**A Paypal account has been set up to help pay for ongoing travel and medical expenses for David. Just click on the button below

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good evening. Today was a pretty good day. I have not been feeling too good, so I have been kinda laying low the past few days. Yes, I took David to PT at the pool yesterday, and PT on Monday. Even when mom is sick, life still goes on! I don't have the luxury of being sick and staying in bed. But I haven't been doing much else. Well, I did do laundry the last two days, that is something that still needs to be done!! Anyway, today was a pretty good day. Rachel had a pretty good birthday. I can't believe my children are getting so old! *sigh* The next birthday is David's; and his is on Easter this year! So he will share his birthday with the celebration of Christ's resurrection.

David did very well in the pool yesterday, as usual. I am so happy to see him enjoy it so much. There is work involved, of course, but he just enjoys being in the water. And he didn't get nauseous!! Yay! I did NOT give him Zofran, and he did ok. He is having a little bit of bowel problems, please pray for him. Ever since his bowel resection things haven't been 'right', and maybe they never will be, I don't know. Please pray that things work themselves out. Thank you.

David is doing well in school. He doesn't like it, of course, but he is doing well. I don't know when this school year will be over for him. We just take one day at a time. I am starting to get 'scanxiety' for his scans next week. Please pray that they come back clear. He has a doctor's appointment with the surgeon (Dr. O'Donnell) on Thursday in San Francisco, and scans in Oakland on Friday. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Another of our osteo family members died on Sunday. Her name was Lena, and she was 23. She fought for a long time. She was misdiagnosed at first, and had a lot of treatments done. She will be missed by her osteo 'family'. Like I have said before, we are a family and we rejoice with the happy news from our members, and we mourn with the loss of our members. Blood doesn't always a family make! Please pray for her family. Thank you. Also, please keep some of our family members in your prayers; Sammie, Nick, Shane, and Rachel. Thanks.

That is about all that is happening. Have a good evening. Sleep tight. Thank you for checking up on David and the Koury family. God bless you all. We love you.

Kristi and the Koury Klan

Nationally, childhood cancer is 20x more prevalent than pediatric AIDS. Pediatric AIDS receives 4x the funding that childhood cancer receives. In one month there are 2x as many deaths from childhood cancer as pediatric AIDS for the entire year.

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