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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:44 AM

Good morning. Today is Bryon's birthday~~~Happy Birthday honey!

Ok, the news we have all been waiting for. I called Connie because I still hadn't heard from them. She hadn't heard from Carson-Tahoe Hospital. I told her we weren't very confident about them getting the x-rays to Children's. So she called them, and then she called me back. It is a very long and convoluted story; I won't bore you with it. Here is the thing. They did NOT send the x-rays to Children's!! GRRRR!! So they will be overnighting them. But they did send a report that states, "No abnormality", they still think it is just from the way David is walking on his foot, or stress from using that foot more than the other one, etc. Bryon said he won't breathe easy until they read the actual x-ray. We aren't real confident with Carson-Tahoe. So, we will see. But we are happy that the report said what it said. We have a doctor appointment in Reno on Monday, so we will get the official word then.

David started back with PT yesterday. He had last week off; they wanted him to just 'lay low' and take it easy last week after surgery. He went back yesterday and did pretty good. Linda wants him to just use one crutch; that forces him to use his right leg more. He is not in any more pain, thank you Jesus, but his leg is weak. Also, the knee isn't straight yet, so it is not sturdy enough for him to walk without the crutch (the knee gives out on him). So please pray that Linda can get that knee strong again, and the muscles strong, too. He won't have to have his leg lengthened again for another 6 months; yay; so his leg has a lot of time to get strong! We go to San Francisco on Thursday (and the gas prices are going up again!!) so David can get the staples out. He is not looking forward to that! Then we will talk to Dr. O more about what he wants to see with David's leg strength and all that. Please pray for our safety as we travel. Let me tell you; I am so jealous of people who don't have to travel far to go to the hospital. We have to go to 2 hospitals; Oakland Children's and UCSF; and I hate the fact that they are 4+ hours away! I am extremely thankful that our monthly check-ups are only 30 minutes away!! But, there is no pediatric oncology in Northern Nevada, so we travel. We gotta do what we gotta do! Thanks for your prayers.

Well, that is about it for now. Please keep us in your prayers. Have a great day. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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