**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good evening. It was a beautiful day today.

I made breakfast burritos for brunch. They were yummy!! I don't usually make that kind of thing, but I was in the mood for it this morning, so everyone woke up to the smell of breakfast burritos. By the time we ate it was 10:30, so it was brunch. We started the day off quite full.

Today was a normal busy day. David cleaned his room; I vacuumed it; and he played games. Then he and Rachel went to the swim center for a few hours. David showed her some of the exercises he does in the therapy pool. Then they played in the other pools. Those pools aren't as warm as the therapy pool, but the kids still had a blast! It was great for him to swim around in the bigger pool. Rachel said he did a lot of swimming, so I am happy about that. Bryon and I did a little bit of shopping~~~you know, the milk, eggs, bread, lunch meat~~things I seem to run out of between paydays. Oh well. Then Jennifer, Lucy, Rachel, and David went to sushi for dinner. Bryon and I ate leftovers! Overall, it was a pretty good day.

Bryon and I were talking today, and we discovered something interesting. The people we thought would be here for us in our greatest time of need; aren't. The ones who we didn't 'expect' to be here; are. And some have abandoned us in the middle. One osteo mom said that maybe they don't mean to, it just gets too hard for them. Well, it must be nice to be able to just walk away when the going gets tough, huh? We can't do that! Bryon said at first they were there and it was a 'novelty' time. Then, they realized that this is going to be life-long, and they can't handle it; they got tired of it. I wrote a LONG time ago that at times like these you find out who your friends are, and it is still true. Like I said, the ones we thought would be here just aren't. That is why we are so thankful for our 'osteo family' from our website. We know they are there any time, day or night. They are in the same boat we are in (and praying that the boat doesn't sink), so they know how important it is to be there for each other. Just because our children go through a time when they seem like they are 'fine,' they really aren't. People think that because David is at the point where he is 'cancer free' right now it is over for us. That could not be farther from the truth. This will NEVER be over! We were asked today by a friend if there is a 'cure' for this cancer. Well, not in the same way as other cancers. He will have scans and tests FOREVER!! He can't just get to the 'magical' 5-year mark and be declared cured. It doesn't work that way with osteosarcoma. I wish it did; but it doesn't. Sorry, I am feeling a little blue and down today. I am still, sometimes, in that place where I can't believe I am living this life; and my child has CANCER!! Sometimes I just can't wrap my mind around it. I look at my baby and I can't believe the hell he has been through. *sigh* It is hard to explain my emotions, sorry.

I hoped you checked out David's other website with the pictures of his scans. Bryon is doing a good job on that site. Thank you for visiting here and checking up on David, and us. Please continue to pray for Sammie, she is struggling big time. Have a good night. Sleep tight. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. ~Author Unknown

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