**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009 7:32 PM

Good evening. This background is in honor of the Super Bowl on Sunday. Bryon is rooting for the Cardinals........we'll see.

David had PT in the pool today. The water was a warm 92*! It was good because the warmth relaxes the muscles so they can stretch and do their thing. David did very well, he really enjoyed being in the pool. He was actually more sore today than after the 'regular' PT! But that is a good thing! It means his muscles actually worked! He did a lot of exercises and really enjoyed it. It will be a weekly thing. He will have PT in the office on Monday and Friday, and the pool on Thursday. Well, that is what we are going to talk to Linda about tomorrow. I know she was the one encouraging him to do the pool, so I know she won't have a problem with it. Thank you for your prayers, they worked. Keep them coming!!

Today was another beautiful day; too beautiful! It is way too warm. My house still needs a fire, it isn't THAT warm! But today I got in the mood for some iced tea, so I made some Strawberry iced tea~~~thanks Debbie!! It tastes sooooo yummy!! I really appreciate the tea! Thanks for remembering how much I really like that tea. Mmmm.

David has PT again tomorrow with Linda. Pool therapy is with LuAnn. Please pray that he does well and he isn't too sore from today. I am so thankful for the PT! It will get my baby walking again! Can't wait.

We have been chatting with some other folks from our osteosarcoma support group website, and there is one girl who has a $10 million insurance cap! Boy, are we jealous of that! David's lifetime cap is $2 million, and he has used up $1.5 million of that! That is just another reason (among many) why we pray that David does NOT relapse. Remember, David was diagnosed with metastatic osteo (already spread to his lungs), so they told us that it was very aggressive in him. It is an aggressive cancer anyway, but everybody is different, and the prognosis is different for everyone. Remember, they only give David a 20-30% 5-year survival chance. Again, I will NOT put God in a box, we are expecting our miracle. I just need to be realistic for my own sanity. I don't want to be blindsided by 'bad news' should it come. I am tying to trust God to heal my baby!

Well, that is about it for tonight. Thanks again for all your prayers. Again, keep them coming. Thank you for 'standing in the gap' for us when we find it too difficult. I am so glad we serve an understanding God; who knows our weaknesses and loves us anyway. Who is there for us no matter what. Who is there to help us believe when we find it difficult. Thank you for listening. Thank you for visiting and checking up on David. Thank you ever so much for the prayers and the love. God bless you. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

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