pain, but he is a tough kid and he just puts up with it. She was manipulating his knee cap today, and he was in pain when she was pressing on the staples; but he just dealt with it and it is for his own good. When he had the surgery last week Dr. O scraped away some scar tissue from his knee, so his 'crunchy knee' is not as crunchy anymore. He is sad about that. He liked his crunchy knee. Oh well. He is still walking with the one crutch, his knee is not stable enough to hold him. He tried to do an exercise that required him to stand on his right leg~~~~yeah, didn't work. But that's okay. Linda is working on getting that knee straight and the muscles stronger so he can walk again. She said it doesn't take long for the muscles to not want to work; and he basically didn't use that leg for a week. It happens fast. But he did good today. He is not looking forward to going to S.F. tomorrow. He is afraid that the staple removal is going to hurt. Some of the staples hurt when they removed them from his leg the first time. But we told him that those staples were in there for 3 weeks, so some got imbedded in his skin. These have only been in for 10 days, so it won't be as bad. But it isn't us going through this, it is him. And no child should have to go through what he has gone through; and will still go through. But, with God's help, he will get through.

Children's Hospital finally got the xrays!! I talked to Connie today because I am having trouble getting David's prilosec Rx; and she said that she will have Dr. Raphael read the xrays and she will let us know on Monday the results. We have David's monthly check-up in Reno on Monday, so Connie will let us know the exact results then. We aren't going to 'bleed until we are shot' so we are just trusting God to work it out. We just want to hear the words No Evidence of Disease!! We won't totally rest easy until we hear those words. By the way, Connie is calling Costco to get the prescription with 10 refills!! Yay! So we will be able to get that filled and have it on Friday.

David went with Jennifer to Bible Study tonight. Jennifer and a couple of her friends are 'leading' a youth-led Bible Study and David is part of it. Then when he gets home he has to get ready for bed~~~we are leaving at 6:00am!! Please pray for us to have a safe trip. Please pray for David to not be nervous tomorrow, and that the staple removal goes well. Oh, he is so funny. He is getting very feisty!! I told him that Dr. O might not be too happy with him walking with crutches, and he said, "I don't care!" He is so funny. We really like to see him get feisty like that.

Well, I need to go. You all have a good evening and day tomorrow. I will post when we get home, if it isn't too late. Otherwise I will post on Friday morning. Thank you for checking in. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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